31 Days To Better Parenting Workbook

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31 d a y s t o

BE ng E R
p a r e n t i
r k b o o k
Day 1:
c i p l i n e is
d i s
t e a c h i n g

How do you respond when your child misbehaves? How do you discipline?

Think back to the last time your child acted up. How could you have used it as a
teachable moment?

How can you show your child that you're both on the same side?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 2:
be t h e r e , too
rd times
for the ha

Describe a few times when you didn't support your child during hard times.

What can you do to show you're there for your child even when he isn't feeling positive?

What benefits do you see from showing your love even when your child is having a
hard time?

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Day 3: op
lea rn to st
y e l l i n g
What are the triggers that cause you to lose your temper?

How do you typically react when these triggers happen? How can you pause before
you react?

What else can you do instead of your typical reactions? What effective responses can
you try?

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Day 4:
y with w
be choos
f l i m i t s
Think about the times you tell your child "no" and ask yourself if the behaviors were
THAT bad.

What are some ways you could prevent having to tell your child "no" to begin with?

What are some of the things you can let go or say "yes" to more often?

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Day 5:
M r
What's one behavior you'd like to improve for the next few weeks?

What kind of adult would you like your child to be? How can you model that toady?

What's one behavior you've seen in your child that s/he has picked up from you (good
or bad)?

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Day 6: i d s
o u r k
give y r ies
bo u n d a

What boundaries do you need to set with your kids?

Think about the last time you set boundaries. What was your tone of voice and body

How can you prevent common instances when you have to set boundaries?

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Day 7:
i r e c t i o n
red raction
not dist

Between distraction and redirection, which do you tend to do more often, and why?

What was your child's motives the last time you either redirected or distracted him or her?

How did your child respond when you tried to redirect to another activity?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 8:
e e t y o u r
m needs

How can you improve your daily routine to ensure you meet your child’s needs?

Today, try to ask yourself WHY your child is behaving the way he or she is. What did you

What does your child usually complain about? Is there a deeper need you can meet to
prevent that from happening?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 9:
’ t h o v e r
don r kids
over you

What play activities can you allow your child to take the lead?

Today, resist the urge to solve a problem for your child and let her or him figure it out.
What did s/he learn? How did s/he cope?

How can you carve more “alone time” for your child to spend by herself or himself?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 10: how
how to s
em p a t h y

Think back to the last time your child misbehaved. Why do you think he or she was
behaving that way?

What might your child have been feeling during that time?

How can you show your child you understand what he or she is feeling?

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Day 11r: child
show yo

Think of how you speak to your child. Would you speak to other people that way?

Would you be satisfied if other people spoke to your child the way you do?

In what ways can respecting your child lead to less behavior problems?

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Day 12:
i v e k i d s

What age-appropriate chores can you give your child?

Observe a task your child is doing. What productive feedback can you offer?

Think of ways you “save” your child. How can you step back and allow him or her to
assume full responsibility?

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Day 13:kids
how to g y
aut o n o m

What activities does your child regularly do that you could let him or her do alone?

How can you give your child feedback?

What is a task you tend to re-do or fix after your child has completed it? Why is it
difficult for you to leave it as is it?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 14:
i v e k i d s a
r e a s o n
How do you kids typically respond to your requests? In what ways can you change your
tone of voice or body language?

Try to follow up your instructions with a reason. How does this affect your child’s behavior?

What benefits can you include in your reasons that would sway your child to follow

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Day 15: u t s
no t i m e o
e a t i m in
ha v

What are your biggest hurdles that lead you to give your child a time out?

What are some ways you can help your child calm down during a time in?

Think of ways you can help your kids find alternatives to their behavior. What else can
they do to express frustration or calm themselves down?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 16:r child’s
label yo
t i o n s
What are some of your child’s coping mechanisms and how can you encourage them?

Label your child’s emotions, both easy and difficult. Which emotions did he or she feel?

Show your child different ways of coping with difficult emotions. What are some
alternatives he or she can use instead of throwing a tantrum?

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Day 17: d
n d i ng c hil
s t a
unde r
o p m e n t

What is your child currently going through that you can tie back to normal development?

What can you say or do to remind yourself that this is all normal?

List a few resources you can look into to learn more about normal behaviors and growth
for your child:

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Day 18:
fe w
change a
What instructions do you give your kids that you can change to a positive phrase?

How can you change from asking a non-negotiable instruction to a statement?

What do you find yourself nagging your child about? Is there a way to rephrase it with a
benefit he or she can understand?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 1u r full
give yo
t t e n t i o n

When do you often multitask with your children? What changes can you make so you’re
able to give them your full attention?

What are some common reasons your kids whine? Dig deep—what are some other reasons
they could be whining where you could meet their needs?

What parts of the day could your child’s “bucket” need filling?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 20:r kids you
tell you
v e t h e m

The next time your kids do something disappointing, try reassuring them you love them.
How does this affect their mood?

How can you express your love through body language and facial expression?

What has your child cried about inconsolably? What do you think a deeper reason for the
tears might be?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 21:
p e t e n c e
com ence id
not conf

What age-appropriate play or tasks can you challenge your tasks with?

How can your child help around the house in ways that might build competence?

Do you think you project your own worries and axieties about the risks your child takes?
What changes can you make so you avoid doing this?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 22: i t h
k i d s w
help i o n s
tr a n s i t

What activities does your child do that you should probably give a heads up with?

When have you noticed a good opportunity in the day to suggest a new transition?

What kind of routines can you implement for your child?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 23:r own
find you
me a n i n g

In what ways might you be rooting for your child’s success so you can feel successful too?

What were your past hobbies and interests before becoming a parent? Are you still making
time—no mater how small—to pursue them now?

In what ways has motherhood changed you?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 24: ers of
the dang isons

When was the last time you compared your child to someone else?

What are some of your child’s qualities you might overlook when you compare/

How can you use comparisons in a positive way? Things like teaching your child skills
instead of berating him or her for not doing it yet.

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Weekly og of
reading l
bo o k s
Book title Author # of pages


Goal: 200 pages/week

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 26i:tical
raising a
th i n k e r
Today, try to allow your child to come up with his or her own solutions. What were the

How does expanding on your child’s story with “how,” “why” and “what” help your

Do you tend to solve your child’s problems? How can you back off and allow him to
experience his or her struggles?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 27: eed
h y k i d s n
w e
dow n t i m

Does your child truly enjoy the activities he or she is enrolled in? If not, is there a way to
scale back or eliminate the activity?

Take a look at your family schedule. When does it feel busiest? Is there a way to cut back?

What part of the day can you protect as your downtime?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 28:
ge their
t e r e s t s

What is your child interested in? Which children’s books can supplement that topic?

List a few locations you can visit that tie in well with your child’s interests.

Does your child have an interest that seems different or strange to your own? How can
you encourage his or her passions despite the difference?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 29:e talent
don’t pra o r t
e e f f

Take a look at how often you praise your kids. Is it too much, not enough or just right?

Do you tend to praise for the “final result” or what it took to get there? How can you
change your praise so you focus more on effort?

Practice giving your kids descriptive praise, not evaluative. What do you struggle with the
most when praising what you observe rather than what you think?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com
Day 30: to
be kind f

How can you protect your personal time and focus on yourself?

In what ways do you feel guilty or blame yourself? What steps can you take to be kinder to
yourself moving forward?

What stresses you out the most?

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Day 3 1:
orks w
do what
for you

What advice have you heard and realized did not work for you and your family?

How can you better handle feeling stressed, guilty or pressured to follow advice you’re not
excited about?

What has been the best parenting advice you’ve ever received? How do you implement
that in your parenting journey?

© sleepingshouldbeeasy.com

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