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International School of Management Studies

Pune – Maharashtra - India



Mr. Chandan Kr Singh


Statement of Authenticity

I certify that the work submitted in regard to this assignment is my own and wherever the works of
others have been used to support my work, the credit has been duly acknowledged.

Student Email: Date: 24/01/2020

Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Serial No Particulars Page no

1 Introduction 3

2 Objectives 4

3 Literature Review 4

4 Nature of the Study and 5

research tools used.

5 Data Interpretation 7

6 Conclusion 15

7 Bibliography 16

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Topic: Consumer Behaviour towards online streaming of Netflix

Netflix has more than 167 million annual memberships and is the global leader in streaming, offering TV
series, movies and feature films of various genres and languages in more than 190 nations. Members can
access Netflix on any internet-connected device as much as they want. Members will play, pause and
resume, all without ads or undertakings. This research is based on a research conducted to study the
consumer behaviour towards online streaming of Netflix thus, to analyse the reasons for success of
Netflix by identifying the satisfaction levels expressed by its existing users over different attributes and
identifying the Gap between customers preferences and the current satisfaction ratings. The research
used primary
data from a questionnaire survey and it confined to Pune city and Kolkata, India.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Research design
A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner that
to combine relevance’s to the research procedure.

1. Defining the research topic:

The research topic is to study of consumer behaviour towards online streaming of Netflix. Here
the research was carried out to find out: How often people use Netflix as their entertainment
source over other media providers.

2. Objectives of study:
• Age group preferences
• Competitors of Netflix
• Content selection among consumers (e.g. Thriller, horror).

3. Literature review
1. Netflix phenomenon in India
In the field of public research, introducing Internet TV technologies, like Netflix, is of crucial
importance, particularly in view of how new viewing practices like binge watching are
privileged. This research, using the methodology of domestication theory, analyses Netflix's
inclusion in the daily life of Indian urban youth from a dual viewpoint, in which they
negotiate with the philosophy of their text, technology and the pleasures offered. As such,
current applications and gratifications work on television and the Internet are used and
expanded upon. The research is based empirically on 15 semi-structured interviews of
respondents, chosen by means of publicity and snowball samples and evaluated using the
thematic analysis technique of Attride-Stirling. The analysis shows that all texts and
strategies in the domestication circuit of Netflix, the target application and the social
interactions that follow. This provides evidence of the textual transformations of the
content of Netflix and notes also the use of subtitles in interacting with Indian and
transnational material as a domestication device for metropolitan, English-learned Indian
viewers. This investigation is valued to marry the studies of media text and media
technologies and to its de-westernizing inclination, ethnographic research into Netflix's next
largest markets.
2. The analysis of Netflix data
This paper analyses ratings in order to provide information on film quality. Structural
Bayesian learning model link Subject to the product choice of future consumers with the
same product, experiential experiences fraters, who are prior consumer products. I
postulate that films are chosen on the basis of previous audience preferences and accuracy
of ratings signals. When more consumers display their interests in the ratings, consumers
use ratings more. The Netflix rating data will specify and estimate a simulated maximum
probability model. The very rich data set helps me to assess the impact on demand of
ratings while testing the intrinsic success of each particular DVD with fixed results. The
results show that customer quality signals are given by the ratings. If only one rating is used
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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

for this signal, it is very noisy and it could be ignored by the consumer. More consumers rate
the DVD, more informative the signal, and the findings demonstrate an increase in
consumer surplus. The calculation indicates an economically significant importance of the
rating system. As 100 others rate a DVD, the amount requested for the newly released DVD
can be up to 35%. Without providing the rating service, Netflix would offer DVDs to 88
percent more consumers. Ultimately, because there is no Netflix network with high rates on
each DVD, customers can rent a smaller selection of DVDs than Netflix leases. In total, 5-17
percent would be the share of newly released DVDs.

3. Assessing the Impact of Recommendation Agents on On-line Consumer Unplanned

Purchase Behaviour
Many Internet companies such as Amazon and Netflix have used recommendation agents.
Few researched, however, how consumer behaviour, based on current shopping, is
influenced by recommendation agents who direct consumers online. Fewer have yet to
study the role of recommendations to influence the online decision-making process. This
paper develops a theoretical model which shows the effect of online consumer behaviour by
recommendation agents. The model is validated using an online shopping simulation using
a product recommendation agent based on collaborative filtering. The effect of the
consumer advocacy agent on product promotion efficiency, product search efficiencies,
website satisfaction and unplanned purchases shall be particularly taken into consideration.
The results suggest that the theoretical model provides information and feedback on the
effect of a recommendation agent on online consumer behaviour.
4. Hypothesis :
Null hypothesis : Netflix is not responsible for the transition of consumer towards video
streaming industry.
Ha: Netflix is the reason for the transition of consumer towards video streaming industry.

5. Nature of the study.

Descriptive research was used in this research. It focuses on the diagnosis or investigation about
the problem, find out the facts and figures or to get answers of the questions. In this research
the survey was carried out to find the users of Netflix , their views on the selection of content
and to find the limitations.
The study also includes Quantitative research. A survey was carried out on the basis of which
the data was measured. The research also included cross-sectional study , in which data was
recorded at current time period

6. Data sources.

The source of data collection was secondary as well primary. The first step which was followed
for data collection was secondary research. A descriptive study about Netflix was carried out.
The secondary data consisted about Netflix affecting the video industry, its impact and
even case study of Netflix was carried out. The next source of data was primary data. The
primary data was
collected in Pune city. The data was collected through survey. A set of questionnaire was formed

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

and displayed through google forms. Close ended questions were asked.
The questionnaire was divided into two parts. First part concentrated on demographics of the
audience and second part concentrated on the psychographic part. The main aim of the
questionnaire was to identify the age group preferences, content preferences and views of the

7. Tools and Techniques for Analysis:

Google forms was used for the survey. It helped in the analysis for the research. This was carried
out for primary data collection. The secondary data collection source were past research papers
which gave a overview about Netflix past scenario.

8. Sample Frame:
The sample were the consumers who have a subscription of Netflix in Pune city and Kolkata.

9. Sample unit:
Netflix subscribers.

10. Sample size:

The sample size was 120 respondents.

11. Sampling technique:

Sampling is a process of selecting the elements which would represent the population under
study with the most precise possible manner without any biasness. The population under study
were citizens of Pune city. There are two types of sampling methods i.e. probability and non-
probability. The method utilized in this research was non-probability. In non-probability method
volunteering non- probability method was

used. In volunteering non-probability method it depends on the choice of respondent to be a

part of the survey or not. The option is given to the respondent.

Source: Personal Survey

Analysis :
By analyzing the responses that I have received from my questionnaire, here I am going to represent and
explain the data.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: By evaluating the ages of my respondents here I can see that most number of respondents
has come from 19 to 25 years of age with the percentage of 83.3 %. The minimum age group of people
whom I have considered in my survey is less than 18 years. From that age group I have received responds
from 1 people and the percentage is 0.8%. 137 people have responded to my survey from the age group
of 26 to 30. The percentage from this group is
14.2%. From the age group of 31 to 35, 2 people has responded to my survey and thus the percentage is
1.7%. No persons have responded from the age groups of 41 to 45 and 46
to 5. So, the percentage is same for these two groups, which is 0.%. I have not received any responds
the age group of 51 to 55 and 56 to 60.

Evaluation: By analyzing the gender of my survey takers, I can see that 50 male respondents and 49.2%
female responded. Only one person preferred not to say i.e 0.8%

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: By evaluating on the basis of employment. There are 72 respondents which are students i.e
60% . 32 respondents were salaried or employed which is 26.7%. 6 respondents are unemployed i.e 5%
.4 respondents are professionals i.e 3.3% .5 respondents are unemployed i.e 4.2% and 1 respondent was
housewife i.e 0.8 % .

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: By evaluating on the basis of geographical belongingness 91.2% respondents are from urban
area which are 104 people and 8.8% people are from rural are which are 10 people.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: By evaluating on the basis of martial status, 85% respondents are single who are 102 in
numbers.13.3% respondents are unmarried i.e 16 people and 2 people are married which is 1.7% .

Evaluation: By evaluating on the basis of family size.69.5% people are from nuclear family i.e 82 in
numbers and 30.5 % people are from joint family i.e 36 people.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: respondents were asked from where they enjoy visual entertainment programs.20 people
uses T.V i.e 16.8 %. 59.7% respondents use online video streaming providers which is 59.7%. 6 people
uses none which is 5 % and 38 people uses both TV and online video streaming i.e 31.9 %.

Evaluation: respondents were asked to give information on which online streaming media provider they
use.78 people uses Netflix i.e 68.4 %.52 people uses amazon prime i.e 45.6 % . 77 people uses hotstar i.e
67.5 % . 5 people mentioned YouTube i.e 4.5 % .and Alt Balaji ,Voot,Hoichoi,Sony Six ,Zee5 are used by 1
people each i.e 0.9%.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: Respondents were asked to give information whether they currently have Netflix
subscription or not. 58.5 % do not have an active subscription i.e 49 people where 41.5 % people are
active users of Netflix i.e 69 people.

Evaluation: Respondents were asked that how many times during a month they access Netflix.36.3 %
are rare users i.e 41 people.26.5% people uses Netflix daily i.e 30 people.18.6 %people uses Netflix once
in a week i.e 21 people . 9 people usesi.e 8% and 10.6 % respondents uses Netflix less than once in a
month i.e 10.6% .

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: Respondents were asked to give their choice of genre from Netflix .19.6 % respondents like
comedy content i.e. 21 people .15.9% respondents like romantic content i.e 17 people . 12.1 %
respondents like horror and action content i.e. 13 people .9 people like sci-fi content . 5 people like
fantasy genre i.e 4.7%.2 people chose thriller i.e 1.9 % and rest chose others as an option.

Evaluation: Respondents were asked to give their review whether they prefer series over movie or both
or none.39.8% chose both series and moviesi.e 47 people .36.4% chose series i.e 43 people and 18.6%
chose movies i.e 22 people. And 6 people voted for none.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

Evaluation: Respondents were asked whether they will choose Netflix over other streaming
providers.29.1% said yes and 14.5 % voted no.56.4% people may choose Netflix over other streaming

Evaluation : At last respondents were supposed to give their feedback on what should be improved in
Netflix. 52.3% voted for price.19.8% voted for content .13.5% respondents chose speed of the
device.12.6% people chose no. of device they can stream.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India

From the above research it can be stated that consumers are more inclined over Netflix rather than
other online streaming providers .Netflix has been able to capture consumers attention with providing
their desired contents. There is a rise in demand of Netflix for more online streaming. Research has been
conducted where there was nearly an equal ratio between male and female and83 % respondents
where between 19-25 age .Research likely shows that single consumers are more inclined towards
Netflix.48% people currently has Netflix subscription and most of the others wants to or their account
has expired. This shows that there is a rapid consumer inclination over Netflix. Most of the respondents
were Netflix users.

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Extended Diploma in Strategic Management & Leadership
International School of Management Studies, Pune – Maharashtra - India


• Hostler, R.E., Yoon, V.Y., Guo, Z., Guimaraes, T. and Forgionne, G. (2011). Assessing the impact
of recommender agents on on-line consumer unplanned purchase behavior. Information &
Management, 48(8), pp.336–343.
• Cammaerts, B., Anstead, N. and Stupart, R. (n.d.). Media and Communications. [online] Available
dissertations/2018/george.pdf [Accessed 3 Feb. 2020].
• Maryanchyk, I. (2008). Are Ratings Informative Signals? The Analysis of the Netflix Data. SSRN
Electronic Journal.

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