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Case 1: Changes in the financial industry Student: 97123 – Carlos Filipe Paiva da Cunha Macieira

(Q1) Conceptual analysis
1.1. Conceptual map (25% of the final grade)

1.2. Concepts 25% (25% of the final grade)

Term Definition
Production / It is a business function based on making and delivering products and services, requires management, supervision,
resources resources, labour and technology.
Investment / Money that is given or obtained to a company to maximize their profit and improve the enterprise system. There is
Capital also the shared capital that corresponds to the money or products that is a portion of the corporation's equity
obtained by the issue of shares to a stakeholder
Emerging New technologies that are being used in different markets, the case study mentions online payments (Ayden) and
technologies virtual banks (N26) and money transfer (Transfer Wise). In this model represents also other outside factors like
governments that define taxes and laws that affect the nowadays companies.
Competitors Represents the other companies that operate in the same segment of business and the firm needs to improve the
performance and compete to obtain the biggest market share. That influences the way the company operates.
Information Technology that allows to manage the company and influence the operational and management sectors among
Systems others it is an instrument that makes companies more efficient
Controlling / How an organization is administrated and allows to check errors in order to take corrective actions. Sets the
Management strategy, coordinates, manages employees and other activities to achieve the objectives in order to minimize costs
and maximize profits also manages resources (technical, human, financial, etc…)
Products / What the company is selling, the final product, requires several stages to produce a service or a product. In the case
Services study provides a platform to process online payments and the services required to do a purchase online in the case
of N26 provides the possibility to open an account or get credit, etc…

Maximum size: TWO PAGES (font Times New Roman 12) 1

Case 1: Changes in the financial industry Student: 97123 – Carlos Filipe Paiva da Cunha Macieira
Employees All the people involved in the company, that are hired by the employer like contractors among other possibilities
Processes / Required to achieve the objectives of technology and management needed. Way of doing things with the objective
Business to be the more efficient possible. Structured activities that produce a service or a good.
Market / The final customer, which can be a specific part of the population, that can be segmented that can be targeted, the
Customer people that buys the good or service, can also be seen as the sector of activity or the region.
Profit / Sales Profit means what the company earned after removing the costs which can be fixed or variable. Sales correspond
to the money made by selling the product without subtracting the costs. The companies make money by selling, or
advertising or by interest rates among other possibilities…
Costs Money used to produce something, some is fixed and some varies, many factors can correspond to cost like
salaries, the price of equipment, terrain, supplies, etc...
1.3. Descriptive analysis 25% (25% of the final grade)
This concept map is based on how organizations deal with the current situations, how they react to emergent
technologies, which strategy they use, how to be competitive, how the information systems are used in order to make
the production more efficient and how it manages and controls by using processes and defining business solutions in
order to minimize costs and maximize profits.
In the case study reveals that in the financial markets there has been changes and new companies have become very
profitable like Ayden based on online payments and also N26 and Transfer Wise by doing risk assessment and other
strategies, these companies have a high stock value and their profits have been increasing.
The concept map shows how investment capital is needed to make the company efficient to respond to emerging
companies and technologies in order to maximize the production system. It takes in consideration the competitors and
the issues to obtain a bigger market share. It mentions the organizational capital and the right model, how information
systems interact with management, organization and technology used in order to be more efficient and the capital
investment required. The need to adjust to new emergent technologies requires sometimes to change the business
processes that are related with information systems. The government places rules and taxes that the accountants have to
comply inside an ethic value, it shows integration via information systems in business processes and managing the
production, sales, marketing, accounting, human resources and finance.
This model tries to mention each stage of the value chain, the use of benchmarking by comparing competitors processes
and performance metrics. Changes in the environment might order companies to adapt their information’s systems and
processes taking in account the rules and ethics necessary. The model shows how the organization and the information
systems interact concerning the environment, culture, structure, business processes, politics and management decisions.
It shows the production system and interactions in order to produce goods or services that allow to make sales and
generate profit. The production system has costs with technologies and employees in the model we can see several
processes in order to minimize costs. There is a relation with the controlling management and the investment capital
that have to be organized in an efficient manner in order to make the company more valuable. In the model we can see
the use of processes and business solutions combined with management, accounting, HR, marketing and sales to get a
bigger share of the market in order to make the company more reliable.

2. (Q2) Concept taxonomy 25% (25% of the final grade)

Classify the terms defined on question Q.1.2. in regard the Laudon&Laudon conceptual presentation (see example).

Term from Q.1.2. Organization Management Technology Strategy

Production / resources x
Investment / Capital x
Emerging technologies x x
Competitors x
Information Systems x
Controlling / Management x
Products / Services x
Employees x x
Processes / Business Solutions x x
Market / Customer
Profit / Sales x x
Costs x x

Maximum size: TWO PAGES (font Times New Roman 12) 2

Case 1: Changes in the financial industry Student: 97123 – Carlos Filipe Paiva da Cunha Macieira
Extra: Not for evaluation, just for curiosity
A more detailed definition of the case study and a full page of the model
Case Study: Changes in the financial industry.

Maximum size: TWO PAGES (font Times New Roman 12) 3

Case 1: Changes in the financial industry Student: 97123 – Carlos Filipe Paiva da Cunha Macieira

Maximum size: TWO PAGES (font Times New Roman 12) 4

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