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OmniLight, Inc.

dba Bioscan






BioScan is a unique diagnostic and therapeutic System proven effective in the
assessment and treatment of a multitude of acute and chronic equine ailments. BioScan
products generate and deliver photodynamic light precisely tuned to specific frequencies
that studies have shown to accelerate the healing process. These specific frequencies of
light have been shown to

 Stimulate cellular reproduction

 Relax muscles and stimulates nerve transmission
 Stimulate acupuncture points and immune response
 Provide relief of minor pains and aches
 Provide an improved range of motion
 Provide an increase in local blood circulation
 Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections, which are part of
the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissue.
 Stimulate fibroblastic activity which aids in the repair process.
 Increase RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more
 Increase vascularity (circulation) by increasing the formation of new capillaries.
 Stimulate the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Below are listed just a few of the areas BioScan products are designed to treat:

 Hoof - Laminitis, brusing, absesses, Navicular, fractures and osteitis

 Fetlock- chip fractures, sesamoiditis and arthritis
 Pastern- ringbone,desmitis and fractures
 Metacarpus - splints, bowed tendons, sore shins, suspensory ligament strain
 Shoulder - bicipital bursitis and fractures
 Stifle - gonitis, swelling, "locked stifle"
 Back - sacrio-iliac strain, intervertebral fixations
 Skin - wounds, cuts, bruises, ulcers, contusions, burns
 Hip - muscle ruptures and bursitis
 All acupuncture points
The BioFind is a revolutionary device that locates injured or
problem areas. When living tissue is damaged or injured, there is a change in electrical
resistance in the tissue relative to the surrounding area. The BioFind helps locate these
areas by reading variances in electrical resistance in the tissue. It emits an audible signal
when it locates these variations so that the area can be noted and marked.

The BioFind can help locate compromised areas such as sore muscles, tendons, nerves
and joints. It can also help locate internal problems by detecting active acupuncture
points. When used in an ongoing fashion, the BioFind has great value in helping prevent
problems (such as bowed tendons), by often detecting electrical changes BEFORE
obvious physical damage occurs. Called "a window to the body" by medical
professionals, the BioFind is simple and easy to use, requiring no special knowledge;
however, the more you learn, the more efficient you become.

The BioFind is the key to our whole product line. No matter which therapeutic modality
you choose, optimal results depend on knowing exactly where to apply the therapy.

 Scans and locates weak or damaged areas

 Indicates problem areas, often before they become more serious
 Adjustable settings
 Lightweight and durable
 Portable
 Rechargeable, battery powered (12 volt-1.3 amp/hr)
 12 month warranty


The BioPack is a powerful, versatile therapeutic light device utilizing both infrared and
super-luminous red light for application on areas pinpointed by the BioFind.

The BioPack is equipped with two thirty-diode cluster heads that generate photon energy
at seven selectable frequencies for precision application on specific points. The BioPack
has recently been upgraded and is now 4 times more powerful than before.

 7 selectable frequencies (73 - 4698 Hertz)

 Powers multiple treatment modalities
 Powers two 30 diode cluster heads
 Powers pulsed electro-magnetics
 Lightweight and durable
 Portable, battery powered (12 volt-1.6 amp/hr)
 18 month full warranty


Bringing the World the Light that Heals

Omnilight, Inc. manufactures and sells state-of-the-art diagnostic and light therapy
products for the Equine market. The company holds two significant U.S. patents as well
as several U.S. and international trademarks. Additional patents/trademarks are in
process. BioScan products have received unsolicited accolades and endorsements from an
impressive and growing list of equestrians and equine professionals, including Hall of
Fame thoroughbred trainer Bobby Frankel, Dr. Marvin Cain, co-founder of the
International Veterinary Society, Isabell Werth, double Olympic gold medal winner in
the 1996 dressage competition, and many more.

Here's how BioScan Light works

Both visible and infrared light have been proven to be beneficial in clinical healing
related to pain relief, wound healing and equine sports medicine. The mechanism of
action is believed to be the absorption of the infrared energy by cellular tissues which
causes a biological response of releasing healing enzymes within those cellular tissues.
Not all frequencies of light radiation result in such absorption of energy. BioScan has
identified those frequencies that work best.

Some frequencies of light radiation penetrate deeper than others. BioScan has discovered
and combined into it’s BioScan light devices those frequencies that provide optimal
penetration and absorption of energy.

Finally, BioScan has discovered how to scan tissues for disruptions or areas of tissue
damage. This non-invasive scanning allows light therapy to be focused on areas that need
healing rather than to use time-consuming and wasteful practices of “blanketing” large
body areas. Frequently, it will be found that painful areas are not the direct areas in need
of healing. As all horse people are aware, horses can have compensation pain and injury
which is secondary to the initial injury, but remains in need of treatment.

More Information About Light Therapy

Light therapy has been proven in over 40 years of independent research worldwide to
deliver powerful therapeutic benefits to living tissues and organisms. Both visible red and
infrared light have been shown to effect at least 24 different positive changes at a cellular
level. Visible red light, at a wavelength of 660 nanometers (nm - 1 nanometer is equal to
one billionth of a meter), penetrates tissue to a depth of about 8-10mm. This lower
strength light is very beneficial in treating problems close to the surface such as wounds,
cuts, scars, trigger and acupuncture points, and is particularly effective in treating
infections. Infrared light (904nm) penetrates to a depth of about 30-40mm which makes it
more effective for treating ailments of bones, joints, and deep muscle tissue.

The diverse tissue and cell types in the body all have their own unique light absorption
characteristics; that is, they will only absorb light at specific wavelengths and not at
others. For example, skin layers, because of their high blood and water content, absorb
red light very readily, while calcium and phosphorus absorb light of a different
wavelength. Although both red and infrared wavelengths penetrate to different depths and
affect tissues differently, their therapeutic effects are similar.

Research has shown no adverse side effects from this form of therapy. Occasionally, one
may experience an increase in pain or discomfort for a short period of time after treating
chronic conditions. This occurs as the body reestablishes new equilibrium points
following treatment. It is a phenomenon that may occur as part of the normal process of

Light therapy has also been given the name "phototherapy". A study done by the Mayo
Clinic in 1989 suggests that the results of light therapy are a direct effect of light itself,
generated at specific wavelengths, and are not necessarily a function of the characteristics
of coherency and polarization associated with lasers. In a study entitled Low-Energy
Laser Therapy: Controversies and New Research Findings, Jeffrey R. Basford, M.D. of
the Mayo Clinic's Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, suggests that the
coherent aspect of laser may not be the source of its therapeutic effect. He states "firstly,
the stimulating effects (from therapeutic light) are reported following irradiation with
non-laser sources and secondly, tissue scattering, as well as fiber optic delivery systems
used in many experiments rapidly degrade coherency . . . Thus any effects produced by
low-energy lasers may be due to the effects of light in general and not to the unique
properties of lasers. This view is not difficult to accept when it is remembered that wave-
length dependent photobiochemical reactions occur throughout nature and are involved in
such things as vision, photosynthesis, tanning and Vitamin D metabolism. In this view,
laser therapy is really a form of light therapy, and lasers are important in that they are
convenient sources of intense light at wavelengths that stimulate specific physiological
functions." (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 9:1-5, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,

LED's and LASERS are no more than convenient devices for producing electromagnetic
radiation at specific wavelengths. Other studies establish that it is the light itself at
specific wavelengths that is therapeutic in nature and not the machine which produced it.
For example, Kendric C. Smith at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford
University School of Medicine, concludes in an important article entitled The
Photobiological Effect of Low Level Laser Radiation Therapy (Laser Therapy, Vol. 3,
No. 1, Jan - Mar 1991) that "1) Lasers are just convenient machines that produce
radiation. 2) It is the radiation that produces the photobiological and/or photophysical
effects and therapeutic gains, not the machines. 3) Radiation must be absorbed to produce
a chemical or physical change, which results in a biological response."

The equation between the machine and the biological response is a common error often
made by those who wish to promote the commercial interests of low-energy laser
technology. Light radiation must be absorbed to produce a biological response. All
biological systems have a unique absorption spectrum which determines what
wavelengths of radiation will be absorbed to produce a given therapeutic effect. The
visible red and infrared portions of the spectrum have been shown to have highly
absorbent and unique therapeutic effects in living tissues.

The following are definitions of commonly used terms used in connection with the use of
therapeutic light devices:

1. Visible Light: light that is within the visible spectrum, 400nm(violet) to

2. Infrared Light: light in the invisible spectrum below red, from 700nm to 2,000nm
3. Frequency: number of cycles per second measured in Hertz
4. Coherency: wavelengths of light traveling in phase with one another
5. Monochromaticity: light that is of one color, or one wavelength
6. Collimation: light focused in a beam, maintaining a constant diameter regardless
of its distance from the object or surface at which it is directed
7. Nanometer (nm): a unit of measure of wavelength of light (one billionth of a
8. Nanosecond: one billionth of a second
9. Joule (J): unit used to measure the energy delivered
10. Watts (w) and milliwatts (mw, 1/ 1000th of a watt): units used to measure the
power capability
11. Peak power output: the maximum output of power, measured in milliwatts and
12. Average power: amount of power actually delivered in a given period of time
13. Duty cycle: the amount of time the light is actually on during a given period of

Lasers are of two principal types, "hot" and "cold", and they are distinguished by the
amount of peak power they deliver. "Hot" lasers deliver power up to thousands of watts.
They are used in surgery because they can make an incision that is very clean with little
or no bleeding and because the laser cauterizes the incision as it cuts. They are also used
in surgery that requires the removal of unhealthy tissue without damaging the healthy
tissue that surrounds it. "Cold" lasers produce a lower average power of 100 milliwatts or
less. This is the type of laser that is used for therapeutic purposes and it is typically,
although not always, pulsed. The light is actually on for only a fraction of a second
because it is pulsed (turned on and off) at so many pulses per second. Pulsation results in
an average power output that is very low compared to the maximum or peak output.
Hence, most therapeutic lasers produce a high peak but low average power output.
Therapeutic laser light is generally either visible (red, in most cases) or invisible
(infrared). However, most therapeutic lasers operate at 904 nm which is an infrared light.

What is the Difference between LED's and LASERS?

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are another form of light therapy that is a relatively recent
development of the laser industry. LEDs are similar to lasers inasmuch as they have the
same healing effects but differ in the way that the light energy is delivered. A significant
difference between lasers and LEDs is the power output. The peak power output of LEDs
is measured in milliwatts, while that of lasers is measured in watts. However, this
difference when considered alone is misleading, since the most critical factor that
determines the amount of energy delivered is the duty cycle of the device.

LED devices usually have a 50% duty cycle. That is, the LED pulse is "on" for 0.5
seconds and "off" for 0.5 seconds versus the 2 ten-millionths of a second burst from laser
at 1 cycle per second (1hz). Moreover, LED is "on" 50% of the time and "off" 50% of the
time regardless of what frequency setting (pulses per second) is used.

In the majority of lasers on the market, the energy output varies with the frequency
setting: the lower the frequency, the lower the output. In the BioScan system on the
contrary, the output is constant regardless of frequency. Even in the case of lasers that
claim a peak output of 10 watts, because of the very short duty cycle, the average output
at the highest frequencies is of the order of about 10 milliwatts. At the lower frequencies,
however, the average output plummets into the range of microwatts (1 microwatt =
1000th of 1 milliwatt).

LEDs do not deliver enough power to damage the tissue, but they do deliver enough
energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself. With a low peak power output
but high duty cycle, the LEDs provide a much gentler delivery of the same healing
wavelengths of light as does the laser but at a substantially greater energy output. For this
reason, LEDs do not have the same risk of accidental eye damage that lasers do.

Moreover, LEDs are neither coherent nor collimated and they generate a broader band of
wavelengths than do the single-wavelength laser. Non-collimation and the wide-angle
diffusion of the LED confers upon it a greater ease of application, since light emissions
are thereby able to penetrate a broader surface area. Moreover, the multiplicity of
wavelengths in the LED, contrary to the single-wavelength laser, may enable it to affect a
broader range of tissue types and produce a wider range of photochemical reactions in the

If LED light disperses over a greater surface area, it results in a faster treatment time for a
given area than laser. The primary reason that BioScan chose the LEDs over lasers is that
LEDs are safer, more cost effective, provide a gentle but effective delivery of light and a
greater energy output per unit of surface area in a given time duration. They are offered
in combinations of visible red light at 660nm and infrared light at from 830nm to 930nm,
with 880nm as their average.
What does light therapy actually do?

Light therapy can:

1. Increase vascularity (circulation) by increasing the formation of new capillaries,

which are additional blood vessels that replace damaged ones. New capillaries
speed up the healing process by carrying more oxygen as well as more nutrients
needed for healing and they can also carry more waste products away
2. Stimulate the production of collagen. Collagen is the most common protein found
in the body. Collagen is the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue and to
replace old tissue. It is the substance that holds cells together and has a high
degree of elasticity. By increasing collagen production less scar tissue is formed
at the damaged site.
3. Stimulate the release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the major carrier of
energy to all cells. Increases in ATP allow cells to accept nutrients faster and get
rid of waste products faster by increasing the energy level in the cell. All food
turns into ATP before it is utilized by the cells. ATP provides the chemical energy
that drives the chemical reaction of the cell.
4. Increase lymphatic system activity. Edema, which is the swelling or natural
splinting process of the body, has two basic components. The first is a liquid part
which can be evacuated by the blood system and the second is comprised of the
proteins which have to be evacuated by the lymphatic system. Research has
shown that the lymph vessel diameter and the flow of the lymph system can be
doubled with the use of light therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial
diameters can also be increased. This means that both parts of edema (liquid and
protein) can be evacuated at a much faster rate to relieve swelling.
5. Increase RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged cells to be replaced more
6. Reduce the excitability of nervous tissue. The photons of light energy enter the
body as negative ions. This calls upon the body to send positive ions like calcium
among others to go to the area being treated. These ions assist in firing the nerves
thereby relieving pain.
7. Stimulate fibroblastic activity which aids in the repair process.
8. Fibroblasts are present in connective tissue and are capable of forming collagen
9. Increase phagocytosis, which is the process of scavenging for and ingesting dead
or degenerated cells by phagocyte cells for the purpose of clean up. This is an
important part of the infection fighting process. Destruction of the infection and
clean up must occur before the healing process can take place.
10. Induce a thermal like effect in the tissue. The light raises the temperature of the
cells although there is no heat produced from the diodes themselves. (The
BioPack cluster will be warm to the touch because of the electronics needed to
power the 30 diodes.)
11. Stimulate tissue granulation and connective tissue projections, which are part of
the healing process of wounds, ulcers or inflamed tissue.
12. Stimulate acetylcholine release. Acetylcholine causes cardiac inhibition,
vasodilation, gastrointestinal peristalsis and other parasympathetic effects.


The Photobiological Basis of Low Level Laser Radiation Therapy, Kendric C. Smith;
Stanford University School of Medicine; Laser Therapy, Vol. 3, No. 1, Jan - Mar 1991

Low-Energy Laser Therapy: Controversies & Research Findings, Jeffrey R. Basford MD;
Mayo Clinic; Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 9, pp. 1-5 (1989)

New Biological Phenomena Associated with Laser Radiation, M.I. Belkin & U.
Schwartz; Tel-Aviv University; Health Physics, Vol. 56, No. 5, May 1989; pp. 687-690

Macrophage Responsiveness to Light Therapy, S Young PhD, P Bolton BSc, U Dyson

PhD, W Harvey PhD, & C Diamantopoulos BSc; London: Lasers in Surgery and
Medicine, 9; pp. 497-505 (1989)

Photobiology of Low-Power Laser Effects, Tina Karu PhD; Laser Technology Centre of
Russia; Health Physics, Vol. 56, No. 5. May 89, pp. 691-704

A Review of Low Level Laser Therapy, S Kitchen MSCMCSP & C Partridge PhD;
Centre for Physiotherapy Research, King's College London Physiotherapy, Vol. 77, No.
3, March 1991

Systemic Effects of Low-Power Laser Irradiation on the Peripheral & Central Nervous
System, Cutaneous Wounds & Burns, S Rochkind MD, M Rousso MD, M Nissan PhD,
M Villarreal MD, L Barr-Nea PhD. & DG Rees PhD,

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 9; pp. 174-182 (1989)

Use of Laser Light to Treat Certain Lesions in Standardbreds, L.S McKibbin DVM, & D
Paraschak BSc., MA; Mod

Veterinary Practice, March 1984, Sec. 3, p. 13

Low Level Laser Therapy: Current Clinical Practice In Northern Ireland, GD Baxter BSc,
AJ Bet, MA,,JM AtienPhD, J Ravey PhD; Blamed Research Centre University Ulster
Physiotherapy, Vol. 77, No. 3, March 1991

The Effects of Low Energy Laser on Soft Tissue in Veterinary Medicine, LS McKibbin
& R Downie; The Acupuncture Institute, Ontario Canada; J. Wiley & Sons

A Study of the Effects or Lasering of Chronic Bowed Tendons, Wheatley, LS McKibbin

DVM, and DM Paraschak Bsc MA; Lasers in Surg &Medicine, Vol. pp. 55-59 (1983)
Scc 3
Lasers and Wound Healing, Albert J. Nemeth, MD; Laser and Dermatology Center,
Clearwater FL, Dermatologic Clinics, Vol.. 11 #4, 1993

Low Level Laser Therapy: A Practical Introduction, T. Ohshiro & RG Caiderhead, Wiley
and Sons

Low Reactive-Level Laser Therapy: A Practical Application, T. Ohshiro;Book:Wiley and


Laser Biostimulation of Healing Wounds: Specific Effects and Mechanisms of Action,

Chukuka S Enwemeka, PhD; Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy - U. of Texas,
Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX; The Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical
Therapy, Vol. 9. No.10, 1988

Effect of Helium-Neon and Infrared Laser Irradiation on Wound Healing in Rabbits, B

Braverman, PhD; R McCarthy. Pharmd, A Lyankovich, MD; D Forde, BS, M Overfield,
BS and M Bapna, PhD; Rush- Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center; University of
Illinois, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 9:50-58 (1989)

Bone Fracture Consolidates Faster With Low-Power Laser, MA Trelles, MD and E

Mayayo, MD, Barcelona, Spain; Lasers in Surgery & Med. 7:36-45 (1987)

Wound Management with Whirlpool and Infrared Cold Laser Treatment, P Gogia; B
Hurt and T Zim; AMI-Park Plaza Hospital, Houston TX, Physical Therapy, Vol. 68, No.
8, August 1988

Effects of Low-Level Energy Lasers on the Healing of Full-Thickness Skin Defects, J

Surinchak. MA; M Alago, BS,, R Bellamy, MD; B Stuck, MS and M Belkin, MD;
Lettennan Army Institute of Research. Presidio of San Francisco, CA; Lasers in Surgery
& Medicine, 2:267-274 (1983)

Biostimulation of Wound Healing by Lasers: Experimental Approaches in Animal

Models and in Fibroblast Cultures, RP Abergel, MD; R Lyons. MD; J Castel, MS, R
Dwyer. MD and i Uitlo. MD, PhD; Harbor UCLA Medical Center. CA: J Dennatol.
Surgery Oncol., 13:2 Feb. 1987

Effects of Low Energy Laser on Wound Healing In a Porcine Model, J Hunter, MD; L
Leonard, MD; R Wilsom MD; G Snider, MD and J D Lxon, MD; Department of Surgery,
University of Utah Medical Center, Salt Lake City UT, Lasers in Surgery & Med. 3:285-
290, 84

Effect of Laser Rays on Wound Healing, E Mester, MD; T Spiry, MD; B Szende. MD
and J Tola; Semmelweis Medical Univ. Budapest, The American Journal of Surgery. Vol
122, Oct 1971

Low Level Laser Therapy in the United Kingdom, Kevin C Moore, MD; The Royal
Oldham Hospital, Oldhant, UK

Effects of Skin-Contact Monochromatic Infrared Irradiation on Tendonitis, Capsulitis and

Myofascial Pain, T.L Thomassoi DDS, 19th Annual Scientific Meeting, American
Academy of Neurological & Orthopaedic Surgeons, Aug. 27-30, 1995 Facial Pain/TMJ
Centre, Denver, CO

Scientific Studies:

Clinical Studies on Photodynamic Light Therapy Following is a sample list of scientific

institutions that have conducted clinical studies on the efficacy of Photodynamic Light

 NASA's Space Medicine Program

 Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
 National Cancer Institute
 Massachusetts General Hospital, Wellman Labs
 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
 Kingston Regional Cancer Centre, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario
 Royal Brisbane Hospital, Physiotherapy Department, Herston, Queensland,
Australia 4029
 St. James Hospital, Department of Vascular Surgery, Dublin, Ireland.
 Institute of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, University of Padua and
Associazione Italiana per la Ricercae, l' Aggiornamento Scientifico, Padua, Italy.

Benefits of BioScan LED Light Therapy

BioScan light energy at wavelengths of 660nm and 880nm provides a therapeutic effect
on living tissue. The clinical data referenced above clearly demonstrates that LED light

 Stimulates cellular reproduction

 Relaxes muscles and stimulates nerve transmission
 Stimulates acupuncture points and immune response
 Reduces scar tissue and stimulates wound healing
 Stimulates production of collagen--the most important component of wound
 Increases blood capillary circulation and vascular activity
 Stimulates production of endorphins and enkephelins from the brain
 Increases RNA/DNA synthesis
 Stimulates production of adrenal-- which facilitate long term pain relief
 Is beneficial for arthritis
 Stimulates synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP--an immediate energy
source for muscle contraction and essential in the metabolism of all organisms
 Does no damage to healthy tissue
 No reported side effects

Winners and champions from around the world trust the health of their Equine Athletes
to the BioScan Team

Ellen White, Head Coach, Baylor University NCAA Varsity Equestrian Team

"We are so happy with our BioScan system. Baylor University's NCAA Varsity
Equestrian Team keeps many different types of horses fit and ready to compete and
practice for the team.

The BioLights are used in our barn to keep the horses sound and comfortable for daily
training. Many of our horses are older and have sustained in injuries that have ended
their show careers. With the help of the BioLights, we have kept them sound for our

The lights are easy to use and the horses really seem to relax and enjoy their treatments. I
feel the lights have enabled us to continue to use horses in our program that would not
have been sound without the bio-light treatments. The lights are safe and cost effective
treatments for our horses."
Baylor University Equestrian home page

Bobby Frankel, Hall of Fame Horseman, Trainee Chester House ran away with
$2,000,000 Arlington Million on Aug 19 after using Bioscan

"You can keep horses sound using the Bioscan. By keeping them running sounder
longer, a trainer can bring them to their full potential"
About Bobby Frankel

Vladimir Cerin, Trainer & Sports medicine specialist, Former claimer won $1,000,000
Hollywood Gold Cup

This is the best thing I have ever introduced to my sports medicine programs"
Visit Vladimir Cerin's bio page

Dr. Marvin Cain, DVM, Co-Founder of the International Veterinary Society, Master
Equine Acupunturist
"After using the BioScan, I believe it has to be the most accurate equipment for non-
invasive therapy and diagnosis available, an adjunctive must for any progressive
About Dr. Marvin Cain

Barbara Schulte, Mental Toughness Training, Center for Equestrian Performance

"With BioScan I know I have done everything I can to enhance my horse's performance.
It is a powerful tool and it works! Once you understand what Bioscan can do for the
horse and use it consistently, you can never go back to not having it."

First woman to win NCHA Derby, NCHA Superstakes Classic, and the prestigious
Augusta Futurity. Winner of the 2001 National Female Equestrian Award, appeared on
television for ESPN, "Good Morning America", and the Outdoor Life Network.
Barbara Schulte home page

Carl Nafzger, World Famous Race Horse Trainer

"After only a short time of using the BioScan system, I am seeing a dramatic
improvement in both conditioning and running!"

Winner of the Eclipse Award, 1990 Kentucky Derby and Breeders Cup Classic, trainer
of Unbridled, author of Traits of a Winner, Trainer of 1999 Florida Derby winner, Vicar
Visit Carl Nafzger's bio page and View his book "Traits of a Winner"

Isabell Werth, Double Gold Medal Winner, 1996 German Olympic Dressage Team

"It is really important to be able to find specific points causing problems. The system is
easy to use, the rider can use it any time to keep the horses light and their muscles free."
A chat with Isabell Werth and Isabell Werth equestrian collection

Valerie & Danielle Kanavy, 3-Time World Endurance Champions

"I saw a dramatic difference in all our horses after using the BioScan. BioScan has
opened the door to a strength and energy we didn't know existed."
About Valerie Kanavy

Bill Riddle, Hall of Fame, Cutting Horse Trainer

"I've tried many machines. . This however, is a system and it works! The BioScan
system yields results that are concrete. I'm not guessing or hoping for positive results, I
can see and feel the improvement,"
Interview with Bill Riddle

Martha Josey, AQHA Barrel Racing World Champion

"I use the system as a therapeutic and preventative tool for keeping my horses sound. I
had Orange Smash Bioscanned everyday after each run. Instead of getting sore, he kept
performing better. I know Bioscan took him to his peak and kept him there after 6 runs."

Women's Professional Rodeo Association World Champion-Olympic Medalists -

National Cowgirl Hall Of Fame , NBHA World Champion Barrel Racer
Visit Martha Josey's web site -

Dr. Ava Frick, DVM, AVCA Certified Animal Chiropractor

“There have been many recent articles in popular veterinarian publications about ways to
assist small animal patients with pain management. The Spinal Pad by Bioscan should be
at the top of the list!”
Visit Dr. Frick's web site

Jack Van Berg, Hall Of Fame Race Horse Trainer

"The BioScan System is the finest therapeutic system I have used. The scanner tells you
what may be causing the problems you see. It has helped me solve many problems with
my horses. I have seen it help ankles, shins, back problems and dramatically speed up
recovery time on fractures."

Trainer of 1987 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Winner Alysheba

About Jack Van Berg

Terry Riddle, Hall Of Fame Cutting Horse Trainer

"The best damn machine I've ever used. It works for me."

Dr. Gerhard Grenz, DVM, veterinarian for Multiple Gold Winning German Olympic
Dressage Team.

"BioScan worked very well-- I am very glad I have the system. It was not just good, it
was great! I am convinced it helped our victories."

Mike Johnson, 24 time Qualifier for the NFR World Finals.

"I've been riding Sputnik for 13 years. He's my 17-year-old calf horse and I know every
move he makes in and out of the arena. I travel to 100 rodeos in a year and sometimes 7
or 8 in a week. Rest is not an option and trying to figure out where the muscle soreness
might be usually is the guessing game, but not now.

I have been a member of the P.R.C.A. for 13 seasons and this was my biggest regular
season rodeo ever... my horse absolutely made the difference. His performance each time
was outstanding. I would like to thank BioScan for making a difference in my horse's
performance. In my opinion, the Bio Scan System should be the cowboy's American
Express card - don't leave home without it!"

Dr. JD Norris, DVM

"In my practice I see a lot of foundered horses and the Bioscan HoofBoot TM has made
a dramatic difference in horses with significant rotations. I highly recommend it for all
foot problems."



Bringing The World " THE LIGHT THAT HEALS"* National Geographic

Omnilight, Inc. distributes and sells state of the art detection and LED devices.

The company holds two significant U.S. patents as well as several U.S. and International trademarks.
Several Infrared LED devices have been FDA cleared. Additional patents/ trademarks are in process.
Omnilight products have received unsolicited accolades and endorsements from an impressive and growing
list of people, including the New York Yankee's Jason Giambi, and many more.

Here's how Omnilight works...

Both visible and infrared light has been successfully used for pain relief, wound care, and sports medicine.
The mechanism of action is believed to be the absorption of infrared energy by cellular tissues, which
causes a biological response of releasing healing enzymes within those cellular tissues. Not all light energy
is the same. Omnilight utilizes only the most well researched, premium quality, commercial grade, high
intensity LED diodes.

Some frequencies of light energy penetrate deeper than others. Omnilight has discovered and combined
into the Omnilight devices the light energy that provides optimal peentration and performance.

More information about Light Therapy...

NASA has published research demonstrating that LED'S are optimal in promoting "wound healing and
optimal tissue growth". National Geographic Magazine, in January of 2001 described LED technology as
"the lights that heal" and a recent issue of Newsweek stated that LED's showed "great promise in pain
relief". The site www. contains many helpful articles on LED therapy.


The New York Yankees' Jason Giambi credits OmniLight Technology with
allowing him to overcome a calf injury in record time...
"I highly recommend OmniLight Technology to any athlete or anybody who wants to
reduce pain, accelerate healing, and increase athletic performance."

World Re-known and Pioneering Micro-Surgeon Dr. Joseph Kutz,

praises OmniLight...

Dr. Kutz has utilized OmniLight technology very successfully... "We have
utilized OmniLight for, among other things, carpal tunnel syndrome, acute
joint problems and ligament trauma... We have found that pain and
swelling were often reduced within 48 hours following treatment with the
technology and that patients were able to return to near full activity within
48 hours after treatment with the technology..."

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