Modalities Odt

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Balsamic Mockup

Balsamiq Mockups is a graphical user interface mockup and website wireframe builder application. It
allows the designer to arrange pre-built widgets using a drag-and-drop WYSIWYG editor.
(A website wireframe, also known as a page schematic or screen blueprint, is a visual guide that
represents the skeletal framework of a website)
Python​ ​is a widely used high-level programming language for general-purpose programming​.
The sensory system through which any activity occurs. e.g. Music, speech and sound effects are all
received by our auditory modality
Keyboard mouse and touch screen are tactile modality
Formal name of 5 modalities:
1. Tactile – touch;
2. Gustatory – taste;
3. Visual – sight;
4. Auditory – hearing;
5. Olfactory – smell.
A channel of communication exists within a single modality. But one modality may contain many
channel of communication. We regard the channel as something like a form of encoding of the
information within a particular modality. This has a number of implications
1. For encoding there must exist an encoder. We, recipient of multimedia input, must be able
to operate as decoder. E.g. An illustration
2. Language is very important for channel
Medium refers to a set of coordinated channels spanning one or more modalities which have come
Action and interaction:
There are three activities human being can engage in:
1. Thought: it is something that you do to yourself. An individual can engage in some sort of
internal process (of a mental nature which has an outcome of changing their (mental) state.
2. Action: Is something that you do to an object in the world. The effect of that is something in
the world has changed. An example would be opening a door.
3. Interaction: Interaction is a complex/complicated phenomenon. We can clearly state that it
involves the participants in going outside the individual. It is not possible to interact with
yourself. It is more than an action in that it implies a two-way process. You act upon
something and it acts upon you.
Physical interaction and communicative interaction:
1. Physical interaction: Physical interaction corresponds to the things which achieve related
state in the physical world (e.g. I hit you, you hit me)
2. Communicative interaction: Concerns things which could achieve changes of state in the
mental world (e.g. I tell you my own life story, you tell me not to be so miserable)

Brief history of computer and multimedia

1. IMM: The Interactive Media Minor (IMM) provides students the opportunity to gain
knowledge and skills applicable to various forms of interactive/digital media. Focusing on
internet-based technologies, the required courses teach skills in web programming,
interaction design, writing and project management. These courses are designed as a
sequence, with each augmenting and accelerating student development, in conjunction
with their major.
Components of interactive multimedia

Three types of Agent:

● Human – Universe;
● Virtual reality – Metaverse;
● Robotics –
Shannon weaver model

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