Elannie Alicea Service Log 2019-20

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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

Service Log
Students’ Coalition Pro-Agriculture –Atabey UPR Ponce
Urban Garden

Name: _Elannie Michelle Alicea-García Course: _INGL 4021__________

Group: ____________ M03
Section: _________

Contribution /Donation:
10 dollars donation. Equivalent to 1 hour of service.__________________

Tasks performed at ATABEY GARDEN:

_X_ 1. Planting/Plowing DATES: # Hours: Initials:
___ 2. Composting
_X_ 3. Cleaning garden, removing weeds Reunion
_X_ 4. Creating seedlings Reunion
___ 5. Painting tires (Quantity: ________) 2/28/2020_________1______JGNF_
_ _ 6. Watering the garden ______________________________
___ 7. Other Specify: ______________________________
__________________________________ ______________________________
I hereby certify that_ Elannie Michelle Alicea-García completed __5___hours
name of student #
of service at Huerto Atabey or Related Activities ( ___Agricultural Fair,
___Demonstrations, _X_Conferences, ___Other_______________________).

CEPA directive signature: _______________________ Date: _5/11/2020___

PRINTED NAME: __Juan G. Negrón_________

- A full hour of work will consist in tending to the garden or the plant nursery under the supervision of members of CEPA.
- Watering the garden once a day will not count as full hour of work– it means the student worked 30 minutes that day.
If the student waters the garden two times a day, it will count toward a whole hour of work = 60 minutes.)
- Donations can only count toward a maximum of two hours of work and must be authorized by CEPA’s directive.
Donations will NOT be counted as a full load of service but they are very important. (Exchange: 1 hour = $10.00)

Juan Negrón * Adayra Rodríguez * * * *

President Vice-president Secretary & Hist. Treasurer Public Relations Vocal

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