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CLASSIFIED mind awareness.

(Executive Briefing: © 2016 by Corey

Weiner. All Rights Reserved.)

Here is what to do when operational

overhead consumes profit margins for
B2B services, light industrial: smarter
Corey Weiner
hiring + simple training + stop buying
Sales / Demand Generation Troubleshooter
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PART ONE – Getting Good Employees

marter hiring / human capital
sourcing can out-maneuver the
ABOUT status quo; especially at bigger
Corey Weiner has worked on sales demand organizations involved in ongoing hiring.
generation programs for advertisers
including Merck and Company, Glaxo This is cost efficient and benefits hiring
SmithKline, Wyeth-Aerst, Novartis, New organizations—and their income statements.
York Life Advanced Markets, AXA
Equitable, John Hancock USA and AIG Hiring and human capital management are
American General. messy activities.

And four-plus years doing consumer True or false – Despite the technology and
behavior research for the renowned Nielsen skills testing, 50-50 chance a new hire works
Company qualifies Corey to refine revenue / out beyond a few months?
demand generation programming for
advertisers interested in short-term new Computer software tools manage risk, sure.
business activity over general brand / top-of- But no empirical evidence exists to correlate

technology tools with superior hiring and Organizations can (and many do) buy
human capital management. various recruiting consultants, robust
software / ERP (enterprise resource
Managers over $80,000 on the pay scale planning) systems and 20 LinkedIn
knows this – line manager, department head, accounts.
human resource vice president / director,
medium-sized business owners, et cetera. (Widgets for talent acquisition, essentially.)

That technology tools deliver easy Reality is, a five-year-old can post jobs
operations, profits is flawed online and sift through resumes for a week
to then present to hiring managers.
Efficient on paper, messy in practice.
Recruitment process outsourcing works,
Human error is a substantial contributor to right? Companies sell it after all
this disposition.
The author worked on a full-cycle
Resumes and test scores do not necessarily permanent placement desk for Adecco (big
measure or predict critical characteristics global staffing company) in Los Angeles
about a new hire. placing mostly accounting specialists for
$60,000 and up.
(Disclaimer: The author has written articles
on human capital management and was a (Sort of like what IBM and Accenture do for
quality assurance supervisor at what is today information technology professionals.)
Frontier Communications Corporation,
NASDAQ: FTR, a $4.3B voice, data, TV Nine of 10 recruitment services are what
technology company.) economists call “price takers.”

The talent acquisition community loves to They metaphorically pier fish for job orders
tout technology. and talk about human capital / hiring best
practices in brochures while their internal

retention is dismal. recruiting over time, becoming an asset to
Call Adecco, Aerotek or Randstad – the
bigger recruitment providers – ask how high He ran a revolving door of turnover . . . and
their internal turnover is. made no qualms about it.

Then ask why. So no one savvy is going to solicit strategic

advice from most recruitment process
Nine of 10 are contingency. They hire outsourcing organizations.
anyone with sales experience who can throw
on a suit and dial for dollars. Shrewd project management + swift action
trump buying things
Over 70 percent attrition rates are the norm.
Harvard Business Review published an
“A lot of using the web to target active job article in 2011 about the 50 most influential
seekers is fruitless,” says Kevin Ballard, people in talent recruitment.
recruitment consultant to middle-market and
Fortune 500 corporations. The top-producing recruiters did not blab on
about using technology tools / internet want-
“[Recruiters] cannot be jack-of-all-trades ads in their commentary.
and know what a hiring manager needs for
each department that recruiter supports. So, How come?
by default, how are they qualified to judge
candidates for a given job requisition?” Because they have an extraordinary network
of contacts paired with competitive
The author once had this conversation with a landscape knowledge their clients value.
regional director of internal recruitment for
Robert Half, (NYSE: RHI). Technology tools anyone can lease are not
really part of the equation.
A disproportionate few stand out and stay in

In-house recruiters are paid to source 2) Recruiters lacking a realistic
someone Hiring Organization XYZ cannot understanding of what skill set the person
get near or do not see. who asked her / him to hire someone
requires – and thus pulling a generic one off
In-house recruiters exist to problem solve, the internet – are of little use, are they not?
not play with computers and sift for resume
keywords like children playing Go-Fish. Easy example illustrates liability

Recruiting organizations exist to act as the Skim over the below job requisition from a
intermediary for exactly this purpose: well-known recruiting provider.
sparing Company X from calling Company
Y to hire their employees. Any red flags?

Richard Nelson Bolles’ book has over 10 Position: Marketing Communications

editions since the 1980s. Senior Manager
Location: Dallas Area
Chapter Two has the inverted pyramid. Status: Full Time
Companies want to hire “referrals,” not Rate: Full Time Salary
strangers off the internet – is the gist. Job Description:
Our client is looking for a Marketing
A recruiter pulling job orders then posting Communications Senior Manager. This is a
on social networking web sites to solicit full time job opportunity that includes full
candidates has zero value. benefits!

Think about that for a second . . . This position will be responsible for
developing and managing the various
1) Recruiters relying on job candidates marketing communications campaigns that
actively seeking employment on the web is create brand awareness for the company.
pulling from a skewed labor pool, are they
not? Responsibilities include working with a

team to develop strategic plans, working on and crafts (on more computers) with
Social/PR/Media Relation initiatives, software.
overseeing creative and writing all content
for email, newsletters, collateral, RFP's and And such abilities qualifies this marketing
more! communications manager to do what a real
corporate marketing communications
You'll help to identify new opportunities, department is supposed to: bring in new
uncover client pain points and assist the business activity / sales leads?
sales team with marketing to specific target
audiences. This is a flawed system for procuring human
Must haves:
- BA degree in Marketing, Communications, Leaner, smarter way of getting employees
Advertising or related
- 5 years experience in corporate marketing Organizations tend to hire keynote speakers
Top notch writing and editing skills and make bold statements about being a
- Managing social media platforms using people company, but less-frequently
Hootsuite or similar facilitate the manifestation of such.
- Proficient with MS Office (especially
PowerPoint) It usually takes key stakeholders and upper
- Working knowledge of Photoshop, management heads to roll or some critical
InDesign is a plus threat such as flat revenue or an acquisition
- Experience writing for corporate and announcement.
marketing audiences
Office Depot Corporation (NASDAQ:
What do readers see? ODP), the $11 billion office supply retailer,
is an example of this.
An organization's new head of marketing
must know how to play on computers, click Following its acquisition of Viking
social media icons – and essentially do arts Lithograph, ODP's new chief executive,

Bruce Nelson, made it clear human capital employees or so,” continues Ms. Wynter,
recruiting and productivity were a prime “hires like they did twenty years ago.
initiative in their challenged retail industry.
A department manager creates a job
Should it take a new chief executive walking description, sends it to the human resources
into a mess to increase productivity (or department – who changes it to be compliant
2,300 layoffs at a national headquarters) for – and then scrabbles the internet to match
an organization to improve its human capital those who come remotely close to the job
programming? description.

So while a typical medium-sized If finding the candidate takes longer than

organization's human resource department three weeks, the department manager and
concerns itself with applicant tracking HR usually get into a crisis mode.”
systems and ERP modules, what is really
profitable to that organization is something Concludes Ms. Wynter from Los Angeles:
else: a mechanism for getting good “The average employee who is selected and
workers. hired this way will last on the average two to
two-and-a-half years, if they pass the
Positively affecting next month's income introductory period.
You know, one of the greatest management
Performance-based HR Consultant, Joanie teachers was Dr. W. Edwards Deming, who
Wynter, of Bryant-Hall Entertainment & said, 'In a crisis, you must learn to get out of
Media reflects: “My in-house HR team finds a crisis and change it, not continue to create
the very best candidates with great integrity. it!'”
Then we match them to our open positions.”
More profitable hiring / acquisition?
“Almost every one of the corporations I
have dealt with previously – entertainment, “I would propose explicitly adding
media and legal services with 200 to 500 responsibility for hiring to a department

manager's job responsibilities,” comments She made them watch case studies from
Mr. Ballard on speaker-phone as he juggles U.S. Marine Corps Officer Candidates
incoming calls from his busy Philadelphia School . . . purposely on weekends during
office. “downtime.”

“Recruiters, in general,” concludes Mr. It drove the message home: without her
Ballard, in a matter-of-fact tone one team hiring better people and developing
develops by working on both talent them as part of a unit and an organizational
acquisition and on-boarding projects for commitment, game over.
organizations including Citigroup and
aerospace giant Northrop Grumman, “lack Smarter, more advantageous hiring / human
the technical background to determine a capital management practices can out-
candidate's qualifications to handle a job.” maneuver the status quo. (Especially at
bigger organizations involved in ongoing
“Without recruiters and management hiring activities.)
understanding that procuring people first
and then continuous training,” says Ms. This is cost efficient and benefits hiring
Wynter, “organizations usually experience a organizations—and their profit margins.
revolving door of employees coming and
going.” “Officer training is physically and
intellectually demanding – the business of
The author once worked as an assistant to a building leaders out of Marines. Honor,
former program manager for Land, Sea and courage, commitment.
Space Business Development at Northrop
Grumman (NYSE: NOC). These are phrases which seem corny, but
they are the bedrock of the organization. It's
An obstacle recruiting outside business all about personal and team responsibility –
development people and support staff in one and carrying the torch to the next generation
of her units lingered. of Marines.” – Colonel Wendy Fontela,

WHAT NEXT? Monies saved on unnecessary technology
tools and consulting fees is thus available to
Readers will want to assess whether compensate managers for handling the task
“domestic downtime” insofar as sourcing of hiring viable employees in addition to
employees (and expenses associated with their daily workloads.
such) are diminishing profit margins.
Creating standardized employee recruiting 1. Bolles, R., “What Color is Your
procedures internally is likely prudent if so. Parachute?” (Berkeley: Ten Speed Press,
And for a practical reason: such is more
precise, cheaper and can be completed in a
week's time versus a third-party service.

The organization benefits by controlling

the HR / employee acquisition themselves
and minimizes unnecessary downtime.

Organizations hire Third and Two

Intellectual Capital to interview personnel as
needed and compile a physical (written)
standard procedure for sourcing employees.

From there, a standard procedure is

modified into a simple (pencil and paper)
flowchart format.

The task of conducting the recruitment /

interviewing remains within management's / © 2016 Corey Weiner. All Rights Reserved.
the organization's control.

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