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Midterm Assessment (Case Study Based) Spring 2020

Name: Muhammad Bilal Amjad Gondal

Registration #:1835244
Program: MBA Evening (36-Credit Hours)
Class & Section: MBA(36-E) 2 K
Course Code & Name: Strategic Marketing
Total Marks: 25
Instructors Name: Muhammad Majid Qureshi Submission
Q.1: Case – 01: Work Against the Numbers
Using the marketing planning process, develop a detailed marketing plan for any brand
of your choice in order to convert bad customer numbers in good numbers?

Brand Name: Red Apple

About: Red Apple is known for top quality food that promises taste, hygiene & variety.
Marketing Objectives
1. Regain the lost market share
2. Regain customers trust on quality of food
3. Regain brand reputation in the market
4. Advocate the brand through existing loyal customers
Recently customers have lost trust in the quality of the products. With their segment of Pan
Asian Cuisine there are negative reviews. With the increased options, and competitors, in the
market for Chinese food, Red Apple has been struggling to satisfy their customers. One of the
negative reviews is as follows; preventing new customers to try Red Apple and making the
existing customers wary to try again due to drop in quality.
We ordered chicken tikka, handi and the so-called special rice for 24 people in Red Apple.
Wasted time and money totally. Their taste, service, quality, environment everything was
pathetic. Tikka was undercooked. They served fried rice instead of special rice. Usually their
special rice includes chicken and beef both, but they only served chicken in a very less
quantity saying that they don't have beef and charged the rate of special rice. Wow What a
lame excuse! They served chicken handi in so small handi just like small bowls. They have
worsened their quality. They arrange dinner in a very small area, served rice in plates. There
was a lot of food left after dinner, which we ordered them to parcel but they didn't even
parcel everything. The event organizer who was a big cheater refused to accept his mistakes.
A sincere advice to all of you never visit red apple. It's my worst experience. They cheat us
they are #cheaters the food was not according to the order and they didn't parcel whole food.”
SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
Special Offers / Menu No capital
Cheaper option of food Low / no reputation
Motivated workforce Business Management
Markets are relatively skills
stable Unclear strategy

Opportunities High competition in
Developing multiple fast fast food category
food restaurants
Price war
Establish customer loyalty
Finding new markets Rising costs of
Seasonal Menus can keep
things fresh & interesting Uncertain ecnomic

Marketing Mix
Offering a large variety of fast food options with the menu of 6 main course categories, along
with various exclusive deals for both online and dine in. Red Apple is mainly gained its’
through its large variety of kebab rolls and eventually expanded into other varieties such as
Pan Asian Cuisine
The pricing of the food options varies from PKR 120 to as high as PKR 950 for any of the
main course dishes.
Red Apple has three outlets in Karachi; Khadda Market, Tariq Road & Kheyaban-e-Saadi.
They also have a presence on majority of the online delivery services inclusive of their own
website to cater to their customers.
To better promote the product and increase its reach, individual communication with the
customers is required along with targeted social media campaigns and influencer marketing.
Marketing Strategy
In order to win back the trust of the customers, several marketing tools can be implemented.
They are as follows:
1. Special offerings to be provided for loyal customers. Target customers who have been
visiting / ordering Red Apple consistently and provide them with loyalty cards.
Through the loyalty cards, they can avail special discounts on the menu that will not
be available otherwise. This would spread word of mouth.
2. Short videos can be made for promotion on social media. This would cover the nice
ambiance of the restaurants and the hygienic methods of cooking styles.
3. Portray a strong image that the customer comes first. Ensure the servers are trained to
be polite to all the customers and have a campaign pertaining around the idea that ‘the
customers are always right’, even when they are not.
4. Engage food bloggers and online influencers to visit any outlet and give reviews and
post regarding the exemplary quality of food and services. A tour of the entire outlet
can be given as well.
Q.2: Case – 02: Dreamworld Resorts - A Driven Strategy
Question: Explain & Identify the sources of sustainable competitive advantage for
Dreamworld Resort & how do you maintain the consumer satisfaction level using 4Ps of
marketing strategy?
Ans: Sustainable competitive advantages are company assets, attributes, or abilities that are
difficult to duplicate or exceed; and provide a superior or favorable long-term position over
competitors. In regard to Dream World resort they have several factors that give them a
advantage over there competitors.
Some of the factors are:
 They have the largest Resort with in all over of South Asia with World Class
facilities over an area of about 150 acres.
 Location advantage as the city has grew wide after the completion of Bahria town,
know the resort is just 20 minutes’ drive away from the City Centre.
 Chalets at Dream World are especially designed for providing guests with ultimate
level of luxurious and comfort as per international standards.
 Dream world was the first one to offer Membership on just Rs.5,000 monthly
installments with collaboration with different Islamic banks (Interest free payment).
 Amusement Park with Horse Riding, Bowling Alley, Go-karts, Harley Bikes and
many others adventure and thrill facilities. Also the Water Resort with Artificial Sea,
Slides, Swimming Pools, Boating Lake, Fun Lagoon and many other fun filled
 Separate area for Veil conscious women with tons of facilities. (Targeting the
Religious ones)

Having a large number facility under one roof as per international standards within a city area
is a big yes for dream world. The Recent extension of City borders along with development
have been a big advantage to dream world. Giving membership on easy instalment plans
allows them to target many customers.

Talking about the 4 p’s of Marketing dream world works in the following manner to maintain
its consumers satisfaction.

Product: As in the mission statement they say “To Create an Innovative and unique
experience…” dream world makes sure that the best services that are been available on other
international resort are available to their members at the earliest. Dream world throughout the
calendar plans different recreational activities as per calendar events to make their members
experience joy full every time they come.
Place: The location of the resort is very attractive, but Dreamworld must change the location
of there City booking office to prime location where they can carter large numbers of inquires
with in the premises. They should develop a state of an art office as the impression to those
coming in for inquires will be positive.
Price: Whereas to target new customer Dream world should collaborate with different
financial institutions to expand there reach to large number of new customers allowing them
to get membership on easy installments.
Promotion: Dream world should promote itself through Social media marketing as this allow
them to reach large audience. Further they should occasionally arrange bloggers meet up at
there resort that will allow them to show their resort through the bloggers. Secondly to attract
group picnics they should offer special discounts to schools’ colleges and corporate offices.
As they have large area, they should attract customers who are looking for indoor or outdoor
event space. Dreamworld also offers its members different annual payment plan which allows
members to get good waiver over there annual subscription.
Q.3: Case Study
Qa(i)Read the case carefully and identify the possible solutions of all mentioned issues
which company is currently facing from online business?
Qa(ii) If you would be appointed as new Digital Business Head, what will be your
immediate strategy (s) to get the business of Tarzz in life? (Support your answer by
using SWOT)

As the new digital business head in Tarzz I came across several problems that have been
creating a hurdle in with its e commerce operations.
On priority we will have to assign department status to all the five specialists currently
working with us. We will have to make at least five department to push of.
Trading Department under which a specialist will deal with all type of handling with vendors
of all kind that work for our online store. All kind of procurement activities will be done
under this department.

Project and future planning will be a department under which all promotions throughout the
calendar will be prepared given us ample time to work over upcoming promotional events.
This depart will also keep in loop the outlet management team so that we both land over the
same page. Along with this the department will be collaborate with the trading department in
which they both will be planning the marketing budget spend over plan and will divert for the
conventional campaigns to the new social media drives through the bloggers and PR

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) will work on personalization, customer surveys,

segmentation of customer through collective database that will be captured over time. This
will allow us to have a good record of our customer base resulting us in targeting them on
spot. This department will also be in contact with all e stores for the placement of our
products on highlighted slots of their website.

Content Developing department will be working over the digital design of our campaigns, the
write up for our products along with all the graphical content that is needed to highlight our
product in more vibrant manner on our E-Store.

Lastly the most important department is the customer services, as in the past this domain is
not catered well which is resulting in lost sales. This department will be contacting customers
through SMS and email. Customers complaint will be handled in specific period so that
customer problem is solved at the earliest. Click to chat option will be provided on our web
page to answer short queries on spot.

Our priority will customer satisfaction which will help us to boost our sales automatically.
According to my analysis, I Came with following SWOT analysis of Tarzz

Strengths: Being a part of a big group (Ibl) Tarzz has no financial constraint. This will allow
us to expand and diversify with the market. Huge budgets of marketing will allow us to
market the product in the right manner, helping in capturing the market share. Positioning as
a value based brand, Tarzz believe in giving the best quality product at the most competitive

Weakness: Right now, the greatest shortcoming of Tarzz is their customer interaction, as in
E-stores clients don't physical survey or take a try at the articles. Because of the absence of
touch and feel of merchandize, client question the nature of the items. What's more, not
having an inappropriate client complaint system it is making it worst. Limited product line
whereas competitors have diversified to home décor furniture and other.
Opportunity: Working with a better customer service Tarzz can cover up it lost sales.
Spending on marketing within the right direction follow the new trends can allow Tarzz to
create a good customer base. To enhance the online store experience Tarzz can give 1-month
period to return the goods, in accordance to achieve customer trust.
Threats: Divarication by competitor is big threat to Trazz as customer tends to shift to brand
where a wide variety of product is available, considering it a one stop shop for maximum of
their needs. Economic instability is causing customer to loosen up the buying power which
can result is lost sales.

Q(b). Should the company close its online store & start focusing on traditional store
business? (Support your answer with ANSOFF Matrix concepts).

Closing the online store is not the solution, market is growing digitally, and online stores
allow good generation of revenue. All the problems have been highlighted and the provided
solution will be implemented which will result in sales boost.

ANSOFF Matrix concept will help understand the risks of growing business.

Four strategies of ANSOFF Matrix are:

1. Market Penetration: It focuses on increasing sales of existing products to an existing

2. Product Development: It focuses on introducing new products to an existing market.
3. Market Development: Its strategy focuses on entering a new market using existing
4. Diversification: It focuses on entering a new market with the introduction of new
The diagram will explain the level risk associated with each strategy.

For Tarzz , being the digital head I will consider Market penetration strategy for our online
store. Under this strategy we will market our products in the existing market. aiming to
increase our market share.
We will be working
1. Decreasing prices to attract existing or new customers. Considering the competition,
we will make our price very competitive giving us edge over other market share
2. Increasing promotion and distribution efforts, we will run big campaigns of discounts
with celebrity endorsements and work over with our courier partner for on time
c. Design anyone marketing campaign for Tarzz in order to gain the confidence of loyal
customers by using BCG Portfolio Matrix?

Under the BCG portfolio Matrix, Tarzz Is placed under the heading of Question Mark.

The reason placing Tarz under this heading is the Online market is growing at good pace whereas the
market share of Tarzz is very low. As stated, is the case due to several reason Tarzz has lost almost all
of its online sale, further even the losing the captured share. There is no denial that Taraz with right
investment and workable marketing strategy can place it to a star position.

My Suggestion as a marketing plan for Tarzz is as follows.

 In a market where the competition is very tuff, with everyone selling almost the same
product Tarzz needs to set A USP with some unique design to stand out form is competitors.
 Tarzz should focus on data base available with different marketing agencies to plan a social
media campaign for young adult females aged between 21-35. This will allow them to reach
their target market in a successful manner.
 “TRY & PAY” Campaign, Tarzz should sign an MOU with its courier partner, for delivering the
goods at one’s address and wait for the customer to try and then pay.

 To facilitate is repetitive customers, Loyal member concept should be introduced to

facilitate them wisely.

 Influencer marketing is very effective these days, Female Celebrities and fashion bloggers
will be taken on board to help the campaign to our target audience.

 SMS marketing will be used to give awareness about the latest promotion campaign

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