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1. Research
It refer to the process of arriving at the dependable solutions to problems through
the planned and systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. It is a
most important tool for advancing knowledge, for promoting progress, and for
enabling man to relate more effectively to his environment, to accomplish his
purposes, and to resolve his conflicts.
2 Research and research methodology in final year project
Research is the scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic and it is an art of scientific investigation to search for knowledge and
research methodology is enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis,
collecting the facts or data, analyzing the fact and reaching certain conclusions
either in the form of solution toward the concerned problem or in certain
generalizations for some theoretical formulation. It is usually written to obtain a
bachelor degree.
Research and research methodology in a dissertation
Research is the scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic and it is an art of scientific investigation to search for knowledge and
research methodology is enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis,
collecting the facts or data, analyzing the fact and reaching certain conclusions
either in the form of solution toward the concerned problem or in certain
generalizations for some theoretical formulation. The researcher has to research all
by his/her self and it is long and take more time to complete, also having a decent
knowledge of new discoveries in order to infer your conclusion. Here, the is no
scholarship award for the research and the researcher needs to focus on
background work were u have to utilize your research work to prove your
viewpoint and it also consists of theories and arguments based on original research
which is use to obtain doctorate degree.
Research and research methodology in a thesis
Research is the scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic and it is an art of scientific investigation to search for knowledge and
research methodology is enunciating the problem, formulating a hypothesis,
collecting the facts or data, analyzing the fact and reaching certain conclusions
either in the form of solution toward the concerned problem or in certain
generalizations for some theoretical formulation. The researcher need to collect
information in order to prepare and complete a thesis which is short and take less
time to complete, there is a need to include a hypothesis based on the research
work of which scholarships can be granted. The focus on primary argument in
order to prove his stand point. The research here is use to obtain a master degree.

3 Sample
It refer to the sub set or a potion that is selected to represent the population which
is carefully chosen, if not the result will be misleading. And a group of individuals
who actually participate in your study or research e.g your research question ask if
there is an association between credit risk management and the performance of
commercial banks, the sample could be commercial banks in Bamenda or Douala
depending on the researcher. While
It refer to the broader group of people or institutions to whom you intend to
generalize the result of your study, that is your exact population will depend on the
scope of your study or research e.g your research question asks if there is an
association between credit risk management and the performance of commercial
banks in Cameroon.

4 Sampling is necessary in the conduct of research because;

i. It permit you to draw conclusion about very complex situation.
ii. It enables you to collect and analyze data for a smaller portion of the
population which is less time consuming
iii. It permit you to do research faster and at a lower costly
iv. Sample is primarily use to facilitate data collection that we use for research
analysis particularly when the population being studied is larger.
v. It helps in minimizing error from the despondence due to large number in
the population.
vi. It bring the population to a manageable number.
The weaknesses of the manuscript are as follows according to the pages.
1. It does not have a title.
2. The was no need for other specific objectives.
3. Studies on negative impact of Government spending on economic growth is
too lengthy and without a paragraph.
7. Instead of using three critical value at significance level of 1%, 5% and 10%,
just one was necessary.
8. Correlation matrix results had to be in analysis and discussion of results
(page 8), instead it was place under methodology.
9. All the diagrams in this page was supposed to be at the end of this research.
11. They have combine conclusion, policy implication and recommendation
and explain it, of which they had to separate the three and explain.
13. Three of the references are not indented of which they were supposed to be
14. One of the reference is not indented and it was supposed to be indented and
the referencing here was not alphabetical because of (Adam smith.) which
was supposed to be one of the first referencing.

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