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Identify the following.

_______________1. This kind of texture refers to the imagined texture of an object
without touching it.
_______________2. This artist was one of the main proponents of pointillism.
_______________3. In this technique, you draw sets of parallel lines that cross over in
some points.
_______________4. These group of people used the term pointillism to shame artists
who used this technique.
_______________5. It is the element of art that refers to how things feel.
_______________6. This element of art is the illusion of having tactile texture.
_______________7. This technique uses dots to add texture.
_______________8. In this kind of texture, you can actually feel the surface of the
object with your hand.
_______________9. George Seurat and which artist developed the technique of using
dots in paintings.
_______________10. Cross-hatching overlaps this element of art to create an illusion
of texture.

Fill in the blanks.

1. Plains, mountains, volcanoes, hills, valleys, islands are all examples of a
2. There is a sense of _______________ when there is perspective.
3. The _______________ is the part of the drawing that appears farthest away in
the viewer.
4. Objects in the foreground are usually _______________.
5. The _______________ is the part of the drawing that appears closest to the
6. Objects in the background are usually _______________.
7. There is an illusion of _______________ when there is foreground, middle
ground and background.
8. The Banaue Rice Terraces are found in the province of _______________.
9. The _______________ is the part of the drawing that appears to be in the middle
of the composition.
10. The Chocolate Hills are found in the province of _______________.

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