R/ The Face-To-Face Learning Methodology Is, by Many People, The Most

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Instructor: Ruby Lucero Tapiero Paredes SENA AT HOME


Grammar structures: Present simple- Gerund- prepositions

Read carefully the instructions and follow them step by step:

1. General vocabulary: translate into Spanish

Decide: Decidir Have: Tener Know : Saber

Means: Significa See: Ver Interact: Interactuar
Get: Obtener Studying: Estudiando Require: Requiere
Can: Poder Be: Ser Complete: Completo
Take: Tomar Look: Buscar A: Un-Una
Follow: Seguir Online: En línea Learning:
Aprendiendo Chooses: Elige Use: Usar
Up: Arriba Viewed: Visto Printed: Impreso
Add: Añadir Find: Encontrar Tend: Tender
Accessed: Accedido a - Acceso a Carry: Llevar Costs: Costos
Saves: Guardar Travel: Viaje Takes: Toma
End up: Terminar Failing: Fallando Juggle: Malabares
Checks: Cheques Prefer: Preferir Differ: Diferir
Caught: Atrapar  Up: Subir At: En
Start: Inicio May: Poder Becomes: Se
convierte en. Have: Tiene Gives: Dar
Queries: Consultas Needs: Necesita Wait: Espera
Upload: Subir Gives: Dar Back: Volver
Chat: Chat Varies: Varia Speak: Hablar
Get back: Vuelve Go: Ir Work: Trabajo
Asked: Preguntó Book: Libro Tend: Tender
Carry: Llevar Around: Alrededor Forget: Olvida
Share: Comparte Mark: Marca Highlight: Destacar
Choosing: Eligiendo Feel: Sentir Expect: Espere
Needs: Necesita Purchase: Compra Costs: Costos
Assist: Asistir Pick: Elige Up: Arriba - Subir
May: Poder Take: Toma Check: Comprobar
Has: Tiene Ask: Preguntar Relates: Se relaciona
To: Para, Por, Hasta, A, De Ensure: Asegurar  Focus: Enfoque
Learn: Aprender Write: Escribir Apply: Aplicar

2. Now you know many words, so read the text about “Face to face Vs Virtual
learning” and answer the following questions
A. Give a concept for each methodology (face to face learning – Virtual

R/ The face-to-face learning methodology is, by many people, the most

favorite, since it is the most traditional one and the one we are most
familiar with, since we have a direct physical interaction with the
teacher and with our classmates, thus having more discipline and
concentration in class, and can also provide solutions and clear up
any doubts and concerns that may arise at the time of the classes in a
more direct and precise way, while on the other hand, the e-learning
methodology, as for many is not their preference, for others is the
one that can best be adapted by different factors, such as having a
little more free time to do other activities that are not academic or
educational in nature, but therefore requires much more self-
discipline in order to efficiently fulfill the activities that teachers
have made available to students in the different video conferences,
to make them and send them through the different technological
means that the teachers have previously predisposed for the delivery
of work or activities and in turn also requires much more attention at
the time of video conferences as the student can be distracted much
more easily, this being a great challenge in their virtual learning

B. Write with your own words the advantages and disadvantages for each
Tools Advantages Disadvantages
Face to face -Physical There is more Sometimes it is
textbooks. interaction between not possible to
- Notebooks. teacher and student, finish the
- Pencil and as well as more deepening of the
pencil. attention in class. topics because
- Board. most of the time
- Bookmarks. of the class can
- Photocopies. be used to solve
the concerns of
the students.
Virtual -Connection via You can have your Much easier to be
computer or cell own pace of work distracted in
phone. because you have video
- The internet more free time and conferences, you
connection. activities can be can have
- Variety of more efficient problems with
tools such as because you have the flow of
applications. access to much more energy, internet
- Greater reach information on the also with the
of information Internet. means of
through various interaction that
websites. would be the
camera and
Note: use the following word for writing on the previous chart
Face to Face education internet Feedback
Distance interact access Interaction
learning studying time Anytime
option studies provider Textbooks
Traditional ways Materials

3. Use full sentences: then, write a complete text, taking into account the
information you have on step 1-2- and include these expressions:
- Learners interact through…
- Some people prefer the way of…
- This learning methodology is for people who…
- Both are good methodologies but…

R/ The truth is complicated to know which methodology is better, on the one hand, some
people prefer the way of face-to-face or in-person interaction because of the direct
physical contact with the teacher, this learning methodology is for people who prefer the
traditional, and on the other hand there are people who prefer the virtual learning
methodology because learners interact through different technological devices and
various virtual platforms. In short, both are good methodologies but it is very difficult to
choose which is better than the other since many factors and situations of personal and
social character come into play such as the location and lack of technologies in certain
regions of the country.

4. Give your personal point of view (take into account your technician-
training)what’s your personal challenge?

R/ Taking into account my training program and the situation of

confinement by the pandemic we live today, the point of view I
have about learning methodologies is that both should intervene
equally depending on the stage of training in which we are, because
now the virtual methodology helps us to be much more in touch
with technologies and thus learn much more from them, but there
will come a time when the classroom methodology will be the most
appropriate because there are activities or processes that require
physical interaction to perform them.

5. Now, link the written paragraphs to get a complete text you can review
connectors to link your paragraphs (annex- connectors)

R/ The face-to-face learning methodology is, by many people, the most

favorite, since it is the most traditional one and the one we are most
familiar with, since we have a direct physical interaction with the teacher
and with our classmates, thus having more discipline and concentration in
class, and can also provide solutions and clear up any doubts and concerns
that may arise at the time of the classes in a more direct and precise way,
while on the other hand, the e-learning methodology, as for many is not
their preference, for others is the one that can best be adapted by different
factors, such as having a little more free time to do other activities that are
not academic or educational in nature, but therefore requires much more
self-discipline in order to efficiently fulfill the activities that teachers have
made available to students in the different video conferences, to make
them and send them through the different technological means that the
teachers have previously predisposed for the delivery of work or activities
and in turn also requires much more attention at the time of video
conferences as the student can be distracted much more easily, this being a
great challenge in their virtual learning period. The truth is complicated to
know which methodology is better, on the one hand, some people prefer
the form of face-to-face interaction or face to face by direct physical
contact with the teacher, this learning methodology is for people who
prefer the traditional, and on the other hand there are people who prefer
the methodology of virtual learning as students interact through different
technological devices and various virtual platforms. In short, both are
good methodologies but it is very difficult to choose which is better than
the other since many factors and situations of personal and social
character come into play such as the location and lack of technologies in
certain regions of the country. To conclude, as I see it, taking into account
my training program and the situation of confinement due to the pandemic
that we live today, the point of view I have about learning methodologies
is that both should intervene equally depending on the stage of training in
which we are, since now the virtual methodology helps us to be much
more in touch with technologies and thus learn much more from them, but
there will come a time when the classroom methodology will be the most
appropriate since there are activities or processes that require physical
interaction to perform them.

Finally, When you get the previous activity completed, share your final product on a
Word document and upload to the Drive your instructor has created for you.

Standard of the final work document

Length of the Text: 300-400 words

Font: Times Roman- 12
Helping link: https://www.deepl.com/translator

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