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Journal of Hospital Infection (2005) 61, 107–111

Efficacy of various disinfectants against SARS

H.F. Rabenaua,*, G. Kampfb,c, J. Cinatla, H.W. Doerra
Institut für Medizinische Virologie, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt,
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 40, 60596 Frankfurt, Germany
Bode Chemie GmbH & Co., Scientific Affairs, Melanchthonstr. 27, 22525 Hamburg, Germany
Institut für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität Greifswald,
Walther-Rathenau-Str. 49a, 17489 Greifswald, Germany

Received 5 July 2004; accepted 23 December 2004

Available online 31 May 2005

KEYWORDS Summary The recent severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in
SARS-CoV; Asia and Northern America led to broad use of various types of disinfectant in
Disinfectants; order to control the public spread of the highly contagious virus. However, only
Virucidal activity;
limited data were available to demonstrate their efficacy against SARS
prEN 14476
coronavirus (SARS-CoV). We therefore investigated eight disinfectants for
their activity against SARS-CoV according to prEN 14476. Four hand rubs were
tested at 30 s (Sterillium, based on 45% iso-propanol, 30% n-propanol and 0.2%
mecetronium etilsulphate; Sterillium Rub, based on 80% ethanol; Sterillium Gel,
based on 85% ethanol; Sterillium Virugard, based on 95% ethanol). Three surface
disinfectants were investigated at 0.5% for 30 min and 60 min (Mikrobac forte,
based on benzalkonium chloride and laurylamine; Kohrsolin FF, based on
benzalkonium chloride, glutaraldehyde and didecyldimonium chloride; Dis-
mozon pur, based on magnesium monoperphthalate), and one instrument
disinfectant was investigated at 4% for 15 min, 3% for 30 min and 2% for 60 min
[Korsolex basic, based on glutaraldehyde and (ethylenedioxy)dimethanol].
Three types of organic load were used: 0.3% albumin, 10% fetal calf serum, and
0.3% albumin with 0.3% sheep erythrocytes. Virus titres were determined by a
quantitative test (endpoint titration) in 96-well microtitre plates. With all
tested preparations, SARS-CoV was inactivated to below the limit of detection
(reduction factor mostly R4), regardless of the type of organic load. In
summary, SARS-CoV can be inactivated quite easily with many commonly used
Q 2005 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

* Corresponding author. Tel.: C49 69 6301 5312; fax: C49 69 6301 83061.
E-mail address:

0195-6701/$ - see front matter Q 2005 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
108 H.F. Rabenau et al.

Introduction 0.2% mecetronium etilsulphate; Sterillium Rub,

based on 80% ethanol; Sterillium Gel, based on
The recent severe acute respiratory syndrome 85% ethanol; and Sterillium Virugard, based on 95%
(SARS) epidemic affected over 30 countries,1 mainly ethanol. All alcohol-based hand rubs were tested
in Asia and Northern America, and involved more without dilution. Three products were surface
than 8000 probable cases and more than 700 deaths disinfectants: Mikrobac forte, based on benzalk-
worldwide.2 New cases were reported in 2004.3 onium chloride and laurylamine; Korsolin FF, based
Several hospital outbreaks occurred, affecting both on benzalkonium chloride, glutaraldehyde and
patients and healthcare workers.4,5 It has been didecyldimonium chloride; and Dismozon pur,
suggested that healthcare workers who are exposed based on magnesium monoperphthalate. The sur-
to SARS patients can be infected with SARS face disinfectants were tested at the recommended
coronavirus (SARS-CoV), regardless of the intensity concentration for the recommended application
of exposure.6 This has alerted the global infection time at which they have been shown to have
control community. Management of infected bactericidal and yeasticidal activity, as well as
patients consisted of isolation and strict respiratory sufficient efficacy in tests under practical con-
and contact precautions.7 A case-control study ditions.15 The instrument disinfectant Korsolex
among 241 non-infected and 13 infected staff basic, based on glutaraldehyde and (ethylenedioxy)
members with documented exposure to 11 index dimethanol, was included due to the possible
SARS patients suggested that wearing a face mask is transmission of SARS-CoV by flexible broncho-
the most important infection control tool, followed scopes. The product was tested at the rec-
by appropriate hand hygiene,8 suggesting that ommended concentration and application time
droplets and hands play a major role in transmission that has been shown to have bactericidal and
of SARS-CoV. Hands may be contaminated by yeasticidal activity, as well as sufficient efficacy in
patient excretions or contact with contaminated tests under practical conditions.15
surfaces. From the inanimate environment, noso-
comial pathogens can be transmitted to hands quite Test procedure
easily.9 SARS-CoV has been described to persist on
surfaces for up to 96 h.10 In another study, dried Viruses and cells
SARS-CoV retained its infectivity for as long as six SARS-CoV isolate FFM-116 was obtained from the
days, indicating a relatively strong survival ability. sputum of a patient hospitalized with a diagnosis of
Only after nine days in a dried state did SARS-CoV probable SARS in the Isolation Unit of Frankfurt
completely lose its infectivity.11 Results of a cohort University Hospital, Germany. SARS-CoV were
study among visitors of a hotel suggested that grown in Vero cell cultures (African green monkey
environmental contamination should be considered kidney, ATCC no. CCL-81). The maintenance med-
as a possible source of infection.12 The Robert Koch ium consisted of minimum essential medium (MEM)
Institute, Berlin, Germany has recommended the without fetal calf serum (FCS) and containing
use of disinfectants that have complete virucidal 100 IU/mL of penicillin and 100 mg/mL of strepto-
activity including the spectrum of non-enveloped mycin. Virus stock was stored at K80 8C. Infectious
viruses.13 The World Health Organization (WHO) has virus titres were calculated as described by Kär-
suggested that standard disinfectants should be ber17 and Spearman,18 and determined as 50% tissue
effective against SARS-CoV,14 but experimental culture infective doses. Different virus stocks were
evidence is not available to date. This is why we used for the experiments. The initial log10 virus
have investigated the activity of various disinfec- titres were between 8.93G0.25 and 9.30G0.38. In
tants against SARS-CoV. accordance with WHO recommendations, all work
involving infectious SARS-CoV was performed under
biosafety level (BSL)-3 conditions in a BSL-3 facility.
Materials and methods
Susceptibility of SARS-CoV to different chemical
Products disinfectants
The experiments were performed according to prEN
Eight commercial products were tested, all manu- 14476.19 For each of the experiments, eight parts of
factured by and obtained from Bode Chemie the compound were adapted to room temperature
GmbH & Co., Hamburg, Germany. Four were (RT) and mixed with one part of virus suspension
alcohol-based hand disinfectants: Sterillium, and one part of organic load or MEM. The organic
based on 45% iso-propanol, 30% n-propanol and loads used were 0.3% albumin, 10% FCS, and 0.3%
Efficacy of various disinfectants against SARS-CoV 109

albumin with 0.3% sheep erythrocytes. Immediately results of the other disinfectants, due to initial virus
after incubation for defined periods of time at RT, titre which was tenfold lower. The results of the
the mixture was diluted 1:10 with ice-cold MEM and controls (data not presented) showed that the
put into an ice bath to avoid an extension of the termination controls had nearly the same titre as
effective incubation period. Serial 10-fold dilutions the ‘control titration’. This means that no post-
with ice-cold MEM were performed to assess virus exposure disinfection effect could be seen. The
titres as described above. For each dilution step, incubation of SARS-CoV with 0.7% formaldehyde
eight wells containing suspended cells were inocu- showed an RFR3, and the cytotoxicity controls
lated. After three to four days of incubation at 37 8C indicated that the compounds are cytotoxic up to a
in an CO2 incubator, cells were microscopically dilution between 1:10 to 1:100, while 0.7% formal-
examined for virus-specific cytopathogenic effects. dehyde was cytotoxic up to a 1:10 000 dilution.
All tests were performed in triplicate, and for each
experiment, a virus control containing MEM instead
of disinfectant was included (‘control titration’).
Further control experiments included formal- Discussion
dehyde (0.7%) as standard disinfectant, and a
‘termination control’, which is a 1:10 dilution of Data on the efficacy of various types of disinfec-
the disinfectant. This control demonstrates the first tants against SARS-CoV are very limited. We were
1:10 dilution step in the above mentioned pro- able to show a reproducible activity with all
cedure and should verify if a postincubation effect disinfectants at the commonly used concentrations
of the disinfectant exists. Furthermore, cytotoxic and exposure times, even with different types of
effects caused by the compounds at various organic load. Alcohols have been described to have
dilutions were assessed in suspended Vero cells in immediate, very good activity22 against many
96-well plates using the MTT Cell Proliferative Kit I different enveloped viruses such as orthopox-
(Roche, Mannheim, Germany) as published pre- virus,23,24 influenza A virus,23,24 herpes simplex
viously.20,21 Tests for cytotoxicity were performed virus type 1 and 2,24 Newcastle disease virus,25
as single assays using 10% FCS and disinfectant but togavirus,26 hepatitis B virus27–29 and human immu-
without addition of virus. nodeficiency virus.24,30,31 Our finding with SARS-CoV
is therefore in line with previously reported data
Calculation of the reduction factor against many other enveloped viruses. The use of
alcohol-based hand rubs after contamination of the
The reduction factor (RF) was calculated as the hands with SARS-CoV, e.g. by respiratory secretions
difference in the quotient of the infection titre during patient contact, should be effective to
before (‘control titration’) and after incubation of prevent further transmission of SARS-CoV by
the virus with the disinfectant (‘remaining virus’). healthcare workers’ hands.
Therefore, the log10 titre and its (double) standard Patients with SARS may well spread the virus to
deviation (SD) were calculated as well as the the inanimate environment, which has been
variance of the RF. described as a source for SARS infections.12 SARS-
CoV may persist on inanimate surfaces for up to six
days,11 and serve as a source of infection during
that time. That is why the disinfection of surfaces
Results provides additional safety to control the spread of
SARS-CoV from inanimate surfaces in an outbreak
The results are shown in Table I. All four alcohol- situation. The three tested surface disinfectants
based hand rubs led to inactivation of SARS-CoV to were all effective against SARS-CoV at the con-
below the limit of detection (RFR4.3, SD 0.5 to centration and exposure time recommended for
R5.5, SD 0.5), irrespective of the presence and routine disinfection of surfaces.15 The recommen-
type of organic load, within 30 s (Table I). The three dation is derived from experimental evidence which
surface disinfectants also inactivated SARS-CoV to includes bactericidal and yeasticidal activity in
below the limit of detection (RFR3.8, SD 0.7 to suspension tests, and which provides sufficient
R6.1, SD 0.4) within 30 min. The same efficacy was efficacy under practical conditions.15 This spectrum
seen with the instrument disinfectant at concen- of activity appears to include SARS-CoV. prEN 14476
trations of 2% (60 min), 3% (30 min) and 4% (15 min), allows surface disinfectants to be tested at
regardless of the type of organic load (Table I). The exposure times of 5 and 15 min, as well as 30 and
mean RF with the instrument disinfectant was 60 min. Shorter times are more relevant to the
R3.3, SD 0.5, which is nearly tenfold below the exposure times used in practice for surface
110 H.F. Rabenau et al.

Table I Efficacy of different types of disinfectant at various exposure times against SARS coronavirus, expressed as
minimum reduction factors (RFs) of three parallel experiments: 0.3% serum albumin (BSA), 10% fetal calf serum
(FCS), and 0.3% BSA with 0.3% sheep erythrocytes
Product Type of area Concen- Exposure RF (and SD)
of application tration time
0.3% BSA 10% FCS 0.3% BSA and
0.3% sheep
Sterillium Hand rub Undiluted 30 s R4.25 (0.47) R4.25 (0.47) R4.25 (0.47)
Sterillium Rub Hand rub Undiluted 30 s R4.25 (0.47) R4.25 (0.47) R4.25 (0.47)
Sterillium Gel Hand rub Undiluted 30 s R5.5 (0.54) R5.5 (0.54) R5.5 (0.54)
Sterillium Virugard Hand rub Undiluted 30 s R5.5 (0.54) R5.5 (0.54) R5.5 (0.54)
Mikrobac forte Surface 0.5% 30 min R6.13 (0.35) R6.13 (0.35) R6.13 (0.35)
disinfectant 60 min R6.13 (0.35) R6.13 (0.35) R6.13 (0.35)
Kohrsolin FF Surface 0.5% 30 min R3.75 (0.71) R3.75 (0.71) R3.75 (0.71)
disinfectant 60 min R3.75 (0.71) R3.75 (0.71) R3.75 (0.71)
Dismozon pur Surface 0.5% 30 min R4.5 (0.54) R4.5 (0.54) R4.5 (0.54)
disinfectant 60 min R4.5 (0.54) R4.5 (0.54) R4.5 (0.54)
Korsolex basic Instrument 4% 15 min R3.25 (0.47) R3.25 (0.47) R3.25 (0.47)
disinfectant 3% 30 min R3.25 (0.47) R3.25 (0.47) R3.25 (0.47)
2% 60 min R3.25 (0.47) R3.25 (0.47) R3.25 (0.47)

disinfection (i.e. before drying), and are usually the efficacy of 70% ethanol and 70% iso-propanol;
achieved with higher concentrations of the surface FCS did not impair the efficacy against FCV but the
disinfectant. Especially in critical areas such as presence of albumin or sheep erythrocytes signifi-
paediatric intensive care, a higher concentration of cantly reduced the efficacy of the alcohols.37 Our
surface disinfectants provides more safety and is data indicate that sufficient activity against SARS-
preferable.32 CoV can be expected with the tested disinfectants,
One instrument disinfectant was tested against regardless of the type of organic load.
SARS-CoV. Patients with SARS may require a
bronchoscopy. The flexible endoscope will be
processed after use and must not spread the virus Acknowledgements
to any other patient. Different approaches to
achieve optimum results during reprocessing flex- The authors would like to thank Mrs Gaby Bauer for
ible endoscopes are currently debated world- technical assistance. The study was sponsored by a
wide,33–36 but the minimum spectrum of activity grant from Bode Chemie GmbH & Co., Hamburg,
for an instrument disinfectant has not yet been Germany.
defined. We were able to show that a standard
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