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Name: pedro Alejandro

Surname: Torres Torres

CED ID:30242459

Curso: modern language

Perfect tenses: The present perfect tense is a verb tense used to express
actions that occurred at anon-specific time. The present perfect tense is
also used to express actions that started in the past but continue to the

The present perfect is used to express:

1- Actions o duration that occurred in the past (before now) of

unspecified time.
2- Actions that started in the past but continue to the present
3- Actions that started in the past but stopped recently

1- We have live in this house for over twenty years.
2- She has never been to Venezuela.
3- I’m bored; I have seen this film a thousand times.
4- We have spoken about this issue numerous.
5- We have been here before.
6- I have worked for the company before.
7- Have you seen my dog?
8- What have you done?
9- She has been cooking all morning.
Continuous tense: The progressive verb tense, also called the
continuous tense, is an English verb tense use to describe
continuing actions-actions that are in progress and ongoing. It
can be conjugated to be used in the past, present, or future.

The progressive tense is also used in the perfect progressive of

past, present, and future tense.

The progressive tense is formed with a “to be” verb conjugation

and the present participle of a verb (ing ending).

1- I am riding a bike. ( continuing action)
2- He is working on a project at school. (action in progress)
3- You are not talking to Ana
4- We are going on vacation next week
5- They are drinking tea
6- She is not doing the work of two people
7- They riding two bike
8- Are you coming to visit us is July?
9- She isn’t sleeping

Passive voice: The passive writing voice occurs when

something that is ordinarily “done by” the subject of
sentence is “done by” the object of a sentence.

In the passive writing voice, whatever is doing the action of

the grammatical, subject of the sentence?


1- The work was completed by Jaime

2-The ball was hit by johnny

Clause types: Clauses are the basic pieces of English
language sentence, a guy is the person or the thing that’s
doing something or being something, the subject
performs the verb, an verb is the word of action in prayer.


1- The dog jumped over the fence

2- He smiled at her
3- My teacher told us to read quietly

Independent clause: The independent clause is complete

sentence. They start with a letter in capital letters and end
with a punctuation sing, as a point.


1- I picked a flower for you.

2- My mom is nice.
3- The teacher taught me how to read

Dependent clause: A dependent clause is not a complete



1- When I picked a flower for you.

2- If my mom is nice.
3- While my teacher taught me to read
4- Because the woman sang

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