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The SAP BW data model and the SSM.

Mr Chan

SAP BW It is connected with the SAP A modeling tool for strategic management system provides. use BW Connector, administrators

can SAP Strategic management system is connected to SAP BW Systems, from SAP BW Import Information System data model cube or

query can also be based on the basic measure of the imported virtual index to define additional metrics, create scorecard KPI , But you can

also specify whether the SAP BW Import data system.

1. SAP BW And the configuration of the connector using the steps

Data will be introduced into the batch and the previous chapter multidimensional data model is similar to the connector SAP BW Before

the system, you must first create SAP BW connected Link ID . After that, log in and use SAP BW Connector. in SAP BW On the connector

interface, a list of connection SAP BW The main steps of the system.

1.1. Create a connection SAP BW systematic Link ID

In use SAP BW Connector reads SAP BW And prior to the data model, according to the connection

BW Information systems, to create the corresponding application server in the background Link ID .

We introduced in the last chapter Link ID Create. connection SAP BW Systems need to create Link ID When using a specific

database type. SAP Strategic management system provides two types of database, can be used to connect SAP BW system.

1 ,use RFC Connected SAP BW system

RFC Way, is said earlier, long-distance calls BAPI The way. The setting procedure is as follows. ( 1 ) Select the application

server interface to create Link ID . ( 2 ) Is created Link ID Dialog box, select RFC Connection, the system provides a variety of RFC

Connection. Such as Map 0-1 Fig.

1 Adapted from " SAP Strategic Performance Management complete solution, "Chapter XI" use SAP BW The model and data "II" Configuration and Use BW Connector".

Map 0-1 Link ID usable RFC Connection

We " SAP NW BI RFC ( specific server ) "As an example. Click" OK "Button. ( 3 ) The system then completes the sign-in

pop-up window SAP BW System necessary information. Such as Map 0-2


Map 0-2 Fill in the login SAP BW Information system necessary

in" Link ID "New text entry box Link ID The name and provide logon SAP BW Basic information systems. For
example, we will Link ID named" BWRFC . "Administrators can use" Test
(Test) "button to test the information provided is correct.

( 4 ) Click " OK "Button to complete Link ID Create.

2 ,use OLEDB Connected SAP BW system

OLEDB Way is said earlier, ODBO Connections. The setting procedure is as follows. ( 1 ) Select the
application server interface to create Link ID . ( 2 ) Is created Link ID Dialog box, select OLEDB Connection.
Such as Map 0-3 Fig.

Map 0-3 Link ID of OLEDB Connection

( 3 ) Then the system select pop-up window OLEDB program. Such as Map 0-4 Fig.

Map 0-4 Designation OLEDB program

( 4 ) In the "Connections" tab, set the connection parameters. Such as Map 0-5 Fig.

Map 0-5 Specifying connection parameters

Can be entered in the "Data Source" text box, SAP System login name of the client configuration, or "Location" text box you can

enter SAP BW systematic IP Address, to test for connectivity. Click the "OK" button.

( 5 ) Entered the necessary system pop-up window in the system login information. Such as Map 0-6 Fig.

Map 0-6 Completion connection parameters

Enter in the window Link ID The name and the completion of other parameters, such as login CLIENT Number, login


( 6 ) Click " OK "Button to complete Link ID Create operation. Upon completion,

the application server Link ID List as Map 0-7 Fig.

Map 0-7 carry out Link ID create

1.2. SAP BW The connector interface with the main steps of

Enter the following address in the user's browser, you can open SAP Connector.
http: // <web_server>: <port> /strategy/bi/admin_bic.htm
SAP BW The connector interface Map 0-8 Fig.

Map 0-8 SAP Strategic management system SAP BW The connector interface

in SAP BW Connector interface, we can see the use of SAP BW Connector 5 Steps. ( 1 ) Import Schema (Imported model

structure) This step defines SAP Strategic management system application server BW Connections between the systems.

Application server administrator can, via the connection from BW The system dynamically query data.

( 2 ) Define Virtual Measures (The definition of virtual metrics) An administrator can redefine the index is calculated, that is,

the virtual application server metrics. ( 3 ) Create Scorecard Metrics (Create a scorecard KPI ) A scorecard KPI by 5 Constitute a

metrics. Administrators can BW The system acquires actual and target values, and to generate therefrom KPI All metrics


( 4 ) Import Data (Import), this step by the administrator SAP BW Import data into the application server. The user can

directly use the data in the application server. Using this method requires from BW System regularly updated data application


( 5 ) Schedule Model Updates (Updated model plan) plan administrators in this step, from BW System regularly updated

data application server. Each of the above steps are a hyperlink, click the link to enter the corresponding interface. We will

describe in detail in the following sections.

2. Import Model Structure

By connecting SAP BW systematic Link ID , BW The connector can be read SAP BW Data model information system, comprising SAP

BW Information cubes and queries. In the Import cube or query the information

Before, you need to create an application server as the target data model import. Specific data model structure is determined by the

introduction of information or data cube query structure.

2.1. Read SAP BW System data model

Click SAP BW The connector interface " Import Schema ", Can be introduced into the model structure interface. As Map 0-9 Fig.

Map 0-9 SAP BW The connector interface into the model structure

In this interface, the following steps read SAP BW Information and cube information inquiry system.

1 ,From Link ID Select the drop-down list to be used Link ID . The system will automatically filter out all connections SAP BW systematic

Link ID . For example, we created in the previous two Link ID It will appear in the drop-down list. Two Link ID They can all be used. We

" BWRFC "As an example.

2 , A given filter SAP BW The amount of information cube and query systems often are many. In most cases, we do not want

to put all the information cubes and queries are read into the current list, but only read information related to the cube and query.

You can use the following options to filter.

( 1 ) Include Cubes (Contains information cube): read information cube. If you do not select this option, the information is

not read cube. In this example, we have chosen this option.

( 2 ) Include Queries (Containing query): read query. If you do not choose this option, is not read SAP BW Query.
In this example, we have chosen this option.

( 3 )in" Technical name contains (Including the technical name) " Cube text box character string information to be
read or technical name included in the query; or " OR Description contains
(Including or described) " Information Cube text box, enter the name or description to be read in the query contains characters.

Information cubes and queries will only satisfy this condition to read the list of the interface.

In this example, we ' Technical name contains (Including the technical name) "text box, enter" HFPBM . "

3 Read BW System information cube and query click " Get BW Cubes and Queries (Read BW Information cube
and query) "button, from
BW The system reads the information cubes meet the filter criteria or information queries. The results appear in the reading of " Available

Cubes and Queries Under (information available cubes and queries) "list, such as Map 0-10 Fig.

Map 0-10 Importing SAP BW Information cube and query list

2.2. Create an application server data model

From SAP BW Before the system to import data model, we need to start. " PAS / BI Models "Drop-down list, select an

application server as the target data model imported. Click" PAS / BI Models "Drop-down list to the right." New (New) "link to create a

data model of the application server. Specific steps are as follows.

1 , Click " New "Link, the system displays the New Data Model dialog box.

2 In the New Data Model dialog box, enter a name for the new model. Such as Map 0-11 Fig.

Map 0-11 New Application Server dialog box data model

We enter " BWHFPBM "As the name of the data model. The system will automatically add a suffix to the name." PBI . "In

other words, the technical name of the new data model is" BWHFPBMPBI . "

3 In this dialog, we can also choose to use the standard calendar, or other designated fiscal year beginning April. We chose to

use a standard calendar.

4 Click the "OK" button, the system pops up a message box that provides the data model " BWHFPBMPBI "The technical

parameters again click" OK "button to complete the data to create a model.

Data model created appears in the " PAS / BI Models "Drop-down list. As Map 0-12 Fig.

Map 0-12 Completing the New Server application data model

2.3. Import Query

After selecting the target model imported good, you can click the "Available information cubes and Queries" list " Import (Import)

"link to import SAP BW In the model. Specific steps are as follows.

1 Click the "Available information cubes and queries" list in the query " BWHFPBM /
BWHFPBM_Q001 "Before" Import (Import) "link to begin importing queries.
If the query is used with a variable time offset, prior to introduction also choose " Time Offset (Time
shift) "option.
System before starting the import dialog box will pop up to let the user for confirmation. The system will automatically import SAP

BW Metadata and main data query, the import process, a pop-up message window will display the information for each step.

2 After completion of the introduction, the system pop-up dialog box asking the user to specify all metrics imported aggregation

rule in the time dimension and the number of decimal places. Such as Map 0-13 Fig.

Map 0-13 Time dimension designated import rules and metrics summary of decimal places

The default time dimension aggregation rule is "sum" is the number of decimal places 2 Bit. In this example, we will change the

customer number of decimal places 0 , The time dimension of advertising costs per customer summary mode to "Average." Click the

"Save" button to complete the setting.

3 After the import is complete, in the "imported cube and query information" list, the corresponding record will appear. Such as Map

0-14 Fig.

Map 0-14 carry out SAP BW Queries Import

At the same time it marked the first time recorded import and time of the last update, when SAP BW When there are changes

in the query, you can click the record in front of " Update (Update) "link synchronization, SAP BW

Iron latest changes to synchronize application server model.

2.4. Cube import information

in SAP BW Connector, a plurality of cube or query information may be introduced to the same application server model, and the

cube and introducing information query set may have different dimensions. Here, the information we Cube " BWHFPBM "For example,

describes a cube import information.

1 Click the "Available information cubes and Queries" list " BWHFPBM "Before" Import
(Import) "link to begin importing the information cubes.

System before starting the import dialog box will pop up to let the user to confirm if the same information model into another

cube (query).

2 After completion of the introduction, the system pop-up dialog box asking the user to specify all metrics imported aggregation

rule in the time dimension and the number of decimal places. Information Cube " BWHFPBM "Only two key values, such as Map

0-15 Fig.

Map 0-15 Summary specify the import metrics and decimal places

In this example, we will change the customer number of decimal places 0 Click the "Save" button to complete the setting. It is

worth noting that the information cube import these two metrics and query metrics imported there is a big difference. Query metrics and

dimensions are imported. " STORE , CUSTOMER , PRODUCT "Related, which is determined by the definition of the query. The metrics

information cube with dimensions" STORE ,

CUSTOMER , PRODUCT , ValueType "Related, which is determined by the structural information of the cube.

3 After the import is complete, in the "imported cube and query information" list, the corresponding record will appear. Such as Map

0-16 Fig.

Map 0-16 carry out SAP BW Cube import information

When finished, click on the top right of the interface. " Back to Main (Return to the Home) "link to return

SAP BW Main page of the connector.

Appendix: "SAP Strategic Performance Management solution complete" book directory

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