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KBS System dan Agent

Knowledge Based System

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Representation of the World Representation of the world

• Atomic
• each state of the world is indivisible—it has no internal structure.
• Algorithms:
• Those underlying search and game-playing
• Hidden Markov Model
• Markov Decision Process

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Representation of the world Representation of the world

• Factored • Structured
• splits up each state into a fixed set of variables or attributes, each of which • the world as having things in it that are related to each other, not just
can have a value variables with values
• Uncertainty: blank attribute • Algorthms
• Algorithms • relational databases and first-order logic
• constraint satisfaction algorithms • first-order probability models
• propositional logic • knowledge-based learning
• Planning
• Bayesian networks

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Expressiveness KBS Architecture

• a more expressive representation can capture, at least as concisely,
everything a less expressive one can capture, plus some more.
• the more expressive language is much more concise
• rules of chess can be written in a page or two of a structured-representation
language such as first-order logic but require thousands of pages when
written in a factored-representation language such as propositional logic.
• reasoning and learning become more complex as the expressive
power of the representation increases.

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Knowledge Base (Basis Pengetahuan) Knowledge Acquisition/Elicitation

• Berasal dari: • Data Mining
• Pakar
• Expert
• Hasil pembelajaran mesin/ Data Mining
• Berisi Pengetahuan dalam bidang tertentu
• Dalam representasi tertentu (‘Model pengetahuan’)
• Simbolik
• Pohon keputusan
• (Production) Rule
• …
• Sub Symbolic
• Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
• Bayes Net
• Statistical/ Probabilistic Model
• Untuk menyelesaikan Permasalahan tertentu

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Acquisition Technique Knowledge Base: Pengetahuan Simbolik

• Tabel Keputusan • Tabel Keputusan


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Knowledge Base: Pengetahuan Simbolik Knowledge Base: Pengetahuan Sub-Simbolik

• (Production) Rule • Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan • Belief Network

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R1 IF the animal has hair R9 IF the animal is a carnivore R14. IF the animal is a bird
THEN it is a mammal the animal has a tawny colour the animal does not fly
the animal has dark spots the animal swims
R2. IF the animal gives milk
Inference Engine THEN it is a mammal
R3. IF the animal has feathers
THEN it is a cheetah
R9. IF the animal is a carnivore
the animal has a tawny colour
the animal is black and white
THEN it is a penguin

THEN it is a bird R15. IF the animal is a bird

the animal has dark spots the animal is a good flier
R4. IF the animal flies THEN it is a cheetah THEN it is an albatross
• Komponen yang melakukan inferensi untuk mendapatkan hasil akhir the animal lays eggs
R10 IF the animal is a carnivore
THEN it is a bird the animal has a tawny colour
R5. IF the animal is a mammal the animal has black stripes
the animal eats meat THEN it is a tiger
THEN it is a carnivore R11. IF the animal is an ungulate
R6. IF the animal is a mammal the animal has long legs
the animal has pointed teeth the animal has a long neck
the animal has claws THEN it is a giraffe
the animal's eyes point forward R12. IF the animal is an ungulate
THEN it is a carnivore
the animal has a white colour
R7. IF the animal is a mammal the animal has black stripes
the animal has hooves THEN it is a zebra
THEN it is an ungulate
R13. IF the animal is a bird
R8. IF the animal is a mammal the animal does not fly
the animal chews cud the animal has long legs
THEN it is an ungulate AND the animal has a long neck
it is even-toed the animal is black and white
THEN it is an ostrich

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Siklus Hidup Sistem

final design

preliminary design adjustment
& validation

evaluation maintenance


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Kategori Masalah:
Kategori Masalah Stefik et al. dan Hayes-Roth
• Requirements: 1. Interpretation:
• sensor data/observables à deskripsi situasi
• Pengguna dapat mengidentifikasi kelas masalah dengan mudah • Contoh: signal understanding, pengenalan struktur

• Kelas masalah à metode pemecahan masalah à representasi dan inferensi 2. Monitoring:

• Membandingkan observasi untuk merencanakan penanganan
• Requirements sulit dipenuhi à pendekatan: • Contoh: air traffic control

• Stefik et al. dan Hayes-Roth 3. Diagnosis:

• Observables/symptom à system malfunction
• Clancey • Contoh: diagnosa penyakit
• Breuker et al. 4. Prediction:
• given situations à consequences
• Chandrasekaran • Contoh: forecasting (cuaca, finansial)
• Harmon 5. Design:
• constraints à configuring objects
• Contoh: circuit design, penjadwalan

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Kategori Masalah:
Stefik et al. dan Hayes-Roth (2)
Stefik dan Hayes-Roth à Clancey
6. Planning: • Stefik dan Hayes-Roth: overlap antar kategori
• Stated goal à designing actions
• Contoh: planning robot motions • Planning vs design: planning as design of actions
7. Debugging: • Debugging vs repair vs monitoring vs instruction
• system malfunction à prescribe perawatan
• Contoh: computer aided instruction • Clancey: kategori dalam skema hirarki
8. Repair: • Operasi generik suatu sistem [JAC99]
• eksekusi plan untuk perawatan • Hubungan antar input, system, output [PUP93]
• Contoh: avionics systems, computer network
9. Instruction: diagnosing, debugging, repairing
10. Control: Interpreting, predicting, repairing, monitoring
• Contoh: battle management, mission control

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Kategori Masalah: Clancey Stefik & Hayes-Roth vs Clancey

1. Interpret (analysis): interpretation of a system 1. Interpretation
1. Identify (recognize): output, input à system state 1. Interpret (analysis)
1. Monitor (audit, check): detect system defects
2. Monitoring 1. Identify (recognize)
2. Diagnose (debug): tracing system error to defective system components 3. Diagnosis 1. Monitor (audit, check)
2. Predict (simulate): input, system description à output 2. Diagnose (debug)
3. Control: system description, output à input ?? 4. Prediction 2. Predict (simulate)
2. Construct (synthesis): construction or modification of a system 5. Design 3. Control
1. Specify (constraints): system design à states constraints 6. Planning 2. Construct (synthesis)
2. Design: constraints à arrangement 1. Specify (constraints)
1. Plan (process: how structure will be assembled) 7. Debugging 2. Design
2. Configure (arrange structure)
8. Repair 1. Plan (process)
3. Assemble (manufacture): realizes design by putting parts together
1. Modify (repair, instruction) 9. Instruction 2. Configure (structure)
3. Assemble (manufacture)
10. Control 1. Modify (repair, instruction)

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Kategori Masalah: Clancey Metode Pemecahan Masalah

1. Interpret (analysis): interpretation of a system • Classification
1. Identify (recognize): output, input à system state
• Solusi dipilih dari himpunan solusi
1. Monitor (audit, check): detect system defects
2. Diagnose (debug): tracing system error to defective system components • Domain: himpunan observasi, himpunan solusi
2. Predict (simulate): input, system description à output • Masalah: subset observasi, dapat incomplete
3. Control: system description, output à input ?? • Hasil: satu atau lebih solusi
2. Construct (synthesis): construction or modification of a system
• Construction
1. Specify (constraints): system design à states constraints
2. Design: constraints à arrangement • Solusi dibangun dari komponen-komponen yang diberikan
1. Plan (process: how structure will be assembled)
• Simulation
2. Configure (arrange structure)
3. Assemble (manufacture): realizes design by putting parts together • Menentukan bagaimana reaksi sistem terhadap input tertentu
1. Modify (repair, instruction)

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Classification Classification

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Classification Classification
• Banking

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Classification Classification
• Law • Operasi pada Manufaktur

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Classification Construction
• Monitoring Mesin

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Construction Construction
• Assignment Problem

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Construction Simulation

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