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Resource Repository Template

Reflections on Resources
Robert Kyle Johnson
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Methodologies

Upon reflection of the sources gathered within this Resource Repository, I have found

much data that reflects best practices for at-risk students who engage in online learning.

Online learner characteristics have been explored to aid my research findings and to provide

a definitive measure for administrators and counselors to aid them as they enroll students into

an online course. Based on the research conducted from the articles gathered, many of the

methodologies proved to be solid and centered on best practices. Additionally, there were

some limitations that the researchers noted that need to be taken into consideration as I

reflect on the results gained from each authored journal article.

For most of the articles, the main strength of their methodologies were the large sample

sizes that were gathered. This is crucial for any research being conducted due to the fact that

it only increases the reliability and validity of the results that are gathered. With a smaller

sample size, there may be inadvertent bias due to the test subjects gender, age, etc. With a

large sample size, the researchers can get a wide variety of individuals that can be used to

further strengthen their research findings. In addition to the strength of the large sample size,

the explanations given of the research processes were clear, concise, and easy to follow. If a

reader is trying to understand the research procedures and methodologies and struggles to

comprehend what the researcher is trying to convey, it hurts the credibility of the author.

Although there were many strengths to the articles, the authors also noted some limitations to

their study that must be noted to ensure my Action Research Project is both accurate and


Resource Repository Template

For some articles, namely the Garthwait (2014) article, the lack of test subjects proved to

be a significant limitation to her study. In her study, Garthwait uses a sample size of just ten

students. The research was conducted in a rural school district within three different high

schools. By limiting the sample size, the findings proved to not be as reliable as compared to

using a larger sample size. Another limitation to a study that some of the articles posed were

time. If a research study is conducted within a few months’ time, the findings could be

skewed. By taking the time to conduct thorough research, the researcher can ensure that all

precautionary steps are taken to provide reliability, validity, and to promote care and

confidentiality throughout the action research process. Through the analysis of each of the

resources, they have provided me with valuable insight, including to ensure I provide within

my Action Research Project a reliable, valid, and honest piece of work that encourages others

to expand on the research that I have done.

How the Research Supports the Study

Given these resources and the research conducted on my topic, there was much

scholarship on how to prepare students for online learning. For example, if a theme is to be

gathered from the resources as a whole, I would argue that a focus on providing the proper

interventions when students first enroll in courses is key. Additionally, students need to have

specific characteristics that define their learning style for them to show mastery in an online

course. Lastly, at-risk students who previously struggle with reading comprehension and

fluency will face a greater challenge to online learning due to the lack of teacher-directed

instruction that is used to assist students in building their critical thinking skills. Overall,

these sources have helped serve as a foundation to my study because online learning is a

multi-faceted learning model that requires teachers, administrators, and counselors to take

Resource Repository Template

into consideration student learning needs and learner characteristics. In other words, these

resources have helped define why a student may not succeed in an online course, as defined

by self-regulated learning, which argues that if students cannot read and critically think to

answer a question on their own recognizance, reflect on what they read, and compose their

argument in a written format, then online learning may not be for them (Greene, J. A.,

Bolick, C. M., Caprino, A. M., Deekens, V. M., McVea, M., Yu, S., & Jackson, W. P.

(2015). However, many students are unaware of their ability to self-regulate their learning

until they are already enrolled in the online course. By the time the student realizes they are

not prepared for online learning, it is many weeks in to the course, and it is too late. This is

why the proposed study is so crucial. Can there be a definitive measure such as Lexile scores

and past academic achievement that can assist students and teachers in recognizing whether

or not a student is truly prepared for online learning? Based on the research, reading

comprehension is a key factor in the success of online learning, so by finding a correlation

between Lexile scores and student achievement, it can defend the scholarship that is already

present and expand on the research to give a definitive measure to the success or failure of

students taking online courses.

Resource Repository Template

Resource Repository List

Resource #1
Title of resource:
Student characteristics for online learning success
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal article

APA citation:
Kerr, M. S., Kerr, M. C., & Rynearson, K. (2006). Student characteristics for online learning
success. The Internet and Higher Education, 9(2), 91-105. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2006.03.002

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers partook in a three year study to assess the characteristics of
successful online student learners. With specific data-collection and findings related to
their research, the authors compared their findings with others in relation to online learner
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Marcel Kerr is currently the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Tarrant
County College – Connect Campus. She provides executive leadership for the planning,
development, and delivery of distance learning programs. Dr. Rynearson’s research has
focused on methods for effective online instruction and on identifying characteristics of
successful online learners. Together, they bring many years of experience analyzing the
success of successful online learners
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o The assessment that was created to measure the learning characteristics is adopted by
many institutions, including the Texas Wesleyan Center for Excellence in Teaching and

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers use a quantitative approach, with a correlational design. In using the
quantitative approach, the researchers’ desire was to understand the relationships between
those students who have high academic achievement and how that relates to their success
with online learning. By using a survey to gather characteristic data, the researchers were
able to plot data that showed the various characteristics that made online learners
successful. In choosing the correlational design, the researchers wanted to examine the
relationship between the variables and compare the surveys to see if there are
relationships between student success and specific online learning characteristics
including independent learning and self-motivation.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 By understanding the characteristics of online learners, and having a survey that students
can possible use, I may be able to develop a structure for students to self-assess before
enrolling and engaging in an online learning format. Additionally, by analyzing the
online learning characteristics of college students, it can be assumed that these traits are
amplified for high school students. This research will be used to argue that certain
characteristics provide a strong foundation for students engaging in an online learning
environment. The lack of these characteristics prove that online learning will be difficult
for students to be successful.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #2
Title of resource:
The relationship between reading fluency and lexile measures
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):

APA citation:
Purvis, J. S. (2017). The relationship between reading fluency and lexile measures (Order No.
10259026). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1881865927). Retrieved

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The research that was done by the author was very thorough and was well
documented. By using statistical analysis in his quantitative correlational study, he found
actionable data that could solidify his hypothesis. His work also contained a literature
review, which showed the reader what the experts in the field of reading literacy have
found. This further solidified his findings as they correlated with the research that had
been done previously.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o As a Doctoral student at Liberty University, Dr. Purvis conducted his study under a
committee of professors that served as his Institutional Review Board. This committee
ensured that his work was peer-reviewed and they are also experts in their field, which
served Dr. Purvis well as he was conducting his experiment.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Although this resource has not been used in any previous applications, the findings
from this case study can be used to assist teachers in providing reading materials to
students that are aligned with their reading comprehension and fluency scores, as given
by the assessments that were given by Dr. Purvis. In doing so, the reading gap can be
lessened at lower grade levels.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researcher used a quantitative correlational study to examine the relationship
between reading comprehension and reading fluency. He found that there are direct
correlations between the two but the strength of one does not cause the other to be strong.
By using a correlational study, the researcher was able to use Pearson’s correlation
coefficient to compare the data from the pre-, interim, and post-assessments to see if there
was a trend between reading comprehension and reading fluency. His participants were

Resource Repository Template

third, fourth, and fifth graders at 10 low-income schools in Southwest Georgia within his
district. Although the research was limited to one socio-economic group of students,
1,680 students were used for the study, which was more than enough for his study.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 By comparing reading fluency and reading comprehension among elementary school
students, I can gain an understanding of how the reading levels compare to academic
achievement. Although my study will be with high school students, and as defended by
this researcher, the gap in reading comprehension and fluency will be greater at higher
grade levels if not effectively dealt with at younger ages. With this study, I can better
defend the argument that the difficulty with reading comprehension and fluency will have
a greater impact with online learning achievement due to the disability of reading
instructions and material in a digital format.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #3
Title of resource:
Sites of multimodal literacy: Comparing student learning in online and face-to-face
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal article

APA citation:
Bourelle, A., Bourelle, T., Knutson, A. V., & Spong, S. (2016). Sites of multimodal literacy:
Comparing student learning in online and face-to-face environments. Computers and
Composition, 39, 55-70. doi:10.1016/j.compcom.2015.11.003

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers do a very good job at comparing the outcomes of online versus face-
to-face learning as it relates to creating a multi-modal composition project. By using a
mixed-methods approach, statistical data and personal testimony was given that helped
the researchers come to a definitive conclusion as to why online learning formats are
more favorable for students. This work was also a peer-reviewed work, which also
ensures its credibility.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Andrew Bourelle is an accomplished journalist and author of many books and
currently serves as a professor of compositional studies at the University of New Mexico.
Dr. Anna Knutson is a leading scholar on compositional studies and helped pioneer an
eComp program at the University of New Mexico which was the focus of this study.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Although this resource was a fairly new study that the authors stated had not been
researched much previously, it helped the University of New Mexico develop an online
compositional study program that assisted students in developing multi-modal projects.
This in turn gave students a greater voice and choice in what they developed.
Additionally, as stated within the literature, the online learning platform gave students an
opportunity and avenue to express their ideas and opinions more freely than in a face-to-
face setting (p. 56).

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The authors chose to use a mixed-methods research approach to their study. In doing so,
they were able to not only gather statistical data to compare both face-to-face learners and
online learners, but they were also able to gain further insights through the use of student
testimonies in the different learning environments. This gave the researchers a more

Resource Repository Template

conclusive sample of the major differences between online and face-to-face learning
when it comes to creating multi-modal projects.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 Although this study was done with first-year college students in a Composition and
Literature course, the findings can still be utilized and evaluated in comparison to high
school-aged children in an online Language Arts course. The researchers concluded that
students taking the online course seemed to challenge themselves more and developed
richer projects compared to their face-to-face (f2f) counterparts. Additionally, the
outcomes of engagement and understanding were significantly higher. In relation to my
study, it will be interesting to see if online learning in a Language course helps a
student’s literacy rate and reading comprehension skills.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #4
Title of resource:
Early home literacy and adolescents’ online reading behavior in comparative perspective
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal article

APA citation:
Notten, N. J. W. R., & Becker, B. (2017). Early home literacy and adolescents' online reading
behavior in comparative perspective. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 58(6),
475-493. doi:10.1177/0020715217735362

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o By using a mixed methods approach to their study, the researchers gain both
statistical data and personal testimony that supports their claim that early childhood
intervention with reading activities has a direct correlation with success in online
learning. Although no research was done on what more do students need to know when it
comes to online learning, their focus was solely on the effects of low socio-economic
status and reading activities and overall reading comprehension. As a peer-reviewed,
empirical journal article, the researchers had their presented before an Institutional
Review Board which confirmed their research integrity.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Notten focuses her research parenting practices and how they might induce
inequality from an educational perspective. She is an expert on socialization efforts
regarding media use and their lasting consequences on a child’s ability to learn. Dr.
Becker focuses her research on children at risk and educational inequality.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Although this work is fairly recent, it helps support former researchers in their
findings that support the argument the researchers made and findings that were concluded
upon from their experiment.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 This study utilized a mixed-methods approach. The researchers used both quantitative
data from PISA and qualitative data through the form of parent and child interviews. The
researchers sought to evaluate the relationship between early adolescent reading
interventions and teenage online reading comprehension. In other words, were traditional
offline reading activities that were done at a young age influential in helping students
develop online reading skills as they became older? The researchers also looked into the
effects of socioeconomic status among countries and whether or not the ability to learn

Resource Repository Template

online was effected by these socioeconomic differences. With these methodologies

employed, the researchers were given strong evidence that supported their hypothesis,
which stated there indeed was a strong relationship between early childhood offline
reading activities and adolescent online reading comprehension.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 For my study, which centers around students in a Title I school, the research conducted
throughout this study will serve as baseline data to prove that lower socio-economic
status does impact the online reading comprehension of a student. Because of this,
students will have a more difficult time engaging in an online format due to the fact that
there are many things to read and understand, including the instructions for an
assignment, a discussion post, and other much needed information to be successful in an
online Language Arts course.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #5
Title of resource:
The New Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Rethinking the Reading
Achievement Gap
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal article

APA citation:
Leu, D. J., Forzani, E., Rhoads, C., Maykel, C., Kennedy, C., & Timbrell, N. (2015). The New
Literacies of Online Research and Comprehension: Rethinking the Reading Achievement Gap.
Reading Research Quarterly, 50(1), 37–59.

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o This articles was funded in part by the US Department of Education. The authors are
from the New Literacies Research Lab at the University of Connecticut, which is a
world-renowned organizational team that focuses on online research and comprehension
skills. Their work aims to prepare students for their literacy and learning future.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Donald J. Leu is the director of the New Literacies Research Lab at the University of
Connecticut. This lab is the most widely recognized center in the world for conducting
research on new literacies, including online research and comprehension.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o The previous research article by Notten and Becker (2017)., implemented this
research into their literature review. Both studies aimed to find correlations between
building literacy at a young age and how that develops a student’s ability to analyze what
they read in an online format.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The research conducted consisted of a mixed-methods approach that used both a
questionnaire survey that was given to students asking them about computer use at home
and school. Secondly, an online reading comprehension assessment (ORCA) was given
to students that assessed their ability to comprehend what they were reading. With both
results, the researchers were able to find a correlation between low-socioeconomic status
and online research and comprehension ability.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 As a low-income school, and as a school that offers online learning opportunities for my
students, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of online learning when the students
have low reading comprehension skills and low Lexile scores. Based on this research,
there is a direct correlation between low-socioeconomic status and the inability to
understand what one reads online due to the lack of reading activities given at a younger
age. Additionally, without the use of a computer at home, the ability to use the device to
find simple answers to questions also hinders a student’s ability to learn online. With
these barriers, the likelihood a student in a Title I school to succeed is much more

Resource Repository Template

Resource #6
Title of resource:
Teen Culture, Technology, and Literacy Instruction: Urban Adolescent Students’ Perspectives
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:

Li, J., Snow, C., & White, C. (2015). Teen culture, technology and literacy instruction: Urban
adolescent students’ perspectives. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La Revue
Canadienne De l’apprentissage Et De La Technologie, 41(3), 1. doi:10.21432/T2004H

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers surveyed 531 middle school students and assessed their use of
technology to increase their literacy skills. The researchers also related their findings to a
literature review, which further solidified their finding in relation to other experts in their
field. As a result of their inquiry, the researchers made suggestions to improve the growth
of literacy through technology for 6th and 7th grade students who were mainly concerned
with using their technologies for social media applications. The thorough investigation,
partnered with suggestions for further research and ideas to improve literacy among
middle school students, makes this resource credible.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Li specializes in language and literacy development for diverse students and helps
develop technology tools to build literacy skills. Dr. Snow also specializes in language
and literacy development and assists in developing tools for innovative classroom
practives. Dr. White works for Harvard University’s Strategic Educational Research
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Researchers have used this article to help students’ improve their research skills
through the use of mobile technology. Additionally, others have used this work to further
their research on the negative influences of social media applications such as Facebook
and Instagram.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The authors of the study did a qualitative study on student perceptions of technology use.
They sought to see if low-income students used technology (mobile or at home) in a more
social aspect compared to using it for informational purposes. In conclusion to their
study, the researchers made suggestions to improve the growth of literacy through

Resource Repository Template

technology for 6th and 7th grade students who were mainly concerned with using their
technologies for social media applications.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 With online learning, and from my personal observations, high school students show little
knowledge in identifying credible sources and using the Internet effectively to assist them
in their learning. Based on this article, I was given insight into the students’ thoughts
regarding technology. Most students seem to view technology as an avenue for
entertainment and are unable to see its power in gaining knowledge. Being that they have
always been surrounded by technology, the usefulness in gaining unknown information is
not as important to students today.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #7
Title of resource:
Participation, interaction, and academic achievement in an online discussion environment
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Zheng, B., & Warschauer, M. (2015). Participation, interaction, and academic achievement in an
online discussion environment. Computers & Education, 84, 78-89.

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers used a large sample of students to partake in the experiment.
Additionally, they used hierarchical linear modeling to analyze the data gathered form the
online discussions. The online discussions were administered throughout one school year,
so the authors received ample data to support their findings. Lastly, their research
findings corroborated previous research in which social media, when used properly in the
context of learning, can be used to assist students in building their literacy skills, writing
skills, and increase participation and interactions with one another.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Zheng is an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University and specializes in
Educational Technology and its partnership with language and literacy. She has done
research on online collaborative learning to promote student-centered practices. Dr.
Warschauer is a professor at the University of California and focuses on the same
research as Dr. Zheng.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o This article has been used in many other applications. Mainly, it has been used to
change teacher perceptions on the implementation of social media technologies to
promote academic interactions and collaboration. Additionally, with ELL students,
encouraging student-centered practices have also been encourage by other researchers as
a means to integrate ELL students into mainstream learning, which has shown to increase
their English language skills.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers used a sample size of 48 students in which 36 of them were ELL
students. The research was observed and recorded over one school year and the online
discussion data was compared with state standardized writing assessment pre-test and
post-test scores. To evaluate the data, a growth model analysis using hierarchical linear

Resource Repository Template

modeling (HLM) was used. To ensure validity, a two-level HLM was conducted to
investigate student participation over an eight month period.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 The authors argued that students who engage in online discussions tend to build better
literacy and writing skills due to the fact that their peers are reading their posts, rather
than just a teacher. This “ownership” of one’s writing challenges them to work hard to
convey their meaning in response to a proposed question. If this holds true for high
school students, it may be suggested that more collaborative writing activities should be
contained within online students’ work. This will help them build the literacy skills
needed to be college-level learners.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #8
Title of resource:
Traditional Classroom versus Online Delivery Outcomes
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):

APA citation:
Coutts, L. M. (2014). Traditional classroom versus online delivery outcomes (Order No.
1568274). Available from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.
(1624903303). Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o This dissertation is credible because the author enlisted the assistance of a project
committee and advisor in reviewing the credibility of her research. In doing so, the IRB
ensured the author was being ethical in truthful in her findings. Linda Coutts’ academic
focus is on Health Information Management for Hodges University.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Linda Coutts is currently the program chair of Health Information Management at
Hodges University. She provides assistance to professors in creating course content and
syllabi. She also serves as an Academic Counselor to students.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Although this research article has not been used in recent years, data gathered from
the research can be used to assess the success of online programs for those schools are
new to implementing the use of online programs for learners.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The author chose a mixed methods research approach by gathering both student survey
data on their thoughts about online learning, as well as academic achievement data from
both the traditional face-to-face classroom and online learning environment. Her sample
size contained thirty-three students which is more than enough to get sufficient data from.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 Based on her research, Coutts found that there was no significant difference in
achievement scores among students enrolled in a traditional face-to-face Associates

Resource Repository Template

Degree program and online Associates Degree program. Although students engaged more
throughout the online learning experience, the post-test scores showed no achievement
gap compared to their traditional classroom counterparts. Based on this research, I can
compare my finding with hers to see if there is a correlation.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #9
Title of resource:
Student Performance Using Electronic Textbooks VS Traditional Hard-Copy Textbooks
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):

APA citation:
Bowman, B., Adams, L. L., Adams, Nathanael L,M.P.P., M.I.S., & Glenn, L. M., PhD. (2014).
Student performance using electronic textbooks VS traditional hard-copy textbooks. Paper
presented at the 1-8. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o This resource is credible for many reasons. The author included a literature review
that summarized major findings in the development of research comparing online
textbook versus traditional textbook informational retention. Based on the review of
literature, the author sought to contribute to the mixed outcomes previous researchers had
on the success of online textbooks in their ability to help students learn more effectively.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Benjamin Bowman is a data analyst that specializes in Real Estate Equity Analysis.
Dr. Adams is an expert in ensuring assessments are accreditation compliant and is the
current chair for the “e-text Initiative” in the Woodbury School. Nathaniel Adams is also
a data analyst for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Dr. Lowell is the Chair of
the Finance and Economics Department in the Woodbury School of Business at Utah
Valley University.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Although this research article has not been used in recent years, data gathered from
the research can be used to assess the success of online textbooks and use the data to push
initiatives to transition from traditional to electronic versions of the book.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 A professor teaching the same course for multiple students decided to investigate the
academic effects of online textbooks versus traditional textbooks. By using quantitative
data to compare results, the author found that overall, students did better in the course
using an electronic textbook than their counterparts using a traditional book. This was
due in part by the availability of other online tools embedded in the digital copy of the
book that assisted students in understanding and completing their assignments.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 Online textbooks are slowly but surely being used by many schools and courses. For our
district, many subject areas still utilize traditional textbooks and require students to read
chapters to understand their classwork and homework assignments. However, with
utilization of online textbooks, teachers are able to give students more options in
understanding the course work aside from what is solely posted by the online teacher.
This differentiates the learning for individual students and provides an individualized
lesson for students to master the standards.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #10
Title of resource:
Performance Gaps Between Online and Face-to-Face Courses: Differences Across Types of
Students and Academic Subject Areas
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:

Xu, D., & Jaggars, S. S. (2014). Performance gaps between online and face-to-face courses:
Differences across types of students and academic subject areas. Journal of Higher Education,
85(5), 633-659. doi:10.1080/00221546.2014.11777343

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The authors took advantage of a massive dataset of nearly 500,000 online and face-to-
face courses taken by more than 40,000 students in 34 different community or technical
colleges in Washington State over a five year period. With the amount of data collected
alone, the results from this study more than prove the effects of online learning with
various subgroups including age, gender, and socio-economic status. Additionally, the
achievement gap is widened with online courses that require more hand-on activities.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Xu focuses her research on online learning in community colleges and program
evaluation. She studies the effects of online learning for students who are not traditional
four-year college students. Dr. Smith studies adult development and higher education.
Her focus is more on non-traditional adult students and the effects online learning may
have on those adults who are enrolled in school while working a full-time job and with
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Many articles that have used this research have studied the effects of online courses
on various subgroups of students including ethnicity, race, and gender. Furthermore,
multiple community colleges have evaluated their online courses in response to this
research. Some researchers have used this article to assess the layout of their online
courses and develop ways to make the learning more engaging and accessible for
students across subgroups.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers used an ordinary least squares model (OLS) to examine the impact on
course persistence and final grades. The researchers assessed many variables to success

Resource Repository Template

in online learning including age, gender, socio-economic status, and assessed whether the
performance gap widened with different course offerings. With the level of detail
explored on this study, it can be assumed that the researchers are more than likely top
experts in this particular field.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 Being that many of my students are low-income, and many will indeed enroll in our local
community college, their research suggests that various subgroups may struggle with
online learning based on their in-depth research. Additionally, they found that online
success was higher with older students due to them being more mature. To help other
colleges, the authors suggest screening those students who are interested in enrolling in
an online course to ensure they are ready. Another suggestion is to provide scaffolding
for students to ease into the learning instead of being dumped into the course and
expecting them to succeed.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #11
Title of resource:
Online vs. traditional learning in teacher education: a comparison of student progress
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Hurlbut, A. R. (2018). Online vs. Traditional Learning in Teacher Education: A Comparison of
Student Progress. American Journal of Distance Education, 32(4), 248–266. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The author details her study accordingly, indicating limitations to her study, and by
also employing a mixed methods approach with both surveys to indicate student comfort
in online learning and analysis of grades. It is a peer-reviewed work that was accepted
into the American Journal of Distance Education in 2018, which makes the article very
relevant to my study.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Hurlbut served as an elementary teacher for 15 years before becoming an
instructional specialist, teacher educator, and assistant principal. Currently, she serves an
assistant professor at Texas Woman’s University where she specializes in pre-service
teacher education programs. Her research focuses on new teacher teaching and learning
strategies and technology integration.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Being that this journal articles is new this year, there have not been any other
researchers that have referenced this article. However, it can be used in other applications
to assess the success of online education programs compared to traditional face-to-face

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researcher used a mixed-methods design using both quantitative and qualitative data.
She used both academic data including assessment and project grades along with student
surveys that were focused on their ability to learn successfully in an online learning
environment and their overall comfortability in learning in both a face-to-face model and
online learning model with the same instructor.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 It is important to note that success in an online learning format is due to many factors.
Namely, the timeliness of instructor feedback, the overall layout of the course, and the
engaging lessons that promote critical thinking are all major components of a successful
online learning experience. As I investigate the success of online learners, it will be
important to note this as a limitation that the overall structure of the course was not taken
into consideration as a factor of student success.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #12
Title of resource:
Learning Reading Strategies with Online Discussion
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Liu, I.-F., Ko, H.-W., & Wu, S.-Y. (2014). Learning Reading Strategies with Online Discussion.
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50(2), 231–247. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers used a large sample size in their study to ensure reliability and
validity. Additionally, the researchers used three experimental groups and one control
group to ensure their results were solid. The only limitations the researchers noted was
the time they were given to conduct their study. They stated that if they were given more
time to assess student comprehension, they would have more definitive results.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Liu’s focus is on elementary/primary student learning. Her research focuses on
the development of early reading comprehension strategies and how they might be
impacted by online discussions and other ICT programs.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Other researchers have used this work to analyze the relationship between online
versus traditional methods of reading comprehension strategies. Additionally, others have
used this work to analyze the effects of online learning with students who have
previously struggled with online learning.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researcher used a pre-test/post-test experimental design that compared the effects of
online learning discussions to promote reading comprehension. Additionally, the
researcher used three experimental groups and one control group. By using the number of
groups in their research, the researchers were able to get a definitive result to their study
which found that multi-faceted learning through an online forum (i.e reading, processing,
writing, processing, responding to peers) is not always a beneficial method for students to
gain reading comprehension skills.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 For students with low Lexile scores, it is important to take into consideration that online
learning requires a multitude of skills, including independence, organization, and reading
comprehension and fluency skills. With this advanced level of learning and lack of
physical interaction, it may be overwhelming for students to learn successfully. This
needs to be taken into consideration for students to truly be successful.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #13
Title of resource:
The READI Assessment as a Possible Predictor of Student Success in Online Communication
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Fair, B., & Wickersham, L. E. (2012). The READI Assessment as a Possible Predictor of Student
Success in Online Communication Courses. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13(2),
115–124. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers used a mixed-methods approach to their study which contained both
student surveys and statistical data in the form of the READI assessment which took
various student achievement indicators including reading comprehension and GPA. This
data was compared to student success in their online course. They employed the use of
194 students to partake in the experiment, which indicates a solid sample size.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Wickersham is a professor at Texas A&M whose focus is on distance education
through technology initiatives. Dr. Fair is a Humanities Professor for Grayson College
who focuses on curriculum development and faculty leadership.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Many researchers have used this article to assess the success of online readiness
surveys to assess the readiness of students’ interest in taking online courses. Others have
used this research to assess the impact of solo learning in an online learning environment.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers used a mixed-methods approach to their study, which contained both
student surveys and statistical data through the use of the READI assessment which
included a series of questions from six categories: personal attributes, learning styles,
reading rate and recall, technical competency, technical knowledge, and typing speed.
Based on their results, there was no significant between the READI scores and overall
student final grades in their online classes. Based on the surveys, students noted their
greatest struggle was time management.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 With any attempt to prepare students for online learning, the jury is still out on a
definitive measure to assess student readiness with online learning. As is known, student
independence and organization are key factors to help students be successful and are
imperative for students to have. It is difficult to correlate a student’s readiness for online
learning by comparing past academic data with the likelihood they will succeed online
due to many factors that contribute to their success online. With this taken into
consideration, the results of my study will not be a failure if found not to be correlating,
but more evidence to the multi-faceted structure of online learning and what truly
constitutes a successful online learner.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #14
Title of resource:
The Philosophy of Learning and Listening in Traditional Classroom and Online Learning
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Hassan, A., Abiddin, N. Z., & Yew, S. K. (2014). The Philosophy of Learning and Listening in
Traditional Classroom and Online Learning Approaches. Higher Education Studies, 4(2), 19–28.
Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers conducted this study for a month and it is also a peer-reviewed
journal article. Additionally, the researchers gathered a sample size of 44 students. One
group of 22 served as the control group with face-to-face instruction while the other 22
served as the experimental group.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o All authors are professors of Educational Studies at the Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Their focus of research includes analyzing educational strategies in the classroom.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Many other researchers used this article to further explain the effects of blended
learning in various environments. Others used this article to evaluate the effectiveness of
the way teachers designed their courses with the learning management systems.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers used a quantitative approach with their study. They gathered academic
data through both pre-test and post-test assessments. They found that the proficiency of
both traditional and online learning of students is the same. However, based on
effectiveness, the traditional method of learning proved to be more reliable. The
researchers state that this could be due in part to the courseware used by the teacher.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.

Resource Repository Template

 When it comes to online learning, there are many factors that contribute to the success of
online learners. Based on this research conducted, the courseware limited the scope of a
successful study. It is imperative that organizations overview the layout of their courses
to ensure reliability and validity. Perhaps having a student preview the material before
going live with it may be a recommendation to ensure the process of learning is not
hindered by errors that were done in part by teacher creation of materials.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #15
Title of resource:
Effect of Demographic Factors on E-Learning Effectiveness in a Higher Learning Institution in
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Islam, M. A., Rahim, N. A. A., Liang, T. C., & Momtaz, H. (2011). Effect of Demographic
Factors on E-Learning Effectiveness in a Higher Learning Institution in Malaysia. International
Education Studies, 4(1), 112–121. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers have a generous number of people involved in their study and this
work is peer-reviewed. Their results gathered showed significant results which confirmed
their hypothesis.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o All authors are professors at the University Malaysia Perlis. Dr. Islam and Dr.
Momtaz is a professor in the School of Business Innovation and Technopreneurship. Dr.
Rahim is a professor for the Center for Communication Skills and Entrepreneurship. Dr.
Liang is head of the School of Graduate Studies.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Many researchers have used this article to further expand the research on gender
differences in technology use. Others have focused their research on E-learning with
students of low socio-economic status.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers employed a qualitative study through the use of questionnaires. They
surveyed 100 students in which 80 responded to various questions regarding
demographic specifications and their personal perspectives on the effectiveness of E-
learning. Through their study, they found that the specific program of study, age, and
gender were all predicated on the effectiveness of E-learning. Programs such as IT will
naturally benefit more from online learning than the arts. Younger students tend to
understand technology better and females may be more patient than their male

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 Being a teacher in a Title I school, I understand the importance of providing students with
equitable access to technology. For students of more affluence, they spend more time on
the computer, therefore at more of an advantage when it comes to spending time online
and understanding proper internet etiquette. Based on this study, I was able to see how
demographics factor into the effectiveness of online learning and how that relates to my
students and my study.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #16
Title of resource:
Online Learning and High School Students: A Cultural Perspective
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
BARDAKCI, S., ARSLAN, O., & CAN, Y. (2018). Online learning and high school students: A
cultural perspective. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(4), 126-146.

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o This researchers did a great job of explaining the procedures and processes of the
experiment. Being that it is in the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, it is
proof that this article is a peer-reviewed article. Additionally, the authors utilize a decent
sample size to ensure validity and reliability of their study.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o All researchers have a main focus on distance education. Dr. Arslan and Dr. Can
focus on the cultural aspects of online learning.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Being that this article is newly published, it has not been used in any other
applications. However, those seeking to understand the cultural characteristics of online
learning can gain a better understanding of its effects from this article.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The authors chose a qualitative study due to their research on the cultural aspects of
online learning. In other words, they wanted to see if the overall culture of learning in an
online course differed from a face-to-face environment. They concluded, based on
student survey data that focused on 5 main themes, that students felt more comfortable
engaging in online discussions due to the flexibility it gave them and the fact that they
were not surrounded by peers as would be the norm in a face-to-face classroom.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 This article is important to my study because of the fact that online learning is so
different than traditional face-to-face classrooms. Based on their study, even the shyest

Resource Repository Template

students were comfortable with the online discussions. This can prove to be an invaluable
discussion approach for all students in the classroom, even as a blended learning model.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #17
Title of resource:
Fostering High School Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Online and Across Academic
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Greene, J. A., Bolick, C. M., Caprino, A. M., Deekens, V. M., McVea, M., Yu, S., & Jackson,
W. P. (2015). Fostering high-school students' self-regulated learning online and across academic
domains. The High School Journal, 99(1), 88-106. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o Although this was not a research article, but more of a literature review, the authors
do an in-depth analysis of Self-Regulated Learning and assesses how it might be different
across various content areas. The authors argue that many students understand how
critically think in a normal classroom with the teacher providing assistance through
inquiry, but when it comes to implementing technology to guide the inquiry, students
lack the necessary skills to find answers, and teachers do not understand how to teach
students these skills, which is why there is a lack of true technology integration.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Greene is an associate professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill and has written many extensive articles associated with educational psychology, self-
regulation, and how they apply to online learning. His articles have been cited hundreds
of times by other researchers.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Researchers have used this resource to assess the characteristics of self-regulated
learners in various content areas. Others have used this article to assess learning that is
conducted through tablet computers.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 Although this is not a traditional quantitative or qualitative study, the authors used a
myriad of sources to assess the validity of previous research as it pertains to self-
regulated learners (SRL). They argue that self-regulated learning differs across content
areas. They give a snapshot of what an SRL learner may look like when applying writing,
history, and mathematics skills.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 The authors argue that many students understand how to critically think in a normal
classroom with the teacher providing assistance through inquiry, but when it comes to
implementing technology to guide the inquiry, students lack the necessary skills to find
answers, and teachers do not understand how to teach students these skills, which is why
there is a lack of true technology integration. This article can be utilized as a tool to
assess why students are not successful taking online courses. Those students who can
self-regulate (i.e AP students) have a higher likelihood of being successful in an online
setting. This can be applied to those enrolling students in online courses. Measures need
to be taken to ensure students are self-regulated learners, not just independent learners.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #18
Title of resource:
Pilot Program of Online Learning in Three Small High Schools: Considerations of Learning
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Garthwait, A. (2014). Pilot program of online learning in three small high schools:
Considerations of learning styles. Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 12(4), 353-366. Retrieved

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers have their work published in the Electronic Journal of E-Learning, so
the work is peer-reviewed and scholarly. The researchers also do a good job on their
analysis of the surveys given and give the reader a greater understanding of what the data
showed from their experiment.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Abigail Garthwait is an associate professor of Education/Instructional Technology
at the University of Maine.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Researchers have used this resource to assess parent perceptions of online learning.
Others have used this resource to also assess teacher perceptions of student engagement
in a hybrid learning environment.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers chose to employ a qualitative study to assess the success of online
learning programs in three different schools. They surveyed ten students from three
different schools on their overall thoughts of online learning. Based on the results, the
researchers gained insight into students’ perceptions and suggestions on how to

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 It’s important to note based on this research article that not all students associate online
learning in the same way. Although it can be beneficial for many students, it is important

Resource Repository Template

to take into consideration students’ personal learning styles when creating online course
content. It is also important to note that teachers do not need to assume students will
create the same products based on online instructions; they may interpret the instructions
differently. This is why it is crucial to create course content that is very specific and
detailed in their descriptions.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #19
Title of resource:
Autonomy and Responsibility: Online Learning as a Solution for At-Risk High School Students
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Lewis, S., Whiteside, A., & Dikkers, A. G. (2014). Autonomy and responsibility: Online
learning as a solution for at-risk high school students. Journal of Distance Education (Online),
29(2), 1-11. Retrieved from

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers do a great job of conducting their research and they give the reader
concise data that is easy to read and understand. This article was also published in the
Journal of Distance Education, therefore making it a peer-reviewed and scholarly article.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Lewis currently serves as the Professional Development System Director in the
Watson College of Education at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, where
she supports first-year teachers. Dr. Whiteside focuses her research on blended and online
learning and social presence. Dr. Dikkers is an assistant professor in Educational
Leadership at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Her research includes
incorporating community professionals into courses through technology.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Researchers have used this resource to assess the success of online learning programs
for at-risk students and students with disabilities. Others have used this resource to assess
the success of blended learning models in a co-taught classroom.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researcher used a mixed methods approach to their research study. They collected
pre-test and post-test data to assess the success of online learning. Additionally, they
gathered survey data to assess students’ perceptions of the online learning experience.
Overall, students had a positive outlook of online learning and scores showed progress
being made. Possible intervention strategies were also noted to give the reader ideas on
how to provide support for students who need additional assistance to be successful in
their online course.

Resource Repository Template

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 As a teacher in a Title I school, this article was very enlightening. It assessed the
outcomes of online learning for students who were at-risk. They concluded that measures
need to be taken to prepare at-risk students for independent learning and for the flexibility
of turning in assignments at their own pace. Providing an online facilitator to assist
students with technical issues is a way to alleviate multiple stresses, so students only have
to focus on mastering the content.

Resource Repository Template

Resource #20
Title of resource:
Learner Readiness for online learning: Scale development and student perceptions
Resource Type (article, book, Internet resource, et cetera):
Journal Article

APA citation:
Hung, M., Chou, C., Chen, C., & Own, Z. (2010). Learner readiness for online learning: Scale
development and student perceptions. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1080-1090.

 Explain why you believe this resource is credible.
o The researchers used a large sample size of over 1,000 students to create an Online
Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS). Based on the results from the OLRS, researchers
found characteristics that were imperative for students to have a successful experience in
the online learning environment. Being that this resource was published in the Computers
and Education Journal, it shows that is it peer-reviewed and scholarly.
 What gives the author(s) credibility?
o Dr. Hung is an associate professor at the National Chiao Tung University. Her focus
is on e-learning and teaching media.
 How has this resource been used in other applications?
o Researchers have used this resource to assess gender differences in learning with
technology. Others have used this resource to evaluate self-regulated learning as it
compares with self-efficacy.

Evaluate the strength of the methodology employed by the researcher(s).
 The researchers used a qualitative study to create an Online Learning Readiness Scale
(OLRS) that was used to measure various aspects of student readiness as it pertains to
online learning. By using a sample size of over 1,000 students, the researchers had a large
amount of data to gather, which shows the results and processes of the experiment were
both reliable and valid.

Relevance to Your Own Study

Explain how you will use this resource to build your action research proposal to support the need
for your own study or to support the construction of your study.
 It is important for students to be ready to take online courses. For many students, the
novelty of online learning alone creates excitement that students can be flexible in their

Resource Repository Template

learning. However, online readiness scales should be used to give students an accurate
picture of what online learning really is to ensure they are prepared for the rigors and
independence of online learning.


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