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1. Have you ever spent the night in a hotel?

yes I have spent the night in a hotel

2. How much do you pay for a night in a good hotel in your country?

you pay between 100 thousand and 150 thousand Colombian pesos or
from 26 to 39 dollars
3. Do you sleep well in a hotel bed?

yes, I slept very well in the hotel bed

4. Are hotels noisy?

I think that hotels are not noisy

5. What do you think of hotel breakfasts?

I think that in some hotels they are delicious because it is buffet style
6. What about other meals, are they good or bad?

the hotels have restaurants where you can eat delicious dishes
7. Do you like to have a TV set in your room?

yes, i like to have tv in my room

8. Do you have to make your own bed in a hotel?

no, since the hotel has maids who are in charge of making the beds
9. Would you complain if there was too much noise or the TV set was not working?

yes i would complain at reception

10. Which do you prefer, a big comfortable hotel, or a small one with a garden?

I prefer a big and comfortable hotel

11. Would you like to spend a holiday in a hotel?

yes i would love to spend my vacation in a hotel

12. Would you like to work in a hotel?

yes, I would like to work as a receptionist in a good hotel

13. What do you think of the work of a receptionist? What does he/she do?

is in charge of checking in and checking out at the hotel

14. Would you like to be cleaning rooms? What do you think of that job?

If I had to start cleaning rooms I would. I think it is heavy work

15. What other jobs can you do in a hotel?

housekeeper, maid, night auditor, among others

16. Would you take tips if you were a bell boy?

yes of course they took tips working from bellboy

17. What are the advantages of a good hotel?

The advantages of a good hotel is that it is well located, that it will have
a restaurant and that you can carry out various activities such as
swimming in the pool
18. What are the disadvantages compared with your home?

The disadvantages are that in my house I do not have 24-hour attention,

nor restaurants or swimming pools. very sad
19. What's the difference between a hotel and a motel?

a motel is a passing lodging, in which a room is paid for hours. in a hotel

a room is paid for days.
20. What about a hostel, what is it?

a hostel is a much cheaper accommodation for young tourists

On the beach
1. Have you ever been to the beach?

no i have never been to the beach

2. Do you live near a beach?

no i live far from the beach

3. What are the advantages of living near one?

I think that an advantage could be enjoying the beach

4. Are there any disadvantages?

I don't think it has any disadvantage to live near the beach

5. Would you like to spend your holidays at the beach?

I would love to spend my vacation on the beach

6. Which do you prefer, the mountains or the beach?

I would prefer the beach

7. What's the difference?
the difference between the mountains and the beach is its climate, in the
mountains the climate is cold but on the beach it is warm
8. Do you go to the beach to get sun tanned?

yes i would go to the beach to get a tan

9. Do you take a book to the beach to read while you sun-bathe?
no, because I still don't know the beach
10. What do you think of people playing football on the beach?

I think that if it is allowed to play soccer on the beach it is fine

11. What games can you play on the beach?

on the beach you can play volleyball and frisbee

12. What other activities can you do on the beach?

on the beach you can make sand castles, run, swim or surf
13. Is the beach a good place to swim?

if you are a good swimmer

14. What's the difference between swimming in the sea and in a swimming-pool?

that the sea has waves, it is not still like a swimming pool
15. Are beaches dangerous?

in some cases the beaches can be dangerous

16. Would you like to be a lifeguard on a beach?

no i wouldn't like to be a lifeguard on a beach

17. What do lifeguards do?

preserve the safety of people who are enjoying the beach

18. What's the kiss of life?

the kiss of life is mouth-to-mouth breathing

19. Do you know how to do it?

if I know how to do first aid

20. Have you ever been surfing?

no i have never surfed

1. Have you ever been out of your country?

no, never left the country

2. Did you consider yourself as a tourist then?

At the moment I don't consider myself a tourist

3. How would you define a tourist?

a tourist is a person who travels to a place to rest and enjoy their free
4. Do you think of a tourist as wearing shorts and a flowery shirt?

some tourists like to dress like this

5. Do you have many tourists in your country?

Colombia is a country that attracts many tourists

6. What countries do they come from?

tourists come from countries like usa or spain

7. Which country receives the biggest number of tourists in the world?

France was the most visited country in 2019

8. How do tourists come to your country?

tourists arrive in colombia by plane

9. What part of your country do they usually go to?

tourists usually go to cartagena, medellin or the capital, bogota

10. Has your country many beaches, a long coastline?

yes, colombia has some beautiful beaches

11. Do you have any other kind of tourism?
12. Do you have any monuments or buildings to visit?

In Colombia we have several monuments such as that of India Catalina

in Cartagena or the Boyaca Bridge.
13. What country would you like to visit as a tourist?
i would love to visit greece
14. What would you do in that country?

I want to know the island of Santorini

15. Are you a lazy tourist or an active one?

I think I'm a lazy tourist

16. Define what a lazy tourist is.

I like to rest, take the sun, swim a little but I do not like to do many
17. What is your opinion of an active tourist?

I think they do many activities and take advantage of the time to learn
more about the place they are visiting
18. What's trekking?

trekking is a walk in nature

19. What activities would you suggest for an active tourist?

I would suggest trekking, swimming, surfing or diving

20. Has a tourist ever asked you for directions?

no, a tourist has never asked me for help with an address

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