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Translation 005


 Phil Mercer, BBC News, Sydney

Wild weather is threatening to disrupt New Year celebrations in Australia. Fireworks displays in parts of
Queensland have already been cancelled because of strong winds. Treacherous conditions have also
forced the closure of many beaches in Sydney. Phil Mercer reports

There will be no official fireworks display on Queensland's Gold Coast after local authorities decided it
would be too dangerous. The region south of Brisbane has been pounded by gale force winds and
heavy seas.

Rough conditions have caused problems too on beaches in Sydney, where lifeguards have dragged a
number of swimmers and surfers to safety.

The city's traditional New Year's Eve fireworks spectacular will go ahead. More than a million people
are expected to cram onto vantage points around Sydney Harbour.

The focal point of this eagerly anticipated pyrotechnic show will be the famous Coathanger Bridge.
Seventeen-hundred police officers will be on duty and have promised to crack down on drunks and

fireworks display
show of colored lights in the sky made by exploding powder (used for celebrations)
hit very hard
gale force winds
very strong winds
Rough conditions
bad weather
people whose job it is to protect people swimming
to cram
to gather tightly together in a small space
vantage points
positions where they can see what is happening
The focal point
the place where the most activity will be happening
eagerly anticipated pyrotechnic show
fireworks display which people have been looking forward to a lot
to crack down on
to put a stop to, to be tough with

HoHuyen, HUS-VNU Page 1

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