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How television programs impose fake moral standards

A Term Paper
Presented to
Mrs. Etheldreda Dadulla
Department of Language and Literature
Far Eastern University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

First Semester, school year 2019-2020

Kieren William O. Acebedo
Franz P. De La Cruz
Kristian Arn R. Manuyag
How television programs impose fake moral standards

Television programs have negative effects leading to poor mental health as Filipino
teenagers mimics what they see or observe.

Television shows are known to impose different values that are very beneficial for the
mental health or ethics of many viewers. It is a major occurrence and it takes most of the
people’s time. It also has the power to change an individual’s point of view. Hence, some of
these television programs show immoral acts that can have an impact on the vulnerable minds of
Filipino teenagers.
There are aspects that greatly affect unethical shows: values, psychological, and
emotional. Related researches show that religious values are being ignored because TV shows
implies different traits that is against the practices or beliefs. Teenagers are likely to imitate or
adopt what they watch or observe. Other researchers found out that most teenagers and children
imitates immoral acts that is shown on the television. On the concept of ethics, some TV shows
disregard the implication human ethics, although R18 content gives thrill to the viewer’s its
violent acts are also being absorbed.
First values, a research conducted by Ms. Jahangir and Nawaz shows that television
really impose different immoral values like violence, vulgarism and chaos. It is shown by the
graph below that comes from the result of their survey.

The Graph above shows the Chaos has a very high percentage that people responded
which tv shows imposed regularly on their television shows. Their method on gathering these
data was using 2 survey questionnaires to have more accurate data. According to the data of the
study of Nawaz, television really shows more immoral acts despite having a minimal benefit on
their shows. Also, Television amuses its viewers with realistic and bloody performances of
killings, whippings and torture (Eron, 1995). Their results on having heavy violence acts on their
film is that it decreased one’s sensitivity and despair for other people.
On the Psychological aspects, from the research of Nawaz and Jahangir, watching
television programs which impose fake moral standards like violence results into being more
aggressive. Also from barkley, which stated that television shows that portrait discriminations on
religion disrespects religious values which have a really bad effect on people mental health
because they are easily encourage to adopt negative sides.

Another research which have a huge contribute to this study is the research of Ms. Verlinda and
Dr. Tiemeier,. Et. Al. which focuses on experimental and statistical research of television
exposure and its effects especially on children. It states that children’s behavioral problems are
affected whenever they are exposed to television shows. Mainly their attention and aggression
are being affected, being hyperactive, “can’t sit still”, restlessness and “hits others”. This
incident happens starting 18 months old and affected by their age, watching pattern and watching

The research provides the negative effects of television on one’s mental health. It shows
that television media plays a negative role within an individual’s mental health by promoting
vulgarism, violence, and chaos. This is connected with the adverse effects on the mental health
of the individual through the aggressive or violent content of the program.

An article about how tv shows impose fake moral standards, focuses on how TV shows
impose fake moral standards. It shows that international TV programs’ moral has dropped
through its popular shows that presents violence, crime and other immoral acts that can be
negligent on how we think. It only discourages human beings to retain their values which has
negative effects on their mental health.

An article about fake moral standards in tv shows points out on how such TV shows can
show a big impact to the viewers. The shows being aired are all unique, yet there are some TV
shows that imply wrong motives that are implanted into the minds of the viewers. The shows
being aired are sometimes unfiltered thus causing the viewers to become emotional and having a
wrong perception in real life. Fake morals are being presented in TV shows in which the viewers
adapt into their lifestyle.

Another article “Effect of media (television) on mental health. FWU journal of

social sciences” by (Bhutto, 2014) focuses on the effect of media on mental health of an
individual. It shows the different effects of media on one’s mental health whether it is based on
violence, vulgarity, and chaos. The aim of Bhutto and Nawaz is to show that media is producing
adverse effects on the psychological wellbeing of an individual.

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