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1. Introduction and Contacts..…[1]
2. Qualifications Pack……….……...[2]
3. Glossary of Key Terms …………[3]
4. OS Units……………………..…….….[5]
5. Annexure :Nomenclature for QP&OS..[36]
 OS describe what
6. Assessment Criteria…………….[38]
individuals need
to do, know and
understand in Introduction
order to carry out Qualifications Pack- Lead Carpenter- Wooden Furniture
a particular job
role or function (Option : Lock Installer)
 OS are
performance SUB-SECTOR: Wooden Furniture
standards that
individuals must OCCUPATION: Production- wooden furniture
achieve when
carrying out REFERENCE :FFS/Q0104
functions in the
workplace, ALIGNED TO: NCO-2015/7115.0100 & NCO-2015/7115.0500
together with
Brief Job Description: Furniture carpenters work indoors and outdoors to create
specifications of
the underpinning customized woodwork that serve as an integral part of a furniture. They are responsible
knowledge and for making / repairing of furniture and fixtures by studying the technical drawings,
understanding measuring, cutting and shaping the raw material, joining and installation of parts for
converting into finished furniture product. Also called as Carpenter.

Furniture & Fittings Option

Skill Council , 407- Lock Installer: Lock Installer is responsible for installations of different locks on the
408, 4th Floor, doors and repair and service of locks whenever required.
Sikanderpur, DLF City
Court, MG Rd, Personal Attributes: A furniture carpenter should have knowledge of different types of
Gurgaon, Haryana- furniture, comprehend drawings and manufacturing of furniture .S/he should have the
122002 ability to carry out tasks and good planning skills. S/he should be physically fit, have
attention to detail , ability to measure and cut material with good mathematical skills
1 |Page and accuracy . S/he should have knowledge of tools, good hand eye coordination and
flexible in adapting style of work to different types of furniture and furniture design.
Qualifications Pack Lead Carpenter- Wooden furniture
Qualifications Pack Code FFS/Q0104
Job Role Lead Carpenter Wooden Furniture
Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0
Sector Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 01/11/2016
Job Details

Sub-sector Wooden furniture Last reviewed on 12/07/2017

Production wooden
Occupation Next review date 12/07/2020
NSQC Clearance on
Job Role Lead Carpenter Wooden Furniture
Lead carpenters are responsible for making , repairing of
furniture/fixtures by studying the technical drawings,
Role Description measuring, cutting and shaping the raw material , joining
and installation of parts for converting into finished wooden
furniture product. Also called as Carpenter.
NSQF level 4
Minimum Educational Qualifications Class V , preferable
Maximum Educational Qualifications Not applicable

Training 1.Training of usage of power tools

(Suggested but not mandatory) 2.Basic computer skills

Minimum Job Entry Age 18 years

Experience 1-2 years of relevant experience
1. FFS/N0106 Plan and organize wood work to meet
expected outcome
2. FFS/N0107 Make furniture
3. FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace
Applicable National Occupational 4. FFS/N8501 Maintan work area, tools and machines
Standards (NOS) 5. FFS/N8801 Work effectively with others

Lock Installer:
6. FFS/N5703 Carry out lock installation activities
7. FFS/N5704 Perform lock repairing and servicing

Performance Criteria As described in the relevant OS units

2|P age
Qualifications Pack Lead Carpenter- Wooden furniture

Keywords /Terms Description

Sector is a conglomeration of different business operations having similar businesses
Sector and interest. It may also be defined as a distinct subset of the economy whose

components share similar characteristics and interests.

Sub-sector is derived from a further breakdown based on the characteristics and
interests of its components.
Occupation is a set of job roles, which perform similar/related set of
In an industry.
Function is an activity necessary for achieving the key purpose of the sector, occupation,
or area of work, which can be carried out by a person or a group of persons. Functions
are identified through analysis and form the basis of OS.

Job role defines a unique set of functions that together form a unique
Job Role
Employment opportunity in an organization.
OS specify the standards of performance an individual must achieve when carrying out
a function in the workplace, together with the knowledge and understanding they need
to meet that standard consistently. Occupational Standards are applicable both in the
Indian and global contexts.
Performance Performance Criteria are statements that together specify the standard of
Criteria performance required when carrying out a task.
NOS NOS are Occupational Standards which apply uniquely in the Indian context.
Qualifications Pack Qualifications Pack Code is a unique reference code that identifies a qualifications
Code pack.
Qualifications Pack comprises the set of OS, together with the educational, training
Qualifications Pack and other criteria required to perform a job role. A Qualifications Pack is assigned a
unique qualification pack code.
Unit Code is a unique identifier for an Occupational Standard , which is denoted by an
Unit Code
Unit Title gives a clear overall statement about what the incumbent should be able to
Unit Title
Description gives a short summary of the unit content. This would be helpful to anyone
Description searching on a database to verify that this is the appropriate OS they are looking for

Knowledge and Understanding are statements which together specify the technical,
Knowledge and
generic, professional and organizational specific knowledge that an individual needs in
order to perform to the required standard.
Organizational Context includes the way the organization is structured and how it
operates, including the extent of operative knowledge managers have of their relevant
areas of responsibility.
Technical Technical Knowledge is the specific knowledge needed to accomplish specific
Knowledge designated responsibilities.

3|P age
Qualifications Pack Lead Carpenter- Wooden furniture
Core Skills or Generic Skills are a group of skills that are key to learning and working
Core Skills or in today's world. These skills are typically needed in any work environment. In the
Generic Skills context of the OS, these include communication related skills that are applicable to
most job roles.

Keywords /Terms Description

FFSC Furniture & Fittings Skill Council

NOS National Occupational Standards

NSQF National Skills Qualification Framework
NVEQF National Vocational Educational Qualification Framework
NVQF National Vocational Qualification Framework
OS Occupational Standards
PC Performance Criteria
QP Qualification Pack
SSC Sector Skills Council
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
QMS Quality Management System
O&M Operation and Maintenance
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
OHS Occupational Health and Safety

4|P age
FFS/N0106 Plan and organise wood work to meet expected outcome


This OS unit is about planning and organizing before initiating the making of furniture in
order to meet expected quality in the established time frame.

5|P age
FFS/N0106 Plan and organise wood work to meet expected outcome

Unit Code FFS/N0106

Unit Title (Task) Plan and organize wood work to meet expected outcome
National Occupational Standard

Description This OS unit is about planning and organizing before initiating the making of furniture
in order to meet expected quality in the established time frame.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:

• Work assessment and planning

• Tool planning and material gathering

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Work assessment To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
and planning PC1. identify and evaluate the nature of work & requirement in terms of style, shape,
design pattern, dimensions etc. and detailing of work needed on furniture
PC2. get requisite approval on the cost budget and timelines before work initiation
PC3. ensure compliance to all the required documentation
PC4. prepare sketches as per requirements of the customer in case of absence of
such drawing/sketch and seek requisite approvals
PC5. plan and organize the activities/steps to be taken to execute the work in
accordance with the timeline/schedule and the sequence.
PC6. agree upon working parameters like space to work, lighting etc. with the
supervisor and the client when the work is to be conducted at the client site

Tool planning and To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:

material gathering PC7. select and gather the appropriate tools and equipment’s needed for making of
furniture such as hammer, saw, circular saw , chisel, measuring tape, driller
machine ,measuring tape, planning tools (e.g. electric planer, hand plane)
,sanding tools (e.g. sand paper, belt sander) etc.
PC8. collect the wood log and inspect the same to ensure it is free from defects
PC9. assist the team in collecting all hardware (e.g. nails, adhesives ) needed and
undertake procurement if in shortage, post supervisor approval
PC10. ensure that the required tools and equipment’s /machines/other materials
are in proper working condition
PC11. report on any shortage or defect of raw materials to the supervisor /concerned
person and raise a request for procurement if any specific tool/equipment is
needed for the work
PC12. ensure to arrange /place the raw materials and tools in an appropriate manner
to have enough space to work

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FFS/N0106 Plan and organise wood work to meet expected outcome

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. various organizational processes and procedures, code of conduct, reporting
(Knowledge of the matrix and escalation hierarchy
organization and KA2. about organisation products and services
its processes)
KA3. information about the organisation clients and previous design developed
KA4. common hazards in the work area and relevant safety and security
procedures/manuals to be followed
KA5. waste disposal policy
KA6. about organisation documentation and reporting policy
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. work specifications and interpret them accurately
KB2. carpentry knowledge of making furniture and tools and equipment’s needed.
e.g. : hand saw, circular saw, jigsaw saw, band saw, chisel, hammer ,measuring
tape, try square , hand plane, electric planer, spoke shave, rasp, file, sand
paper, belt sander, orbital sander, etc.
KB3. usage of tools and equipment’s and their safe handling
KB4. preparing , reading and interpreting 2D / 3D drawings
KB5. taking measurements of length, width & depth of various materials and
accordingly working with accuracy.
KB6. kinds of wood and their properties
KB7. know how about loading and unloading of wood and other materials
KB8. about making of wooden furniture
KB9. about budget estimation tools, direct cost (labour , material, travel costs etc.),
indirect costs (office, equipment, administrative costs etc.) and understanding
of current costs in the market
KB10. knowledge of materials/hardware e.g. screws, nails, adhesives etc. used
KB11. current market trends and customer preferences
KB12. effective communication and presentation skills
KB13. safety standards and precautions to be taken and different types of personal
protective gear and their usage
KB14. standard operating procedures
KB15. common issues troubleshooting knowledge
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document the information communicated /observations if any related to
SA2. write reports, information documents to internal departments/ internal teams

7|P age
FFS/N0106 Plan and organise wood work to meet expected outcome

Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. keep updated with latest trends and knowledge by reading magazines/research
SA4. read and interpret the process required for conducting the assigned work
SA5. read internal information documents sent by internal teams
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. discuss task lists, schedules and activities
SA7. effectively communicate with team members and customers
SA8. attentively listen and comprehend the information given by the speaker
SA9. communicate clearly on the issues being faced and clarify queries
SA10. share best practices with peers
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. ability to troubleshoot common concerns faced
SB2. take appropriate decisions related to own responsibilities to deliver within
prescribed time and as per quality standards
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. plan ,organize and prioritize the work order and jobs received
SB2. ability to organize and conduct work in optimal manner
SB3. plan to utilize time and equipment's effectively
SB4. ability to concentrate on task and ability to complete with time limits
SB5. assist in record keeping and proper documentation
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. understand customer requirements and time lines and respond as per their
SB7. being courteous with customers and ability to handle different types of
SB8. being aware of different customer cultures/faiths and responding
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB9. support lead/manager in solving problems by detailing and discussing the
possible solutions
SB10. ability to quickly identify common causes of errors and help in resolution
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. apply domain information/knowledge and assess day to day tasks through
experience and observation, to identify control measures to solve issues
SB12. provide suggestions to further streamline process

8|P age
FFS/N0106 Plan and organise wood work to meet expected outcome

Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB13. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problems
SB14. use acquired knowledge of the process and apply the information gathered
from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

9|P age
FFS/N0106 Plan and organise wood work to meet expected outcome

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N0106

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 01/11/2016
Industry Sub-sector Wooden furniture Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Production wooden
Occupation Next review date 12/07/2020

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10 | P a g e
FFS/N0107 Make furniture

This OS unit is about performing work of cutting, shaping and assembling involved in making
wooden furniture.

11 | P a g e
FFS/N0107 Make furniture

Unit Code FFS/N0107

Unit Title (Task) Make furniture
National Occupational Standard

Description This OS unit is about performing work of cutting, sawing, shaping and assembling
involved in making wooden furniture
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
• Cutting and shaping
• Assemble components
• Review post completion

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Cutting and shaping To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC1. study all the technical drawings and start marking on the wood as per the
dimensions in the drawing using try-square, scriber, etc.
PC2. provide assistance in cutting the wood as per the specified measurements
using appropriate tools and equipment’s. E.g. hand saw, table saw, circular
saw, chisels, cutter machine etc.
PC3. validate that the cut components are in line with the design specifications
PC4. give a shape to the furniture component e.g. round or oval etc., as per the
drawing using appropriate tools and run a planer over the wooden surface.
Tools like e.g. saw, rasp, file, hand plane, electric planer, spoke shave etc.
PC5. ensure that cut components are placed in their designated places
PC6. begin marking and making provision for joineries on wooden components and
facilitate joining by using adhesive, nail or screws
PC7. conduct a visual check for any errors or damages at regular intervals
PC8. cut laminate/veneer sheet to size in case stated in design and paste with
adhesives on the surface of furniture

Assemble To be competent, the user/individual must be able to

components PC9. align and position the furniture components/parts according to the drawing
and as required for joining
PC10. assemble the components ensuring correct fit and secure them in position
using screws, nails or dowel or adhesives etc.
PC11. ensure to cover all the open edges using tape or putty etc.
PC12. smoothen all the wooden surfaces using sanding tools. E.g. sand paper, belt
sander, orbital sander etc. and polish if needed and finish it to required
PC13. smoothen the component or repair/replace the parts as needed for an old

12 | P a g e
FFS/N0107 Make furniture
PC14. gather all the hardware fittings that are required to be fitted onto the furniture
basis the design. E.g. door and cabinet hinges, latches, drawer sliding channels,
locks etc.
PC15. initiate markings on the furniture and using appropriate tools fasten /place the
fittings at the required place. E.g. drill machine, hammer etc.
PC16. check for overall accuracy and quality in terms of measurements, fitting of
assembled parts, rigidity, steadiness, levelling etc.
PC17. rectify if any defects are found or incorporate if any improvement feedback is
PC18. ensure to wipe the furniture and remove any dust etc.

Review post To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:

completion PC19. conduct post completion quality check of the furniture and fitting with respect
to measurements, steadiness, overall finish, placement, levelling, configuration
, functioning etc. in line with organization practice
PC20. conduct any on site modifications that may be required and/or touch up if
PC21. gather all the tools and remove from the site
PC22. remove all the debris from the site and clean the work area
PC23. take note of inputs/ feedback received by supervisor /client to incorporate at
PC24. ensure completion of the procedural documents post completion and
undertake customer signoff digitally or on paper as acknowledgment for
completion of work in compliance to customer needs

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. about various organizational processes and procedures, code of conduct,
(Knowledge of the reporting matrix and escalation hierarchy
organization and KA2. about organisation products and services
its processes)
KA3. information about the organisation clients and previous design developed
KA4. common hazards in the work area and relevant safety and security
procedures/manuals to be followed
KA5. waste disposal policy
KA6. about organisation documentation and reporting policy
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB16. work specifications and interpret them accurately
KB17. carpentry knowledge of tools and equipment’s needed while making furniture .
e.g. : hand saw, circular saw, band saw, jigsaw saw, chisel, planes, hammer

13 | P a g e
FFS/N0107 Make furniture
,measuring tape, try square , hand plane, electric planer, spoke shave, rasp,
file, sand paper, belt sander, orbital sander etc.
KB18. knowledge of usage of tools and equipment’s and their safe handling
KB19. preparing , reading and interpreting 2D / 3D drawings
KB20. taking measurements of length, width & depth of various materials and
working with precision.
KB21. kinds of locks and their installation and working mechanism
KB22. about kinds of wood and their properties e.g. moisture content etc.
KB23. making of wooden furniture and techniques via various stages involved of
cutting, shaping, assembling, fitting of hardware etc.
KB24. about different methods of joints such as half lap, dove-tail, etc.
KB25. about materials/hardware e.g. screws, nails, adhesives etc. used
KB26. current market trends and customer preferences
KB27. know how about loading and unloading of wood and other materials
KB28. effective communication and presentation skills
KB29. safety standards and precautions to be taken and different types of personal
protective gear and their usage
KB30. standard operating procedures
KB31. common issues troubleshooting knowledge
Skills (S) Skill
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. document the information communicated /observations if any related to
SA2. write reports, information documents to internal departments/ internal teams
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. keep updated with latest trends and knowledge by reading magazines/research
SA4. read and interpret the process required for conducting the assigned work
SA5. read internal information documents sent by internal teams
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. discuss task lists, schedules and activities
SA7. effectively communicate with team members and customers
SA8. attentively listen and comprehend the information given by the speaker
SA9. communicate clearly on the issues being faced and clarify queries
SA10. share best practices with peers
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. ability to troubleshoot common concerns faced
SB2. take appropriate decisions related to own responsibilities to deliver within

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FFS/N0107 Make furniture
prescribed time and as per quality standards
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan ,organize and prioritize the work order and jobs received
SB4. ability to organize and conduct installation in optimal manner
SB5. plan to utilize time and equipment's effectively
SB6. ability to concentrate on task and ability to complete with time limits
SB7. ability to undertake record keeping and proper documentation
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. understand customer requirements and time lines and respond as per their
SB9. being courteous with customers and ability to handle different types of
SB10. being aware of different customer cultures/faiths and responding
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. support lead/manager in solving problems by detailing and discussing the
possible solutions
SB12. ability to quickly identify common causes of errors and help in resolution
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB13. apply domain information/knowledge and assess day to day tasks through
experience and observation, to identify control measures to solve issues
SB14. provide suggestions to further streamline process
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB15. use reasoning skills to identify and resolve basic problems
SB16. use acquired knowledge of the process and apply the information gathered
from observation, experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

15 | P a g e
FFS/N0107 Make furniture

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N0107

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Industry Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 01/11/2016
Industry Sub-sector Wooden furniture Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Production wooden
Occupation Next review date 12/07/2020

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16 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace


National Occupational


This OS unit covers health, safety and security at the workplace. This includes procedures and
practices that candidate need to follow to help maintain a healthy, safe and secure work

17 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace

Unit Code FFS/N8601

Unit Title (Task)
National Occupational Standard

Ensure health and safety at workplace

Description This OS unit covers health, safety and security at the workplace. This includes
procedures and practices that candidate need to follow to help maintain a healthy, safe
and secure work environment.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
• Health and Safety
• Dealing with Emergencies
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria

Health and Safety To be competent, the user/individual must be able to:
PC1. work safely at all times, complying with health and safety legislation,
regulations and other relevant guidelines
PC2. ensure that health and safety instructions applicable to the work place are
being followed
PC3. check the worksite for any possible health and safety hazards
PC4. follow manufacturers’ instructions and job specifications relating to safe use
of materials specifically chemicals and power equipment
PC5. ensure safe handling and disposal of waste and debris
PC6. identify and report any hazards and potential risks/ threats to supervisors or
other authorized personnel
Hazards: sharp edged tools, hazardous surfaces, physical hazards, electrical
hazards, health hazards from chemicals and other such toxic material etc.
PC7. undertake first aid activities in case of any accident, if required and asked to
do so
PC8. select and use appropriate personal protective equipment compatible to the
work and compliant to relevant occupational health and safety guidelines
Personal protective equipment: masks, safety glasses, head protection, ear
muffs, safety footwear, gloves, aprons etc.
PC9. maintain correct body posture while standing and working for long hours and
carrying heavy materials
PC10. lift, carry or move heavy wooden furniture and accessories from one place to
another using approved safe working practices
PC11. handle all required tools, machines , materials & equipment safely
PC12. adhere to relevant occupational safety policies while handling sharp tools to
make and install furniture and fittings

18 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace
PC13. Take safety measures while handling glass, heavy wood, materials, chemicals
PC14. apply good housekeeping practices at all times
Good housekeeping practices: clean/tidy work areas, removal/disposal of
waste products, protect surfaces
PC15. report accident/incident report to authorized personal
PC16. perform basic safety checks before operation of all machines, tools and
electrical equipment
PC17. follow recommended material handling procedure to control damage and
personal injury
PC18. follow safe working practices at all times

Dealing with To be competent, the individual must be able to:

Emergencies PC19. follow appropriate procedure in case a of fire emergency
PC20. follow electrical safety measures while working with electrically powered tools
& equipment
PC21. follow agreed work location procedures in the event of an emergency or an
PC22. follow emergency and evacuation procedures in case of accidents, fires,
natural calamities
PC23. check and ensure general health and safety equipment are available at work
site General health and safety equipment: fire extinguishers; first aid
equipment; safety instruments and clothing; safety installations (e.g. fire exits,
exhaust fans)
PC24. comply with restrictions imposed on harmful chemicals inside work area
during working hours
PC25. correctly demonstrate rescue techniques applied during fire hazard
PC26. demonstrate good housekeeping in order to prevent fire hazards
PC27. demonstrate the correct use of a fire extinguisher
PC28. demonstrate how to free a person from electrocution
PC29. respond promptly and appropriately to an accident situation or medical
PC30. participate in emergency procedures
Emergency procedures: raising alarm, safe/efficient, evacuation, correct
means of escape, correct assembly point, roll call, correct return to work
PC31. use the various appropriate fire extinguishers on different types of fires
Types of fires: Class A: e.g. ordinary solid combustibles, such as wood, paper,
cloth, plastic, charcoal, etc.; Class B: flammable liquids and gases, such as

19 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace
gasoline, propane, diesel fuel, tar, cooking oil, and similar substances; Class C:
e.g. electrical equipment such as appliances, wiring, breaker panels, etc. These
categories of fires become Class A, B, and D fires when the electrical
equipment that initiated the fire is no longer receiving electricity); Class D:
combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, and sodium (These fires
burn at extremely high temperatures and require special suppression agents)
PC32. state methods of accident prevention in the work environment
Methods of accident prevention: training in health and safety procedures;
using health and safety procedures; use of equipment and working practices
(such as safe carrying procedures); safety notices, advice; instruction from
colleagues and supervisors
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. organizational procedures for safe handling of equipment and machine
(Knowledge of operations
the organization
KA2. how to respond to emergency situation in line with organisational procedures
and its
processes) KA3. reporting protocol and documentation required
KA4. whom to contact in case of an emergency
KA5. where to get the list of contact in case of an emergency in the organization
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. common health and safety hazards in a work environment and related
KB2. organizational procedures for safe handling of tools and equipment
KB3. how to respond to an emergency situation
KB4. potential risks and threats
KB5. organizational reporting protocol
KB6. health and safety practices at work place
KB7. potential hazards and risks which may be present at furniture and fittings
related workplace
KB8. storage and handling of hazardous substances
KB9. importance of good housekeeping
KB10. procedure to be followed for safe disposal of waste
KB11. safe working practices in a furniture and fittings related workplace
KB12. how to deal with an accident which involve human life
KB13. different types of personal protective equipment and their use
KB14. how to follow safe working practices while at work
KB15. different risks associated with the use of electrical equipment
KB16. preventative and remedial actions to be taken in the case of exposure to toxic

20 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace
Exposure: ingested, contact with skin, inhaled
Preventative action: ventilation, masks, protective clothing/ equipment);
Remedial action: immediate first aid, report to supervisor
Toxic materials: solvents, flux, lead
KB17. importance of using protective clothing/equipment while working
KB18. various causes of fire
KB19. techniques of using the different fire extinguishers
KB20. different type of fire extinguishers and their use
KB21. various types of safety signs and what they mean
KB22. appropriate basic first aid treatment relevant to the condition eg. shock,
electrical shock, bleeding, breaks to bones, minor burns, resuscitation,
poisoning, eye injuries, etc.
KB23. importance of safe lifting practices and correct body postures
KB24. list of names (and job titles if applicable), and the contact details of all the
people responsible for health and safety in a workplace
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. write in Hindi or local language
SA2. fill formats, logs and forms related to work in local language or Hindi/English
SA3. document measurement appropriately whenever required
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. read all organizational and equipment related health and safety manuals and
SA5. read and comprehend safety related documents
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA6. communicate effectively with team members, supervisors, managers etc.
SA7. seek clarification on any unclear instructions in locally understood language
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. take decisions of once own roles and responsibilities
SB2. decide on material requirement for related to once work
SB3. decide on to accept or reject a work piece on the basis of quality parameter
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
SB4. plan and organize own work in a way that all activities are completed in time
and as per specifications
SB5. plan word as per job specification
SB6. plan and organize cleaning and maintenance activities

21 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. work and deliver output as per client requirement and satisfaction
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. identify any defects in materials, tools and equipment and ways to resolve
SB9. determine timely correction of errors to minimize rejection of pieces or rework
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. analyse the situation and take appropriate actions while dealing with team
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. analyse, evaluate and apply the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

22 | P a g e
FFS/N8601 Ensure health and safety at workplace

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N8601

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sector Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 05/05/2016
Sub-sector Furniture & Fittings Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Occupation Generic Next review date 12/07/2020

Back to Top

23 | P a g e
FFS/N8501 Maintain work area, tools and machines


This OS unit is about organizing / maintaining work area and activities to ensure tools and
machines are maintained as per norms

24 | P a g e
FFS/N8501 Maintain work area, tools and machines

Unit Code FFS/N8501

Unit Title (Task) Tools, equipment’s and work area maintenance
National Occupational Standard

Description This OS unit is about organizing / maintaining work area and activities to ensure tools
and machines are maintained as per norms
Scope This unit/task covers the following:
• Maintenance of work area, tools and machines

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Maintenance of work To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
area, tools and PC1. handle materials, machinery, equipment and tools safely and correctly
machines PC2. use correct handling procedures
PC3. use materials to minimize waste
PC4. prepare and organize work
PC5. maintain a clean and hazard free working area
PC6. deal with work interruptions
PC7. maintain tools equipment and consumables
PC8. work in a comfortable position with the correct posture
PC9. use cleaning equipment and methods appropriate for the work to be carried
PC10. dispose of waste safely in the designated location
PC11. store cleaning equipment safely after use
PC12. ensure safe and correct handling of materials, equipment and tools
PC13. maintain appropriate environment to protect stock from pilfering, theft,
damage and deterioration

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

C. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. relevant legislation, standards, policies, and procedures followed in the
(Knowledge of the company
organization and KA2. expectations and responsibilities of the job role
its processes)
KA3. the organization’s rules, codes, guidelines and standards
KA4. statutory responsibilities, organizational legislation and regulations
KA5. contact person in case of queries on procedure or products
KA6. method to handle tools and equipment safely and the health and safety
implications of not doing so
KA7. escalation matrix
KA8. relevant health and safety requirements applicable in the work place
KA9. who to approach for support in order to obtain work related instructions,
clarifications and support
KA10. importance of following health, hygiene, safety and quality standards

25 | P a g e
FFS/N8501 Maintain work area, tools and machines
D. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. work instructions and specifications and interpret them accurately
KB2. method to make use of the information detailed in specifications and
KB3. different ways of minimizing waste
KB4. effects of contamination on products i.e. dirt, water and from other work
happening on the site
KB5. common faults with equipment and the method to rectify them
KB6. maintenance procedures of tools, equipment and consumables as per
manufacturer’s instructions
KB7. hazards likely to be encountered when conducting routine maintenance
KB8. different types of cleaning equipment and substances and their use
KB9. safe working practices for cleaning and the method of carrying them out
Skills (S)
C. Core Skills/ Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. write in Hindi or local language
SA2. fill logs, forms and formats in local language or Hindi for recording quantity and
quality of work figures, defects and other related information, etc. whenever
SA3. fill formats, logs and forms related to work in local language or Hindi/English
SA4. document measurement appropriately whenever required
Reading Skills
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. read instructions from supervisor provided in local language or Hindi
SA6. read and understand manufacturer’s instructions and job specifications
SA7. interpret pictorial representations and written signs or instructions
SA8. read and interpret numbers written in Hindi or local language
SA9. understand safety symbols and basic warning signs wherever needed
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking skills)
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA10. communicate effectively with team members, supervisors, managers etc.
SA11. seek clarification on any unclear instructions in locally understood language
D. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. take decisions of once own roles and responsibilities
SB2. decide on material requirement for related to once work
SB3. decide on to accept or reject a work piece on the basis of quality parameter
Plan and Organize
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. plan and organize own work in a way that all activities are completed in time
and as per specifications

26 | P a g e
FFS/N8501 Maintain work area, tools and machines
SB5. plan word as per job specification
SB6. plan and organize cleaning and maintenance activities
Customer Centricity
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. work and deliver output as per client requirement and satisfaction
Problem Solving
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. identify any defects in materials, tools and equipment and ways to resolve
SB9. determine timely correction of errors to minimize rejection of pieces or rework
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. analyse the situation and take appropriate actions while dealing with team
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. analyse, evaluate and apply the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

27 | P a g e
FFS/N8501 Maintain work area, tools and machines

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N8501

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sector Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 05/05/2016
Sub-sector Furniture & Fittings Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Occupation Generic Next review date 12/07/2020

Back to Top

28 | P a g e
FFS/N8801 work effectively with others


This OS unit is about communicating and coordinating with team members including
subordinates and superiors

21 | P a g e
FFS/N8801 work effectively with others

Unit Code FFS/N8801

Unit Title (Task) Work effectively with others
National Occupational Standard

Description This OS unit is about communicating and coordinating with team members
including subordinates and superiors.

Scope This unit/task covers the following:

• Interaction with seniors
• Work effectively
Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope
Element Performance Criteria
Interaction with To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
Seniors PC1. seek assistance from supervisor or any such appropriate authority as and
when required
PC2. ask questions and seek clarifications on work tasks whenever required
PC3. seek and obtain clarifications on policies and procedures, from the
supervisor or other authorized personnel
PC4. identify and report any possible deviations to appropriate authority
PC5. address the problems effectively and report if required to immediate
supervisor appropriately
PC6. receive instructions clearly from superiors and respond effectively on the
PC7. follow escalation matrix in case of any grievance
PC8. accurately receive information and instructions from the supervisor
related to one’s work
Work effectively To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
PC9. coordinate and cooperate with colleagues to achieve work objectives
PC10. display courteous behavior at all times
PC11. respond politely to customer queries and other team members
PC12. follow work place dress code
PC13. keep work area in a tidy and organized state
PC14. adhere to time lines and quality standards
PC15. follow organizational policies and procedures
PC16. share information with team wherever and whenever required to
enhance quality and productivity at work place
PC17. work together with co-workers in a synchronized manner
PC18. communicate with others clearly, at a pace and in a manner that helps
them to understand
PC19. show respect to other and their work
PC20. display active listening skills while interacting with others at work
PC21. demonstrate responsible and disciplined behaviors at the workplace
disciplined behaviors: e.g. punctuality; completing tasks as per given time
and standards; not gossiping and idling time; eliminating waste, honesty,

22 | P a g e
FFS/N8801 work effectively with others

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. legislation, standards, policies, and procedures followed in the
(Knowledge of the company relevant to own employment and performance conditions
company / KA2. reporting structure, inter-dependent functions, lines and procedures in
organization and the work area
its processes) KA3. relevant people and their responsibilities within the work area
KA4. escalation matrix and procedures for reporting work and employment
relate issue clarifications and support
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. importance of working effectively with others to achieve
organizations goals
KB2. importance of effective communication and establishing good
working relationships with other
KB3. responsibilities and objectives of the role
KB4. own roles and responsibilities
KB5. principle of furniture and fittings manufacturing and installation
KB6. importance of having correct understanding of work task and
KB7. how to keep work area clean and tidy and its importance
KB8. applicable quality standards for assigned work task and objective
KB9. reporting procedure in case of deviations
KB10. importance and need of supporting co-workers facing problems
for smooth functioning of work
KB11. different type of people that one is required to communicate and
coordinate within the organization
KB12. various components of communication cycle
KB13. importance of active listening
KB14. importance of discipline and ethics for professional success
KB15. what constitutes disciplined behavior for a working professional
KB16. expressing and addressing grievances appropriately and effectively
KB17. importance and ways of managing interpersonal conflict
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills / Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. write in Hindi or local language
SA2. fill formats, logs and forms related to work in local language or
SA3. document measurement appropriately whenever required
Reading Skills

23 | P a g e
FFS/N8801 work effectively with others

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA4. read instructions from supervisor provided in local language or Hindi
SA5. read and understand manufacturer’s instructions and job specifications
SA6. interpret pictorial representations and written signs or instructions
SA7. read and interpret numbers written in Hindi or local language
SA8. understand safety symbols and basic warning signs wherever needed

Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills)

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA9. communicate effectively with team members, supervisors, managers etc.
SA10. seek clarification on any unclear instructions in locally understood

B. Professional Skills Decision Making

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. take decisions of once own roles and responsibilities
SB2. decide on material requirement for related to once work
SB3. decide on to accept or reject a work piece on the basis of quality
Plan and Organize
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB4. plan and organize own work in a way that all activities are completed in
time and as per specifications
SB5. plan word as per job specification
SB6. plan and organize cleaning and maintenance activities
Customer Centricity
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. work and deliver output as per client requirement and satisfaction

Problem Solving
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. identify any defects in materials, tools and equipment and ways to resolve
SB9. determine timely correction of errors to minimize rejection of pieces or
Analytical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. analyse the situation and take appropriate actions while dealing with team
Critical Thinking
The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB11. analyse, evaluate and apply the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

24 | P a g e
FFS/N8801 work effectively with others

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N8801

Credits (NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0

Sector Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 05/05/2016
Sub-sector Furniture & Fittings Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Occupation Generic Next review date 12/07/2020

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25 | P a g e
FFS/N5703 Carry out lock installation activities


This unit provides Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and Skills & Abilities
required for installing different lock systems on doors.

26 | P a g e
FFS/N5703 Carry out lock installation activities

Unit Code FFS/N5703

Unit Title (Task) Carry out lock installation activities
Description This unit provides Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and Skills &
Abilities required for installing different lock systems on doors.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:

• Lock installation activities

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Lock installation To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
activities PC1. identify the type of lock as per the design and functioning of the
PC2. place the lock marker if provided in the lock set on the designated
PC3. choose appropriate drill blades, depending on the thickness of the door
PC4. drill appropriate holes on the door using the drill machine
PC5. place the front portion of the lock with the logo upward, in the front part of
the door.
PC6. place the lock retainer plate on the other side of the door
PC7. secure the lock retainer on the other portion of the door with lock fixing
screws with screwdriver
PC8. identify the length of the flat strip and screw to be cut as per the thickness of
the door
PC9. place the latch assembly on the door frame as per the alignment of lock on
the door
PC10. mark the area latch assembly unit using a marker
PC11. make chippings on the door using a chisel to ensure the latch fits in the door
PC12. secure the latch with screws
PC13. ensure lock body is aligned in accordance with door latch
PC14. make necessary adjustments if the lock and the latch is not aligned
PC15. check functioning of lock by using the key
PC16. clean the work area to prevent mishaps
PC17. use appropriate materials to clean the tools and equipment

Knowledge and Understanding (K)

A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. expectations and responsibilities of the job role
(Knowledge of the KA2. organization’s rules, codes, guidelines and standards
company / KA3. statutory responsibilities organizational legislation and regulations
organization and KA4. contact person in case of queries on procedure or products
its processes) KA5. method to handle tools and equipment safely and the health and safety
implications of not doing so
KA6. escalation hierarchy

27 | P a g e
FFS/N5703 Carry out lock installation activities

B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:

Knowledge KB1. main types of locks, units assembled
KB2. different types of locks (left hand and right hand locks) and
the type of door to install them in
KB3. different parts of a lock
KB4. different types of door functions ( inward opening, outward
opening, sliding, rotating)
KB5. type and alignment of lock as per functioning of door KB6.
Skills (S) Technique of fixing the lock on the door
A. Core Skills / Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. write in English/local language as applicable
SA2. make appropriate marking based on the measurement
Reading Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. read and speak in English/local language as applicable
SA4. read and understand catalogues, health and safety instructions
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills)
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. communicate effectively with carpenters, supervisors, managers, etc.
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. take appropriate decisions related to responsibilities
SB2. take appropriate decision regarding the type of lock to install
Plan and Organize
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. plan and organize cleaning and maintenance activities
SB4. work with carpenters, fitters, supervisors/ team mates to carry out work
related tasks
SB5. plan work according to the required schedule
Customer Centricity
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. work with carpenters, fitters, supervisors/ team mates to carry out work
related tasks
Problem Solving
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. identify any defects in materials, tools and equipment and ways to
resolve them
Analytical Thinking
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. diagnose any defect or mismatch in materials as per specifications and
ways for resolving them
SB9. identify the suitability of the lock with door/window
Critical Thinking

28 | P a g e
FFS/N5703 Carry out lock installation activities

The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB10. analyze, evaluate and apply the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

29 | P a g e
FFS/N5703 Carry out lock installation activities

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N5703

Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0
Sector Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 23/06/15
Industry Sub-sector Furniture & Fittings Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Occupation Production wooden Next review date 12/07/2020

Back To Top

30 | P a g e
FFS/N5704 Perform lock repairing and servicing

This unit provides Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and Skills & Abilities
required for repairing and servicing different types of locks.

31 | P a g e
FFS/N5704 Perform lock repairing and servicing

Unit Code FFS/N5704

Unit Title (Task) Perform lock repairing and servicing
Description This unit provides Performance Criteria, Knowledge & Understanding and Skills
& Abilities required for repairing and servicing different types of locks.
Scope This unit/task covers the following:

• Repair and lock servicing

Performance Criteria(PC) w.r.t. the Scope

Element Performance Criteria
Repair and lock To be competent, the user/individual on the job must be able to:
servicing PC1. check warranty of lock prior to initiating work service
PC2. identify the possible problem/problems in the lock as per the complains
of the customer
PC3. visually check the lock for any fault
PC4. dismantle the lock if required to get a better understanding of the faults
PC5. identify the cause of the fault based on the inspection
PC6. use appropriate tools and equipment to be used to repair the lock
PC7. change the defective component of the lock as per the organizational
PC8. assemble the lock system after the repair as per the standard procedure
PC9. ensure proper functioning of the lock using appropriate methods
PC10. report the problem to retailer/company if lock cannot be repaired and
the problem persists
Knowledge and Understanding (K)
A. Organizational The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Context KA1. Expectations and responsibilities of the job role
(Knowledge of the KA2. The organization’s rules, codes, guidelines and standards
company / KA3. Common problems associated with the products
organization and KA4. Contact person in case of queries on procedure or products
its processes) KA5. Method to handle tools and equipment safely and the health and safety
implications of not doing so

32 | P a g e
FFS/N5704 Perform lock repairing and servicing
B. Technical The user/individual on the job needs to know and understand:
Knowledge KB1. Method to check warranty of lock
KB2. Method to handle tools and equipment safely and the health and safety
implications of not doing so
KB3. Different Lock systems- Rim Lock, Pad Lock, Cylindrical Lock, Mortise Lock,
KB4. Process of operating different locks
KB5. Different tools and equipment- Tool Box, Hammer, Nail Puller, Measuring
Tape, Carpenter Pencil, Utility knife, Screw drivers, Various Saws, Nail
pouch, Portable Ladder, Hinges, Screws, Connector, Drillers, Drivers,
Fastening tools(with power), Spirit/Water leveling, Studs, Jacks, Wood
Chisels, Floor guard, Tapes
KB6. Knowledge of different lock problems/faults
KB7. Different problems in locks:
• Dead bolt
• Key does not enter the lock
• Breakage of knob spring
• Damaged lock AL drop
• Bend in lever
KB8. Cleaning and maintenance procedures KB9.
Problem identification procedures KB10. Dismantling
and assembling procedures
KB11. Method to identify process and product problems KB12.
Handling and storage of different tools and equipment KB13.
Proper disposal system for waste and by-product
KB14. Safety procedures to follow while operating powered
KB15. Method of conducting visual inspection for any errors or
Skills (S)
A. Core Skills / Writing Skills
Generic Skills The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA1. Write in English/local language as applicable
SA2. Make appropriate marking based on the measurement
Reading Skills
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA3. Read and speak in English/local language as applicable
SA4. Read and understand catalogues, manuals, job cards etc.
Oral Communication (Listening and Speaking Skills)
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SA5. Communicate effectively with carpenters, supervisors, managers, etc.
B. Professional Skills Decision Making
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB1. Take appropriate decisions related to responsibilities
SB2. Identify the problem and apply appropriate methods of rectification
Plan and Organize

33 | P a g e
FFS/N5704 Perform lock repairing and servicing
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB3. Work with carpenters, fitters, supervisors/ team mates to carry out work
related tasks
SB4. Plan work according to the required schedule
Customer Centricity
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB5. Respond to customer queries in an appropriate manner
Problem Solving
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB6. Review defects, if any and take appropriate decision
Analytical Thinking
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB7. Diagnose common problems in the machine based on visual inspection
Critical Thinking
The user/ individual on the job needs to know and understand how to:
SB8. Analyze, evaluate and apply the information gathered from observation,
experience, reasoning, or communication to act efficiently

34 | P a g e
FFS/N5704 Perform lock repairing and servicing

NOS Version Control

NOS Code FFS/N0107

Credits(NSQF) TBD Version number 1.0
Sector Furniture & Fittings Drafted on 23/06/15
Industry Sub-sector Furniture & Fittings Last reviewed on 12/07/2017
Occupation Production wooden Next review date 12/07/2020

Back To Top

35 | P a g e

Nomenclature for QP and NOS

Qualifications Pack
9 characters
[ABC]/ Q 0101

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC] QP number (2 numbers)

Q denoting Qualifications Pack Occupation (2 numbers)

Occupational Standard

An example of NOS with ‘N’ 9 characters

[ABC] / N 0101

[Insert 3 letter code for SSC] OS number (2 numbers)

N denoting National Occupational Standard Occupation (2 numbers)

Back to top…

36 | P a g e
Range of occupation
Sub sectors
Wooden Furniture 01-20
Metal Furniture 21-30
Plastic Furniture 31-40
Bamboo and Cane Furniture 41-50
Modular Furniture 51-60
Architectural fittings i.e., Doors/Windows 61-70
Hardware Fittings 71-80
Any other occupations 81-99

Sequence Description Example

Three letters Industry name FFS
Slash / /
Next letter Whether QP or NOS Q or N
Next two numbers Occupation code 1
Next two numbers OS number 1

37 | P a g e
Job Role Lead Carpenter Wooden Furniture
Qualification Pack FFS/Q0104
Sector Skill Council Furniture & Fittings Skill Council

Guidelines for Assessment

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria
(PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory and
Skills Practical for each PC
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created by the SSC
3. Assessment will be conducted for all compulsory NOS, and where applicable, on the selected elective/option NOS/set of
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for each candidate at each
examination/training centre (as per assessment criteria below)
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for every student at each
examination/training centre based on this criteria
6. To pass the Qualification Pack , every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in aggregate
7 In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on the Qualification Pack.

Compulsory NOS Marks Allocation

Total Marks: 700
Assessment Assessment criteria for outcomes
outcomes Total Out Of Theory Skills
Marks Practical
1 FFS/N0106 PC1. identify and evaluate the nature of 100
(Plan and work & requirement in terms of
organize wood
work to meet style, shape, design pattern,
expected dimensions etc. and detailing of 12 2 10
outcome) work needed on furniture

PC2. get requisite approval on the cost

budget and timelines before work
8 2 6

PC3. ensure compliance to all the

required documentation 8 2 6

38 | P a g e
PC4. prepare sketches as per
requirements of the customer in
case of absence of such
10 2 8
drawing/sketch and seek requisite

PC5. plan and organize the

activities/steps to be taken to
execute the work in accordance
12 2 10
with the timeline/schedule and the

PC6. agree upon working parameters

like space to work, lighting etc.
with the supervisor and the client
8 2 6
when the work is to be conducted
at the client site

PC7. select and gather the appropriate

tools and equipment’s needed for
making of furniture such as
hammer, saw, circular saw ,
chisel, measuring tape, driller
machine ,measuring tape,
planning tools (e.g. electric 8 2 6
planer, hand plane) ,sanding tools
(e.g. sand paper, belt sander) etc.

PC8. collect the wood log and inspect

the same to ensure it is free from
8 2 6

PC9. assist the team in collecting all

hardware (e.g. nails, adhesives )
needed and undertake
procurement if in shortage, post 8 2 6
supervisor approval

39 | P a g e
PC10. ensure that the required tools
and equipment’s
/machines/other materials are in 5 1 4
proper working condition

PC11. report on any shortage or defect

of raw materials to the supervisor
/concerned person and raise a
request for procurement if any
specific tool/equipment is needed 8 2 6
for the work

PC12. ensure to arrange /place the raw

materials and tools in an
appropriate manner to have 5 1 4
enough space to work

100 20 80
2 FFS/N0107 PC1. study all the technical drawings 100
(Make furniture) and start marking on the wood as
per the dimensions in the drawing
using try-square, scriber, etc. 5 1 4

PC2. provide assistance in cutting the

wood as per the specified
measurements using appropriate
tools and equipment’s. E.g. hand
saw, table saw, circular saw, 5 1 4
chisels, cutter machine etc.

PC3. validate that the cut components

are in line with the design
3 1 2

40 | P a g e
PC4. give a shape to the furniture
component e.g. round or oval
etc., as per the drawing using
appropriate tools and run a
planer over the wooden surface. 5 1 4
Tools like e.g. saw, rasp, file, hand
plane, electric planer, spoke
shave etc.

PC5. ensure that cut components are

placed in their designated places 3 1 2

PC6. begin marking and making

provision for joineries on wooden
components and facilitate joining 5 1 4
by using adhesive, nail or screws

PC7. conduct a visual check for any

errors or damages at regular
3 1 2

PC8. cut laminate/veneer sheet to size

in case stated in design and paste
with adhesives on the surface of 5 1 4

PC9. align and position the furniture

components/parts according to
the drawing and as required for 4 1 3

PC10. assemble the components

ensuring correct fit and secure
them in position using screws, 5 1 4
nails or dowel or adhesives etc.

41 | P a g e
PC11. ensure to cover all the open
edges using tape or putty etc. 4 1 3

PC12. smoothen all the wooden

surfaces using sanding tools. E.g.
sand paper, belt sander, orbital
sander etc. and polish if needed 5 1 4
and finish it to required

PC13. smoothen the component or

repair/replace the parts as
needed for an old structure 3 1 2

PC14. gather all the hardware fittings

that are required to be fitted onto
the furniture basis the design. E.g.
door and cabinet hinges, latches, 5 1 4
drawer sliding channels, locks etc.

PC15. initiate markings on the furniture

and using appropriate tools
fasten /place the fittings at the
5 1 4
required place. E.g. drill machine,
hammer etc.

PC16. check for overall accuracy and

quality in terms of
measurements, fitting of
4 1 3
assembled parts, rigidity,
steadiness, levelling etc.

PC17. rectify if any defects are found or

incorporate if any improvement
feedback is received 3 1 2

42 | P a g e
PC18. ensure to wipe the furniture and
remove any dust etc. 3 1 2

PC19. conduct post completion quality

check of the furniture and fitting
with respect to measurements,
steadiness, overall finish,
placement, levelling, 5 1 4
configuration , functioning etc. in
line with organization practice

PC20. conduct any on site modifications

that may be required and/or 4 1 3
touch up if needed

PC21. gather all the tools and remove

from the site 4 1 3

PC22. remove all the debris from the

site and clean the work area 4 1 3

PC23. take note of inputs/ feedback

received by supervisor /client to 4 1 3
incorporate at work

PC24. ensure completion of the

procedural documents post
completion and undertake
customer signoff digitally or on
4 1 3
paper as acknowledgment for
completion of work in compliance
to customer needs

100 20 80
3. FFS/N8601 PC1. work safely at all times, 100 3 2 1
Ensure health complying with health and
and safety at
safety legislation, regulations
and other relevant guidelines

43 | P a g e
PC2. ensure that health and safety 3 1 2
instructions applicable to the
work place are being followed

PC3. check the worksite for any 3 1 2

possible health and safety

PC4. follow manufacturers’ 3 1 2

instructions and job
specifications relating to safe
use of materials specifically
chemicals and power equipment

PC5. ensure safe handling and 3 0 3

disposal of waste and debris

PC6. identify and report any hazards 3 1 2

and potential risks/ threats to
supervisors or other authorized
personnel Hazards: sharp edged
tools, hazardous surfaces,
physical hazards, electrical
hazards, health hazards from
chemicals and other such toxic
material etc.

PC7. undertake first aid activities in 3 0 3

case of any accident, if required
and asked to do so

PC8. select and use appropriate 3 0 3

personal protective equipment
compatible to the work and
compliant to relevant
occupational health and safety

44 | P a g e
Personal protective equipment:
masks, safety glasses, head
protection, ear muffs, safety
footwear, gloves, aprons etc.

PC9. maintain correct body posture 3 0 3

while standing and working for
long hours and carrying heavy

PC10. lift, carry or move heavy 4 2 2

wooden furniture and
accessories from one place to
another using approved safe
working practices

PC11. handle all required tools, 4 2 2

machines , materials &
equipment safely

PC12. adhere to relevant occupational 3 0 3

safety policies while handling
sharp tools to make and install
furniture and fittings

PC13. take safety measures while 3 0 3

handling glass, heavy wood,
materials, chemicals etc.

PC14. apply good housekeeping 3 2 1

practices at all times Good
housekeeping practices:
clean/tidy work areas,
removal/disposal of waste
products, protect surfaces

PC15. report accident/incident report 3 1 2

to authorised personal

PC16. perform basic safety checks 3 2 1

before operation of all

45 | P a g e
machines, tools and electrical

PC17. follow recommended material 3 1 2

handling procedure to control
damage and personal injury

PC18. follow safe working practices at 3 1 2

all times

PC19. follow appropriate procedure in 3 1 2

case a of fire emergency

PC20. follow electrical safety 4 2 2

measures while working with
electrically powered tools &

PC21. follow agreed work location 3 1 2

procedures in the event of an
emergency or an accident

PC22. follow emergency and 3 1 2

evacuation procedures in case
of accidents, fires, natural

PC23. check and ensure general health 4 1 3

and safety equipment are
available at work site
General health and safety
equipment: fire extinguishers;
first aid equipment; safety
instruments and clothing; safety
installations (e.g. fire exits,
exhaust fans)

PC24. comply with restrictions 3 0 3

imposed on harmful chemicals
inside work area during working

46 | P a g e
PC25. correctly demonstrate rescue 3 0 3
techniques applied during fire

PC26. demonstrate good 3 0 3

housekeeping in order to
prevent fire hazards

PC27. demonstrate the correct use of 3 2 1

a fire extinguisher

PC28. demonstrate how to free a 3 1 2

person from electrocution

PC29. respond promptly and 3 0 3

appropriately to an accident
situation or medical emergency

PC30. participate in emergency 3 0 3

procedures Emergency
procedures: raising alarm,
safe/efficient, evacuation,
correct means of escape,
correct assembly point, roll call,
correct return to work

PC31. use the various appropriate fire 3 1 2

extinguishers on different types
of fires correctly
Types of fires: Class A: e.g.
ordinary solid combustibles,
such as wood, paper, cloth,
plastic, charcoal, etc.; Class B:
flammable liquids andgases,
such as gasoline, propane, diesel
fuel, tar, cooking oil, and similar
substances; Class C: e.g.
electrical equipment such as
appliances, wiring, breaker
panels, etc. These categories of
fires become Class A, B, and D
fires when the electrical

47 | P a g e
equipment that initiated the fire
is no longer receiving
electricity); Class D:
combustible metals such as
magnesium, titanium, and
sodium (These fires burn at
extremely high temperatures
and require special suppression

PC32. state methods of accident 3 3 0

prevention in the work
Methods of accident
prevention: training in health
and safety procedures; using
health and safety procedures;
use of equipment and working
practices (such as safe carrying
procedures); safety notices,
advice; instruction from
colleagues and supervisors

Total 100 30 70
4. FFS/N8501 PC1. handle materials, machinery, 100 8 4 4
Maintain work equipment and tools safely and
area, tools and

PC2. use correct handling procedures 8 4 4

PC3. use materials to minimize waste 8 4 4

PC4. prepare and organize work 8 4 4

48 | P a g e
PC5. maintain a clean and hazard free 8 4 4
working area

PC6. deal with work interruptions 8 4 4

PC7. maintain tools equipment and 8 4 4


PC8. work in a comfortable position 8 4 4

with the correct posture

PC9. use cleaning equipment and 8 4 4

methods appropriate for the
work to be carried out

PC10. dispose of waste safely in the 8 5 3

designated location

PC11. store cleaning equipment safely 7 3 4

after use

PC12. ensure safe and correct handling 7 3 4

of materials, equipment and

PC13. maintain appropriate 6 3 3

environment to protect stock
from pilfering, theft, damage and

Total 100 50 50
5. FFS/N8801 PC1. seek assistance from supervisor 100
Work effectively or any such appropriate 3 1 2
with others
authority as and when required
PC2. ask questions and seek
clarifications on work tasks 3 1 2
whenever required

49 | P a g e
PC3. seek and obtain clarifications on
policies and procedures, from
5 5 0
the supervisor or other
authorized personnel
PC4. identify and report any possible
deviations to appropriate 3 1 2
PC5. address the problems effectively
and report if required to
5 2 3
immediate supervisor
PC6. receive instructions clearly from
superiors and respond 3 1 2
effectively on the same
PC7. follow escalation matrix in case
of any grievance 6 4 2

PC8. accurately receive information

and instructions from the
5 3 2
supervisor related to one’s
PC9. coordinate and cooperate with
colleagues to achieve work 5 0 5
PC10. display courteous behaviour at
5 0 5
all times
PC11. respond politely to customer
queries and other team 5 1 4
PC12. follow work place dress code
5 0 5

PC13. keep work area in a tidy and

5 0 5
organized state
PC14. adhere to time lines and quality
5 2 3
PC15. follow organizational policies
4 4 0
and procedures
PC16. share information with team
5 2 3
wherever and whenever

50 | P a g e
required to enhance quality and
productivity at work place
PC17. work together with co-workers
6 0 6
in a synchronized manner
PC18. communicate with others
clearly, at a pace and in a
6 3 3
manner that helps them to
PC19. show respect to other and their
work 5 0 5

PC20. display active listening skills

while interacting with others at 5 0 5
PC21. demonstrate responsible and
disciplined behaviors at the
disciplined behaviors: e.g.
6 0 6
punctuality; completing tasks as
per given time and standards;
not gossiping and idling time;
eliminating waste, honesty, etc.
Total 100 30 70

Optional: Set A-FFS/Q5703- Lock Installer

Marks Allocation
Optional NOS
Total Marks: 500+200=700

Assessment Assessment criteria for outcomes Total Skills

Out Of Theory
outcomes Marks Practical

1.FFS/N5703 PC1. identify the type of lock as per 100

(Carry out lock the design and functioning of
installation 7 1 6
the door/window

PC2. place the lock marker if

provided in the lock set on the 5 1 4
designated location

51 | P a g e
PC3. choose appropriate drill blades,
depending on the thickness of the
7 1 6

PC4. drill appropriate holes on the door

using the drill machine 7 1 6

PC5. place the front portion of the lock

with the logo upward, in the front
5 1 4
part of the door

PC6. place the lock retainer plate on

the other side of the door 5 1 4

PC7. secure the lock retainer on the

other portion of the door with lock
6 1 5
fixing screws with screwdriver

PC8. identify the length of the flat strip

and screw to be cut as per the
7 1 6
thickness of the door

PC9. place the latch assembly on the

door frame as per the alignment of
7 1 6
lock on the door

PC10. mark the area latch assembly unit

using a marker 6 1 5

PC11. make chippings on the door using

a chisel to ensure the latch fits in 6 1 5
the door
PC12. secure the latch with screws
5 1 4

PC13. ensure lock body is aligned in

accordance with door latch 7 1 6

PC14. make necessary adjustments if the

lock and the latch is not aligned 6 1 5

PC15. check functioning of lock by using

the key 5 1 4

52 | P a g e
PC16. clean the work area to prevent
4 1 3
PC17. use appropriate materials to clean
the tools and equipment 5 1 4

100 20 80
2.FFS/N5704 PC1. check warranty of lock prior to 100
(Perform lock 7 1 6
initiating work service
repairing and PC2. identify the possible
problem/problems in the lock as
12 2 10
per the complains of the customer

PC3. visually check the lock for any fault

7 1 6

PC4. dismantle the lock if required to

get a better understanding of the 10 2 8
PC5. identify the cause of the fault
12 2 10
based on the inspection
PC6. use appropriate tools and
equipment to be used to repair the 12 2 10
PC7. change the defective component
of the lock as per the
10 2 8
organizational procedures

PC8. assemble the lock system after the

repair as per the standard 10 2 8
PC9. ensure proper functioning of the
lock using appropriate methods 10 2 8

PC10. report the problem to

retailer/company if lock cannot be
10 2 8
repaired and the problem persists

100 20 80

53 | P a g e

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