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#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 02May2020

live," is not primarily speaking of bondage; God's grace breaks the

The Book of a physical resurrection at the power of sin by filling the believer
Romans Chapter 6 second coming, but should be
applied to the newness of life
with the power of the Holy Spirit,
thereby placing him under grace
Lesson Guide referred to in verses 2 and 4. so that he may live in harmony
with God's law.
Overcoming Sin B. Dominion of Sin Broken
4. What should not be 6. What effect on one's life
allowed to reign in our do his choices have? Rom.
A. Abounding Grace physical body? To whom 6:15, 16.
should the believer be fully NoTE.-"To continue in the
indulgence of sin after accepting
1. What inference and reply surrendered? Rom. 6:12, 13.
the pardoning and transforming
does the apostle put before NoTE.-"The lower passions have
grace of God is to deny the very
the believers? their seat in the body and work
purpose of that grace."-The
through it. The words 'flesh' or
Rom. 6:1, 2. Seventh-day Adventist Bible
'fleshly' or 'carnal lusts' embrace
NoTE.—The sixth chapter Commentary, on Rom. 6:15.
the lower, corrupt nature. We are
continues the effects of
commanded to crucify the
justification. Paul asks if the C. Change of Masters and
flesh, with the affections and
inference is to be drawn that the Wages
lusts. How shall we do it? Shall we
believer should continue in sin
inflict pain on the body? No; but 7. In what did the apostle
because to do so would cause
divine grace to abound more and
put to death the temptation to find occasion for
sin. The corrupt thought is to be thanksgiving? Rom. 6:17, 18.
more exceedingly. He vehemently
expelled. Every thought is to be NoTE.—"The righteousness which
rejects the idea. He asks, "How
brought into captivity to Jesus Christ taught is conformity of
can we"— he emphasizes the
Christ. All animal propensities are heart and life to the revealed
pronoun—"who have been
to be subjected to the higher will of God. Sinful men can
justified, and have peace in our
powers of the soul. The love of become righteous only as they
hearts (Rom. 5:1), continue in a
God must reign supreme; Christ have faith in God and maintain a
life of sin as we once did?" The
must occupy an undivided throne. vital connection with Him.. Then
Christian life is to be a
Our bodies are to be regarded as true godliness will elevate the
progressively victorious one in
His purchased possession. The thoughts and ennoble the life.
daily sanctification, and not a
members of the body are to Then the external forms of
perpetual sinning in an
become the instruments of religion accord with the
unsanctified life.
righteousness."-The Adventist Christian's internal purity."--
Home, pages 127, 128. The Desire, of Ages, page 310.
2. What does the apostle say
about death and 5. What wonderful promise is
resurrection? Rom. 8. How does Paul further
given to the believer? Rom. describe the deliverance
6:3-7. 6:14.
NoTE.—Baptism is a figure of the wrought in the life of the
NoTE.-This verse gives us the believer? Rom. 6:19-22.
death of the believer to sin.
precious promise that sin shall NoTE.—"Holiness. Gr.
Then, having been buried with
not be allowed to continue to hagiasmos, frequently
Christ (here referring to our
rule over us. The reason is that translated 'sanctification' (1
having died with Him), we also
due to faith in Christ's atoning Cor.1:30; 1 Thess. 4:3, 4; 2
rise with Him in newness of life.
death on the cross and the Thess. 2:13; 1 Peter 1:2). . . .
Christ was raised by "the glory of
believer's crucifixion with Him Here hagiasmos probably
the Father" (meaning the exercise
(Gal. 2:20), the penalty denotes the progressive work of
of His divine, glorious power), so
demanded by the law has been sanctification.
that we might begin to walk in a
discharged; therefore believers "Sanctification is a continuous
new kind of life.
are not subject to the law's process of consecration (see Eph.
domination as condemnatory, 4:12-15; 2 Peter 1:5-10). It is the
3. If we have become dead to retributive, and punitive. In harmonious development day by
sin, to whom should we be contrast, the believer is now day of the physical, mental, and
alive? Rom. 6:8-11. under grace; that is, he is the spiritual powers, until the image
NoTE.—The intent of Paul's subject of God's gracious of God, in which we were
statement is, that as Christ's kindness, and He imparts the originally created, is restored
resurrection followed His spiritual dynamic that enables His in us."—The Seventh-day
crucifixion, so the believer's child to conquer sin, to live the Adventist Bible Commentary, on
daily growth in sanctification victorious life. Law condemns sin Rom. 6:19.
will naturally follow his in the sinner, and therefore
justification. hopelessly puts him under its
The expression, "we shall also

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#DeeperLearning TESDA@Study – 02May2020

9. What striking difference in of God is eternal life through

rewards is given in verse 23? Jesus Christ our Lord.'"—The Acts
NoTE.—Wages is pay given for of the Apostles, page 519.
The word Paul uses is that of a
soldier's pay. The wages that sin
commands is paid in full, even
eternal death. This is fitting,
for there is a terrible warfare in
progress between the forces of
good and evil.
"Christ gave Himself for us that He
might redeem us from all iniquity.
And as the crowning blessing of
salvation, 'the gift

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