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Electronic governance or e-governance

E-governance can be defines as
 the use of information & communication by government to enhance the range quality of
information & services provided to the citizen in an cost effective manner.

According to World Bank E-Government refers to the

 Use of information technologies that have the ability to transform relations with citizens,
businesses, and other arms of government.
 These technologies can serve better delivery of government services to citizens.

 -E-governance is the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for

delivering government services exchange of information communication transactions
integration of various stand-alone systems and services between government-to-citizen
(G2C), government-to-business (G2B), government-to-government (G2G), government-
to-employees (G2E) as well as back office processes and interactions within the entire
government framework.
 -Through e-governance, government services will be made available to citizens in a
convenient, efficient and transparent manner.

The three main target groups that can be distinguished in governance concepts are government,
citizens and businesses/interest groups.

Generally four basic models are available – government-to-citizen (customer), government-to-

employees, government-to-government and government-to-business.

Why E-Governance

E-Government can transform

 citizen service
 provide access to information to empower citizens
 enable their participation in government and enhance citizen economic and social
opportunities so that they can make better lives, for themselves and for the next

Components Of E-governance
1. Technological Component
2. Social Component
3. Cultural Component
4. Political Component
5. Psychological Component
6. Service Component

Interventional Strategies of E-Governance

 Transitive Counseling
 Electronic Accessibility
 Institutional Networking
 Ethical Framework
 Role Shifting Strategies

Benefits Of E-Governance

 Better access to information and quality services for citizens.

 Simplicity, efficiency and accountability in the government.
 Expanded reach of governance.
 Cost effective
 Speed, efficiency & convenient
 Minimum use of hardcopy
 Increases interest of citizens

IMPORTANCE of e-governance
 Building strong and effective information chain.
 To bridge the gap between India and developed countries.
 Effective utilization of resources.
 Reduction in delays, Red tape and corruption.

LIMITATIONS of e-governance
 Budget.
 Poor IT literacy.
 Lack of electricity in rural areas.
 Corruption.
 Privacy problems.

E-Governance Challenges Specific to India

 Lack of Integrated Services
 Lack of Key Persons
 Population
 Lack of communication between different departments
 Different Languages
E-strategy is the strategic use of electronic capabilities to achieve business objectives . E-strategy
refers to the delivery of a powerful combination of strategy, issue advocacy, and cutting-edge
web-technology services (including all services that can come under umbrella of ’E’) to
empower, activate, educate, and mobilize/support business strategy, marketing strategy, IT and
infrastructure strategy, and resources of a business to achieve business objectives.

e-Strategy is an iterative process to create and/or modify an organization's business model for

 It is a process not a point in time event

 It is iterative - success comes after multiple - do and learn – cycles
 The key is the creation/modification of the business model not designing websites to
address business requirements
o The former focuses on the business
o The latter focuses on integrating emerging technology; that is the purview of IT
e-Strategy sets direction for the entire organization

o It is one and the same as the "business" strategy. If one must, then eStrategy is a
subset of business strategy
o It is not "IT Strategy" for the internet. Much like business strategy drives IT
Strategy, eStrategy drives IT Strategy
o eBusiness affects the entire organization so the focus of eStrategy is on the entire
business not on creating a new distribution channel or creating a customer portal
or targeting a new internet based market segment
o eStrategy focuses on creating maximum value not on creating revenues or
reducing costs through the internet

e-Strategy helps create shareholder value. In other words, it helps identify the "new" business
model to compete in the "new" world that now includes the internet based ecosystem

Matrix for prioritization for implementation of e-strategy

 Business impact: The impact of the initiative on business. This impact is generally
determined on the basis of experience and inference.
 Business urgency: There are some initiatives that are urgent for businesses. For online
trading to control the traffic and management of connectivity may be more important
than GUI (graphic user interface) enhancements.
 Technical complexity: The technical complexity along with business impact is used to
decide the priority.
 Effort involved: To make use of resources optimally it is important to know the efforts
involved to prioritize the initiative.
 Change involved: The change involved with reference to an initiative and its
organizational impact is used for prioritization. Further the roles of different parts of the
organization should be considered for prioritization.

E-business Strengths from strategic perspective

 Within the traditional sector the investments are low.
 Reputation of traditional brands.
 E-commerce shops are expandable.
 E-commerce prices respond according to demand (direct marketing).
 E-commerce lowers the cost of stocks and personnel.
 E-commerce is available 24 hours a day.
 E-commerce personnel are highly educated.
 The target group is reached.

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