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Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

Land Reclamation No 47 (3), 2015: 211–223
(Ann. Warsaw Univ. of Life Sci. – SGGW, Land Reclam. 47 (3), 2015)

Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soils using

a dynamic heavy penetrometer (DPH)
AUGENTA Bau Ges.m.b.H. in Vienna
Department of Geotechnical Engineering,
Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW
Brambor and Schmid GmbH in Niederkreuzstetten

Abstract: Estimation of the density state of anthro- to densification. When selecting the con-
pogenic soils using a dynamic heavy penetrometer trolling methods of the density state of
(DPH). The loading of natural and anthropogenic
soils can be determined in the field by using dy-
made soils, their variable composition,
namic probing tests. This method is based on the particularly the presence of rock and
measurement of the resistance, which the studied rubble fragments and solid waste, should
soil poses on the probe tip when it penetrates the be taken into account (Koda 2011, 2012,
soil. The most typical probe tips are cylindrical, Pasik et al. 2015).
conical and rarely cross-shaped. The penetrom-
The density index (ID) of natural and
eter penetrates the soil by a hammer with a given
mass freely falling from the height required in the anthropogenic made soils can be deter-
test. The penetration resistance is defined by the mined in field conditions using dynam-
numbers of blows required to drive the penetrom- ic probing tests. This method is based
eter over the defined distance (Nk), where k = 10, on the measurement of the resistance,
15(20) or 30 cm. The paper presents the results of which the studied soil poses on the probe
heavy dynamic probing tests DPH with a hammer
mass of 50 kg and penetration depth up to 30 m, tip during soil penetration.
carried out in an anthropogenic made ground in Penetration of the tip into the soil
order to determine the soil loading for the founda- with constant blow energy is provided
tion of the designed building. by a hammer with a specific mass, freely
Key words: dynamic probing tests, dynamic heavy falling from a height required in the test
penetrometer, density index, anthropogenic soils (Herrick and Jones 2002). The conduct-
ed attempts allow to obtain the number
of blows per unit of probe penetration
INTRODUCTION (10, 15(20) or 30 cm).
According to norm ISO 22476-2:2005,
Anthropogenic soils (communal waste, five types of dynamic probes are used in
rubble, humus etc.) in urban areas often dynamic probing tests: light DPL (ham-
cause problems with foundation con- mer mass 10 kg), medium DPM (ham-
struction. These problems result from mer mass 30 kg), heavy DPH (hammer
the non-uniform grain size in the soils, mass 50 kg) and very heavy DPSH-A and
their variable origin and lack of con- DPSH-B (hammer mass 63.5 kg).
trol of the density state during the con- Dynamic probing is often used in
struction process. A favorable feature of quality control when creating building
made soils is usually their susceptibility embankments. Additionally, the test may
212 W. Czaczkowski, E. Koda, J. Schmid

check the density of road foundations STUDY SITE

(Glinicka 2006), subfloors, subcrusts for
pavements, foundations and ramps, as The study object is located in the Bruck-
well as road and railway embankments. haufen housing society in the Donaufeld
Density state control in soils is carried area. This area is the southernmost part of
out also after conducting dynamic ex- the 21 Floridsdorf district of Vienna. The
change and gravel columns. landscape of the area developed in the
The density state of the soil substrate XVIII century due to the accumulation
tested with various types of dynamic of the sediments of the non-regulated
probes is determined on the basis of em- Danube river.
pirical formulas from the logarithmic During regulation works, conducted
relationship between the density index on the Danube river since 1870 for over
(ID) and the number of hammer blows 100 years with minor cessations, whose
(c). The density state in the analyzed ob- main aim was to provide flood relief of
ject (Bruckhaufner Hauptstraße 13, 1210 the neighbouring areas, a new channel
Vienna) was assessed using a dynamic was dug in the Bruckhaufen stretch, i.e.
heavy penetrometer (DPH), commonly the New Danube, and an oxbow lake i.e.
applied in Austria. The DPH probe has the Old Danube, separated from the main
a hammer mass of 50 kg, which allows, channel, was formed.
depending on the degree of soil density In the substrate the aquifer comprises
in the studied substrate, a penetration Quaternary Danube gravels which over-
depth of 30 m. Results of dynamic prob- lie Tertiary muds and fine-grained de-
ing tests are commonly interpreted from posits.
the critical depth (tc), which usually is Since the times of the Austro-Hun-
tc = 1.0 m. garian Empire, the area between the new
The paper presents the results of dy- channel and the oxbow lake was used as
namic probing tests with use of a dy- a dump for communal waste and rubble.
namic heavy penetrometer DPH-50, The waste dump was shut down in 1963,
which were conducted in made soils in after about 80 years of operation. The
order to determine the loading of the soil thickness of the wastes after densifying
substrate for the designed building foun- them with compactors reaches in places
dation transferring variable load on the 8 m.
substrate (Zadroga 2007). Since 1923, the city authorities have
In the case of a substrate built of reorganized waste utilization and re-
anthropogenic soils containing brick, cycling. A concrete ramp was construct-
ceramic and concrete rubble, dynamic ed, from which the delivered wastes were
heavy probing may be an alternative to reloaded to carriages of a narrow-gauge
cone penetration tests (CPT), when large railway and distributed around the dump.
concrete fragments can damage the ex- Waste segregation and recycling was in-
pensive cones of static probes. troduced (Licka and Krippner 2011).
Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soil... 213

The waste dump capacity is estimat- of particular parts of the building (Figs 2
ed at about 5,000,000 m3, with a mean and 3).
density at 1.3–1.5 t/m3 and total mass
6,500,000–7,500,000 t (Lampert et al. STUDY METHODS
Presently, the area reclaimed by soil Dynamic probing is one of the methods
material is allotted as leisure and recre- used to determine the density index (ID)
ation site by establishing the public park of non-cohesive and anthropogenic soils.
Donaupark with the Donauturm obser- This method is based on the measure-
vation tower, and the remaining part is ment of the number of hammer blows
planned for single-family housing of the during the penetration of the probe tip in
Bruckhaufen estate. the studied soil substrate.
Within the framework of the EU Typically used probes include those
Project LIFE+ Alte Donau, a network of with cylindrical (SPT), conical (DPL,
depression wells was made around the DPM, DPH, DPSH) and rarer cross-
Bruckhaufen−Donaupark waste dump; -type (ITB-ZW) tips (Pisarczyk 2012).
their role is to decrease the groundwater Penetration of the probe with a constant
level and the protection of groundwater energy into the soil substrate is achieved
against chemical pollutants. by a hammer with a mass relative to the
Within the housing estate, in building probe type, freely falling from a height
lots 2220/1 and 2220/2 at Bruckhaufner determined for particular probes.
Hauptstraße 13, 1210 Vienna (Fig. 1), The tests supply the number of ham-
dynamic probing with application of mer blows per unit of probe penetration
a dynamic heavy penetrometer DPH was (Nk), where k = 10, 15(20) or 30 cm.
conducted to obtain density parameters Experiments have allowed to state
of anthropogenic soils (wastes) to calcu- that the density state for unsorted sands
late soil loading for a designed construc- with a uniformity coefficient at CU ≤
tion of a building at variable load (150– ≤ 6 (Patakiewicz and Zabielska-Adamska
–585 kN), resulting from variable heights 2013) can be determined from the relation-

FIGURE 1. View of the Bruckhaufen housing estate and a spatial development plan of the area
(source: Chagià José – Vienna,; Stadt Wien – ViennaGIS)
214 W. Czaczkowski, E. Koda, J. Schmid

study objects, i.e. unsorted sands with

uniformity coefficient at CU ≤ 3, above
the groundwater level, when applying
a heavy dynamic penetrometer (DPH) the
following formula is used to determine
the density index (ID):
ID = 0.10 + 0.435 · log N10H (2)
This relationship is presented in
Figure 4.

Tests with application of a heavy dynam-
ic penetrometer DPH-50 were conducted
in spring (April) using a device with
a cone tip characterized by point angle
of φ = 90° and nominal base area of A =
= 15 cm2. The diameter of the tip base
was D = 43.7 mm, and the cone height
was L = 21.9 mm. Rods with a mass of
m = 6 kg/m had an external diameter of
OD = 32 mm. A hammer with a mass of
FIGURE 2. Location of the DPH control tests m = 50 kg fell freely from the height of
h = 500 mm. The blow frequency was
ship between the density index (ID) and the about 30 per 1 min. The number of ham-
number of hammer blows (Nk) required mer blows (N10) per 10 cm of probe pen-
to accomplish probe tip penetration to the etration was counted.
depth of k = 10 or 30 cm. In the case when The influence of soil friction on the
the probe penetrates below the groundwater rods was omitted (the rods were not re-
level, correction indexes are applied. volved after 1 m of probe penetration),
In the test conducted on the study because the test was conducted in non-
object, dynamic probing was applied, in -cohesive made soils without intercala-
which this relationship is calculated ac- tions of cohesive soils. The application of
cording to the following general formula heavy dynamic penetrometer to the depth
(Witt 2008, Zilch et al. 2012): of 20 m below surface level does not re-
ID = a1 + a2 · log Nk (1) quire accounting for soil friction against
the rods (Borowczyk and Frankowski
where: 1985, Giżyński 1998, Sulewska 2005).
a1, a2 – emprical indexes. Additionally, according to the in-
Based on Eurocode EN 1997-2:2006, struction of soil research, soil friction
for conditions most approximate to the against the rods is not taken into account
Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soil... 215

FIGURE 3. Longitudinal cross-section through the studied object (Schiener 2009)

FIGURE 4. Correlation between the density index (ID) and the number of blows (N10) for the DPH
216 W. Czaczkowski, E. Koda, J. Schmid

FIGURE 5. Results of tests (N10), DPH 1 FIGURE 7. Results of tests (N10), DPH 3

FIGURE 6. Results of tests (N10), DPH 2 FIGURE 8. Results of tests (N10), DPH 4
Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soil... 217

when the ratio of the tip diameter to the

rod diameter is above 1.3 (Kłosiński et
al. 1998).
Tests in the object were conducted to
the assumed thickness of 11 m below sur-
face level or till obtaining a blow number
(N10) of 30 or larger at 2−3 subsequent
stretches of probe penetration.
Figures 5–9 (Fig. 10 – average re-
sults) present the number of blows (N10)
per each 10 cm of probe tip penetration
obtained in the network nodes, marked
as DPH 1–DPH 5 (Fig. 2). The tests were
conducted using Austrian norm ÖNORM
B 4419:2006 and the German norm DIN
4094-2:2003, which are consistent with
European norm EN 1997-2:2006 known
as Eurocode 7 (Bagieńska 2009).

FIGURE 9. Results of tests (N10), DPH 5

Determination of the density state of
non-cohesive soils from the relationship
between the density index (ID) and the
number of hammer blows (Nk) can be
considered a safe measure, because it is
based on the averaged results obtained by
numerous authors from different research
centres that apply dynamic probing in
practice (Borowczyk and Frankowski
1979, 1985, Tarnawski, 2010, Boutet et
al. 2011).
Standardization of the measurement
results obtained with application of dy-
namic probing allows direct comparison
of the density index (ID) for the same
types of non-cohesive soils occurring
in different areas (Tarnawski 2010).
Table 1 shows the ranges of the density
index (ID) for different soil types in the
FIGURE 10. Average results (N10), DPH
218 W. Czaczkowski, E. Koda, J. Schmid

TABLE 1. Correlation between the soil state and the density index (ID)
Soil type Grading ID range
0.15–0.35 loose
Sand with small admixture of fine
unsorted (CU < 6) 0.35–0.65 medium density
fraction, sand, gravel sand
>0.65 density

study area according to the compulsory The conducted tests supplied data on
norm EN 1997-2:2006. the soil types occurring in the substrate.
Correct selection of the devices for Based on curves of grain size distribu-
the planned investigations and assurance tion (Fig. 11), prepared for five nodes,
of correct activities and result estimation ISO triangles determined the presence
required initial recognition of the sub- of gravel sand in the study area (grSa
strate. Analysis of available data and field according to norm ISO 14688-1:2002).
observations allowed locating the net- The uniformity coefficient for this soil
work nodes and recognize the variabil- was CU = 3.2.
ity of soil and groundwater conditions in Deformations of the foundation mat
the substrate. Groundwater did not occur are presented in Figure 12. The values of
in the study area, therefore there was no the deformations (u) attain values from
need to introduce correction indexes for 1.05 to 9.28 mm.
the registered number of blows. Figures 13–17 present the value of
the density index (ID) calculated from

FIGURE 11. Curves of grain size distribution for soils in the study site
Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soil... 219

FIGURE 12. Deformations of the foundation slab (Hejkrlik 2009)

formula (2) depending on the test depth abundance of n = 101 varies in the range
in measurement nodes in the study area. between 0.10 and 0.75, while their aver-
Analysis of particular diagrams age value is , '  . The standard de-
shows that the soil density state below viation for the population V   ,
the critical depth tc = 1.0 m to about population variance σ2 = 0.0341 and
1.8 m below the surface is loose and then skewness SKE = −0.4648 at a standard
rises to medium dense to the depth of error SE = 0.0184 were determined with
about 3.8 m. Between 3.8 and 6.2 m of a probability of p = 0.95.
depth, the soil is in a loose density state.
In all diagrams, the medium density state CONCLUSIONS
of the soil in the study area occurs from
the depth of about 6.2 m below the sur- Dynamic probing may be used to deter-
face and increases to a dense state at the mine the density state of non-cohesive
depth of about 10.2 m. Due to determina- and anthropogenic soils during design-
tion of dense soil at depths below 10 m, ing building foundations on a substrate
the building foundation was designed in built of anthropogenic made soils.
form of a foundation mat with a thickness Dynamic probing allows verifying the
of d = 20 cm, settled on 18 prefabricated goals of project requirements on the rele-
ductile piles, each with a diameter of vant densification of soils integrated in the
Ø = 118 mm and length of l = 10 m. substrate and indicating potential needs
The average values of the density in- for its densification or accepting alterna-
dex (ID) in the study area are presented tive solutions, as e.g. stabilization of the
in Figure 18. The density index for the soil substrate or indirect foundation.
220 W. Czaczkowski, E. Koda, J. Schmid

FIGURE 13. Density index (ID), DPH 1 FIGURE 15. Density index (ID), DPH 3

FIGURE 14. Density index (ID), DPH 2 FIGURE 16. Density index (ID), DPH 4
Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soil... 221

Application of a heavy dynamic

penetrometer for determining the den-
sity state of made soils in the described
object has confirmed the usefulness of
this method in studies of anthropogenic
made soils and allowed the application of
a safe method of founding the designed

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Estimation of the density state of anthropogenic soil... 223

Streszczenie: Ocena stanu zagęszczenia antropo- 50 kg i głębokości penetracji do 30 m, przepro-

genicznych gruntów nasypowych sondą dynamicz- wadzone w antropogenicznych gruntach nasypo-
ną ciężką (DPH). Wytrzymałość gruntów natural- wych celem określenia wytrzymałości podłoża
nych niespoistych i antropogenicznych można gruntowego pod fundament projektowanego bu-
w warunkach polowych określić za pomocą son- dynku.
dowania dynamicznego. Metoda ta polega na mie-
rzeniu oporu, jaki badany grunt stawia końcówce
sondy podczas jej zagłębiania. Najczęściej stosuje Słowa kluczowe: sondowanie dynamiczne, sonda
się sondy o końcówkach cylindrycznej, stożkowej ciężka, stopień zagęszczenia, antropogeniczne
i rzadziej, krzyżakowej. Do pogrążania w podłoże grunty nasypowe
gruntowe końcówki sondy ze stałą energią ude-
rzenia stosuje się młot o danej masie spadający
swobodnie z wysokości wymaganej w badaniu. Author’s address:
W wyniku przeprowadzonych prób otrzymuje Wojciech Czaczkowski
się liczbę uderzeń przypadających na jednostkę AUGENTA Bau Ges.m.b.H.
zagłębienia sondy (Nk), gdzie k = 10, 15(20) lub Hainburger Straße 21/2, 1030 Wien
30 cm. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań Austria
sondą dynamiczną ciężką DPH, o masie młota e-mail:

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