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MARCH 2020

Confab at ARC Forum p1
Improve OEE and uptime p2
Digital transformation
constraints p11

Supplement to Periodicals Publication Graphic courtesy: HighByte

Kevin Parker

The promise of a digital twin

t was with regret that this editor the last For Yokogawa, with its control and measurement solu-
several years didn’t have a chance to attend the tions, digital transformation is a vehicle that leads users
ARC Forum, but this year he did and was glad to a portfolio of digital twin solutions, based on first-
of it, as it was a good opportunity to get caught up on principles models and technical expertise that at the end of
discussions about automation-based IT with suppliers, the day tells interested parties “what good looks like,” said
analysts and fellow editors. Kevin Pinnan, a systems consultant with Yokogawa.
As is well known, Bentley Systems provides software
for engineers, geospatial professionals, engineers and Tell the truth
others involved in design, construction and operation of A conversation with Peter Zalevsky, an industry direc-
industrial plants, utilities and digital cities. tor, OSIsoft, indicated that the company intends to stay
The company says it’s committed to advancing the true to its roots in its evolution from being the seminal
digital twin in all its manifestations. For example, Bentley’s data historian supplier to the more expansive concept of
iTwin Services fundamentally ad- operational intelligence and not

vance BIM and GIS to 4-D digital straying into the development
twins. What was important was of machine learning or artificial
intelligence applications.
Like looking in the mirror being able to combine operational “The truth is most companies

“Many companies have get value from the data because
embraced some aspects of the
and enterprise data. of its real-time availability. Take,
digital twin. But we see ourselves for example, an instance where
as ‘all digital twin, all the time.’ the performance of a process
This means taking applications that have been trapped degrades rapidly over a six-month period,” Zalevsky said.
and making them more accessible to a wider range of us- The company’s engineers were on the verge of chang-
ers. One example would be PlantSight, which brings ERP ing their maintenance strategy, but they were able to look
or other enterprise data to a wider range of people,” said at those pumps in the enterprise system and realized all
Alan Kiraly, a SVP for asset performance, Bentley Systems. the failing pumps were part of the same lot order.
Jointly developed for the process industries by Siemens “What was important was being able to combine
and Bentley, the software brings plant data and informa- operational and enterprise data. IIoT streams from non-
tion together, contextualizes it, and visualizes it, trans- traditional sources will lead to better decision making.
forming raw data into a digital twin. On the other hand, on the IT side, there’s been more ac-
The paradigm of accessing information through a 3-D ceptance of the idea of a master data pool or an opera-
model is one people are familiar with and a good match tional data pool. This always seems to lead to arguments
for those in an augmented planning or operational roles about the validity of the data.”
because it allows them to access information not part Finally, Ridchard Howells, VP of digital supply chain,
of their core job function without recourse to multiple SAP, told us that what users wanted from Industry 4.0 or
systems. IIoT is “personalization, visibility into supply intelligence
SYNCHRO, on the other hand, introduces the time networks, improved productivity and sustainability.” The
element into projects that involve multiple disciplines and SAP asset intelligence network makes visible an installed
ensures that changes made in one area of a project don’t base of equipment, such as pumps. Operators access
cause problems to other disciplines. Or users can tempo- maintenance strategies and manuals from manufacturers
rally “scroll” through a project comparing actual with the — and manufacturers automatically receive asset usage
planned or budgeted scope of work. and failure data, potentially across an entire industry. IIoT Industrial Internet of Things MARCH 2020 | 1

Use IIoT to improve OEE,

increasing ROI
Case-use examples illustrate the point

By Michael Risse associated with reports and data based on a calculation determined in
visualization: static and historic. Even advance of plant operations means

n the year 2020 discussing if the reports are updated periodically, that as soon as something interest-
overall equipment effective- often using a dashboard, they are still ing happens — as soon as there is an
ness (OEE) seems a little out descriptive analytics. Although the encounter with the enemy — then the
of date. Whatever it’s called — OEE, numbers may not be static, the calcu- report’s value as a picture of the past
downtime reporting or asset utiliza- lations and parameters (fault codes, rapidly decreases.
tion — it’s not a new topic. It might measurements, etc.) are fixed at the A new approach is therefore re-
also have scenario-specific names like point of design (Figure 1). quired to deal with the enemy, with
clean in place (CIP), a variation on a process engineers leading the charge.

theme: how to quickly cycle a process
and return assets to availability. Engineers into the breach
Downtime reporting
Articles a decade or two old When insight is needed to solve
describe how to calculate OEE or is an example of an unknown issue — for example to
measure asset downtime. It’s been figure out what happened that wasn’t
a foundation of Lean or Six Sigma
descriptive analytics expected, why the metric is below
methodologies for years. So, what has because it says what plan or to understand causation —

it to do with the Industrial Internet of then downtime analysis is required,
Things (IIoT) and analytics? happened. along with a subject matter expert
Use of OEE as a metric improves with such as a process engineer. This ap-
IIoT and advanced analytics. proach puts process engineers where
First comes relief from years of mis- Therefore, descriptive analytics is they should be, at the frontlines of
ery mired in spreadsheets investigating considered basic. It calls out what insight. With advanced analytics they
downtime issues. Second, significant is looked for, defines calculations have a solution that is radically faster
savings arise from insights uncovered in advance and then measures and than the spreadsheet approach.
by downtime analytics. Finally, acceler- presents in past or present form. But In analytics terms, what has hap-
ated decision making and taking action as we all know, things are always pened is a transition from descriptive
leads to business transformation. These changing in industrial plants and facili- analytics to diagnostic analytics (Figure
substantial benefits reinforce the im- ties, with various factors laying waste 2). If descriptive analytics is a report,
portance of downtime reporting. to the best laid plans. As Helmuth van diagnostic analytics is interactive
But before we look at success Moltken famously said back in 1880, investigation and discovery, in some
stories, let’s take a deeper dive into “No plan of operations reaches with cases a root-cause analysis. Diagnostic
downtime reporting and OEE. any certainty beyond the first encoun- analytics is how cause is determined
ter with the enemy’s main force.” and correlations found, and it can
Downtime is descriptive The enemy here is change and its include discoveries of best practices
Downtime reporting is an example potential negative effects on OEE, and comparisons. All these insights
of “descriptive analytics” because downtime and asset utilization. are arrived at very quickly by leverag-
it describes what happened, a term The fact that downtime reporting is ing computer science innovations

2 | MARCH 2020 IIoT For Engineers

FIGURE 1. Reports as depicted in this
screen view are a form of descriptive ana-
lytics, describing what happened or what is
happening. All figures courtesy: Seeq Corp.

(big data, machine learning, etc.) that

enable the “advanced” in advanced
analytics applications.

Diagnostics in action
To take one example, when drying
different products, to identify the
optimum endpoint, it is important
to understand the impact of various
parameters on drying time. According
to Dr. Robert Forest, a development FIGURE 2. Process engineers and other experts can use advanced analytics to quickly
engineer with Bristol-Myers Squibb diagnose problems and find root causes.
(BMS), the fundamental question is:
“How long should we dry the wet and average product temperatures; ag- without agitation. Stage 2 continues
cake to meet our drying endpoint?” itator speed; jacket temperature; and to heat, but with intermittent agita-
If the product is dried for too long, drying time. BMS would then compare tion. In stage 3, heating continues
it increases cycle times unnecessar- these data points to the actual solvent with continuous agitation. BMS
ily. But if the product is not dried loss measured by taking samples wanted to identify some of the key
long enough, it could fail the process throughout the drying process. Manu- parameters for each drying stage to
control sample, which is a waste of ally collecting the data was tedious, optimize drying for a range of differ-
analytic resources. time-consuming and error-prone. BMS ent batches. To do this, the company
Prior to using Seeq, BMS collected needed a more automated way to col- needed to automatically find when
many different data points from the lect and analyze these data. the dryer was operating by associat-
OSIsoft PI tag data, using a simple The typical filter drying process ing the drying phase with the drying
summary of the statistics to help goes through three distinct drying time, jacket temperature, product
determine drying times. The company process stages (Figure 3). Stage 1 temperature (maximum, minimum
would review the minimum, maximum (static drying) starts out by heating and average) and agitator speed. IIoT For Engineers MARCH 2020 | 3

Coresight: Visualize three-stage drying process

FIGURE 3. It was possible to quickly diagnose this

drying system and optimize its operation.

The next step was to separate the agitator intermittently cycling on and both diagnostic (investigation) and
operations data by the distinct drying off. This pattern search allows the user descriptive (publishing) analytics.
stages. For stage 1, where there is no to specify a similarity heuristic to hone Of course, integrated investigation
agitation, Seeq was used to find the the search results. It also enables the and publishing is a benefit as com-
needed data by simply searching for users to combine the pattern search pared to using two different tools,
periods of time when the agitator was results with the jacket temperature. but just as important is the fact that
turned off for extended time periods With the combined results, BMS could engineers can create, publish and
(rather than intermittently) and com- exclude periods of time before drying update the analytics — without any
bining these data with search results actually started, i.e., stage 2. required intervention from IT person-
with a high jacket temperature (to As illustrated above, Dr. Forest’s nel or specialists.
indicate that the dryer was operating). team at BMS, in their journey of diag- Unlike traditional OEE reports which
To find the summary data for stage nostic discovery, was able in particular are set up by IT departments or plant
3, search was set up to first find those to separate the data into all three administrators based on a design that
periods of time when the agitator was stages and automatically calculate the can drift away from plan (new assets,
turned on for an extended period, needed statistics. According to Dr. For- new recipes, new season, new raw
and then combine these with high est, the ability to use Seeq to search materials, etc.), advanced analytics en-
jacket temperatures. Identifying the by specific data and overlay batches ables the front-line process engineer to
parameters for stage 2 was a little reduced the time needed to collect quickly iterate the underlying calcula-
trickier because the agitator is turned the data and saved on average one tions and source data as necessary to
on and off intermittently, so there is hour of analysis time per batch. represent current plant conditions and
no constant signal value upon which associated opportunities. The investiga-
to base the search. Sharing results tion is faster, publishing is integrated
To find stage 2 data, BMS uses the Using advanced analytics, as in- and usage is self-service for the em-
system’s pattern-searching capability sights are found, they can be pub- ployee closest to the process or asset.
to find all batches in which stage 2 lished to colleagues as web pages,
agitator on/off behavior is displayed. PDF documents or updated images. Predicting the future
Seeq enables BMS to create a pattern Engineers using advanced analytics Process engineers take the next step
search for the square waveform of the thus have an integrated approach to in their efforts by incorporating

4 | MARCH 2020 IIoT For Engineers


predictive analytics (Figure 4). Predic- challenge was to provide insights performance of corrective actions.
tive analytics completes the range to enable collaborative analysis and Final words
of data from historical (diagnostic) investigation between the refinery Diagnostic, descriptive and predic-
and present (descriptive) to what is licensor and the catalyst vendor. tive analytics can be performed on
expected to happen. Instead of an The solution was to use Seeq existing data from SCADA, historian
unplanned downtime event, engi- formulas to implement first-principles and other manufacturing data sets
neers can avert downtime with an equations to calculate normalized — and there’s one more form of
early warning system that provides weighted average bed temperature analytics. Unlike the other terms, this
anything from hours to weeks of (WABT) for the fixed-bed reactor last analytics type doesn’t have an
advanced notice, depending on the system. The next step was to normal- established name, but is the ultimate
process, the data and the engineer’s ize WABT for feed rate, feed and objective of all analytics: do the right
expertise. product quality, treat gas ratio and thing.
For customers interested in mov- so forth. Seeq prediction features Yes, it sounds silly, but engineers
ing from scheduled to predictive were then used to create a model using Seeq have been emphatic on
maintenance, for example, the ability to predict normalized WABT as a their enthusiasm for its effectiveness
to evaluate when maintenance is function of time within steady state for quickly figuring out the right
required and what parts to order is conditions. This enabled the refinery thing to do to improve operations.
critical. The goal isn’t to measure the to determine the end-of-run date In the past, the time to insight in a
history of asset failure in downtime versus the known WABT performance spreadsheet was ominously long and
or OEE reports, but rather to avoid threshold, and to apply this method- the work was onerous, so they simply
unnecessary downtime to the greatest ology to their other fixed-bed catalyst were not able to do the necessary
extent possible. processes. calculations in time to impact and
Benefits included monitoring of improve production outcomes.
Fixed bed catalyst prediction catalyst deactivation to allow co-opti- But with Seeq applications, days
The challenge for one refinery mization of near-term economics and and weeks become minutes and
was to optimize near- and long-term risk-based maintenance planning. Bet- hours, enabling analytics over time to
economics by predicting end-of-run ter prediction of end-of-run allowed make a difference, consider tradeoffs
for a fixed-bed catalyst system. This more effective analysis of the tradeoff and optimize for the big picture.
required selection and examination of between rate reduction and main- Downtime reporting and its vari-
historical data for training the corre- tenance costs. Calculation of end- ants like OEE are not a new concept.
lations, which were auto-updated as of-life for the catalyst enabled rapid They are a staple of every operations
new data became available. Another detection of unexpected changes and playbook. But that doesn’t mean
there isn’t an opportunity for a fresh
look at the potential of advanced
analytics applications to improve all
types of analytics. IIoT

Michael Risse is the CMO and vice

president at Seeq Corp., a company
building advanced analytics applica-
tions for engineers and analysts that
accelerate insights into industrial
process data. He was formerly a
consultant with big data platform
and application companies, and prior
to that worked with Microsoft for 20
years. Michael is a graduate of the
FIGURE 4. Predictive analytics empower engineers to identify potential problems before University of Wisconsin at Madison,
they impact operations. and he lives in Seattle.

6 | MARCH 2020 IIoT For Engineers

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How to make industrial

data fit for purpose
Seven steps as a practical guide to data management

By John Harrington improve quality or traceability. As part • How frequently should the data
of the use case, company stakeholders be updated and what causes the

t seems to me that most should identify the project scope and update?
of the manufacturers I talk applicable data that will be required.
to are drowning in data, Make sure the right cross-functional Document your responses and then
and yet they are struggling to make it stakeholders are in the room from move on to the next step in which you
useful. the project beginning, and that all will identify your data sources for the
A modern industrial facility can eas- stakeholders agree to prioritize the project.
ily produce one terabyte of data each project and can reach consensus on
day. With a wave of new technologies the project goals. STEP 3: Identify the data sources
for artificial intelligence and machine Industrial data is an important com-

learning — on top of real-time dash- ponent for addressing industrial and
boards and augmented reality — we Make sure the right cross- business use cases. However, there are
should see huge gains in productivity. some major challenges with accessing
Unplanned maintenance of assets and functional stakeholders this data and converting it into useful
production lines should be a thing of information.
are in the room from the
the past. Volume. The typical modern

However, even in 2020, this is not project beginning. industrial factory has hundreds to
the case. Access to all this data does thousands of pieces of machinery and
not mean it is useful. Industrial data is equipment constantly creating data.
very raw. The data must be made “fit STEP 2: Identify target systems This data is generally aggregated
for purpose” to extract its true value. With the use cases and business within programmable logic controllers
Also, the tools used to make the data goals identified, the next step requires (PLCs), machine controllers or distrib-
fit for purpose must operate at the identifying the target applications that uted control systems (DCS) within
scale of an industrial facility. will be used to accomplish these goals. the automation layer, though newer
With these realities in mind, here Characterize the target application by approaches may also include smart
is a practical, step-by-step guide for asking these questions: sensors and smart actuators that feed
manufacturers and other industrial data directly into the software layer.
companies to make their industrial • Where is this target application Correlation. Automation data was
data fit for purpose. located: at the Edge, on-premises, primarily put in place to manage,
in a data center, in the Cloud or optimize and control the process. The
STEP 1: Start with the use case elsewhere? data is correlated for process control
Information technology (IT) and and is not correlated for asset mainte-
operations technology (OT) projects • How can this application receive nance or product quality or traceabil-
should start with clear use cases and data: MQTT, OPC UA, REST, data- ity purposes.
business goals. For many manufactur- base load or other? Context. Data structures on PLCs
ing companies, projects may focus and machine controllers have minimal
on machine maintenance, process • What information is needed for descriptive information — if any. In
improvements or product analysis to this application? many cases, data points are refer-

8 | MARCH 2020 IIoT For Engineers

enced with cryptic data-point naming that houses all the informa-
schemes or references to memory tion, and there is no need for
locations. additional applications to get
Standardization. The automation access to the data.
in a factory evolves over time with ma- Direct API connections do
chinery and equipment sourced from not work well when industrial
a wide variety of hardware vendors. data is needed in multiple ap-
This hardware was likely programmed plications like SCADA, MES,
and defined by the vendor. This has ERP, IIoT Platform, Analyt-
resulted in unique data models created ics, QMS, AMS, cyber threat
for each piece of machinery and a lack monitoring systems, various
of standards across the factory and custom databases, dash-
company in all but the very largest and boards or spreadsheet ap-
most sophisticated manufacturers. plications. Direct API connec-
You can better understand the tions also do not work well
specific challenges you will need to when there are many data
overcome for your project by docu- transformations that must
menting your data sources. Charac- occur to prepare the data for
terize the data available to meet the the consuming system.
target system’s needs by asking these These transformations
questions: can easily be performed in
Python, C#, or any other pro-
• What data is available? gramming language but they
are then “invisible” and hard
• Where is it located: PLCs, machine to maintain. Finally, direct
controllers, databases, etc.? API connections do not work
well when data structures
• Is it real-time data or informational are frequently changing. This
data (metadata)? happens when the factory
equipment or the programs
• Is the data currently available in running on this equipment
the right format or will it need to are frequently changed. For
be derived? example, a manufacturer
may have short-run batches
STEP 4: Select the integration that require loading new
architecture programs on the PLCs; the
Integration architectures fall in two products produced may
camps: direct application program- evolve and require changes to
ming interface (API) connections the automation; the automation may FIGURE 1. Integration hubs are an alterna-
(application-to-application) or integra- be changed to improve efficiency; or tive to using application programming
tion hubs (DataOps solutions). the equipment may be replaced due to interfaces (APIs) solely when managing the
Direct API connections work well if age and performance. many types of data associated today with
you only have two applications that Using the API approach buries the automation projects. Diagram courtesy:
need to be integrated. The data does integrations in code. Stakeholders HighByte
not need to be curated or prepared may not even be aware of integrated
for the receiving application, and the systems until long after the equipment An alternative to direct API connec-
source systems are very static. This is has been replaced or changes have tions is a DataOps integration hub.
typically successful in environments been made, resulting in undetected Integration hubs are a new approach
where the manufacturing company bad or missing data for weeks or even to data integration and security that
has a single SCADA or MES solution months. aims to improve data quality and re- IIoT For Engineers MARCH 2020 | 9


duce time spent preparing data for use Finally, some protocols support data single-source data points. However,
throughout the enterprise. An integra- authentication. Then, even if the data when a specific data point does not
tion hub acts as an abstraction layer is viewed by a third party, it cannot be exist, data points can be derived by
that still uses APIs to connect to other changed. executing expressions or logic using
applications but provides a manage- Security is not just about usernames, other data points. Data also can be
ment, documentation and governance passwords, encryption and authentica- parsed or extracted from other data
tool to connect data sources to all the tion but also about integration archi- fields, or additional sensors can be
required applications. added to provide required data.
An integration hub is purpose-built These models also should include

to move high volumes of data at high attributes for any descriptive data,
speeds with transformations being Protocols like MQTT which are typically not stored in the
performed in real time while the data industrial devices but are very useful
require only outbound
is in motion. Since an integration hub when matching data and evaluating
is an application itself, it provides a openings in firewalls, data in the target systems. Descrip-
platform to identify impact when de- tive data could be the location of the
vices or applications are changed, per-
which security teams machine, the asset number of the

form data transformations and provide prefer. machine, unit of measure, operating
visibility to these transformations. ranges or other contextual informa-
tion. Once the standard models are
STEP 5: Establish secure created, they should be instantiated
connections tecture. Protocols like MQTT require for each asset, process or product.
Now that the project plan is in place, only outbound openings in firewalls, This is generally a manual task but
begin system integration by establish- which security teams prefer because can be accelerated if the mapping al-
ing secure connections to the source hackers are unable to exploit the pro- ready exists in Excel or other formats,
and target systems. Understand the tocol to get on internal networks. if there is consistency from device
protocols worked with and the security to device that can be copied or if a
risks and benefits they provide. STEP 6: Model the data learning algorithm can be applied.
Many systems support open pro- The corporate-wide deployment
tocols to define the connection and and adoption of analytics or IIoT often STEP 7: Flow the data
communication. Typical open proto- is delayed by the variability of data When the modeling is complete, the
cols include OPC UA, MQTT, REST, coming off the factory floor. From one data flows should be controlled model
ODBC and AMQP — among others. machine to the next, each industrial -by-model. This typically is performed
There also are many closed protocols device may have its own data model. by identifying the model to be moved,
and vendor-defined APIs for which Historically, vendors, systems integra- target system and frequency or trigger
the application vendor publishes the tors and in-house controls engineers for the movement. Over time, data
API protocol documentation. Ask have not focused on creating data flows also will require monitoring and
yourself: Does the protocol support standards. They refined the systems management.
secure connections and how are these and changed the data models over
connections created? Some proto- time to suit their needs. This worked Wrap up
cols and systems support certificates for one-off projects, but today’s IIoT Making industrial data fit for pur-
exchanged by the applications. Other projects require more scalability. pose will be critical to manufacturers
protocols support usernames and The first step in modeling data is looking to scale their IIoT projects
passwords or tokens manually entered to define standard models required and wrangle data governance. I
into the connecting system or through in the target system to meet the hope this article serves as a practical
third-party validation. In addition to business goals of the project. At the guide to getting started on your next
user security, some protocols support core of the model is the real-time project. IIoT
encrypted data packets so if there is data coming off the machinery and
a “man in the middle” attack they automation equipment. Most of the John Harrington is co-founder and
cannot read the data being passed. real-time data points will map to chief business officer at HighByte.

10 | MARCH 2020 IIoT For Engineers


Small-to-midsize manufacturers face

digital transformation constraints
IT and OT software and platform convergence moves forward

Joe Brooker probably don’t have dedicated IT de- Connected applications may not
partments, so they face a more basic necessarily be branded as IIoT. Cloud-

successful digital transfor- question: Can we dedicate capital to based solutions allow smaller compa-
mation involves increasing an experimental project that may fail? nies without dedicated IT departments
integration among the en- The answer: probably not. and operating under capital and labor
terprise systems that govern enterprise constraints to implement connected
transactions and the systems that Connected applications solutions that deliver business value.
manage factory operations. Potential Transforming operations in a small
returns from industrial internet of to mid-sized company is no small feat Finding IIoT that works
things (IIoT) investments won’t be real- and will likely encounter pushback Companies that can dedicate
ized unless the information technol- from various business and sup- capital and labor to an IIoT initiative
ogy (IT) and operations technologies ply chain functions, will be able to exploit
(OT) are more closely aligned. Yet including the back the benefits of digital
fewer than 10% of companies have office, suppliers, transformation. This
combined OT and IT departments, customers and the transformation will
with the IT function more frequently plant floor. require IT
representing corporate interests and The many (enterprise)
the OT function representing plant or challenges and OT (fac-
unit priorities. associated with tory/operational)
Given these challenges, it is no sur- digital transfor- changes. Having
prise almost 75% of companies having mation mean available resourc-
IIoT initiatives say they do not consider few companies es doesn’t guar-
them a complete success. Despite this will complete
low success rate, managements see the transition alone. Stra- FIGURE 1: Cambashi connects
digital transformation as key to long- tegic partnerships with IT nine IIoT market areas. All
term success — nine out of 10 indus- and OT providers are important. graphics courtesy: Cambashi
trial companies are investing in digital As IIoT platforms are integrated
factories. If manufacturers successfully and implemented, connected ap- antee success, however. Operating at
digitalize production, it can pave the plications have emerged. The value scale is often accompanied (particularly
way for flexible, just-in-time produc- of investing in IIoT platforms will in larger, well-established companies)
tion, with the goal to reduce invento- come from applications that take by siloed, disconnected operations.
ries even while increasing revenue. advantage of connectivity to ad- While IT departments always seek
While the IT and OT disconnect is a dress business needs. The platform to exploit emergent technologies for
hurdle impacting digital transforma- is, or will become, a commodity. If competitive advantage, for OT, it is
tion success, it is not the only reason. every business has one, there’s no very different. Reliability is critically
More than 90% of U.S. manufactur- competitive advantage. If the focus is important. Operations executives are
ing companies are small businesses, on improving operational efficiency, more concerned about what works
and the majority have fewer than 20 this doesn’t necessarily require major than what’s new. If technology does
employees. These small companies business transformation. need replacing or upgrading, they IIoT For Engineers MARCH 2020 | 11

want something that can be imple- Help from IT providers tions, while both IT and OT providers
mented with minimal disruption. Enterprise software providers of- are forming strategic partnerships.
Neither is this disconnect confined fer IIoT solutions that allow users to In one example, PTC and Rock-
to the factory. IT and OT departments incrementally adopt IIoT. These include well Automation have entered into
will each have preferred suppliers they IBM, Software AG and PTC, which of- a strategic partnership to expand
are accustomed to engaging with. That fer cloud networks, IoT platforms and coverage, from design operations to
separation adds to the complications of connected applications. Microsoft (with plant floors,through creation of a joint
digital transformation projects. Azure) and Amazon (with AWS) offer product factory software suite.
Operations technology provid- open, cloud-based capabilities and The software combines Rockwell
ers, such as Siemens, Bosch Rexroth support a partner ecosystem. Focusing Automation’s automation technol-
and Honeywell, among others, have on a digital transformation initiative ogy and domain expertise and PTC’s
invested heavily in IIoT and connected can seem overwhelming to even the product design and product lifecycle
applications. IIoT offerings that once largest corporations. Enterprise provid- management knowledge. These hybrid
spanned several solution providers ers increasingly offer industry-focused, solutions are in place in Ford Motor
are gathered in one business unit. GE packaged software solutions. Co.’s manufacturing systems for auto-
spun off its IoT unit, GE Digital, into a mobile and truck manufacturing.
separate entity. These entities work at Volkswagen announced it will jointly

the plant level rather than enterprise develop the Volkswagen Industrial
level for security and technological
It will be harder for IT pro- Cloud using Amazon AWS technology
reasons. viders to offer OT software and Siemens as the integration partner.
Despite restructuring, it has not Siemens will be responsible for ensur-
been plain sailing for global giants GE
because of the machine- ing the equipment and machinery at
and Siemens. GE’s software business level domain knowledge Volkswagen’s 122 plants are efficiently

has struggled to achieve profitability networked in the cloud. Siemens also
since being spun off into a separate needed for OT software. will make connected applications from
subsidiary. For Siemens, despite a its own IIoT platform, MindSphere,
third-quarter decline in digital in- available in the Volkswagen Industrial
dustries revenue, software revenues Revenue growth of OT/industrial and Cloud. This will enable greater data
increased. Siemens says partner- IT/enterprise providers can be com- transparency and analysis, which will
network applications for its IIoT plat- pared for 2017 and 2018, the most lay the technological foundations for
form, MindSphere, are growing more recent years with available figures. Volkswagen productivity improve-
than 25% per quarter. The data shows IT/enterprise providers ment. The agreements with AWS and
A brief review of the online mar- grew by 65%, compared to 29% by Siemens pave the way for Volkswagen
ketplace for MindSphere applications OT/industrial players. While OT provid- to digitalize production and logistics
include offerings to explore IoT data, ers started from a higher base value, across a global supply chain.
develop dashboards, and automate it still holds true that IT providers are Connected market areas vary in
analytics to create actionable intelli- making advances in their connected growth. In 2017, for example, con-
gence. Operations-rooted applications application offerings. This is consistent nected asset and connected produc-
emphasize machine connectivity, con- with statistics showing IT/enterprise tion were prevalent, with many diverse
trol and efficiency. It seems inevitable providers are outperforming OT coun- companies appearing in the market
that operations technology providers terparts in year-over-year growth. OT to offer applications. Connected asset
will increasingly incorporate IT stan- and IT providers are increasing their and production are still big players,
dards and protocols in their solutions. focus on the Asia-Pacific region. but over time, other market areas are
Blurred IT/OT distinctions, however, emerging. These include connected
present challenges to IT providers as More blended IoT offerings transportation and connected product
well. It will be harder for IT providers Analysis of the IIoT market shows initiatives. IIoT
to offer OT software because of the a changing distinction between the
machine-level domain knowledge IT- and OT-rooted approaches. OT sup- Joe Brooker is industrial IoT analyst
needed for OT software. pliers increasingly are offering IT solu- with Cambashi.

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