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5/14/2020 Gmail - This is how Trump wins:

Joe Forsythe <>

This is how Trump wins: <> Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 6:59 AM

Joseph --

Donald Trump has a viable path to 270 electoral votes. Don’t believe me?

Check this out:

Step 1: Win the states Mitt Romney won in 2012.

Step 2: Win Ohio, Iowa, and Florida. (Trump currently leads us in the RealClearPolitics
polling average in all of these states five days out.)
Step 3: With 259 electoral votes in the bag, find just 11 more -- and win the presidency.

What this means is -- if the above trends hold steady -- Trump would just need one or two
things to break his way on Election Day to beat us. For example:

Win Pennsylvania? He wins the election.

Win Colorado and New Hampshire? He wins the election.
Win Colorado and Nevada? He wins the election.

We can’t leave the most important election of our lives to chance, Joseph. If Donald Trump
has a good day on November 8th in one or two states we're not expecting, we're likely to

We are pouring every last organizer, TV ad, and dollar into the battleground states that can
shut off Trump’s path THIS WEEKEND.

We are still looking for 18 more supporters from Lo to be invested with us as we fight for
every last vote. Chip in $30 before it’s truly too little, too late.

You’re one of our most committed supporters. Because you've

saved your payment information, your donation will go
through immediately:

Joseph, donate now: $30

Joseph, donate now: $25

Joseph, donate now: $50 1/2
5/14/2020 Gmail - This is how Trump wins:

Joseph, donate now: $100

Joseph, donate now: $200

Thanks -- let’s go.


Robby Mook
Campaign Manager
Hillary for America

Paid for by Hillary for America, a grassroots campaign of 2.6

million donors committed to electing Hillary Clinton (and keeping
Donald Trump out of the White House).

Contributions or gifts to Hillary for America are not tax deductible.

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Clinton as our next president.

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