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Name _____________________________________________ Period_________


What QUESTION will you be trying to answer during your Genius Hour time? This should be a
question that you CAN’T answer through research. You’ll need to do some kind of experiment in
order to answer it.

To answer the question above, you must gather some data in an experiment. Your experiment must
meet the following criteria AND get approval from your parent/guardian and your teacher:
● Can be completed in the timeframe of January - February
● Must be able to collect numerical data
● Resources are available (choosing to purchase materials is up to you)
● Safe to complete and does not violate any school policies

What EXPERIMENT will you complete in order to answer your question?

What kind of DATA will you collect during the experiment in order to help answer your question?
Remember, it should be NUMERICAL data..that means you either have to measure something (size,
temperature, counting something, etc), or rank something (on a scale of 0-5 or 0-10, etc.)
What materials do you think will you need?
Materials I will provide for myself: School Resources (chromebooks, library,
construction paper, etc)

What additional research/questions do you still need to do/answer before you

conduct your experiment?
For example: Where will you conduct your experiment? Who will help you? Which materials would
be best to use? Where will you get the materials? How do I build it?

Why do you want to do this for your Genius Hour project?

I approve this project for Project 1 of Genius Hour 2019. (Return form by Mon. 1/14)
Parent Signature ________________________________________

For Student (Name) ________________________________ Science Class Period _________

REMINDER: Your project should NOT be started yet. We are still in the planning phase. This will be
the smaller of the two Genius Hour Projects to learn scientific methods and build knowledge for
completing the second G.H. Project. The larger project will be used for the Science Fair in May.
Teacher Initials ________

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