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1. Ethics: Are the rules or principles that govern right conduct and are
designed to protect the rights of human beings.
2. Code of ethics: It is a set of ethical principles that are accepted by
all members of a profession.
3. Beneficence: The beneficence means the actions one takes should
promote good.
4. Non- Maleficence: Non- maleficence means that one should do no
5. Veracity: Veracity concerns truth talking and incorporates the
concept that individuals should always tell the truth.
6. Fidelity: Fidelity is keeping one‘s promises or commitments.
7. Professional Etiquette: Refers to the ethical manners and moral
8. Law: Law means a body of rules to guide human action.
9. Constitutional law: - It is a judgmental law that governs the state.

10. Common law: - It is a body of legal principles that evolved from

court decisions

11.Administrative law: - Rules and regulations established by

administrative agencies made by executives of government.
12.Felony: Is a crime of serious nature that has a penalty of
imprisonment for greater than one year or even death.
13.Misdemeanor: Is a less serious crime that has a penalty of a fine or
imprisonment of less than one year
14.Torts: Is a civil wrong made against a person or property.
15.Assault: Is any intentional threat to bring about harmful or offensive
16. Battery: Is un-consented or unlawful touching of a person.
17.False imprisonment: False imprisonment occurs with unjustified
restraining of a person without legal warrant
18.Invasion of privacy: Is the intrusion into the personal life of another,
without any cause.
19.Breach of duty: Is a failure to do something that we are legally
responsible for.
20.Medication errors: Giving a patient the wrong medication or the
wrong dose, or dispensing medication to the wrong patient.
21.Malpractice: Improper, illegal, or negligent professional behavior.
22.Fraud: is a deliberate deception for the purpose of personal gain and
usually is prosecuted as a crime.

1. What is Code of ethics and professional conduct by Indian Nursing

2. Describe malpractice and negligence?
3. What are the Legal aspects in Nursing?
4. Define nursing as a profession .Explain the characteristics of a
Professional nurse?
5. What is the role of the administrator in ethical issues?
6. Define Torts and write in detail about classification of torts?
7. Describe about employment issues?
8. Describe about Medico legal issues faced by nurses and the
common causes for lawsuits against nurses?

Submitted by

Mrs. S. Krupa Jyothirmai

M.S.C. (N) 2nd year.

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