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Vocabulary words

1. Adjourn- To suspend indefinitely or until a later stated time.

The meeting adjourned at 10:17am.

2. Chair- An official seat or a seat of authority, state, or dignity.

The chair is discussing the problem of the college university.

3. Gist- The substance or essence of a speech or text.

The poem had a unique gist of passion.

4. Cognate- Having the same linguistic derivation as another; from the same original

word or root.

The word intellectual is an example of a cognate.

5. Accuracy- The quality or state of being correct or precise.

Technical documents are very important to have accuracy.

6. Comprehensiveness- The state or condition of including all or nearly all elements or

aspects of something (enough information).

The comprehensiveness of the doctor’s examinations helped to identify my illness.

7. Conciseness- Straight to the point. Marked by brevity of expression or statement.

The teacher was very concise with the students.

8. Humane mouse traps- Is an effective, reusable no kill trap. It is easy, safe, sanitary,

and animal friendly. Just bait, catch and release.

I use a humane mouse trap to catch a mouse in my house.

9. Minutes- The official record of the proceedings of a meeting.

Minutes of the prior meeting on February 18th, 2020, were presented by the

10. Monsanto- An American agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology corporation.

The Monsanto Company have legal issues with farmers.

11. GMO- Genetically Modified Organism.

Monsanto use GMO in their products.

12. Monocultures- The cultivation or growth of a single crop or organism especially on

agricultural or forest land.

Some farmers use the monoculture’s techniques in agriculture.

13. Patents- A government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set

period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an


The farmers were sued for patent infringement.

14. Graphics- The products of the graphic arts, especially commercial design, or

illustration (anything visual).

You should include some graphics in your work.

15. Fonts- Is a collection of characters with a similar design.

APA formant requires Times New Roman as the serif fonts and size twelve.

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