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The Neural Basis of Cognition

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The Neurology of Acquired Pedophilia

Pedro Maranhão Gomes Lopes, Catarina Sodré de Castro Prado & Ricardo de

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Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza (2020): The Neurology of Acquired Pedophilia, Neurocase, DOI:

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Published online: 20 Feb 2020.

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The Neurology of Acquired Pedophilia

a a a,b
Pedro Maranhão Gomes Lopes , Catarina Sodré de Castro Prado and Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza
Medical Internship Program, Gaffrée eGuinle University Hospital, the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; bSenior
Researcher in the Clinical Neurosciences, the D ’Or Institute for Research & Education, and Department of Neurology, Gaffrée e Guinle University
Hospital, the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


The clinicoanatomic cases of acquired pedophilia that have been published in the medical and forensic Received 30 April 2019
literature up to 2019 are reviewed. Twenty-two cases fit our inclusion criteria. All but one were men, and Accepted 4 February 2020
in only one case the injury was localized to the left hemisphere. Hypersexuality was present in 18 cases. KEYWORDS
The damaged areas fell within the frontotemporoinsular cortices and related subcortical nuclei; however, Acquired pedophilia;
the anterior hypothalamus was spared. Damage to parts of the right frontotemporoinsular lobes with acquired sociopathy;
sparing of the anterior hypothalamus seems to be critical for the emergence of acquired pedophilia. frontotemporoinsular
cortices; medial forebrain
bundle; hypersexuality;
perifornical region

1. Introduction neurochemical substrates. Fewer investigations have been car-

ried out on previously normal individuals who became pedo-
Pedophilia consists of the persistent attraction to prepubescent
philes following an injury to the brain. These cases may
children as evinced in erotic fantasies and urges that may be
produce unique information on the cerebral underpinnings of
acted upon, in which case they are diagnosed as a pedophilic
pedophilia by pinpointing its large-scale neuroanatomical cor-
disorder. With an estimated 3% prevalence in the general
relates. A better knowledge of the injured brain regions that
population (Hall & Hall, 2007), pedophilia is a typical develop-
have been related to the emergence of pedophilia may inform
mental disorder of males (Fedoroff, Fishell, & Fedoroff, 1999), in
upcoming research on the neurobiology of developmental
whom the pedophilic disorder seems to be intrinsic to biologic
pedophilia as well as on possible therapeutic targets for both
maleness; accordingly, it is usually first noticed (at least by the
the acquired and developmental cases.
patient) in the early teens or even before. As a rule, at least two
paraphilic disorders co-occur in most pedophiles (Abel, Becker, Acquired pedophilia is the focus of the present review;
Cunningham-Rathner, Mittelman, & Rouleau, 1988). Over 90% developmental pedophilia and other paraphilic disorders will
of patients with a diagnosis of pedophilia are also sexually only be mentioned to emphasize specific points related to
attracted to adults (Hall & Hall, 2007). Pedophilia stands as acquired pedophilia as needed.
a particularly relevant paraphilic disorder because of its fre-
quency, clinical significance, and moral and forensic implica-
2. Methods
tions (Finkelhor, 1979). The investigation of the neural basis of
pedophilia has grown in the past decades thanks to the devel- PubMed, PsycInfo, and ISI Web of Science databases were
opment of neuroimaging techniques that have probed the searched for cases of acquired pedophilia from brain damage
anatomy and function of the human brain in vivo (Mohnke with sufficient anatomical information to allow clinicoanatomic
et al., 2014). correlations that have been published up to 2019. The follow-
Research on the neurology of pedophilia has far-reaching ing term combinations were used: (“pedophile” or “child moles-
implications, such as the definition of the critical neural struc- ter” or “sexual abuse” or “sexual offender” or “pedophilia” or
tures that might be modified by chemical or surgical interven- “pedophilic behavior” or “paraphilia”) and (“neurobiology” or
tions. It may also provide insights into the neurological “neuroimaging” or “brain” or “brain damage” or “neural lesion”).
substrate of other paraphilic disorders (Berlin & Coyle, 1981). Articles were included if they (i) reported on cases of acquired
Current research has focused on the neural correlates of devel- pedophilia following brain damage whether circumscribed,
opmental pedophilia with structural and functional magnetic degenerative, or irritative, and (ii) identified a probable gross
resonance imaging (MRI); to date, no postmortem verification anatomical correlate of the brain damage. The expression “irri-
has been conducted on the brains of patients with develop- tative focus” refers to the area of cortical tissue that generates
mental pedophilia. Notwithstanding the obvious progress of interictal electrographic spikes (Rosenow & Lüders, 2001),
the past decade, the medical literature on pedophilia remains which is thus consistent with the interictal manifestations of
fragmentary and controversial, such as its causes and these patients. The review covered all articles which were

CONTACT Ricardo de Oliveira-Souza

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

published in English, German, French or Portuguese up to (Krueger & Kaplan, 2000). In contrast to normal hypersexu-
July 2019. Potentially relevant articles identified through cross- ality, it implies the infliction of harm or suffering to the
reference search were also eligible and, in fact, constituted the individual himself or to others as a direct consequence of
chief source of valid information. his heightened propensity to engage in intercourse.
For our current purposes, acquired pedophilia was defined Because paraphilic disorders (Nelson et al., 2001) and
as the behavioral expression of pedophilic fantasies and urges hypersexuality are common symptoms of mania
in previously normal individuals as a result of a brain injury (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), cases of bipolar
regardless of cause, pathological nature of the lesion, mode of mood disorder were excluded. We defined sexual disinhi-
onset, and rate of progression. No attempt was made to bition as socially inappropriate sexual behavior; sexual
distinguish cases of developmental pedophilia that were disinhibition is often associated with hypersexuality and
exposed by an acquired brain injury (e.g., frontotemporal part of a broader picture of social disinhibition which
degeneration) from “true” acquired pedophilia (individuals includes a disregard for morals, social adequacy, and the
who were euphilic prior to the brain injury). “Normal” was law (Mendez, 2010), as expressed, for example, in moria
defined as the ability to be socially autonomous in the basic (Mendez, 2005), and kleptomania (Nyffeler & Regard,
domains of life, which includes the establishment and main- 2001),. However, social and sexual disinhibition often
tenance of productive interactions with sexual partners, rela- occur independently from each other, indicating that
tives, and friends as well as with clients, customers, and they reflect a disruption of different neural mechanisms.
colleagues (Endicott, Spitzer, Fleiss, & Cohen, 1976). For
these reasons, patients who were cognitively impaired to the
point of being incapable of judging the wrongness of their 3. Results
acts were likewise excluded (e.g., Casanova, Mannheim, & 3.1. General findings
Kruesi, 2002). The cases included in the present survey were
selected on the basis of the behavioral criterion of acquired Only 22 cases fitting our inclusion criteria were published between
pedophilia alone, not on anatomical criteria such as lesion 1972 and 2018. Potentially relevant cases that were published prior
location or type. We did not follow up on the next logical to 1972 were excluded owing to insufficient information (e.g.,
step of applying the inverse strategy of case selection begin- Gelma, 1950). The age of the patients ranged from 20 to 82 years
ning with the collection of cases with intracranial lesions to (mean: 55 ± 15 years, median = 56 years), and all, but one (Ortego,
investigate their clinical manifestations. These two Miller, & Itabashi, 1993), were men. One patient, a man, was left-
approaches are not comparable, and the anatomical approach handed (case 1, Mendez, Chow, Ringman, Twitchell, & Hinkin, 2000),
may lead to quite different conclusions. while all the other cases on which information was available were
The following variables of interest were considered for analysis: right-handed (N = 12). Hypersexuality was present in 18 cases. Of
sex, age at which symptoms were first noticed, marital status, job those in whom the marital status was reported, most were married
or occupation, treatment and outcome, comorbidities such as (N = 10): one was in the process of divorce (case 1 of Mendez et al.,
hypersexuality, other paraphilias, and impulse control disorders, 2000), another one (the only woman in the series) had been
hemispheric localization and side, and nature of the underlying divorced by her husband (Ortego et al., 1993), and a third had
pathological process. Articles on developmental pedophilia (that married and divorced three times besides engaging in bigamy
is, pedophilic disorder unrelated to acquired brain damage) and during his last two relationships (Dimitrov, Phipps, Zahn, &
other acquired paraphilias (e.g., Mitchell, Falconer, & Hill, 1954) Grafman, 1999). In the three cases, pedophilia played a decisive
were excluded. Animal studies and publications without clinicoa- role in ending their marriages. Eleven cases were exclusively
natomical reports such as reviews, scientific comments, scientific attracted to prepubertal children (pedophiles in a narrow sense),
advisories were also excluded; in the case of duplicated articles, and four were exclusively attracted to pubertal children (hebe-
only the original publication was cited. philes). Five were homosexual pedophiles, and three were bisexual
Hypersexuality was operationally defined as pedophiles. However, these figures are uncertain, because many
a heightening of sexual desire and activity taking as nor- reports do not specify the age and sex of victims (Table 1).
mal frames of reference (a) the individual’s own sexuality
at some arbitrary time frame (for example, before the Neuropathology and neuroanatomy of acquired pedophilia
diagnosis of an olfactory groove meningioma), or (b) the The lesions are schematically presented in Figure 1. The
estimated population average of normality corrected for description of the lesion location was often too vague to
sex and age (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, allow accurate anatomical charting. Yet, localization rather
2001). Hypersexuality is experienced as an increase in than etiology seemed to be the primary determinant of
sexual desire and urges which are expressed through acquired pedophilia (Table 2). The nature of the lesions causing
behavioral strategies aimed at consummating them. The pedophilia did not differ from the ordinary causes of intracra-
outward expression of hypersexuality is an increase in the nial disease: different histopathological types of intracranial
frequency of attempts to engage in sexual intercourse and tumors (N = 7), cortical degenerative diseases (N = 5), multiple
its consummation as orgasm. Because sexual appetite fol- sclerosis (N = 2), traumatic brain injury (N = 3), ischemic cere-
lows an approximately normal distribution in the popula- brovascular disease (N = 2), temporal lobectomy (N = 1), palli-
tion, hypersexuality may be normal for individuals who dotomy (N = 1), and Huntington’s disease (N = 1). The lesions
deviate from the population mean. Pathological hyper- were right-sided in 7 cases and bilateral in 14; only one case
sexuality is common to several neuropsychiatric conditions had a lesion restricted to the left hemisphere (Gilbert & Vranič,

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of patients with acquired pedophilia.

Case Number Author(s) Year Patient ID Sexa Age Side of Injuryb Handednessc Marital Status Occupation
1 Lesniak et al. 1972 NR M 56 R NR Married Farmer
2 Regestein et al. 1978 Case 1 M 56 R NR Married Musician
3 Miller et al. 1986 Case 5 M 50 R/L NR Married NR
4 Ortego et al. 1993 NR F 39 R/L R Divorced Nurse’s aide
5 Dimitrov et al. 1999 MGS M 50 R R Divorced; bigamist Retired from the Army
6 Mendez et al. 2000 Case 1 M 60 R/L L Process of divorce College professor
7 Case 2 M 67 R/L R NR Artist
8 Frohman et al. 2002 NR M 36 R/L R NR Production engineer
9 Burns & Swerdlow 2003 NR M 40 R R Married Schoolteacher
10 Devinsky et al. 2010 NR M 51 R R Married Pharmaceutical researcher
11 Rainero et al. 2011 NR M 49 R/L NR Married NR
12 Mendez et al. Case 2 M 67 R/L R NR NR
13 Case 3 M 76 R/L R NR NR
14 Case 4 M 82 R/L NR NR NR
15 Case 6 M 32 R/L NR NR NR
16 Case 7 M 59 R NR Married NR
17 Fumagalli et al. 2014 NR M 71 R/L R NR NR
18 Gilbert & Vranič 2015 NR M 48 Ld Rd Married NR
19 Sartori et al. 2016 NR M 64 R/L NR Married Pediatrician
20 Alnemari et al. NR NR 20 R/L NR NR NR
21 Scarpazza, Pennati et al. 2018 Case 1 M 70+ R/L Re Married Tradesman
22 Case 2 M 60+ R Re Married Unemployed
M: male; F: female
L: left, L/R: bilateral; R: right.
L: left, NR: not reported; R: right.
Information kindly provided by Dr. Andrej Vranič on 29 November 2019 by e-mail.
Information kindly provided by Dr. Giuseppe Sartori on 27 November 2018 by e-mail

Figure 1. Schematic rendering of lesions in acquired pedophilia. The lesions overlap (i) the cortical projection fields of the MFB and UF, (ii) the basal forebrain trajectory
of the ascending mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic fibers (via the MFB), or both. Please refer to supplementary text and table for a further account of the neuroanatomy
of male sexuality and the neuroanatomy of acquired pedophilia. MFB: medial forebrain bundle; UF: uncinate fascicle. Artwork: RO-S on MRIcron (

2015). In two cases acquired pedophilia was caused by an 4. Discussion

irritative focus (Devinsky, Sacks, & Devinsky, 2010; Poeppl,
4.1. General remarks
Peytard, & Langguth, 2015). The patient reported on by
Poeppl et al. had no structural lesion on MRI and was therefore The main findings of the present survey may be thus summarized:
left out of the present analysis. (i) there are very few cases of acquired pedophilia in the medical

Table 2. Behavioral and Neuroanatomic Affiliations of Acquired Pedophilia*.

Patient ↑ Other
N Author(s) ID Sexuality Paraphilias Chief Clinical Manifestations Anatomical Findings Course Etiology
1 Lesniak, Szymusik, and NR Yes Yes Hetero- and homosexual pedophilia, X-Ray: Fine-grained calcification in anterior cranial cavity Considerable bilateral impairment of Non-classified tumor
Chrzanowski (1972) increase of sexual drive, incest over R sphenoidal plane. smell and marked inequality of of parabaso-
against own daughter, sodomy, Pneumoencephalogram: filling defect in the frontal horn reflexes of the lower extremities; central portions of
exhibitionism, sadomasochism, of R lateral ventricle, which was shifted dorsally. mental retardation. R FL
and coprolalia. Flattening of the roof of the anterior portion of R lateral
ventricle and a shift of the anterior part of the
pericallosal cistern and of the sulcus of the cingulate

gyrus dorsally toward the vertex of the skull.

Radiological conclusion: tumor of R basal FL.
2 Regenstein and Reich Mr. AB Yes No Increase of sexual drive with R FL meningioma. Residual lesion presumably caused by Meningioma removed; post- Supracellar
(1978) pedophilic behavior; lack of both tumor and surgery. operatory persistence of pedophilic meningioma
initiative (abulia minor). behaviors and increased sexual
3 Miller et al. (1986) Case 5 Yes Yes Pedophilic behavior: sexual proposals CT: Neoplasm of L brainstem from pons to midbrain. 1975: ventriculoatrial shunt inserted, Glioma
toward his 7-year-old daughter, Necropsy: Infiltrating glioma of thalamus, hypothalamus, disappearance of urinary
collecting pornography, public ventral midbrain and pons, especially on the L. incontinence.
sexual advances. L third nerve 1979: arrested for pedophilic
palsy, R hemiparesis and behavior.
hemiataxia; urinary incontinence. 1981: hospitalized.
1984: deterioration of general
condition; death.
4 Ortego et al. (1993) NR Yes Yes Pedophilia, zoophilia, incest, MRI: Cerebral hemispheres: extensive frontal, parietal and Treated with adrenocorticotropic Multiple sclerosis
hypersexuality, exhibitionism and temporal white matter lesions with extension into gray hormone and high-dose steroids.
scoptophilia. matter of L FL. Large lesion in L dorsomedial thalamus Persistence of psychiatric symptoms.
and R midbrain just above the red nucleus.
Necropsy: Extensive irregular grayish areas of discoloration
in centrum semiovale primarily distributed along the
periventricular zone, and bilaterally in the forceps minor
and major. The frontal plaques, more severe on the L,
extended anteriorly to the subcortex of the frontal poles
and orbital surface. Confluent plaques in optic
radiations greater on the R. Bilateral thalamic atrophy
with grayish discoloration of R dorsomedial nucleus;
bilateral atrophy of lateral geniculate bodies. Brainstem
and cerebellum: bilateral abnormal areas in superior
cerebellar peduncles, corticospinal tracts in basis pontis
and pyramids, most of the medulla, and peridentate
Spinal cord: demyelinization at all levels.
Deep and near total demyelination in midbrain, pons,
medulla, and spinal cord.
5 Dimitrov et al. (1999) MGS** Yes Yes Post-injury development of TC: R medial FL lesion and frontopolar and anterior Missile wound due to
pedophilic behavior, increased cingulate from shrapnel wound in Vietnam War. penetrating head
appetite for pornography, indecent injury
exposure, shoplifting, drastic mood
swings, lack of inhibition in social
intercourse, affective blunting;
dysexecutive syndrome: poor
handling of money, unable to stay
in jobs, and plan for the immediate
future; clonic seizures controlled
with carbamazepine.
Table 2. (Continued).
Patient ↑ Other
N Author(s) ID Sexuality Paraphilias Chief Clinical Manifestations Anatomical Findings Course Etiology
6 Mendez et al. (2000) Case Yes No Decline in memory and personality MRI FLAIR: bilateral symmetrical hyperintense signal along Paroxetine 20 mg + valproate 500/ bvFTD
1** over the preceding Hypersexuality hippocampal formation consistent with hippocampal 750 mg.
and pedophilic behavior. sclerosis. Conjugated estrogens 0.625 mg qd.
Utilization behavior, hyperorality PET: prominent area of focal hypometabolism in the Increased supervision.
and perseverations; sexually R inferior temporal region and subtler hypometabolism Significant behavioral improvement,
molested his son 35 years in L temporal lobe. including decrease of sexual
previously. interest in children.
7 Mendez et al. (2000) Case Yes Yes Hypersexuality and forgetfulness. MRI: increased signal intensity and volume loss in mesial Sertraline therapy. Hippocampal
2** Sexually molested his son 30 years temporal lobe along the hippocampal formation, Carefully supervised environment. sclerosis possibly
previously. Multiple younger consistent with bilateral hippocampal sclerosis. Behavior improvement. associated with
girlfriends. Exposed himself to Serial PET scans over a 3-year period: stable area of ischemia from
a female physician. Depression decreased metabolism in R temporal lobe. a cardiac
with suicidal ideation; bilateral arrhythmia
Babinski sign.
8 Frohman, Frohman, NR Yes No Pedophilic behavior and personality MRI (1993): multifocal, high-signal, T2-weighted white 1993: diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, Multiple sclerosis
and Moreault (2002) changes, poor judgment, matter abnormalities throughout the brain, especially in treated with methylprednisolone diagnosed in 1993
impulsivity and inappropriate periventricular zone, hypothalamus, and brainstem. IV.
sexual contact with strangers. Axial proton density–weighted images showed 1994: IV methylprednisolone and
symmetric high-signal changes throughout the Interferon beta-1b.
hypothalamus and septal region. Coronal T2-weighted 1995: Therapy combined with
imaging revealed a large hyperintensity in the fluvoxamine and
hypothalamus adjacent to the third ventricle. T1- medroxyprogesterone acetate.
weighted images with gadolinium showed areas of Significant improvement in
punctate enhancement in subinsular, internal capsule, behavioral control.
hypothalamus, and deep white matter. High-signal After 9 months:: refractory orthostatic
intensity changes in mesencephalon adjacent to a low- hypotension; all medications were
signal appearance of the red nuclei, substantia nigra, discontinued, except the interferon
and superior colliculi (giant panda sign). beta-1b.
MRI (1995): extensive lesions in hypothalamus and septal
nuclei as previously observed.
9 Burns and Swerdlow NR Yes No Increasing interest in pornography, T1 sagittal- and contrast-enhanced coronal cuts: tumor Legal removal from home. Hemangiopericytoma
(2003) including child pornography. Slow mass extended from olfactory groove upwards Medroxyprogesterone and tumor
leftward saccades, wide-based gait, displacing the R orbitofrontal cortex and distorting resection.
bladder incontinence. Apraxia and R dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Remission of pedophilia after tumor
agraphia. resection.
10 Devinsky et al. (2010) NR Yes Yes One month after surgery: MRI (at age 33): R mesial temporal lesion. Arrested. Treated with quetiapine and Right temporal
hypersexuality with pedophilic Video-EEG: R temporal seizure onset. sertraline. Remission of obsessive lobectomy to treat
behavior, coprophilia, irritability, R temporal lobectomy. sexual thoughts, became epilepsy
hyperphagia. Pathology: Ganglioglioma. hyposexual.
Video-EEG (at age 39): R posterior temporal seizure focus.
R posterior temporal resection.
11 Rainero, Rubino, NR Yes No Heterosexual pedophilic disorder; TC: mild asymmetric frontal atrophy. 5 mg olanzapine + 20 mg paroxetine. Frontotemporal
Negro, and Gallone incest and aggressive behavior. TC and MRI (6 years later): bilateral FL atrophy moderately Remission of pedophilic behavior in dementia
(2011) Mild episodic memory impairment. increased in comparison with previous one. a few weeks. Referred for
SPECT: bilateral frontal hypoperfusion. behavioral and legal counseling.

Table 2. (Continued).
Patient ↑ Other
N Author(s) ID Sexuality Paraphilias Chief Clinical Manifestations Anatomical Findings Course Etiology
12 Mendez and Shapira Case 2 Yes No Gradual personality change; increased MRI: bilateral atrophy of FL, more extensive on the R. Haloperidol; behavioral management. Familial behavioral
(2011) sexual drive with pedophilic SPECT: bilateral frontotemporal hypoperfusion more variant
behavior toward his daughter. extensive on the R. frontotemporal
Disinhibited behavior, compulsive dementia.
acts, hyperorality, decreased verbal
fluency, impaired executive
functions. Dysarthria, bradykinesia,

mild lead-pipe rigidity.

13 Mendez and Shapira Case 3 No No Pedophilic behavior, declining MRI: marked bilateral temporal atrophy with enlarged Donepezil and memantine. FL variant
(2011) memory, cognition, and temporal horns with relative sparing of FLs. Alzheimer’s
disinhibited behavior. PET: mild global hypometabolism. disease.
(but possible bvFTD)
14 Mendez and Shapira Case 4 Yes Yes Sudden personality changes and CT: lacunes in L caudate head and R globus pallidus. Valproate and trazodone. Vascular dementia
(2011) markedly increased sexual drive. PET: additional hypometabolic in R posterior cingulate
Touched people inappropriately, gyrus.
including his stepdaughter.
Exhibitionism (walked naked in
public). Perseverative and
disinhibited behavior. Deficits on
memory, visuospatial
constructions, calculations, praxis,
and frontal-executive tests. Mild
15 Mendez and Shapira Case 6 No No Pedophilic behavior, personality MRI: bilateral atrophy of caudate and putamen nuclei. Haloperidol and sertraline. Isolation Huntington’s disease
(2011) changes with depression and PET: striatal hypometabolism. from children.
aggressiveness. Dysarthria, deficits
in memory and executive
functions, wide, slowed gait,
involuntary choreoathetoid
movements. Reflexes: 3
+ symmetrical
16 Mendez and Shapira Case 7 Yes No Increased sexual drive with pedophilic MRI: R pallidotomy. Decrease of antiparkinsonian Pallidotomy for
(2011) behavior toward his medication Parkinson’s disease
granddaughter after R pallidotomy.
Frequent masturbation,
propositioned to his wife’s friends,
hired strippers and prostitutes.
17 Fumagalli, Pravetoni, NR Yes Yes Pedophilic behavior, exhibitionism, TC (70-yearr-old): extensive hypodense area in NR Traumatic brain
and Priori (2015) frotteurism and voyeurism. Mild R ventromedial FL and medial temporal lobe, and injury
dysexecutive syndrome and L frontal pole and olfactory trigone.
seizures with L pyramidal EEG: slow wave abnormalities in R frontotemporal regions
hemisyndrome, with occasional paroxysms.
dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, and
hypoactive deep tendon reflexes.
18 Gilbert and Vranič NR Yes NR Sentenced to one year in prison for MRI: Large L FL tumor with subfalcine herniation. Surgical removal of tumor. After Glioblastoma
(2015) physical assault and sexual surgery cooperative without focal multiform
harassment of pubescent neurological deficits. Abnormal
stepdaughter. sexual behavior did not recur.
19 Sartori et al. (2016) NR No No Pedophilic behavior. Tunnel vision MRI: clivus chordoma displacing pituitary and Behavioral and neurologic Clivus chordoma
and diplopia. Impairments in compressing orbital cortex, optic chiasm and abnormalities receded following
emotion attribution, moral hypothalamus. surgical resection of tumor.
reasoning, and abstract thinking.
Table 2. (Continued).
Patient ↑ Other
N Author(s) ID Sexuality Paraphilias Chief Clinical Manifestations Anatomical Findings Course Etiology
20 Alnemari, Mansour, NR Yes No Increase of sexual drive with TC: L frontobasal and bilateral temporal contusions. NR Traumatic brain
Buehler, and Gaudin pedophilic behavior. Attention TC (3 months later): L basal temporal and L frontobasal injury; L epidural
(2016) deficit, difficulty sleeping, encephalomalacia. hematoma
irritability, and behavioral changes.
21 Scarpazza, Pennati Case 1 Yes No Sexually-inappropriate behavior MRI: bilateral FL atrophy Decline in daily living autonomy; bvFTD
et al. (2018)) toward boys and impulsivity. unable to understand the value of
A neurological examination money; acted erratically;
revealed a severe deficit in critical manifested obsessive behaviors;
thinking, abstract thinking and become verbally aggressive toward
logorrhea, suggestive of wife; manifested scarce empathy;
a dysexecutive syndrome. Also hyperphagia; hypersexuality
manifested a severe deficit in toward wife; impulsivity;
attention, behavior control, kleptomania.
impulse inhibition, preservative
behavior, and an inability to
anticipate the consequences of his
actions. His family reported that he
became obsessed with hygiene
and cosmetics, dressed up
eccentrically, and became
affectively indifferent.
22 Scarpazza, Pennati Case 2 No No Sexually inappropriate behavior TC: bulky meningioma of R frontal and parietal lobes, Clear improvement in cognitive Meningothelial
et al. (2018) toward boys; pedophilic urges significant mass effect with lateral ventricles functions following tumor meningioma
carried out in a disorganized and compression and inter-hemispheric shifting of midline resection
risky manner. structures. Neuropsychologic evaluation: severe
cognitive impairment characterized
by general cognition below the
normal range, constructional
apraxia and spatiotemporal
disorientation, impaired sustained
attention, difficulty to inhibit
automatic responses and
behaviors, impairment in problem
solving and planning.
** bvFTD: behavioral variant of frontotemporal degeneration; FL: frontal lobe; L: left; NR: not reported; R: right; R/L: bilateral.
** Evidence of developmental pedophilia predating brain injury.

and forensic literature, (ii) the poor quality of most reports has Gordon, Cosyns, & Bradford, 2010); it seems more probable
hampered reliable clinicoanatomic inferences, (iii) acquired pedo- that valproate acted indirectly through the suppression of
philia occurs almost exclusively in men, (iv) a right hemisphere seizure activity. Regardless of the mechanism of action of
lesion was sufficient to produce acquired pedophilia in nearly all valproate, this indicates that pedophilic behavior may be
cases (Section 4.2), and (v) the distribution of lesions suggests that produced by nonconvulsive epileptic activity in the absence
acquired pedophilia is the clinical counterpart of a capricious inter- of gross structural lesions, a well-known phenomenon in the
action between the destruction and sparing of specific functional clinical (Mitchell et al., 1954) and experimental (Goldensohn,
brain systems (Sections 4.4 and 4.5). 1984) literature.
The preceding observations concur with the implication of
the temporal lobes in a variety of deviant sexual behaviors,
4.2. Right hemisphere damage, hypersexuality, and especially, but not necessarily, when the cerebral injury is
acquired pedophilia acquired in early childhood (Kolářský, Freund, Matchek, &
Despite the low accuracy of the clinical and anatomical descrip- Polak, 1967; Walker, 1972). An injury of the frontal lobes
tions of most reports, some clues on the probable as well as on abolishes or weakens the modulation that they normally exert
the improbable neuroanatomical correlates of acquired pedo- upon the “libidinous” temporal lobes in the fine-tuning of sexual
philia have emerged from the present review (Figure 1). Most behavior to social context. Frontal lesions thus add the symp-
cases of acquired pedophilia were the product of right or toms of social inadequacy and disinhibition to the clinical man-
bilateral hemisphere damage. The lesions were primarily ifestations (Ibáñez & Manes, 2012). Medical treatment, whether
located within the limits of a region that encompasses the hormonal, serotonergic, antiepileptic, or stereotactic, aims to
frontal and temporal lobes, the insula, and related subcortical reduce hypersexuality and pathologic urges by a direct action
structures. For reasons detailed further on, a critical anterior on the MFB reward system. Cognitive-behavioral therapy addi-
hypothalamic region must also be spared (see supplementary tionally aims to modify the paraphilic fantasies and urges.
material, “A primer on the cerebral organization of male sexual Pathological hypersexuality and acquired pedophilia have
behavior”). The right parietal and occipital lobes, as well as the most often been documented in right hemisphere lesions.
left hemisphere, were not injured, except in one patient in Therefore, it might be thought that they share a common sub-
whom the left frontal lobe alone was the primary site of strate in the right hemisphere. However, only very few cases of
damage (Gilbert & Vranič, 2015). Figure 1 also indicates that right hemisphere damage with hypersexuality develop
the lesions fell within the cortical projection fields of the unci- acquired pedophilia. This asymmetric double dissociation sug-
nate fasciculus and the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). gests that pathological hypersexuality and acquired pedophilia
Pathological hypersexuality without pedophilia is often are independent symptoms of right hemisphere damage (see
a consequence of injuries of the right or both cerebral hemispheres supplementary Table and supplementary Figure 2).
(Braun, Dumont, Duval, Hamel, & Godbout, 2003). The right orbi- Given the complex interactions that are known to exist
tofrontal syndrome, of which hypersexuality may be a core symp- between handedness, hemispheric dominance for different cog-
tom (de Oliveira-souza & Moll, 2019) but which only rarely causes nitive domains, and gender, it is remarkable that the only case with
pedophilia (de Oliveira-souza, Paranhos, Moll, & Grafman, 2019), a lesion of the left hemisphere was a right-handed man (Gilbert &
provides a conspicuous example of this association. Vranič, 2015). This case might represent a new pattern of atypical
In the four patients with pedophilia who were not hypersex- hemispheric asymmetry for emotions, empathy, and social beha-
ual the lesions were localized to the temporal lobes (Case 3, vior akin to those described in left-handers with asymmetric tem-
Mendez & Shapira, 2011), the caudate and putamen (Case 6, poral lobe atrophy (Perry et al., 2001). Similar asymmetries of
Mendez & Shapira, 2011), and the upper brainstem and poster- gender and laterality in acquired sociopathy stress these intriguing
ior hypothalamus (Sartori, Scarpazza, Codognotto, & Pietrini, associations (de Oliveira-souza et al., 2019).
2016). The frontal lobes were undamaged in all, thus support-
ing the tenet that acquired pedophilia is primarily related to an
injury of the temporal lobes and associated neural systems 4.3. Acquired pedophilia: true and apparent
(e.g., Starkstein & Robinson, 1997). The first intriguing question that springs from the cases herein
Acquired pedophilia was caused by an irritative focus in surveyed is the possibility that the brain lesions may have
two cases (Devinsky et al., 2010; Poeppl et al., 2015). converted a theretofore occult pedophilia (that is, pedophilic
Although the patient of Poeppl et al. did not meet our inclu- ideation without translation into actual behavior) into a true
sion criteria, the case is worthy of note because he developed pedophilic disorder. This phenomenon would support current
absence-like episodes and pedophilic behavior in adult life. phenomenological and behavioral distinctions (American
His scalp EEG showed bilateral frontotemporal theta waves Psychiatric Association, 2013; Berlin, 2002). However, this pos-
that normalized in parallel with the remission of the absence sibility cannot be generalized because information on possible
seizures and pedophilic behavior following treatment with premorbid sexual misconduct is lacking or has been concealed
valproate. Discontinuation of the medication resulted in the by the patient over the years, sometimes with the acquiescence
recurrence of symptoms, while the subsequent introduction of his closest relatives. Nonetheless, at least in a few cases, there
of the medication led to prompt relief again. There is no is evidence that a pedophilic disorder had unobtrusively
evidence that valproate acts in the remission of pedophilic existed for years up to the advent of the brain lesion that
behavior in the absence of mania (Thibaut, De La Barra, ultimately exposed it (e.g., case 1 of Mendez et al., 2000).

A no less enticing alternative is the possibility that certain consequence is to release the dopaminergic fibers that course
patterns of brain injury do create pedophilic urges in previously in the MFB from the modulation of the injured FTI cortices
euphilic individuals. True acquired pedophilia, that is, pedophilia themselves. The relative hyperfunction of the mesocortical
arising for the first time in genuinely euphilic individuals, may have system thus created provides the appetitive-hedonic back-
occurred in at least a few cases (e.g., Ortego et al., 1993). In such ground of the behavioral manifestations, such as the heigh-
cases, the patient’s sexuality would change not only in amount tened sexual drive that makes up the core of pathological
(pathologic hypersexuality) but mainly in quality. Miller, hypersexuality (Bracht, Doidge, Keedwell, & Jones, 2015). This
Cummings, McIntyre, Ebers, and Grode (1986) argued that fronto- simple account is a particular case of a classical rule of neurol-
temporal lesions without the involvement of the hypothalamus ogy, which states that the symptoms of a non-epileptic lesion
and basal forebrain give rise to heightened sexual impulses with- are the product of a capricious interaction between what is
out a change in sexual orientation, whereas injuries of the basal impaired with what is spared (Brazzelli, Colombo, Della Sala, &
forebrain or its direct connections with the frontotemporoinsular Spinnler, 1994). Future research should pinpoint the minimal
(FTI) cortices may entail a change in sexual orientation. We elabo- regions that must be injured and spared for pedophilia to
rate on this inventive hypothesis further on. emerge. The present cases indicate that these regions should
A recent cluster analysis of acquired pedophilia provided six be sought within the boundaries of the region outlined in the
“red flags” that suggest a structural cause for pedophilia (Ciani, preceding paragraphs as well as in the spared regions (Suffren
Scarpazza, Covelli, & Bataglia, 2019). Part of their work included et al., 2011).
the same cases that we collected in the present review. However,
the authors do not detail the neural correlates of their cases,
4.4.1. The importance of sparing the perifornical-anterior
making their work and ours complementary to each other.
commissural area
In most cases of acquired pedophilia, a small region that lies at
the crossroads of the fornix and the anterior commissure seems
4.4. A provisional working hypothesis: acquired
to have been spared (Figure 2). Bilateral damage to this region
pedophilia as a product of injury of a right
destroys a large part of the preoptic area and anterior hypotha-
frontotemporoinsular network
lamus, leading to permanent loss of libido, impotence, and
As a testable hypothesis, we suggest that the emergence of anorgasmia (Meyers, 1962; Plum & van Uitert, 1978). This is
pedophilia from brain damage depends on the lesion or dys- the richest region in the human brain of receptors of the
function of certain sectors of the FTI cortices, their subcortical affiliative peptides oxytocin and vasopressin (Loup, Tribollet,
connections, or both. Injuries that fall within the boundaries of Dubois-Dauphin, & Dreifuss, 1991), being strongly engaged by
this region appear to entail two consequences that ultimately affiliative experiences (Moll et al., 2012) and sexual arousal in
make up the clinical presentation of acquired pedophilia. The both sexes (Stoléru, 2014). This perifornical-anterior commis-
first is to determine the pattern of the deviant sexual interests sural region has been spared in virtually all cases of pathologi-
and behaviors in individual cases as well as the co-occurrence cal hypersexuality whether associated with pedophilia or not
of other paraphilias and impulse control disorders. The second (e.g., Gorman & Cummings, 1992; Poeck & Pilleri, 1965);

Figure 2. (modified from Meyers, 1962). Schematic rendering of the critical perifornical-anterior commissural region (circled in red) damage to which leads to
permanent loss of libido, impotence, and anorgasmia. The insert depicts the descending columns of the fornix, which split into pre- and postcommissural as they near
the anterior commissure. The ventral tegmental area is colored green. Am: amygdala; CC: corpus callosum; CG: cingulate gyrus; CS: cingulate sulcus; FP: frontal pole; H:
hypothalamus; IC: internal capsule; IFS: inferior frontal sulcus; L: lenticular nucleus; Post: postcommissural column of the fornix; Pre: precommissural column of the
fornix; SFS: superior frontal sulcus; Th: thalamus; TP: temporal pole. Artwork: RO-S on MRIcron:
10 P. M. G. LOPES ET AL.

conversely, it has been injured in cases in which the opposite which the criminal act (actus reus) was perpetrated. In practice,
occurred (Meyers, 1962; Plum & van Uitert, 1978). The integrity this is an admittedly huge task, to say the least (Green & Groff,
of this perifornical-anterior commissural region may be 2003; Pardo & Patterson, 2013). In the medicolegal vernacular,
a requisite for the manifestation of pathologic sexuality in the traditional method for ascribing criminal responsibility must
general, including pedophilic behavior. simultaneously be phenomenological (criminal intent) and beha-
vioral (criminal act). The growth of neurological knowledge has
contributed new ways of viewing criminal liability that rely on the
4.5. Neuroanatomical affinities between developmental
brain, as opposed to the mind, of the defendant (Markowitsch,
and acquired pedophilia
2008). This novel paradigm was not originally intended to sweep
The prevalence of developmental pedophilia in the general away the phenomenological-behavioral tradition. It has been
population is unknown. The best available estimates indicate hailed instead as a complement to it, an ongoing program that
that the paraphilias are disorders of men; except for sadism is still far from meeting its early expectations. For some scholars
and masochism, paraphilias are almost never diagnosed in and researchers, it may never be, due to the irreconcilable nature
women (Sorrentino, 2017). From a qualitative point of view, of their respective objects of study: the mind and the brain
this gender ratio is comparable to what we found in acquired (Aharoni, Funk, Sinnott-Armstrong, and Gazzaniga, 2008).
pedophilia. The chief difference between developmental and Notwithstanding its critics, the entrance of neuroscience
acquired pedophilia is the age at onset. This has been con- into the science of criminology has come to stay, as shown by
firmed in a recent cluster analysis, in which six additional “red the heated disputes held by scholars of different orientations
flags were found out, namely, absence of previous psychiatric and fields of knowledge. The is obviously a complexity of this
diagnoses, criminal sex offenses, premeditation, and masking, subject is illustrated by two cases, one of which came to trial in
and presence of guilt feelings and spontaneous confession Italy a few years ago (Sartori et al., 2016). The details of one of
(Ciani et al., 2019). Acquired pedophilia is first noted in middle these cases and the controversies raised by the defense
and late adulthood, reflecting the age of incidence of the (Scarpazza, Pellegrini, Pietrini, & Sartori, 2018; Scarpazza,
pathologic processes that we found in this review. In several Pennati, & Sartori, 2018) and the prosecution (Farisco &
other respects, the neuroanatomical gaps between develop- Petrini, 2013) have been widely publicized. Briefly, a 70-year-
mental and acquired pedophilia may be narrower than might old highly respected pediatrician was sentenced to house
appear at first sight (Tost et al., 2004). Demographic studies arrest for sexually molesting a female child in his office’s kin-
indicate that pedophiles differ from normal men in a number dergarten. He had been married for 40 years and had two
of cognitive and physical characteristics, such as lower IQs, children, never showing any evidence of abnormal sexual beha-
shorter stature due to a small leg-to-torso length, and non- vior until two years before. By this time, his wife noticed the first
right handedness. Like developmental pedophilia, acquired signs of unconcern for social conventions and increasing diffi-
pedophilia is a disorder of men, is often accompanied by culty in controlling his impulses, as shown by his interest in
other acquired paraphilias, and the abnormal sexual attraction pornography and by at least one episode of petty theft. Further
is rarely confined to the age ranges that are implied by the investigation revealed gross neurological signs that ultimately
concept of pedophilia; both developmental and acquired led to a diagnosis of compression of the ventral pons and basal
pedophilia are often associated with hypersexuality and forebrain by a clivus meningioma. The abnormal neurological
other paraphilias as well as with disorders of impulse control symptoms and the pedophilia remitted following the surgical
(Abel et al., 1988). These abnormalities suggest that some kind removal of the tumor.
of neural organization laid down before birth may predispose The other case is that of a 40-year-old man who became
to pedophilia later in life (Fazio, 2018). They also concur with increasingly interested in child pornography and prostitution
recent findings of volumetric reductions of the right temporal over the previous two years (Burns & Swerdlow, 2003). His aware-
pole (Poeppl et al., 2013), the right amygdala and related basal ness of the wrongness of his actions was shown by his attempts
forebrain structures, especially the bed nucleus of the stria to conceal his new preferences. This, however, was not sufficient
terminalis, the anterior hypothalamus-preoptic area, and the to prevent him from committing his lewd acts. For example, he
septal nuclei in pedophiles (Schiltz et al., 2007). These struc- was unable to refrain from making sexual advances toward his
tures are critical for normal sexual differentiation and main- stepdaughter, who would soon denounce him to her mother. He
tenance of adult sexual orientation and behavior (Bauer, was eventually found guilty of pedophilia; in the meantime,
1959). Most of them are included in the cortical and subcor- a neurologist was called to see him because he began to com-
tical regions which were injured in acquired pedophilia. The plain of headache, incontinence, and titubation on walking. An
present survey may provide a framework against which MRI revealed an expanding mass in the anterior cranial fossa,
upcoming studies on the brains of developmental pedophiles where it destroyed a large part of the right frontal lobe. In the few
may be contrasted. days that followed tumor resection, the behavioral and neurolo-
gical symptoms cleared. Nine months later, he furtively began
collecting pornography again. A follow-up MRI revealed that the
4.6. Legal implications
tumor was growing again. He was operated on, and the symp-
Before the neuroscientific revolution of the last quarter of the toms remitted one more time.
twentieth century, criminal responsibility was judged based The critical issue in these cases is the demonstration of a causal
solely on a guilty (or intentional) state of mind (mens rea), association between a deformation or destruction of a set of
which was supposed to determine behavior at the moment in cerebral structures and the development of pedophilia, which

were accompanied by antisocial changes of personality and other offenders. Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law,
impulse control disorders. Causality was demonstrated in both 16, 153–168.
cases by the remission of symptoms after tumor resection. Aharoni, E., Funk, C., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., & Gazzaniga, M. (2008). Can
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questions (Gilbert & Focquaert, 2015): what difference, if any, 1125, 145–160.
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5. Conclusion Braun, C. M., Dumont, M., Duval, J., Hamel, I., & Godbout, L. (2003). Opposed
left and right brain hemisphere contributions to sexual drive: A multiple
Acquired pedophilia seems to result from three concomitant lesion case analysis. Behavioral Neurology, 14, 55–61.
changes in neural contingencies: first, the emergence (true Brazzelli, M., Colombo, N., Della Sala, S., & Spinnler, H. (1994). Spared and
acquired pedophilia) or exposure (apparent acquired pedophilia) impaired cognitive abilities after bilateral frontal damage. Cortex, 30,
of pedophilic urges and fantasies by an injury to the right FTI
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cortices; second, a release from the modulation normally exerted roscience and law. Current Biology, 24, 861–867.
by the injured cortices on the ascending dopaminergic fibers Burns, J., & Swerdlow, R. H. (2003). Right orbitofrontal tumor with pedophi-
that run in the MFB (appetitive-hedonic background); and third, lia symptom and constructional apraxia sign. Archives of Neurology, 60,
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Mr. José Ricardo Pinheiro, Ms. Alessandra Pinheiro, and Ms. Monica Garcia modern gage. Neurocase, 5, 345–354.
(The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Library) for their invaluable help in the Endicott, J., Spitzer, R. L., Fleiss, J. L., & Cohen, J. (1976). The global assess-
retrieval of old texts and rare books. We are also indebted to Drs. ment scale: A procedure for measuring overall severity of psychiatric
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Fazio, R. L. (2018). Toward a neurodevelopmental understanding of
Disclosure statement pedophilia. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, 1205–1207.
Fedoroff, J. P., Fishell, A., & Fedoroff, B. (1999). A case series of women
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