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Why should wear gem stone/lucky stone?

What is the advantage to wear Gemstone?

From the ancient time our sages like Kashyapa, Narada, Garga, Vashitha, Parashara, Varaha
mihira etc., are researched and analyzed the Gemstone and recommended to wear proper
Gemstone for getting relief from the evil/bad effect of inauspicious planets as per horoscope. eg.
Sani stone = blue sapphire, Rahu stone= Gomed/hessonite etc.. etc. You have to consult
authentic and expert astrologer and understand which stone is suitable for you. According his
instruction to select original Gemstone. if you wear proper and original gem stone in proper
finger then your obstacles will overcome and get relief. 

''सूर्यादीनां च संतुष्टै माणिक्यं मौक्तिकं ततः।

ु द्रम
ु ं मरकतं पष्ु परागं च मौक्तिकं।

नीलं गोमेदवैदर्यं
ु धार्यं शश्वदृढं करामत ्।।''

-कश्यपसंहिता २०.१५-१६

The selection of Gemstone needs to be done by an authentic and competent astrologer. For
suggesting a good stone horoscope needs to be analyzed in detail. According to my experience
about 80 to 90% of  persons are not wearing exact stones. Improper stones or the stones of evil
houses are worn they may give negative effect. It is very important that the stones of Lord of
Maraka (Ruler of 2, 7 houses), Lord of Trik (Ruler of 3,6,11 houses) and Lord of Death houses
(Ruler of 8 houses) are not suitable for wearing, as it proved to be harmful. According to our
opinion the stones of inauspicious/malefic planets should not be worn.

Why we Choose the right Gemstone?

More important than wearing a Gemstone, the proper Gemstone  should wear that improve the
body power and the physiology of the individual and that in turn leads to better mental stage,
increase willpower and confidence. Gemstones are used worldwide but often in incorrect
manner. If selection is not proper the bad effect evils will happen. As explained above only a
good Astrologer can determine which Gemstone will be Suitable / fruitful for an individual.
Anybody should never be worn on an experimental basis, as they can cause more harm full than
good, if not chosen wisely.

How you can know your lucky Gemstone?

According to ascendant (LAGNA) which Gemstone should wear?

Generally wearing Gemstones of the ascendant and Luck house of  its lord is good for
individuals. The table below gives the details of the ascendant, luck house, their Lords and their
proper Gemstones. Gemstones should not be worn only on the basis of this table. The situation of
planets, their house, speeds, conjunction, aspect of other planets, etc should be considered before
wearing the Gemstone. Wearing the proper and original Gemstone, you will achieve better luck
and prosperity. Before wearing Gemstone you should consult and take advice from an authentic
and expert Astrologer.

Explanation of Wearing Gemstone as per the ascendant(LAGNA) house of Birth


According to Vedic astrology, deep scrutiny of your horoscope may reveal more than one reason
why you should wear a Gemstone. But the most important reason is the position of ascendant
house in your horoscope and situated planets. If the ruling planet of the ascendant house is in a
weak position, the whole horoscope can be defined as weak. In such horoscope, other planets too
will not give their good result, even though they are very powerful. If the ruling planet of
ascendant (Lagna) very powerful any other planet very week, then suitable stone of the week
planet can be worn, as per advice of a knowledgeable astrologer

Let us see now which Gemstone is related to which of the ascendant houses. In a horoscope,
there are twelve houses that represent all the twelve zodiac signs. In the horoscope, first house is
ascendant, it represents the zodiac Aries is ascendant then Mars is ruling planets of your
horoscope. Hence, a person who has Aries as his ascendant house in his horoscope must wear
Coral Gemstone, Taurus should wear diamond, those with Gemini must wear emerald, those
with Cancer Should wear pearl, those with Leo should wear ruby, those with Virgo should wear
emerald, those with Libra must wear diamond, those with Scorpio must wear coral, those with
Sagittarius and Pisces must wear Yellow sapphire, those with Capricorn and Aquarius must wear
blue sapphire.

Aries (Mesh) Ascendant house: Mars is the ruling planet of this Ascendant. It is very
auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Aries ascendant to wear coral
Gemstone, such people can also wear Ruby, Yellow sapphire. Such people can also go for the
following combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Coral, Yellow sapphire and Ruby; (2) Coral, Ruby
or (3) Coral, Yellow sapphire, (4) Ruby, Yellow sapphire,. These combinations is very beneficial
for such people having aries ascendant.

Taurus (Vrushabh) Ascendant house: Venus is the ruler planet of this Ascendant. It is very 
auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Aries ascendant to wear Diamond
Gemstone. But such people may also wear blue sapphire for Saturn and emerald for Mercury.
Such people can also go for the following combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Diamond,
Emerald, blue sapphire, (2) Diamond, Emerald (3) Diamond, blue sapphire, (4) Emerald, Blue
sapphire Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for such people having Taurus
Gemini (Mithun) Ascendant house: Mercury is the ruling planet of this Ascendant.

It is very  auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Gemini / Mithun
ascendant to wear Emerald Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following combinations
of the Gemstones: (1) Emerald, Diamond, Blue sapphire, (2) Emerald, Diamond, (3) Emerald,
Blue sapphire, (4) Diamond, Blue sapphire Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for
such people having Gemini/Mithun ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Cancer (Kark / Karka/ Karkatakam) Ascendant house: Moon is the Ruler planet of this
Ascendant. It is very  auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Cancer
(Kark / Karka/ Karkatakam)  ascendant to wear Pearl Gemstone. Such people can also go for the
following combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Pearl, Coral, Yellow sapphire, (2) Pearl, Coral, (3)
Pearl, Yellow sapphire, (4) Coral, Yellow sapphire, Gemstone. These combinations is very
beneficial for such people having Cancer (Kark / Karka/ Karkatakam) ascendant in
Horoscope/Natal chart.

Leo (Simha) Ascendant house: Sun is the Ruler planet of this Ascendant. It is very  auspicious
and beneficial for the people those who is having Leo (Simha)  ascendant to wear Ruby
Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Ruby,
Yellow sapphire, Coral (2) Ruby, Yellow sapphire, (3) Ruby, Coral (4) Yellow sapphire, Coral
Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for such people having Leo (Simha) Ascendant
in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant house: Mercury is the ruling planet of this Ascendant. It is very 
auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Virgo (Kanya) ascendant to wear
Emerald Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following combinations of the Gemstones:
(1) Emerald, Blue sapphire, Diamond (2) Emerald, Blue sapphire, (3) Emerald, Diamond (4)
Blue sapphire, Diamond Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for such people
having Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Libra (Tula) Ascendant house: Venus is the ruling planet of this Ascendant. It is very 
auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Libra (Tula) ascendant to wear
Diamond Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following combinations of the Gemstones:
(1) Diamond, Blue sapphire, Emerald (2) Diamond, Blue sapphire, (3) Diamond, Emerald, (4)
Blue sapphire, Emerald Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for such people having
Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Scorpio (Vruschik) Ascendant house: Mars is the ruler planet of this Ascendant. It is very 
auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Scorpio (Vruschik) ascendant to
wear Coral Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following combinations of the
Gemstones: (1) Coral, Yellow sapphire, Pearl (2) Coral, Yellow sapphire, (3) Coral, Pearl, (4)
Yellow sapphire, Pearl Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for such people having
Scorpio (Vruschik) Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.
Sagittarius (Dhan/Dhanu) Ascendant house: Jupiter is the ruling planet of this Ascendant. It is
very  auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Sagittarius (Dhan/Dhanu)
ascendant to wear Yellow sapphire Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following
combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Yellow sapphire, Coral, Ruby (2) Yellow sapphire, Coral,
(3) Yellow sapphire, Ruby (4) Coral, Ruby Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for
such people having Sagittarius (Dhan/Dhanu) Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Capricorn (Makar) Ascendant house: Saturn is the ruling planet of this Ascendant. It is very 
auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Capricorn (Makar) ascendant to
wear Blue sapphire Gemstone. Such people can also go for the following combinations of the
Gemstones: (1) Blue sapphire, Diamond, Emerald (2) Blue sapphire, Diamond (3) Blue sapphire,
Emerald (4) Diamond, Emerald Gemstone. These combinations is very beneficial for such
people having Sagittarius Capricorn (Makar) Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Aquarius (Kumbh / Kumbham / Kumbha) Ascendant house: Saturn is the ruling planet of
this Ascendant. It is very  auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Aquarius
(Kumbh / Kumbham / Kumbha) ascendant to wear Blue sapphire Gemstone. Such people can
also go for the following combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Blue sapphire, Emerald, Diamond
(2) Blue sapphire, Emerald, (3) Blue sapphire, Diamond (4) Emerald, Diamond Gemstone. These
combinations is very beneficial for such people having Aquarius (Kumbh / Kumbham / Kumbha)
Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.

Pisces (Meen / Min / Meena / Meenam) Ascendant house: Jupiter is the ruling planet of this
Ascendant. It is very  auspicious and beneficial for the people those who is having Pisces
(Meen / Min / Meena / Meenam) ascendant to wear Yellow sapphire Gemstone. Such people can
also go for the following combinations of the Gemstones: (1) Yellow sapphire, Pearl, Coral (2)
Yellow sapphire, Pearl, (3) Yellow sapphire, Coral, (4) Pearl, Coral Gemstone. These
combinations is very beneficial for such people having Pisces (Meen / Min / Meena / Meenam) 
Ascendant in Horoscope/Natal chart.


When wearing the Gemstone?


What is the Muhurta of wearing Gemstone?


Under which circumstances a Gemstone should be worn and why?


Method of wearing the Gemstone ring or Pendent

As per Vedic astrology, one should wear proper Gemstone in the proper Muhurt/suitable time.
This is one of the very important steps in wearing a Gemstone. The planet whose stone you are
going to wear should be on its own day and auspicious time. Also consider the following: 1)
Thithi, 2) Var(Day), 3) Nakshatra, 4) Yog, 5) Karan (PANCHANG) and on the day of wearing
should also be auspicious.

The ring should be made worn in such a way that the bottom of the stone keeps touching the
finger skin. Getup early morning Take bath and wear clean clothes, sitting position is to keep
face towards east or north direction, get washed the ring/pendant in normal milk and Ganga jal
on the day the ring/pendent should wear. Ring or pendent should be kept in a new cloth or in a
dish and keep above level of our sitting position, do Pooja and to light with natural
Dhoop/Agarbati, Diya(Lamp). Now do Tikka/Tilak of sandal or Kumkum, rice, flower, flower
garland and best quality of fresh fruits provide/offer to Gemstone ring planet  (God of planet).
Then should chant Mantara of ruling god of (Gemstone ring/pendants) planets mantra 108 time
and pray with respect asking to get relief from your problems and getting success in all your aim,
for the particular planet. Also should be worn in a particular finger. Alternatively a pendant can
also be worn, provided it touches the skin. Get up early in the morning as the ring should be
worn in such way that the bottom of the ring should be touch the skin and also should be worn in
particular finger alternately a pendent can also be worn. Wear the ring in your right hand
appropriate finger within one hour from sunrise, on the day of particular ruling planets.

Ruby: It is the Sun`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Sunday Within 1 hour of Sunrise
and chant Sun (Surya) mantra 7,000 or 108 times. Ring should wear in the ring finger (Anamika)
of right hand.

Sun (Surya) Mantra: ह्री सूर्याय नमः। (Hrim Suryay Namaha)

Pearl: It is the Moon`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Monday. Within 1 hour of
Sunrise and chant Moon mantra 11,000 or 108 times. Ring should wear in the Last finger
(Kanisthika) of right hand.

Moon (Chandra) Mantra: ह्री चंद्राय नमः। (Hrim Chandray Namaha)

Coral: It is the Mars`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Tuesday. Within 1 hour of Sunrise
and chant Mars(Mangal) mantra 10,000 or 108 times. Ring should wear in the ring finger
(Anamika) of right hand.

Mars (Mangal) Mantra: ह्री भौमाय नमः। (Hrim Bhaoumay Namaha)

Emerald: It is the Mercury`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Wednesday. Within 1 hour
of Sunrise and chant Mercury(Budh) mantra 4,000 or 108 times. Ring should wear in the last
finger (Kanisthika) of right hand.

Mercury (Budh) Mantra: ह्री बुधाय नमः। (Hrim Bhudhay Namaha)

Yellow sapphire: It is the Jupiter`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Thursday. Within 1
hour of Sunrise and chant Jupiter (Guru/Bruhaspati) mantra 19,000 or 108 times. Ring should
wear in the First finger (Tarjani) of right hand.

Jupiter (Guru) Mantra: ह्री गरु वे नमः। (Hrim Gurave Namaha)

Diamond: It is the Venus`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Friday. Within 1 hour of
Sunrise and chant Venus(Sukra) mantra 16,000 or 108 times. Ring should wear in the Ring
finger (Anamika) of right hand.

Venus (Sukra) Mantra: ह्री शुक्राय नमः। (Hrim Sukray Namaha)

Blue Sapphire: It is the Saturn`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Saturday. Within 1 hour
of Sunrise and chant Saturn(Sani) mantra 23,000 or 108 times. Ring should wear in the Middle
finger (Madhyama) of right hand.

Saturn (Shani) Mantra: शम ् शनैचराय नमः। (Sam Sanaischaray Namaha)

Gomed (Hessonite): It is the Rahu`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Wednesday. Within
1 hour of Sunrise and chant Rahu (Dragon's Head) mantra 18,000 or 108 times. Ring should
wear in the last finger (Kanisthika) of right hand.

Rahu Mantra: राम ् राहवे नमः। (Ram Rahve Namaha)

Cat`s eye(Lashuniya): It is the Ketu`s Gemstone. Hence it should be worn on Friday or

Wednesday. Within 1 hour of Sunrise and chant Ketu (Dragon's Tail) mantra 17,000 or 108
times. Ring should wear in the last finger (Kanisthika) of right hand.

Ketu Mantra: ह्रीं केतवे नमः। (Hrim Ketve Namaha)

Selection of Gemstone


Why should wear natural / pure Gemstone?

Selection of a best quality of gemstone is very important. They should purchase only those
Gemstones that prescribed by a qualified Astrologer. Only an expert and knowledgeable
astrologer can diagnose the necessity of a particular Gemstone. Usually, a person requires
wearing a particular Gemstone as per their horoscope.

Gemstones are attractive and beautiful, so some rich people wearing them just to show their
wealth or just for a fashion or hobby. This is not at all applicable as it makes so many
complication and difficulties in their life.   

Some persons are suffering from the influence of some sinister planet or some particular
provision is weak in the horoscope. Some unknowledgeable astrologers are suggesting unwanted
Gemstones for making them profits. it is not at all practicable, as its ruin the progress of people
and decrease the faith on astrology. Such practice could lead to disastrous consequences.

 Note: Before wearing above Gemstone or its combination you should consult our authentic
astrologer and verify your horoscope/Natal Chart and get advised, and take decision.
Wearing of improper stones may happen serious losses, instead of getting good benefits.

M. 9824141723



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