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Practical Histology ‫دووەمى بايۆلۆجى‬ Lab 2 ‫سەروەر‬.


Epithelial Tissue
Cells work together in functionally related groups called tissues
Types of tissues:
1. Epithelial tissues.
2. Connective tissues.
3. Muscle tissues.
4. Nervous tissues.
Epithelial Tissue
Some Characteristics of Epithelia
1. Covers and lines body surfaces.
2. Cells are firmly attached by intercellular junctions.
3. Cells rest on a basement membrane, a vascular
1. Protection
2. Absorption
3. Secretion and other functions
Classification of Epithelial Tissue
Squamous ciliated
Simpl non-ciliated
e Columnar

squamous keratinized
Epithelial T.
Stratified non-keratinized


Practical Histology ‫دووەمى بايۆلۆجى‬ Lab 2 ‫سەروەر‬.‫م‬

Table 1: shows location and function of epithelial tissue

Cells: Location Function
Simple squamous Ep.T. Bowman’s capsule in Passage of materials
One layer of flattened cell with kidney by passive diffusion
disc shaped nuclei. and filtration

Simple cuboidal Ep.T. : Thyroid gland Secretion (gland) and

One layer of cube-like cells with absorption
large, spherical central nuclei

Simple columnar Ep.T. : One -Non-ciliated from Absorption, secretion

layer of column-shaped cells stomach. of mucus, and
with oval nuclei, some bear cilia -Ciliated from oviduct enzymes
at their apical surface, May -With brush border
contain goblet cells small intestine

Pseudo stratified columnar Ep. Ciliated: in the linings of Secretion and

T.: the trachea  propulsion of mucus
All cells lay on B.M. only tall
cells reach apical surface. Nuclei Non-ciliated
lie at varying heights within cells with stereocilia (for
(Gives false impression of absorption) in epididymi
stratification). have two types s
1-Ciliated Pseudostratified Ep. T.
2- Non-ciliated Pseudostratified
Ep. T.

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