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1. Do you use social media?

 Yes
 No
2. How often you active on social media?
 Every day
 Some times
 Twice in a week
 Rarely
3. How long you use social media?
4. Do you think social media can help us?
 Yes
 No
 Comment ___________________
5. Why do you prefer the above mention kind of social media?

6. Do you think social media help people to interact each other?

7.I think student those use social media they are more communicate with their parents?

Strongly agree agree neutral disagree Strongly disagree

Please explain what you think so:

8. do you think those are not use social media they are not properly communicate with
Yes No

9.What your purpose for using social media?

Chatting Watch Online latest Blogs Communicate To share story, photos

news portal.
With your friend
and family
Please explain why you choose the abovementioned option:

Do you like social media

Hate it 1 2 3 4 5 Love it

Demographic information
I’d be very glad if you could provide some information about yourself. This will greatly benefit
my survey. Thank you again for your time.
Name (optional)

Year of study 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year

Sex Male Female

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