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In company in action: Scenario B

Before you watch disadvantages
-you could make bad decisions
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of having meetings on the go? -you could lose good opportunities
-generates delays in getting to other
Compare your ideas with a partner. meeting on time
While you watch -meetings are more dynamic
t-his meeting doesn't take long
2 Watch the videos and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). -it's a bit boring meeting
a Anton blames Heather for the failure of the Milan meeting. T -encourages teamwork
b Heather has a new baby. F
c Heather thinks Tony has too much work to do. F
d Part of Tony’s job involves training other staff. F
e Tony would like a new contract. F
f Anton is planning to go to Paris with Alan. F
g Anton doesn’t understand why Heather needs Tony’s help. T
h Anton would prefer Alan to give the Paris presentation instead of Heather. T
i Alan agrees to visit his grandfather after the conference. T
j Anton is happy for Heather to help Alan prepare his presentation. T

3 Match the sentence beginnings (a–j) with the endings (1–10). Then watch the videos again
and check your anwers.
5 a I know it’s 1 about it.
10 b This really isn’t 2 me out here?
2 c Can’t you help 3 work something out, okay?
1 d Let me think 4 a word with Heather about this?
8 e I’m not promising 5 a lot to ask.
9 f Actually, that was what I wanted 6 hear about Heather doing the Infotech presentation instead of you?
6 g Why don’t I have 7 get yourself on the next plane.
3 h So leave it with me and we’ll 8 anything.
4 i What’s this I 9 to talk to you about.
7 j So I suggest you 10 a good time.

After you watch

4 Think back to the four meetings in the videos. Decide how well each person manages the
meetings and make notes in the table.
Alan Heather Tony Anton
Positives he is aware of his work she is efficient in her
and wants everything to work and has many
go well things to do
Negatives he is very busy and does
not very accommodating
and he is disrespectful not have time to do her job

5 Imagine you need to have a quick meeting with a colleague about something. Think about
these questions:
a What will the meeting be about?
b What outcome do you want from the meeting?
c What are you going to say to your colleague? Use some of the expressions from 3.

6 Work with a partner. Listen to your teacher’s instructions and take it in turns to roleplay
the situations in 5. When you have finished, decide how successful the meeting was. What did
each of you do particularly well?

In Company 3.0 Intermediate © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2014 SCENARIO B 1

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