Hospitality Management: Assignment Submission Cover Sheet

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Business and

Table of Contents


Explain the different types, size, and scope of organizations..........................................................6

Explain different types and purposes of organizations; public, private and voluntary sectors,
and legal structures.......................................................................................................................6

Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organizations...................................8

Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within an organization and how they
link to organizational structure......................................................................................................11

Explain the relationship between different organizational functions and how they link to
organizational objectives and structure......................................................................................11

Use contemporary examples to demonstrate both the positive and negative influence/impact the
macro environment has on business operations.............................................................................14

Identify the positive and negative impacts the macro environment has upon business
operations, supported by specific examples...............................................................................14

Determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific businesses and explain their
interrelationship with external macro factors................................................................................17

Conduct internal and external analysis of specific organizations in order to identify strengths
and weaknesses..........................................................................................................................17

Explain how strengths and weaknesses interrelate with external macro factors.......................19



This report discussed the UK’s business organization. All organization has its own nature,
structure, size, vision, mission, objectives as well as services and products. The organization also
varies because of the product or service differences. The relation with the organization's function
and structure with the mission and objectives of the organization is also discussed briefly in the
report. And at last the SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of Leadway Consulting also be evaluated.

In the UK, different types of organization can be found, and all the organization has a great
impact on the growth of the economy of the UK. Every business organization has some
functional departments which are interrelated with obtaining the goals and completing the
mission of the organization. The functional activities drive the organization to reach the goals or
objectives. The increase in living standards of the UK is mainly happened because of business
development. Different trends are introduced by the organization for satisfying and attracting the

Explain the different types, size, and scope of organizations
Explain different types and purposes of organizations; public, private and
voluntary sectors, and legal structures.

For different circumstances, an organization can be formed differently which can be dependent
on the size, objectives, capital, etc. That can be public-oriented or may be privately owned and it
can be a voluntary organization. Every set of the organization has its own characteristics,
objectives, rules, and regulations. Micro and macro elements of the environment have directly
influenced every perspective of business organizations. Some businesses of the UK are discussed
in this report and how the internal and external environment influenced a business organization
also would be mentioned in these reports.

Public Business Organizations:

The business organization which shareholder has lower risk and high potential income and share
of the organization can be sold in the market is known as the public business organization. The
aim of this organization is to reduce the risks of the business and gaining a huge profit from
customers. The owner of the public business organization can be anyone. Barclays is a public
business organization which operates its business in the UK public and their main objectives are
to provide banking service to the customers and earn profits by rendering services. Barclays
follows all the regarded rules and regulations of the UK government and tries to operate its
business services according to the business culture of the UK.[ CITATION Bus19 \l 1033 ]

Private Business Organizations:

The organization which is privately owned, organized and operates by individuals or privately
owned and established in order to gain profits is known as a private business organization.
Generally, most portion of any country is formed with the privately owned organization in the
economy. For the economic development of the country, privately-owned organizations are
played most impact because of their support to the government. One of the most known private
organization of UK is River Island which is generally produce clothing products in the economy.

River Island has played an essential role in meeting the needs of cloths of the UK and for earning
revenues by exporting clothes in other countries. [ CITATION Upc19 \l 1033 ]

Voluntary business organization

A voluntary business organization can be termed as a nonprofit business organization whose

main objectives are to rendering services to the people and their goals are to work for the
betterment for others and the world. Generally, voluntary organizations are small and their
working capacity is depended on the members of the organizations. About 11.7 billion value-
added tax is provided by the voluntary organizations of the UK which played a great impact on
the development of the UK economic sectors. Amnesty International is a voluntary organization
of the UK that works for human rights. They work for obtaining the human rights of food, safety,
etc. [ CITATION Soc19 \l 1033 ]

Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organizations.

Barclays River Island Amnesty

Backgrounds Barclays is a River Island a For the establishment
renowned financial renowned clothing of freedom in 1961,
institution and store of the UK was Peter Benenson try to
investment bank established in 1948 start a campaign
which was for providing unique which is the
established in1690 in and most attractive beginning of
the UK. products to the Amnesty
customers. International.
Amn19 \l 1033 ]
Product & Services Barclays generally River Island Amnesty
rendering services generally supplied the International works
such as retail clothing of women’s, for ensuring human
banking, commercial men’s & children’s rights.
banking, retail and they also provide
banking, wealth the footwear.
management, etc.
Size & Scope About 79,900 people At present, there are Amnesty
are involved in about 350 stores and International now
Barclays and 6 websites on River works all over the
provided huge Island in the UK. world and involving
services in the UK in ensuring human
economy. rights and try to
establish a potential
change in the world.
Vision The vision of River Island’s vision The vision of
Barclays is to achieve is to bring new and Amnesty
high growth in the stylish fashion which International is to
market. also included new & make sure of human
unique designs. rights all over the
Mission Barclay's mission is River Island’s main The mission of
to create an mission is to provide Amnesty
opportunity for the the clothing which International is
people. gives the customers arranging different
an attractive look. research and
campaign for the
fulfillment of the
vision. [ CITATION
Amn17 \l 1033 ]

Objectives The main objective of The objectives of The objectives of
Barclays is to create River Island are to Amnesty
an opportunity for provide attractive and International are to
working together to lovable clothes within increase awareness,
gain goals. the customer's ensuring educational
affordability. facilities, arranging
Fund, etc.
Cam19 \l 1033 ]
Legal Structure Barclays is River Island Amnesty
established as a maintains ethical International
central point which trading in the UK. maintaining the rules
makes its services and regulations of the
more attractive. business of the UK
for running its
Stakeholders Some stakeholders of The stakeholders of Human rights
Barclays are CRM, River Island are defenders, Local
Campaign executives, employees, raw partner organizations,
shareholders, materials suppliers, etc.
consumers, etc. government, etc.
UKe16 \l 1033 ]

Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions within an
organization and how they link to organizational structure
Explain the relationship between different organizational functions and how
they link to organizational objectives and structure.
Marketing Roles:

Marketing is a department of an organization that is a part and parcel for running the
organization smoothly and obtaining the goals efficiently and effectively. Marketing departments
calculate the needs & demands of customers, creating trends and evaluating the competition in
the market so that customers will attract with the organization’s products and services. Marketing
also tries to make a plan for the organization so that the organization can easily obtain its goals. [
CITATION Sal13 \l 1033 ]

 Functions in objectives and missions: Marketing departments are interrelated with

every aspect of an organization. The marketing tools help to take any decision exactly.
From planning to implement a task marketing played an effective role such as planning,
SWOT analyzing, implementing a marketing mix for completing its required missions of
Barclays. [ CITATION Ber19 \l 1033 ]

Role of Finance:

An organization all money-related events are maintained and handled by the finance
departments. From finding the source of money to dividing the money fiancé departments have
played an effective role. Money is considered as the blood for every organization, so it needs to
operate and handle carefully by the organization and this risk is handled by the finance
departments of an organization. Finance departments generally did roles such as comparing the
financial events, planning the finance for the organization and establishing a way of controlling
the finance. [ CITATION Val19 \l 1033 ]

 Functions in objectives and missions: Finance as blood, it needs to operate strategically

in the organization. Finance helps in operating the money of Barclays by doing financial

accounting, cost accounting, capital budgeting analyzing, making financial plans,
analyzing the credits, making relations with investors and risk management. The finance
department also arranging different monitoring systems for controlling finance in the
organization. All these activities making the mission simply easy and help to obtain the
goals & missions of Barclays. [ CITATION Wis19 \l 1033 ]

Role of Human Resource Management:

The department which all works are related to the human can be defined as human resource
management. Human resource management generally deals with staffing the employees in the
organization, proving salary and extra facilities and dividing the tasks which are required to
complete by the employees. Human resource management also tries to select the candidates who
are the right person for the organization. [ CITATION Inc19 \l 1033 ]

 Functions in objectives and missions: This department generally recruits staff, building
relationships among employees-owner in the organization, establishing employees' law
compliance, arranging employee skills and career-building programs and ensuring the
rights of the employees. Employees are the main factors of production for every
organization, for this human resource should be driven carefully. Human resource is the
main elements for obtaining the organization's goals and mission. Human resource
management makes the way to using human resources efficiently and effectively in
Barclays & simply makes the mission & goals easier for obtaining. [ CITATION Pop18 \l
1033 ]

Organizations Structure of Barclays:

Barclays using the matrix organization structure. Barclays established a new group service
company for providing the service more satisfying way so that customers would be attracted
more on Barclays. This system makes the Barclays more comfortable to gain its objectives and

complete its mission more easily. The matrix organization type is the system that provides the
facilities of the functional organization also which makes Barclays more flexible in the
workplace. [ CITATION Bar19 \l 1033 ]

Use contemporary examples to demonstrate both the positive and
negative influence/impact the macro environment has on business
Identify the positive and negative impacts the macro environment has upon
business operations, supported by specific examples.
For identifying the threats and opportunities PESTEL analysis is required to calculate. For
taking or implementing a new plan for the organization PESTEL need to analysis. It helps to the
measurement of the competition of the market, chances to capture the market and so on.
[ CITATION oxf19 \l 1033 ]

 Political Factors: Political factors of environment can influence the Leadway in many
ways, political factors can decrease the growth of the Leadway.
 Positive impact: Decrease of tax by the government can make a great opportunity
for the Leadway to expanding its business operations.

 Negative impact: Sometimes the government increases the rate of tax which will
create a great hamper for Leadway. Another impact of politics such as increases
in corruption level, trade control, traffic and so on. [ CITATION Pes15 \l 1033 ]
 Economic Factors: Economic factors of environment consist of interest rates, demand,
supply, inflation, deflation, etc. which are directly influenced the aspects of the Leadway.
[ CITATION Mar16 \l 1033 ]
 Positive impact: If the economic growth of the country is good, this will helps
the Leadway to run its business with an expected profit margin.
 Negative impact: If the economic growth will not be stable in the country this
will result in the ineffectiveness of Leadway.
 Social Factors: Social factors consists of the culture, behavior, attitudes, lifestyle, hobby,
religion, buying attitudes of a society which has been interrelated with the establishment
of a business organization in a place.
 Positive impact: The supply and demands of products or services are generally
dependents on the population of the place. If their remains a high growth of
population, in that place Leadway’s business growth will be increased.
 Negative impact: But if the population level of the growth will decrease that will
result in a decrease in the demand for the product and the supply level of Leadway
also be decreased. [ CITATION Pes151 \l 1033 ]
 Technological Factors: Technology makes business operation simply more effective and
efficient. Because of the role of technological factors any difficult tasks can be completed
in an easy and time-effective way.
 Positive impact: Technology helps to save money for the organization and
reduce the consumption of extra time requirements.
 Negative impact: But the technology needs to be updated in Leadway after a
certain period that will cost a lot. [ CITATION Biz18 \l 1033 ]
 Environmental factors: For implementing & development of any strategy or plan for the
organization there need of thinking about the environmental factors. Every business
organization is dependent on the environment.
 Positive impact: Every environment has it owns rules, regulations, and laws
which can be a useful factor for the Leadway’s growth.

 Negative impact: Because of the changes in climate, the demand and supply can
be reduced which will hamper the growth of the Leadway. [ CITATION Mar18 \l
1033 ]
 Legal Factors: This factor is consisting of any country’s tax system, trade system,
partnership law, business law, etc. Every organization needs to maintain legal factors.
 Positive impact: If government laws are business-oriented their tax rate and
government policy will be helpful for operating the Leadway’s business activities.
 Negative impact: But if the government of a country implements hard conditions
and laws for the business organization that will result in the reduction of the
growth of Leadway’s business performance. [ CITATION Ceo19 \l 1033 ]

Determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific
businesses and explain their interrelationship with external macro
Conduct internal and external analysis of specific organizations in order to
identify strengths and weaknesses.
SWOT For Leadway:

For analyzing strength, weakness, opportunity, threats there needs some techniques or tools
which are known as SWOT Analysis. SWOT analysis makes any organization more effective for
taking any risk and making any decision.

Strength of Leadway Consulting:

1. Leadway Consulting has a great strength to runs its business operations all over the
world. Because Leadway Consulting has the efficiency for rendering service all over the
2. Because of the effectiveness of the communication with the internal human resource and
external parties related to Leadway Consulting, it can maintain a strong relationship with
its stakeholders.
3. The reputation of Leadway Consulting is the most attractive strength.

The weakness of Leadway Consulting:

1. Leadway Consulting will be facing financial problems because of its operating costs
required for running this organization smoothly.
2. The lack of handling ability of the management is the great weakness of the Leadway
Consulting organization.
3. Because of the employees’ gap in skills, Leadway Consulting cannot increase its growth

The opportunity of Leadway Consulting:

1. The opportunity for entering the worldwide market is a great opportunity for the
Leadway Consulting organization.
2. Leadway Consulting can diversify its business nature.
3. Leadway Consulting also takes advantage of new trends in the business.

Threats of Leadway Consulting:

1. Strong competition is the main threat to the Leadway Consulting organization.

2. Changes in technology are another threat to the Leadway Consulting organization.

Explain how strengths and weaknesses interrelate with external macro factors
Strength & Weakness of Leadway which is Impact by the External Factors of


1. Opportunity for Global Positioning: Forgetting a position in the worldwide market

LEAD WAY will be faced the external factors of the environment. If the macro-
environmental situation is business-friendly, the Leadway can be simply running its
operation globally and can create a great brand value all over the world.
2. Effective Communication: Social factors has played a great impact on the level of
employee’s skills and efficiency level. If the employees come from a well-decorated
society, that individual will be effective in the communication with others and that will
result in a great impact on obtaining the goals of the Leadway.


1. Financial Crisis: Because of the economic factors of the environment, Leadway may be
faced with the problem of finance. If the society will not economically be developed that
will bring a great problem of investment and funding of finance of Leadway.
2. Errors of Management: Managers interpersonal and technical skills are developed from
his society, if the manager of the Leadway does not come from good society, he will
become the burden for the organization and that will result in the error in the
management of the Leadway, also hamper in the growth of the Leadway.

Every organization in every country is influenced by the environment and every decision of the
business organization needs to think about the factors of the environment. These environmental
factors also determined how strong the strengths of the organization & what is the level of
weakness. Besides this, how many opportunities will be could gather by the organization and
what will be found as barriers or threats for the organization is also determined by the
environment? For development & achievement of goals, the business organization of every
country should be more business-friendly and makes the rules and regulations and laws for the
betterment of the business in the country.

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