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Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna

Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna
Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna
Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna Darshana Jayarathna

Kg/Mw/ Deliwala M.V.

English Language

Test 01
Match the pictures with the instructions. (5 marks)

a. Ladies only b. Don’t touch c. Animals cross the road

d. For disabled people e. Do not wet f. Put the litter into the bin

1. …………b………….. 2. ……………………….. 3. ………………………….

4. ………………………. 5. …………………………. 6. …………………………

Test 02
Match the greetings with the situations (10 marks)

Greetings Situations

Happy birthday ! When you make a mistake

Safe journey! When someone says “Thank you”

Good night! On your friend’s birthday

You are welcome! Your brother is going on a trip

I’m sorry! Before you go to bed

Darshana Jayarathna
Test 03
Fill in the blanks (10 marks)

1. b……tterfly 2. fr….end 3. le…..sure

4. kitch……n 5. st……dy 6. helpf……l
7. less…… n 8. dise……se 9. ev…..ning
10. veg…..table

Test 04
Fill in the blanks using the prepositions correctly. You may complete the sentence by
yourself. (10 marks)

1. The dog is ………...... .. 2. Flowers are ………………. 3. The house is …………….

4. The duck is ………………………..... 5. The helicopter is ……………………..

Test 05
Rearrange the words and make meaningful sentences. (5 marks)

1. celebrate / Ruwan / birthday / his ………………………………………………………

2. animal / The cat / domestic / is a ………………………………………………………

3. vacation / long / is a / This / really ………………………………………………………

4. a hat / My friend / wearing / is ………………………………………………………

5. playing / They / are / in the / class room ……………………………………………………..

Darshana Jayarathna
Test 06

Form the plurals of the following nouns (10 marks)

lady boy
team witch
glass knife
foot tomato
child radio

Test 07

Study the picture and complete the sentences given below. (10 marks)

Use the present continuous form of the verb given. Example

A boy is ( wave / his hand) - A boy is waving his hand

1. Girls are (wear / frocks) - …………………………………………………………..

2. One girl is (wear / glasses) - ………………………………………………………….

3. They are (carry / bags) - ………………………………………………………….

4. One girl is (look at / us) - ………………………………………………………….

5. They are ( go / to school) - ………………………………………………………….

Darshana Jayarathna
Test 08

Read the answers and make the questions. (10 marks)

Questions Answers
1. ………………………………. is your best friend? Thilomi is my best friend.
2. ……………………............... you crying ? I hurt my head.
3. ………………………………. you live ? I live in Rambukkana.
4. ………………………………… you feel now? I feel tired.
5. …….............. one ………..…. your pencil? The blue one.

Test 09

Read the announcement and find the following information. Answer the questions. (10)

The nature club of DS. Senanayake Vid Ampara has decided to conduct a photographic
exhibition on the topic of “ Beautiful flowers ” . The competition will be open for all students.
The size of the photograph should be 6 x 4 inches. The closing date will be 20th of Aug. 2020.
Competetors can contact Secretary, Mr. Udeha Gunathilaka of the Nature club for further details.

1. Name of the club: ...................................................................................................

2. Name of the school : ....................................................................................................
3. Topic of the competition: ...................................................................................................
4. Size of the photo: ....................................................................................................
5. Who is it for ? ....................................................................................................

1. What is the name of the secretary? …………………………………………………..

2. What is the closing date? …………………………………………………………….
3. Who can participate in it? ……………………………………………………………

C Find similar words from the announcement

1. title …………………….. 2. more information …………………………

Darshana Jayarathna
Test 10
Write an essay on any one of the following. Use about 75 words. (10 marks)

1. My self 2. My country 3. My favourite person


Speaking test (10 marks)

Select one of the topics mention below and speak.
Suggestion – Turn on your phone’s sound recorder and record your speech. Then send it by
Whatsapp or IMO

Speak about your - Ambition

- Favourite book
- Class teacher
- Best friend

Darshana Jayarathna

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