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Arad a, Gospel of the Witches


Charles Godfrey Leland

10 2010 Forgotten Books


Fi published 1899

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About the

"Aradia, 0 the Gospel of the Witches is an 1899 book by Charles Go frey Leland. The book is an attempt to portray the beliefs an rituals of an underground religious witchcraft tradition i Tuscany that, Leland claimed, had survived for centuries ntil his discovery of its existence in the 1890s. Scholars h e disputed the veracity of this claim. Still, the book one of the fou ndationa I texts of Wicca.

The text is a composite. Some of it is Leland's translation into English of n original Italian manuscript, the Vangelo (gospel). Leland re orted receiving the manuscript from his primary informant n Italian witchcraft beliefs, a woman Leland referred to as "Maddalena" and whom he called his "witch informant" in Italy. The st of the material comes from Leland's research on Italian folk are and traditions, including other related material from Mad alena. Leland had been informed of the Vangelo's existence n 1886, but it took Maddalena eleven years to provide hi with a copy. After translating and editing the material, . took another two years for the book to be published. Its ifteen chapters portray the origins, beliefs, rituals and spells of an Italian pagan witchcraft tradition. The central figure of t at religion is the goddess Aradia, who came to Earth to teach th practice of witchcraft to peasants in order for them to oppose heir feudal oppressors and the Catholic Church.

Leland's w rk remained obscure until the 1950s, when other theories a out, and claims of, "pagan witchcraft" survivals began to e widely discussed. Aradia began to be examined

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viII ""t

within the wider context of such claims. Sc olars are divided, with some dismissing Leland's assertion rega ding the origins of the manuscript, and others arguing for its authenticity as a unique documentation of folk beliefs. Alo g with increased scholarly attention, Aradia came to playa pecial role in the history of Gardnerian Wicca and its offsho ts, being used as evidence that pagan witchcraft survivals exi ed in Europe, and because a passage from the book's first cha ter was used as a part of the religion's liturgy. After the increas in interest in the text, it became widely available through umerous reprints from a variety of publishers, including a 1 99 critical edition with a new tra nslation by Ma rio and D ina Paz agl in i."

About the Author

Charles Godfrey Leland (1824 -1903)

"Charles Godfrey Leland (August 15, 1824 - M rch 20, 1903) was an American humorist and folklorist, bar in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and educated at Princeton niversity, and in Europe. Leland worked in journalism, travell d extensively, and became interested in folklore and folk lin uistics, publishing books and articles on American and Europ an languages and folk traditions. By the end of his life shortly a er the turn of the century, Leland had worked in a wide variety ftrades, achieved recognition as an author of the comedi Hans Breitmann Ballads, fought in two conflicts, and had witten what was to become a primary source text for Neopaganism half a century later, Arad ia, a r the Gospe I of the Witches."

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NOTE 120

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Aradra, Gospel of the Wrtches


IF the reader has ever met with the works of the lear ed folk-Iorist G. Pitre, or the articles contributed by "lady re De Vere" to the Italian Rivista, or that of J. H. Andrew to Folk-lore, 1 he will be aware that there are in Italy g eat numbers of strege, fortune-tellers or witches, who divine by cards, perform strange ceremonies in which spirits are supposed to be invoked, make and sell amulets, and, in f ct, comport themselves generally as their reputed kind are won to do, be they Black Voodoos in America or sorceresses anywh

But the Italian strega or sorceress is in certain respe different character from these. In most cases she comes family in which her calling or art has been practised for m ny generations. I have no doubt that there are in stances in w ich the ancestry remounts to medieeval, Roman, or it may be Etruscan times. The result has naturally been the accumula ion in such families of much tradition. But in Northern Italy, a its literature indicates, though there has been some sl ht gathering of fairy tales and popular superstitions by schol there has never existed the least interest as regarded strange lore of the witches, nor any suspicion that it embra an incredible quantity of old Roman minor myths and lege ds, such as Ovid has recorded, but of which much escaped him nd all other latin writers. 2

1 March, 1897: "Neapolitan Witchcraft."

2 Thus we may imagine what the case would have been as reg rds German fairy-tales if nothing had survived to a future day except the collections of Grimm and Musseus, The world would fall into the b lief

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This ignorance was greatly aided by the wizards themselves, n making a profound secret of all their traditions, urged there by fear of the priests. In fact, the latter all unconscious actually contributed immensely to the preservation of such lor, since the charm of the forbidden is very great, and wltchcra , like the truffle, grows best and has its raciest flavour when mo t deeply hidden. However this may be, both priest and wizard a vanishing now with incredible rapidity--it has even struck a French writer that a Franciscan in a railway carriage is a stran anomaly--and a few more years of newspapers and bicycl s (Heaven knows what it will be when flying-machines appear) will probably cause an evanishment of all.

However, they die slowly, and even yet there are old people n the Romagna of the North who know the Etruscan names of t e Twelve Gods, and invocations to Bacchus, Jupiter, and Venu , Mercury, and the lares or ancestral spirits, and in the cities a women who prepare strange amulets, over which they mutt r spells, all known in the old Roman time, and who can astoni h even the learned by their legends of Latin gods, mingled wi h lore which may be found in Cato or Theocritus. With one f these I became intimately acquainted in 1886, and have ev r since employed her specially to collect among her sisters of t e hidden spell in many places all the traditions of the olden ti known to them. It is true that I have drawn from other source , but this woman by long practice has perfectly learned what fe

that these constituted all the works of the kind which had e r existed, when, in fact they fonn only a small part of the whole. A d folklore was unknown to classic authors: there is really no evidence n any ancient Latin writer that he gathered traditions and the Ii e among the vulgar, as men collect at present. They all made boo s entirely out of books--there being still"a few left of the same sort" f literati.

10 2010 Forgotten Books I


Aradra, Gospel of the wrt hes

understand, or just hat I want, and how to extract it from those of her kind.

Among other strange relics, she succeeded, after many years, in obtaining the followi g "Gospel, II which I have in her handwriting. A full account of its nature with many details will be found in an Appendix. I do ot know definitely whether my informant derived a part of th e traditions from written sources or oral narration, but believ it was chiefly the latter. However, there are a few wizards w 0 copy or preserve documents relative to their art. I have not een my collector since the "Gospel" was sent to me. I hope at ome future time to be better informed.

For brief explanation I may say that witch craft is known to its votaries as la vecchi religione, or the old religion, of which Diana is the Goddes , her daughter Aradia (or Herodias) the female Messiah, an that this little work sets forth how the latter was born, cam down to earth, established witches and witchcraft, and then eturned to heaven. With it are given the ceremonies and invo ations or incantations to be addressed to Diana and Aradia, th exorcism of cain, and the spells of the holy-stone, rue, and erbena, constituting, as the text declares, the regular church-s rvice, so to speak, which is to be chanted or pronounced at th witch-meetings. There are also included the very curious in ntations or benedictions of the honey, meal, and salt, or ca es of the witch-supper, which is curiously classical. and evidentl a relic of the Roman Mysteries.

The work could have een extended ad infinitum by adding to it the ceremonies and ncantations which actually form a part of the Scripture of Wit hcraft, but as these are nearly all--or at least in great num er--to be found in my works entitled Etruscan-Roman Re ains and Legends of Florence, I have hesitated to compile uch a volume before ascertaining whether

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there is a sufficiently large number of the public who would buy such a work.

Since writing the fore oing I have met with and read a very clever and entertainin work entitled II Romanzo dei Settimani, G. Cavagnari, 1889, in hich the author, in the form of a novel, vividly depicts the ma ners, habits of thought, and especially the nature of witcher ft, and the many superstitions current among the peasants in Lombardy. Unfortunately, notwithstanding his extensive kno ledge of the subject, it never seems to have once occurred to the narrator that these traditions were anything but noxious n nsense or abominably un-Christian folly. That there exists in the marvellous relics of ancient mythology and valuable folklore, hich is the very cor cordium of history, is as uncared for by him s it would be by a common zoccolone or tramping Franciscan. ne would think it might have been suspected by a man w 0 knew that a witch really endeavoured to kill seven people as a ceremony or rite, in order to get the secret of endless weal , that such a sorceress must have had a store of wondrous leg nds; but of all this there is no trace, and it is very evident that nothing could be further from his mind than that there was an hing interesting from a higher or more genial point of view in _ all.

His book, in fine, bel ngs to the very great number of those written on ghosts and superstition since the latter has fallen into discredit, in which he authors indulge in much satirical and very safe but cheap ri icule of what to them is merely vulgar and false. Like Sir Cha les Coldstream, they have peeped into the crater of Vesuvius fter it ha d ceased to "eru pt," and fou nd "nothing in it." But the e was something in it once; and the man of science, which Sir C aries was not, still finds a great deal in the remains, and the a tiquarian a Pompeii or a Herculaneum-'tis said there are stil seven buried cities to unearth. I have

10 2010 Forgotten Books


done what little (it is really very little) I could to disinter something from the dead volcano of Italian sorcery.

Aradra, Gospel of the Wrtches

If this be the manner in which Italian witchcraft is tr ated by the most intelligent writer who has depicted it, it will not be deemed remarkable that there are few indeed ho will care whether there is a veritable Gospel of Witches, a parently of extreme antiquity, embodying the belief in astra ge counterreligion which has held its own from pre-historic time to the present day. "Witchcraft is all rubbish, or somet ing worse," said old writers, "and therefore all books about it are nothing better." I sincerely trust, however, that these pages may fall into the ha nds of at least a few who wi II th in k better of t em.

I should, however, in justice to those who do car to explore dark and bewildering paths, explain clearly that itch-lore is hidden with most scrupulous care from all save a very few in Italy, just as it is among the Chippeway Medas r the Black Voodoo. In the novel to the life of I 5ettimani a aspirant is represented as living with a witch and acquiring r picking up with pain, scrap by scrap, her spells and incanta ions, giving yea rs to it. 50 my friend the late M. Dragoma noff t Id me how a certain man in Hu ngary, having learned that he h d collected many spells (which were indeed subsequently ublished in folklore journals), stole into the scholar's room nd surreptitiously copied them, so that the next year when ragomanoff returned, he found the thief in full practice as a blooming magician. Truly he had not got many incantations, nlya dozen or so, but a very little will go a great way in the business, and I venture to say there is perhaps hardly a single witc in Italy who knows as many as I have published, mine havin been assiduously collected from many, far and wide. Eve hing of the kind which is written is, moreover, often de royed with scrupulous care by priests or penitents, or the vast umber who

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..... *:-.

, .. ~_


haw '5-U pe eing in th e sam e house

such ocu ma rs, t nat I re rd th @ i!!! of the ViJ nge

'Some i ng it: h _ to say t ne ea rerna rkable-



j'lt is Dia na I Lol

Sh@ rises crescenta 4' --Ke ats' E"ndym ion

j'Make m ore brig Th@ 5ta r Quee n' s C!!S nt on har rna rria @ n - t ." -Ibid.

d of the Sun and was 50 prou of m paradl~e.

Oiar1.a had by. her name of Aradia Ii.!!:

In these days. tt1e

In these d ay~ we eve ry pa lace tel rt 1,1

re rueUy treate ; in

Many 'Slaves esca bec.a me th ieves a n

fled to t ~ c u ntry; th us hev 51ee i ng by n igM. hey then slew t em, as robbers; .1 nd

plotted e"SC:lI pe an ro bed t eir maste

So tI'1!!V dw@ It in .,!!: rnou in s and

assasst ns. all to a lei 'S very .



..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

to her da ughter A~ ia:
sei no 'Sp i rito,
eYie r~ a ncor.a .
ni che avranno
la tua scuola
d i 'S-tregonerie.
devi me Ia figl ia d i COl lno,
Ua ra no deve n Lrt:i
S Ilerati I C1iIJ sa de I rna Itratta nti.
Co Ia prima strega,

n u1:i3l n e I mond Or d i avve lena re,

I) i signc rl,

ro palaui,

el op pressore, contaa inc rlcee e ava e tue alunne, raeeene


Qu DoE!: male c Tu e brei sem Col mlo n

i fa ra del rna Ie, lM! ne di 'z ion ~

) un doppio male no me d I Dla na,



Ii @ prate vi d ira nno .,el Padre, Figl le, d@t@' gl i sempre, ad re e Maria

II ...

r!! non @' i I vostro-sene ve n uta

e la ge nte eamva


ri !;offl'"it.P= .3 nche Ia fa me, o e molte \lofte;

la prigione;

una anima.

buon a, e n ~ ll'a ltra, do voi sea rete bene,

Tn n:sIadon

d that theu a spi fit art.

u born b LIt to bacoma Olga i n

must go to ea rth be l.ow

r unto wom en a nd men

in Id stu dV witcncraft in tf1y 5

the Who re a I Ye~n II n

da u,ghte-r 1: hou sha tt nellJer ce wno have becom e at la fa me us from suHe ring,.

;i nd wand @(ing Zi nga rir ieve-s .a nd knaves; I ike 1.1




u sh It teach the a Of poi on in 1: hose who a Vea, t u sh It make d1 e And th u sh It bind the 0 An d w @n find a P!!.a!ioil The n sha teach th ~ w' To ru i a II h.i crcps witl1 t With. I" ht" i g a"d with th And th hall nd wind., ••

witt" I!!!S k own;

a II i' the (I rid;

of poisoni g..

~re at lords of .a II; die in tl1 eir a laces; rasser's so I (witl1 who is rim

h, you r PLI I, how pests dire

n de r (te rrib ).

An d w en a nest sha II do u lnju rv By nis ne ictions, ve osha I do to 11 im Dc ub the a rrn, a nd do' in the n.a m

Of me Dia n . Que~n of w' he'S a III

An d w en t e priests or t h

Sha 1I!i Y to ou that you s r f.a itt1

In th P::! athe. Son . a nd Ma . 1: he n rep

od. e Father, an Ma ria are

evils. .1-

• F or t e tru God the Fath r is not YOLI :

For 111 ve me to ~weep way the ba •

The m n of vll, all willi d troyl

• Ve W 0 are poe r suffer wi h bu nge r An d t I.n rete heeness. d suffer t

Full nment; yet it h it a II

I, a nd fo r yo suffurings

wer); 1





.a d b@@ n ta ught, ught to wo

the ~'Vil race (of 0 P resso )-sh aid unto them:

o do VB wrongl~

;iI ndo io sa ro pa ta da q uasto me nd • a I Llnq Lie COs ch avrete biqna.

U .a volta al m q ando la luna


Tn n:sIation


is full.

II witct1r 'mparted



'- .. ~.-


it until

hall be dead; of Be nevento, after that


'tal sottc t Hi3I d OV@' t uul nasc:oS'd hi i j .,;egrett

Ma in eta ehe s i a metterte a I mo, Ive ri per I ria e te ne fu Port ndo con t@ i t u i '5o!!Gnm I

consirt. and to Diana,

perrhe tu 1131 altri me ti

re a d iven re bella. artiani

, perche






La Altr


c e tanto tempe e r il rnie avenir,





H:!:§ CiI me to cast on ttl thy growt h. becau se IN'

U Idrt not g row nor bea rs ttl ou dost belong un as or f.a irias, ;iI nd bacau !! leo; do belong unto the

an Nide nt associati on h

much mljes. a val n of wt'1eat)

~ The :5 II: lines following ilf€ C1Um h


to a I myst ri es I sh all atta n,

th at La 51 of tha ra in; last I sha II tru k no

Ui ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

rk secrets iii re nown me, ~ I will give to neel

ConJ ..... tl


• salt, lo! n@ re e m die of a strea lace

as the Witt@ r .a ul i tu rned in trut d 51 e no other tho

Ston.I:lural one d Tno

Tu eaino t\J n n pOS:S:a! ave r Ne ace e l'IIe be e fino ehe

Dal Ie 1 ndat non sara. coi iedi

Co ndo, Ie m a i battendo,

gar1 per e ehe mi faccla sape


A:r:nd I of 1M Wrtd'!e" '\.._tf. 11
~ ~.
ino. se cartiva fesse,
to face ia carnbta rs,
e gra:z ia m i fa ffite.
a lie sple nd or del sol 101 gua rd@ 0:
in colla tua bocca m i dira i
de - no qua Ie s:ara:
gra:z ia 0 cain 0 no" mi fa ra i,
n!! non avri31il
The Conjuration 0 cain
Un! thea, 0 Cain, .a s t hou can st n@ @r
r~ or peace until thou 'Shalt be d
ttl su n wt1 e re t nOiIJ .a rt p risoned, and must 0
Be V h a nds and run ning fast m nwhile: 1
lst I1l@ knew my d@Sljny;
erJil. d'I angp::! its COLn'Se for me
It gm nt th Is; gr.a ee. I'll see it el r
ter in the splendeur of t ne '5\.1
ou OCain, shah t@U by word ot
r thi-s my de-;tiny is to be.
nle s th ou gra.,te~ th is,
tt ou ne ler k now peace or bliss!
Then shall follow the ConJu anot
Scorcluradone I
You hall rna ke: ca k@"S of lIl@a twine- r sa r and non in the sh p@
of.a re cent or horned) moon. an d th n put the t bake, nd
say: 1 Thi ies keeping him'5elf wann, iEI nd s proof po -tilJe that m

be read for sun, According to nether I~ lid all'll S

d il1h~ moon.

l' '. -;

ne il pane ne il saler

Non cu ne i I vino ne i I rniala.

Cuoco i to rpo il -sa"gue e l'a n irna, d i Dia na, [he non pos.'5.a ta pace e ne bene,

Po,.,,.,a se re sem pre in me zzo a II ne

Fino ch 1(1 grazia no" mi fara,

Che gli 10 c hiasta egli@la ch ied 0 d c ore I Se qua g rana, 0 Dia na, mi tara i

La ten in tua lode I n molt Iia fa re

Mangi Ibll!!r@ Se que Se qu Nel te

, saltare mo,

a g rana ehe ti he ch ie5ta, a grazia ru mi tarai,

po e ne balliamo,

ConJ...-ation of Dian iii!

I do n bake the bread, nor with eeek the tl oney with the e body .a nd the blood oil n The 50 I of (great) Dia na, that she 5 Know n Ither rese nor peace, and In (rue suffering t ill she wi II gra nt I q uast, wh at I do most d

I beg it her from my very hea rtl

An d If t e grace be gra nted, 0 Dia a In hen u r of thee I will tl old ttl is f F aast a d d roil in t he goblet dE!£!: p, We. wi da nee and wild IV leap. An d If t ou gra nt'st t he gra ce wt1- h requ ire, The n en the dance ~'5- wilde !it, a I tel amps


, ,

Shall be e

Iv love I

to tne supper II nd we en,:i1 n ,th@ fsast OW' t nev '5. hOI II da n , u'!ti c, a d then love n 1: he da r ne ss, IN ith all t e lights. e:.rti g I~ ned: r it I~ e Spit of Dla n who ext I ng uis s

tney w I dance nd ke music n her praise,

And it

To mnju

To unde To chan To chlline To know t @ crats To cure di e 55.

To make toe who re u.gly To tame dd beasts.

Whateve r t h ng she Id be a

she u Id be nted u to tho

And thus


died le.av nc. traa 5U res.


m the 0; rit of Ar.a d ia, t at whe melited h rfaveur.

(I- (I10F~~~


20 '.


Thus d

at midnight d salt, I bear lisman, my hand ron e w.ater and Implore a

ta I isrna ,din d .a It!: dentro, con de wi., e I Ie""..,. mv""e favour rom Arad i

Tu cha iei figlia di!! Che si t va nell In Cne da I Pa rad so

MabJ.a A volut U., splr E non

adre pi! dif.are di o oonigno lignol

mo.. iseaee la a,

ha creat ,

del su fa 110, Lin 0. 'Spir 10..

adlal ra 0 ti preg

re ehe pc ti ha tua adre, r tuo che nte l'am


ehe io ti c iedo



Sarpe riscts re, L ucclc I volare, E ra na anta re Se qu O@s;id@


tlith is

(I- 2010 FI)ft~ ~

"1 II


Avere pi· pace e ne be e_

E che da ntario tu d i!!! ba scorn da rti, E amra eerneda rti,

Ch@ ti ob i .. , chs tu pus to rrn a

Pre a I '-10 destine.

to A"" I

aar for thae I r theel

But if

Mav And

me my II;! Siire. nd tn@ n tho may 'st r hy estl ny. 11'1 e with. A

(I- 201 F~~ B-o-ob



u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


lANA wa~ th first were all thi divided he rs L u "fer, her brother lig t.

d bern re II ere ;On; in her ers.elf. the I rst rknes;§. she e'5S an d lig t she was divide d. !!H i1 nd ., i!!! r thi!!! r ;jJ tf. wa5 the

An when Diana sa

I, the light arned for it iv~ t light a,gai n reo In de IIg Itt. she

yield to her oo;t lsta nt parts; lies before the e t.

n D La na went th e 3th rs of the

hers, th e ~pirlt. w no e before ttl

e nted unto them hat sh co Id not prev prO! i5.ed her for har 00 O!g they told fa II; to become the ch i f goddes:s:e-s I.

ing, to the -.;plrit and Lucifer. And er th t to rise shi!!! e m st become a

in tn@ :il,CeSi, in ttl i!!! co f'5f! f time, W e. Dian a went 0 ea rth, a'S id Lucif~ r,

a ta u.g Itt mag le a nd s rce • when ce me

fai ies and gobhns·~ I that is like an, yet no mo

world Wc.Si bile n, and itc:he~ and L

(I- (I10F~~



sang to sih:mt, th 'SOng of t n oth i ng. So DJa na tl1 at he ield ed to tl Y mme tne SO"g sp inning ro und], a lives of II men: all his -were spu UJ ctfur t rned ttl e heel

And it r of a cat. Her brother

reat ures, and it sle-pt

, a cat a t ul beyond aU ether

rrns witt1 he r, so she '5i assu rned her own iIIhorl ...... b r ot i i31. But wt1 !!n

S si~ r, an d that light was ext rerne tv a n.g ry; pov.;er, and tl e wa s

!! n' ht wnir h so t !!: to slee p; h~ 00 uld say . C O".aft sc cha rrned him h fiM fa"5ci natio n, she u z ng of bees (or a top ng life. ShE!: sp un the the wi'! ~el of Dta na.

bacama hidden.

spi rits, the f.a inas a nd

o Ii M. as the ir moth ~r; I. but by her will she " for witt: ncraft, and atn !!:S5 cou Id not be

And thu

e me etil18 of a II the .a she we uld da rk@n the

All t nose whe were

"If thou ca nst do 'Strange having risen to such

power, t ou stl alt b OiIJ r queen . ~

(I- 201 0 F~~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


24 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

DiiI ;jJ went into the 51 rast: 51'1!! t k t ne blad de pie of witch-money. wh lch ha s (I mo e-v witch@'S c LIt the- earth fro c LIt e earth, a nd with it and ma blew Into t ne bladde r t III it bu

there ca rna a great marva I, bla de r became the rou nd heav

the was a great rs in; the ml ha ng mad e the l1-eave nand th

I'Jl@ Qu@en of t n@ Witch@s; '5 W"a'5. the-

sta -nuee. t he heaven a nd the ra in





o find stone

favou r D la na

a nd rep at the @ njoinf!d : ••

s pe cia I ojlgn of the II take it in h I~ ha nd Ilow ing hay i g ob erved the ee remony


U .d pi atra hue ta L' 0 trovato;

N ringra:z 10 i I e~ In.

E 0 spirito dle via

i ha po rta ta J

C e passa esse e ne .

.: a mka buena

0201 F~~~


hole in it. BU; such ill stooe i50 gil hilly on :illy a eli im to the name,

Dian:il qUi!!!II:iI

Cne mi V'e" ne la n



e II' inferno, infelici, ssin , @ anche

ha i co n05-Ci Lito, cattlvo

Un a a ra VCllta ti ong Cne tu (I n abbia e pa Tu p05 a @ 55~r@ s Fino e la grazia Non m fa ra il

in I"I'leZZO dillf! pi!!n!!!r i cI'Iiedo


r my tr ue geod

I nse: in th And I go Allindll@ Se~kingfo Seeklngfo

.a nd \leNa In ring good fc Iv guarded a know it--'tis: secret And sacre to • an d tt ... .1 s I.,. ea k th s i'O ve rvai" ev r be a ben ef r

And may y lassing be- up n the

Or on the who did give hee to

Because t

Hast still c

Orl may t

(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~

I .,. I • I

18 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

In -s.uffurin u "til ttl ou g r ntest that

Wtl icf1 I re fa ith from ttl

IH@r!! we or other form of be found

-s:aint was

TI1-e findi

a rou nd seen • be it gre-at 0 s no) r but it sh u k:I D@V!!r be II then get th good ILick.

receiver the 8fver.

On tin d i oil ro und ston r roil i5.@ the @v the stc ne P th re e tim es catch ing it e

S!!i v!!n uto in mia socco

Credi ne a gran biso no.

Spirito del ollet I no rosso

Giacche s venute in mi SiOCCOf'50, Ti pr!!go di DO 0 mi .a bba n ODoiI re I

Ti prego d ntro questa p Ua d' i ntrare, E nella m Itasca tu pes porta re, Cosi in qu lunque- mia bi Gg"c:I.

ti P0550 c hia oil ra r

edi notte.

(I- 201 0 F[)ft~


ign (e se tha beta II

f non m i vorra p,ag re, LI folle1ino rosso il fa i d Si q~e~ dlnon d melt,

Si in testera tu vi a dera i fool tua Bri~··bri@

Se dorrne to deste I. Panni d alletto la ra l, Le f.a ra i t.a nta pOI ur

Che a lIora di .a nda r .3 dor ire nd ra a lie blsche a gi ueca J

E t\.I n u nqu a 10 seg ira i.

Co-;i il debita re i I gi

o ml portera i dan

o mi il m and era; f cosl, full!!:ti no r Mi fa ra. fel ice in m a vita, Perche in qua leu n u e m ia bj5; na,


Se colla mla ama u Sipirito de I buon a ugu ri nd ra ila nctte d a Per i ca pe:1Ii I a pre E n ef letto mio ta p rte; E la mattjna qua nd tutti II 5; ritl

iO ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

Va nno a iposa J Tu prim a di sl' e Ne Iia tu a pa Iia La rnia b lia nal Cosi te p ofo I Oi entra

Edi ubbi Ed io ti p rtere Sempre ella ta Cnetu n n rni y

alia I


ConJ... Ion

Spirit of ood 0 Who art Beli~ve I Spirit of

Si nee th need.

Should I nd Who will not pa 'rhou the Red An d If ne will n

itch, him'



teach nim with thy ceaseless 4, B ri •• brie III

T at he who obhgation e'@rfo ts S a II be in treu bre till he pays ni de A d"SO my da bte r on the follow ng V S .all eith er bring the money w leh e ewes,

o sen d It promptly: so I pray t he ,

o my Red Goblin, come unto o should I q Ui1 rrel witt1 hsr wn m I Olle,

T eo, spirit of good ILick. I pray bee 0

T her wh lie s lee ping~~PIJU her th ha ir.

A. d bea r her t hreug tu ne ., igl1t nt my bed I A d in the morning, wh@ n all sp rits 0

T th e ir re pose. de thou. ere th u tu rn 'st In 0 thy stone, ca nv t1 e r he me a ~

A. d leave he r t ne re aslee p. Tne efo e, 0 Sp ri e I

I ttl!!@ in ttl is pebble make t h I'Il@I

o et i n ~rJery way a III com man . I., my pc cket th 01,1 ...,h aft ever e,

A. d thou and I will ne'er part e mp ny!

(I- 201 F[)ft~ ~

I'" I

~.... ..... *:-.

;Ie. , .. ~_


Stong uta:zlone al Lm

appuntato un Spille


lemon st uck fu II of pin'S of diffe rent colou rs .a Iw.a s bring~ ad fort\J ne.

'S a 8 itt .i3 k!mo n II of pi ns of dille rs 00 lou c k ones a mong t m, it ~ign ifies th at vour I' ha ppy a nd pres pe LI~ and joyfu I,

d;; pms :iI ra .d moo them, you may I!!!njoy g Itt!, yet mingled ith troubles whit h mav be cou nt, [H owe'l,ler, to I ess n th ei r j nfluence, '110 U mu

the !lowing esrernc nYr a nd pro ncu nee th is in ca n ~ I is .d Iso dascribad. I

The "'Clntatl to Diana

mandarino, cose,

nnt given in 'the on ·JliIII M s.., but it i5 nece 5Siilry IJ t follows i bruptJy.

At t e in~ nt wne n he mid night cs me. a Ierne in tne garden,

a lemo r:il nd with it

nd a (fra rant) man d.arin.

rt n cs re hese (prec lous) th ings, neM ng sa id witt1 ea re:

"rh u wn 01 rt Quee of the s un .a nd of tI1 I! An of the stars-jc I ere I ca 111:.0 thee I

An with tl at pow r I tl ave I conj ure ttl ee To rantt me tne f vour I implorel

Tnr !hi s I'Vi!!! gat ersd in t ha .cOl rden h I! A Ie on, range. a n a ma nda rin;

I've athe d them t bli ng good I uck to m

of th m I do g p here j" my hand.

An that hich is to @ [VI! I"Il@ fur my f.ate, Q.LJ n of e "ita rs I

Tne ma k that fru· re rna in firm in my gras

[Somat ning is nere omitted in tha MS. are tossed wrtho IJt seeing them into rsrna in 5, tha c@remony p roosad 5 as 'Since in it the incantation is co nfiJsed w to act.]

Saying this, 0 n@ looks up at t ha sky, a one ha nd, a nd a \1'0 lee sa id to me--

~Take rna ny pins, fUld ea refu Ily st lck th many colou rs: a nd .a 5 ttl ou wi It have desirest to give the Ie mon to any 0 she uld~ st lck I n It rna ny pin s of 113 ried

~ But if thou wi It that !!v il bl!ffi1ll a nv one

~ BilJt 10 r th 1"-' ttl ou must pronoun ce .a (ttl us)!' ;--

Dia 0 ia na. a te 'SCongiu ro! E te th iamo ad .a Ita ",oee I

Cne tu no n abbia pace ne be ne S!! non vi~n!! in m io aluto

Do rna n i a I pu nto d i meno J!: lorno, Ti aspeteo a q uelle pu nto

Un blech ie re di vino porrere, [ una picoola lante al ocrn io E deotro tred lei sp ill i,

Spilli neri vi m et'terO,

E t IJ Dia na tutti

I d iavo Ii d@ll" infarno c hi am ara i,

E in compag nia del §;ole il ma nd era i

E t LIttO II fueee den'l nferno p reso d i se te pertera n"o, e dara., no forza,

e lemon, pi of uck, .a nd if ou

a Mend. OLi

black pins.




s in RC!miln ti mes, to have en

rties, and lNiEl5 lI§. in ClC

to Dl3na

di farmi qu ste vlne beUi ,

q uesti s pilli poss .. no ar ntira,

" uest i illimo e a pu "te r6

n n da r!! piu p ca.

ne alia pers na

q e sto I imone Ie prese n.t.e rO'

taret!!, e,

ern, grandina, on aloJ(o,

te daro, di norte,

G conj ure th@'@

itt! u plifted lee to thee I II,

ou sh aft ns er have co Me t or pea ce ou eomest c give me a n t V a id I

r@ to-mort at th~ stro k of noo n for thee, b a ri ng a cu p of i ne.

tth a lens CI a small bu rn i glass.' An t irteen pin~ I II put into the ha rm;

Th IN hie h I put ., all .a II ind@@d eo Mack,

U. Diana. th LJ wilt place t em alii

s frern hell;

iG ..... *:-. FCII'IO 8-0 fl
'- .. ~-
Thou"lt se"d them as mpa "'So (If ne un.
An d ;jJ II th!!! fire: infe rn I of i
Th-ow fie"ds sha II bri .and
Unto the Su n to ma this (r
So that th ese pi ns by eat m
An d with t hem I do fi I the Ie
That u "to her 0 r him is If t his grace I g.a in fro Give a sign. I pray. to Ere the th i rd day

Sh.a II pass awav.

Let me either hear or see

A rea ring wind. a ran ing rai • Or hall a clattermg 0 ths pi Till one- of these thre s ig M Pea 00. Dian a thou s It not An swer we II the pra Or day and night will

A".; t ne ora nge INa".; t fru it t ive of the Moon or ia na, it psclal gree n one, eeca use it "s gen e ra Ily know n th t ora press ure i;l"d co mbj d wit hard substance whi h cain

PLi rpcses, I have- d ted a

Usne d work entitle On e 'Suggested to me by tt1 e c ha rm by a wite h.

a !!! or u sad for any apter to t is; ir. an as yet un ub-

und In or Arts Th I".; was

l Tha l is, OIiIIJliI i s irwok d to 5oE! of hell to -nill J1lOf~ i1r ase 1hiJ

wi the very Ii e of to i ntl"fuify twine.




it 1'1 time go home, r n 011'1 inc. of

And hi I s the spell to b love 0 is- nome. i


Friday, .a nd I w4 h '[:0 r1SI!! V@ lee p a II night. alJlng se en of a rich lord I w om I dare n uld g.a in ne r wit rnorH!Y; b o 'SO. {Th@ r~re ill I con] ...

ea riy, not hOI inc. been ery beautlfu .B Irt the nope to wi n, ere she s 91e ios rkh,

Ua Diana'

bella e, b uona $ si,

imina of this. sp~11 se@ftls. to tie the Jl.UUr€ of the f€m onv.

ely 3 pf'05e I duction



Dia na. bea LrtifLiI D' na I

Who art I ndeed .a 5 od a l

By a II the worshi p I t1 ave

And all thf! joy of I wh h thou n,

I do im pi ore thee a d me i my 10 thou wilt 'tis

Thou ca nst ever do

Ti t1 0 fattor

Ant:ne .d te di fart! amo

Du nq ue saero the nd1 e que eosa

Tu mi vogl ia .a iuta r

E se hi

Tutto t\J potral,

Se questa ,g raeia m vorra j are:

Ch larn ara i tua fig!" i AI letto dell a bella 1'1 e i Lli

La rna nde ra Aradia

Alia CiI me ra m la la Ma ern: rata in ea m ra m i Non 'S..a ra piu una nina, Ma tomera una be a fa., lla, B!! lla t:a ne ara pri E cosi potrb fa re al A m 10 piac Imento, Come a me plaeera Qu an do mi '5.a ro di Ami pia cere diro,

~Per volere della F Dia

E d i sua fi,g,l.a Arad i •

Tom a una [ani na

ceme 1:LI en primal

ilion oDiI

(I- 2 10 F[)ft~ ~


Thus; it will come to pa 55 th t the girl as .a home u nseen a nd u ns Llspe ed, for thu-s Arndia; and the ,gIrl will thl k rt I~ all a dr m, becau e t1 ave bee n e neh [l"ted by A d ia,

And if the gra ce I seek theu' Th@n call, I p ray, thy d aught r Arad ia, And send her to the be elsid of the girl,

And give that g ir] t n@ lib!: n of a dog.

And make he r then co me me in my roo ,

But whe n she once has en d it. I pray

That she may rsassu me 1'1 e r u ma n form.

As baautjful :as e'er she wa5 And may I th e n ma ke love t 01,1 r souls IN Ith Joy are fullv Then by tne aid of the great Fa iry Qu ee n And ot h~ r daughter, fair Ar dia,

Mav she be tu rned into a d again.

And then to human 10 rm as n ce before I



'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-


40 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


THE rn:a n or woma town, 'INOU Id Ia i bi!!! fri!!!~ fro acdde nt: or to ve good to inrtan ce, if a seheta r hop s t hat he ma or manuscript for sale ehea ply. or anyth i n.c very desira ble or to fin d b 'Sc:ongiu ra2 lone one 'S~ s for good he-a n, a nd a bse nee of e I or the over 'WOrds of go Id unto the

Siamo di Martedi e a bu

Mi vo,glio leva rf! 1;1 hue n rtu na,

Voglio a nd are IE ce reare, E coli a lute della bella Oi La voglio trevare prima d Prima d i sortir d i easa

II malccch io rni levero

Co I'll t re goeciol e d 'olio, 1

I Ihis refefs to oil! smilll {'€ whim I

of times, ilnc! howe indeed as a n act of (:0U1.e sy com a moog wil or rnaki n.g ce rtain :5oiSJlS an crosses over

head of th~ m~ ble:5iSE!d. {'ompiJni~t:J by s



performed 'S ores e illm ost as ten. n wi ld:' It c sis.ts ~s of c~ iii the irx:inliJtion. I have

(I- 2010 F[)ft~ ~


~@'I'OOnv seriOl.l!.Iy Q mended PI' crib d to m~ as iii

mears f ~J:in.g.n good hea th nd prosper tv.

ssa man da rmi via io da desse a me 011 mio pili narnl

lid! vi a 10 gett@ro, gr.a;Z ia m i fa re i Diana la

Tutti i a paneUi

Oi mia a benE!: 'Suo nera i,

Allora 0 tentc d i casa me e Perche I t LlO a iuto (sare) e una, eerte di t

ro antico, ercato

I comprarel

Te ne n rai tu stessa La tie 10 fare l,

n rnano al padron , apitan=

I padrone, i ntrare

110 che sa di quel l br ra 13 seem u nic.a

, CO$i q~esto dell Ib , l"5ii e col tUG ai


di trova ,

a iuto rra in mia P["@'5.@ nza, cqui arlo

To OIana

'Tis Tu!! d diy n , and at .a n @i1rly l'1OU r

1 fain 'IN u Id tun good fcrtu ne to myself, F i~~V a nom .a nd then when I go forth, An d wit t h.e a d of bea utifu I Dia na

Ii!: I do leave th is house f

F i~t w· drops of oil I do remove

AU ev il i flu en e, and 111 u mbly pray r

o bea U fu I Di na, unto ttl!!@

T1' th u wilt ke it a II away fro m me.

A., d se tt a n my worrt enemy I

the midd Ie of th e ~ r~et: gra nt me ttl is. faw IJ r,

o beau fulOi na,

Eve ry b II in m house '5ohalll1l@rrily ri ng 1

Then w II con I wi II go erth t roam,

8@CdiU 1 sh alllbe su re that w ith thy aid

1 shall d ve ere I return

e and nc:ie nt becks, mode ate price-

'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-


f regoing wa s obta ined,

ry s to at co nj uratien

mak sure that one sh OIL,IIkI fi

k, or oth r object desl r d, at a re the invocat Ion has been 'SO ap I ~ ble to I rary fi nds: but these wh

wt1 q ua Ity favou ra Ie t@ rm 5, ing the introd LI ion, in ct nowewr, re i'St the (0 nd will succeed best with,

repaats it does '50 in by merel ~aving to in a nyth I g requ ire~

02(1 OF~~


10 ng ., d serje us me ntal d iscipl in, '5U bj@ wh i 1::1'1 is so genera Ily spoka He ra, ndeed, I am s pea k i"8 serious I , h is fa h to .a t:tu.a:11y beli!!v@ in din d ca n ( ally work what the world by mi rae: s. A tl me wi II come when t hi

t ne sis of (III eel ucanen. but a Iso t

c uk u • I h.a'lf@r I tRJ '51:, fu Ify S@t it in ;iI IN @ ntitl@ ~ H.a

yo~ a Stro r..s Will? or hew to De-v~ P it r a n O1:he r fa u ltv r Attrl b te of ttl e Mind. and rende j H bitu I; &c. ., do :

Geo Redway,

The ader. how~ver, who has d dec la ,a pply th Is ~pe II d.a ilv befo ins any ki"d of bargains disc rin.g lost obj acts, or, .n fact t

inclin to bea uty in fe male form, h fort u e~; if a rna n of business, ba rg i II be hts, The who pe ats it before going into th - Id will reba bly

~w pl.a nt, and the astron 0 ight

ag.a mst a bra nd n ~w p 13 n lea

be re peated before going t place of a mus.ementr to buy or 'Spi!C illy befo("@ hu ntmg or a nv n rt rn I (::

Dia na ls the godd ess of the c hase a of igh who ces it for a jestl

0201 F~~~




eet is th~ vi ntag,e wh en aeeha na I profusion rs el pie and gusl'1ing!'

ron. Don Juan r c. 124.

~ 'Showering

o earth.

" rUJ m bon IJ m et 'Suave.

n is bon u mr pra'l,lf.;, prave, u am d u I cis sa por~·:ilve I ndana Ia& itia I"

tin Song~ • .:. d U Me ril.

wl10 wau Id ni1'1n!! .i! good i ntaga .iI nd fi m full of wine a nd witt! h is go into t erever vine s grow. and ten drinking fr


ine. shou kI U :iI ineya refs Or fa ms he horn. 'Say.~~

o ma non bevo il vine,

o il sangue d i Dia na,

da '1,111'10 nel -s;angue di D na eve convertirn,

E i tune Ie mi~ viti


UCI na racec Ita n u 'lie 11'.a

ua ndo avro awtc buen a ccelta, n 5:iI ro a neora fuo ri di 51:: i gu ra,

he il vi no catt ivo rni pu I yen ire he puol naseere I'u~a

na veceh ia - ..

'5i il m io vino puola sem roE!! a nda re




'- .. ~.-

lora -jna io bevendo

asto corno, ~ beve n il angue, gue di Dia na eel sue iut

DO alla Lu DOl nuova i ba rn,

alla r.a ccoha,

ssa ve n i re il mic vi one,

g pessa rna nten€ore Da re nde re mofti q uattri

E rt na

mi e vigne,

e m lei poderil

a do il m io vlno penda

Oi dare ma I~, il come p n re, E e. forte 10 suene rOJ N I unto della me z:z:a n

Ito lont no,

i vi no, !! tu possa sa

re me d a _gra nde 'SC i e se d mlo vine a ma isena mi pren de ra, tuo aiuto bella Di.a n.a

rc s:aivato.



5i CI!!! from wine it ha changed into h r bloo

A. d spread itself ttl r gl'1 a II my grow i g vi ne ,

ha nee it will ,g iVf! good ret urn in

Tough eve n if good ifl1:age she uld

1'1 not be free from re, for she uld it

T at tne gra pe ripen s in the wan ing m

T @n.all the wine WD Id come to SOrT H ri nking from th ls h rn I d rin k the b I T e blood of great 0- n.a ~~by her a Id~~ If do kiss my han d t the new moon,

Ping th ~ Qu@!!!n ttl she will gua rd gra !!:sr

E en fro m the in-sta n whe n t he bud is horn

U til it I~ a ripe and p rfect grape,

A. d oOnwa rd to the vi t~e, and to the 141 st U t.1 tha wi n@ ~ mad .rm.ay it be Goo !

A d may it sO succee that I from it

y d raw _good prof Id,

may good fortu ne rne unto rrrv vi A d into 0111 my land ers'ar n b!!:f B t ~hoLild my vi nes em in an evl I 1'1 ta ke my horn, a nd rave IV will I blo I" the win a-va uk at id" ight a nd I'll 5 ch a trema ndous a d a t@rribk! sou d T at thou. Dia na fair, howeve r fa r

A ay thou may' ~ be, ~till sha It hear t e ea II, A. d -C41sti"g ope n do r or wi nd rytN Wid r

5 a It headlong 00 rna pon the ru sh i wind, A d find and save m that i~r save v in P::!~,

htch wi II be ~aving e from dire dirt

r she uld I 1000e t ne I'd be lost myse , B t with t tty aid r Di.a n r I'll be silVf!d.

(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-




'- .. ~.-

ia n of DiOl na .a s the m

i:zio na rio Storico M ito assertec ttl at in G ree Bacdl us, Est ulapius, h om. I n .a rnada I of l!!xOl nd!! a rs the horn of plenty. Th is is 00 n, sacred to Diana Acto se If bu itt a n attar con isti ng

ev!!rus. hom or n to can aeh us, rely of oms to

Ion of the horn wittl

or ce



I of 1M Wrtd'Ie

of the Via el Corno, tha h ro is savad by tha obi" Goodf.e low. who gi'lles i m a horn, an d it is t e me spr who a ppea in the conju rat on t the Rou nd Sto e, it hiss cred to Dia n . Ttl is ls becaus t spirit is noetu rn I, nd atten an t on 0 ia n.a ita nia,

lssiag th ntiq LI ity. nd Job, eve in h is time, nd forbi den wt1 ic h Iways mean 5 sh i on--(I wt1 e n he d dared ("I'lxxi, 2 oon wal ing in bright ess ... an d my n;il hath basn sacra Iv ntlced 0 my me LIth h th kissed my h nd .. th is a lse were

n iquity t be pu n Is.hed by the Judge. r I s heu lei have den I

e God hat is above II From wbteh i ay or 0 ugtn to e

nferred itt Job did n u nd arsta nd ttl d mads ths me n

nd appe red ina II Hi wor13, or else he rea Ily be liev~d t e oon was .a ninde pe nd nt deity. In a nv 5, It is; cu rious to 5 e e old fo idden rrte st II living,. and as h r ical as ever,

n, as gillJen me, very evid t emits a part of t e

remorw wt1 teh may $U p plied from la sic authority. Wtl n

e pe asa t pe rforms t rite, he must

trica n, ho w.a 5 a rv.a nt of a fTi

lou red an ''S duty wa to pou rout ev lsh .and h poured It do n ou Id a lse sp in kl e the vi"es. j IJ

rm !!~. no (] bss I"'II@d II Christmas -r::e m a he ,thei r a pple rees,

of mine, did. T @ om ing a libation of I~ own ttl roat T e as the Oevo nst1 roe



'50 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-


~N he


t hi sl~ep th is time

in n with h r.; bea uty~

vis fi d auglolte rs and

on 'Son, A d i1ftf!r his nd ymio n as; raeal ed 0 Olympus, •

-on, ster, Mitol.

follow ng lege d a the '5pi!!! II were,g u nda r tt'u~ name

itle of a n.a. Th th e okl Et usca n n m to r Dia na, wh it h

II pre erved i th Rornagna resca n ,I mo re th an one

rk I have fou d so a unt or tale how

a 1oVf! • b t this i5 tha only known" e.

a itch ch rmad ex la n.atio of t he

Ta a is a beautl I g h.a dscme 'ljO uth .a me by witd1 whe w s he for h~ I a

$he I

.a rna rve 10 u~1y ove was crossed one did not ea re

wed to w~n ni J wnet II':!' r e wou Id or not

st1 e induced t Endam one to let

pass t e nigh in t e lane r's room. n d when thara, she



pea ra nee- (If T na, whom t1 e

bshold her, a ha thought, d wek::om~d

e rnbra ces. Yet h i-s gave him i to her power. in magic spel by eli pping a I

home. and ta k g a piece of of it a pu I"!ie. an d in t i'5. she put tI1

k n, witt! a d a nd .3 bl ad:: ribbon bou n

a her. and p d then sa ng a

words. a 5(1 the very old ime.

n on I' avr.a i d i p,assion@ nJgge ral. lonta d i fare. re alamo tu a\ilrat

n la petra i a re. Sem pre ad orrns ntato re ra i, i n son no en tutto sent ira i,

I t Ll3 be Iia tu ved rai,

p.a rlare non pot rai

e vedere Ia t a be lla,

ciiiilily innong t if' led i r the magicl n I L e1pedally a: I ander, a rOIll3 kNers is possl


0201 F~~~


'5.... ..... *:-.

Co , .. ~_

Ve rra ncn la potra i fa re

Co m i!!! U D.iI candela ti str ra,

Ti str era i poco a poco

Co m!!! U DOl candele :a fu oe

Tu no potrai vivere

Tu no potraj sta re,

Ch@ il uo eucre rftto sam @ pOSSdi sta n!

E a I a re piu non pot rai re

Per I' mere ehe ic te t1 I) rtata w, Si a to vertito inta nto odi

Ch@ q e'5to End:a rnone @ I m iii ve ndetta, E cosi one conte nta.


to r End.a mon' I ve ngsa nee for th dee p love I had f Wh i thou wou Id 'st not But b re it a II to 'ra n.a 's s And T I'IIft never $hall be t Now ve ry night in ~cny By thou sha It op pr@'Ss From av to day. from he I'll ma e tne e feel the wit

rn to me,

An d V witn pleasure rHt Enw( pp~d in slu mbe r th To kn w that thy be love d An d, e r dyi 1'118, never dt tha power to s aU her volce by the

Tortrl nted by tove's ago ,

TI1-e re sha II be no relief to the-e I

r 00 Me nted; shalt lie. by,

For my st ng spell tho u can And from rhst sle@ptnou ne' r shalt wa little by I Ie thou 5it1 ak was e, Lik@ t.a p@ by t ha embers pia @ Littl~ by I Ie thou sh alt die, Yet, eve riving, tort ured lie,

Strong ." esire, yet ever we Without !! pow@rto move

With a II t e love I had for th e Sha It t he th~eH tormente b, Since all e love I felt of late

But who wa'50 far m 0 notable 0 break the s pe II took fro him all pai n (he k e t1 im, she a"g t his tOY nter-.c a m.

w!!rtul hlch he

Per l'arno @ ch i mi porti @ d1 Ti pone t erec i su q Lie rto I Ve ngc a re, e tre ma rron I 'I dia,

Ne I tU(I I 0 vengo a pesa re

f q uesta in astra a psrta che a una, Su il tuc I no ris:ple nde,

Come ris. lende II nestre am

La, e la p go con gran calo ,

Ch@ vagi i da r@ sfogo i3I q U @ ue eucre

Che ta ci a mlamc, e se Q tta cI'I iil.l nq ue ..... a I n

(I- (I OF~~


itch, tho ,g1'1 s com lied 1:0 s:1~ p, a ms], a d embrac ng

n r E darnone, En arncnal mi metto al lc e.

) j dimeno.

marm as insl evi I. hence r entJy

earned illS irnl rheumitism &c. The til E! '5ihou1d.:ome m one


(I- 201 0 F~~ ~ 'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


A:r:ndtJr Go!SP'e1 of 1M W if, 55
~ ~.
So it came to pas hat t"e fa i r go
End amone .d s if th had been .ilW.i3
d rea msl, And so it is t his day. that wh
wit h h.m or her w slee ps, she uld urs to the
beaut~IT3na.and t here will b
This lege"d, w nile a ee ing i" rna ny d tf1e classical
myt h, is stra n.gely int m.ngk!:d wit:h p ra itch raft, but
eve n these. if i nv5t' ted. would all p
tl1 e rert of too telrt. us the sheep's in
th e red woollen bag i ch is employed i
rsd .aI nd bladi: rib bon, hie h mingles th re
(peacod.'$1 fEath e r 0 la pen na maligna-
in many other inean ions, but a lvJalfS
suffe.ri ng. 1
I have never see n it bserve d. but it is ue, tI'I
e)(qul'Slte poem of ndymjo n comp Ie IV de
ign ores the wnole sp and me-aning (If e- ancie
in th is ruds witch·so n: is minutely d!! psd, eeptlon
is; that of 3 bea utifu uth furtively k· d in ber by
Dian of re p~ted eha - . The anclent is. to Ith, one
of da rkness a nd light r dilY an d "ight, mwhi orn the
fiftyrone (now fifty~ 01 w@@k!i of the
night a nd Apollo. e sun, or light i
e)(pres'S€'d as love~ m ng during sleep,
rs al life, genera Ily h for a ctive age nt s on
b!!!ing ;iI bsolute Iy mo , wis has to p r@
ertab lished eha racte f Diana among t
'She wa'S bitte rly revll by ttl e F .athe rs
of a bea utifu I hypocr" wno pu rsued am nt s -crney, 1 The reader wjll find t

descri b€d in mv E



n R ains,

'56 ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

with her.

'S .i3 nd Verbio. II

{On which thf! rf!adl!!! r m.av eons It T@rtullian. DE!: f lsa Ft Ii b. ii, ca p, 17. nd Pico de Mira d u I a. La

But tl1 e re a e :w:qu isite tv su btl J delicately stf1:l"g

in the co ~ pion of ttl f! appa ntly eha ste ~ c I@ 001

castl r.g h r ing light by stea h into the h idd e da rkness nd ctl ng I n ttl e cc It m~erjes of 10 So it struc By n J. as a" origi n I thoU8 ht that ttl sh i n@ on a If @ forbidde-n d~ d'S wh ich the m .and t his is em h asi~ed in the It lia n witch-poe m. is. d istjnct in ked as the p ectress of astra n e an i:lmou r, a a the deity to be speela Ily invoked or su making. T @ 0 hat tha window - cp~n t he moon ma ~h ine ~plendid on the bed. even as OU

bright an utifu~,.. a nd I p ay he.. to g l\I'e g eat

sfogo--to s,

The qu iv~ i nit mysterio LJ~1y be utifu I light of the moo see ms to ca a s pirlt of inte Ij,gence or e mot" n 0 d i tv ha tf a wake n -ra iSi"C s hadews into t ery tree a nd roc to ;ilSSU rna the mala one which. whi shimmering and am ~o(Ould not esca pe the Gre

Their nom The long 5eE!'S h.lf Onwhkh

~ ... os.e lhe yell 13 m 13on: m 001'11 for mi§, hief; theyWho COlli too soon ure: there i-s not iii the twenty-fin.t iness in ill Yriicked in,gle hol..Jr.i or mn

une. ay

hiJlE! sm lle ,II




'INW'rN. ~~jJ(I~_II'i-


· But as ., ight is he .i! of tha ~ ies nd

ta na embracing En dymio

time c recv. <In d as t e true D-

ueen f Night who re the

.a II hi d@ n th ings, in Iud i n& I'S it ie s, - here wa'!t attac ed to t hi meets th eye. I'IId J ust In th degree belie t be Q ee n (If th e ema ei pated

@t secret '5.i ns h far more

wn lch Dla na as

nes and of N- ht

with anra ct 10 the fairy 0 r wail combined i .a

av@'§. roo m for he fu II "50 ithout tI'I e po er

ck it" se If.a(Ol'II rot

leh, ha llowing t and t r,

d@@p softness 'er the IN e hea rt, and 0' r it ttl r hteh Is not re

nd Endymion. I is re eks was one nd , and forbidde . tt c arm 0 swe et, inter1"5i ed

ry And' is remarks ble hat it h '50 baa n '50 str.a n Iy in Ita Ii 1'1 witc h tradit io s.

02010 ~~~




On ee th e re was, In sstcnish .ng bea u'ty, ~rkable

Ito, a girl of

o ng man who ut t nougl1 well .a or fate had nd If t he yo ng ac:ly had one uld '111 e will ng be rna rried d festivrty, jane garmentr

s ch was her n~1f turned

nama-sue with it,. and

the many as'dng her jeers ;[I nd s ee~, tl1 to the top of a hie. make It w rse, ther whit:h she f II.

Vet sl1e

, for a she feU there ape

• tru Iv ot ea rth, who

ugh t if' air D oil safe pl.a t:

of tl1 is. th ing ads a great

tried out.


t nat she had be en

ha lady who h d saved h !!r, rom in t her 'S@[.retlyr said: "lf

ha ~ any d si to Ilow th e GQ.S el f Dia na. or what is;

the Gospe he Witche~ (II Va 10 delle St rege). whe

nip the moo .1



u shalt obtalnl"

n igtlt to the fields, one- in an o Id r in r she WOI"!i nippe-d the i na thus»-

spasa I izia ri

olre ggno re ,. esta gr.a:z la I pre il 'Va ~el rim.

n I did f.all in thee grant me one glor

h da rk ravina I ill .a nether gra ce. ddlng. and wit rt



bridesmaids. I an d gra nd favou r t hou wilt gra nt to rna,

e Witches· Gospel I will be I

rasa awoke in the mom ing. house, wt1 ere a II W3'S. fa r more m nlfioont utifu I rna id led her into a noth r roo m

d in a s uparb w!!ddin&--garlllf! of wh

s, for it wa'S her wedd ing-d ress in deed.

te n yo ung ladie$. all ~plendid Iy I red, an

d i sti ngu ir.hed pef'5.0 ns s he we n to tt1 e An d .a II tn@ 51: raats w@("@ fill@d wi h rnu sic lowers.

un cI the- bridegroom. and was desire, t n ti I"Il@'5 more gran d tv than she h The n, r th e ce remc ny. there was sprea t he no j ltv of Cetta rdc we re present, and, tOWl'1r i hand peer, were fea!ited I

e wedd i noS wao; fi nis:hed. the blid gn iflcent pre sent to t he bride- n e gay a pa rch ment (written) in go Id. aft r wh it n to go all togather into tn@ sac sty. An for some hours u ndi'itLirbed, til the pri mq u Ire wt1 ether they wanted ann Ing. 8 h's srna z:eme"t at be hold ing. not he toe" t@ n i 1"I\aI&!!S 0 r lik@n@S5!!s in woo a nd in of Dia na sta nding on a moo n, nd th ~V

ntlv made an d adorned .a s to be 0

.-..t-.I"''''''' the pri!!'5t putt hasa i ma_ces into !! ch u

a nr::ient i n C~tta r do • .a nd now in many c the Madon na a nd the Moon, b it is; D a. ,., e na me Rcrasa see ms to ind i te t ne tin res th

• rersre, to bedew. (011J Ie nta b dewed--i" factr th e god d ss he dew. H@r graat f.a II .iI nd lihed by D ia na suggf!'5t he of dew by night, a nd its ris in i va po ur ... nde r the i nflue ce

the moon. It is possible that h s ls oil very old Latin hie

. Th ~ white si I k and diamond-:; in icat€: th e dew.


·Llrt to the wt\oop and wh ~I ofth wi c:I • The i r noUow d rone as th

The n crashes in the fore5t He- r t he Su ~ tv a ,god hat" set his Ii

An d l.a ughs to hea r t he m -C. G. Leland.

THE followi 1'8 story oe not e 10 g to th GO'S I of the Witt: hes, but I ad it as it ron r '5. th fact that the wor.;h Ip of D~ na :.: I witt1 Ch ri~ ia nity. Its fu II it I writtel'll out by M~dd alena a native: of Vo It@ rra, ~ La @I Fe-rna Ie PIi.B rim of th e Hell ~ anne tale declares, the h u

Th@~ is .1 peassnt's hcu at he b

leading to Volterra. a nd It i~ c lI~d it there o nee stood 11 s II pl.a t: cou pie, who had bilJt one h II • a c:I ugh e wh 0

Truly if the ch ild had but a ada he, h V ea

attack fro m fe.iJ r,

r ascent nd, Near

Little bV little the girl g w kler, an d a the hOiIJg t of the moth ar, who was very do, wa tiM he stl uld ecome a nun. But the girl did not Ike niS,.i! d d i;1fed hat s e noped

0201 F~~~


nd when 10 i ng d the b im'5 s i gin in t ha vi e'5o :iI nd

i lv, she sa id he moth er

fumily of I' rful nest, At

to be married I ike otl'1e rs, one d Y r she S:ilW an d !'.IE!' the t rass all '5(1 m

annar, that sha w .a nd get marri~d. nun .against t1 er will,

U c h redu cad, wh , and pow~r of p t he to indu head wit h devotio fur th s dever person, W n ess nd con sta Itt attend qua rr !ling wtth her g Ho-we r r evervth i n.g t nis oil nd no one knc rock i a river, For it sc h catho ic at a It a'S: will p witn y threats of a nun'

w.a-s fa rnou s tor ua!!iion. a nd he mydaugnte nd make ann

e to pass that the tvl ng wake on moon I igh th oug she hea rd her go door as ope-n, rise- an d g night the same th i ng 1: unsee • she beheld tne la

64 ..... ::"

'- ..

emed to er to be very i ngu I ar co.,d uct, the lady nf!i!!! Ii n.c utta red rd 5 w nit: h the nd e rna n and wh ~d1 ee ajn Iy forrned "0 rvice,

ueh ex rcised 0

t mi d e)llc se s, toltl r .a littleseerecv ath, to r. great pe II. spoke a Ilow~:~

~ I, lik!! t @ , was in ructed lit an 01

u rrence, she at r governe-ss w t she had see". efloE!:ction, first indi n.g her to a 'She decla re d.' wa'S a matter of

en you ng by P lasts to worshi p woman in wi'! m 1 had great ky wo~hi p a eity who m yo u oon in all her s lendour visible?

goode-55 of th Moo n, din d she It thou do, obe ing the Va ngelo. of) Diana, IN h is Q~ oon of the

nverted to the , .and having p yed with all her

arn.ed t ne ce - uration to the m!! attentio and d@'IfOtion of he W.i'S i ndee as ad mi rable a . But the mot r, who was; fa r

iveness and eru I va n ity tha., 0 n infu riatad at t h 5, and wh@ n the e him bego ne, or her da ... gh1:~ r

a nun, d a nun she sh uld be or die."J

to we: r, wit hout st rong and ha rd

ing ma de to slee r, and

hungar had "e r mo "f!r had ha r Wi1 •

Tnen n this dire n@ed she set ne

10' sh lou nd th e p riSCI n

e fame- of her wifod and bea yty

nd p@opk:!: wors" ip p d ha r, calli ng h r La B@II

he r mother, h ~ari of her, was i eve r, nd, In fi na afte r m ch trouble, SiI.I eeded in havi

again a rrested and east i to priso n, And tne n in pe r

indef! she OIsk@d ne( wh ha r she wou becorn wh it she r~p lied t hat it s not pesslble, beca Lise

tl1 e tholic Ch u rch a nd come a ~ rsh per of D

the n.

And t e end of it wao; tha the mot he r, re rd i ng h

gave her up to t e priest,.,. to to

as they did aU wh would not ag e with t

But t e pee pie were not II pleased IN

ado he-r baa uty an tI g d ness, a nd the

not @ joy@d ne r cha rity.

the aid of t1 e r lever she obta ined, a

I'rt before stle Wit to be to rtY with a gu.a rd, go fo h into the &a en of the



ing by the d t k~rer pr.i!yed in du~· ight of the f II m n to Di.i! na, th:ilt might be de Itvered f m t ne di re p rseeut n to wh i

~ n su b_j@c::.t@dr s;ince eve n her ow pi1 ran 5 had will i glv g n

her over to an .awfu I d .ath.

Now he r pa rs nts an d ne priesu, a h in.g Ie s;t sh

When !olin answer t


The you ng ladv €'Sea and t he heu se of the La Casa a I Vento, or t

Th is i~ 'V~rv accurate the '!!tory a I re a d mit that I have \Ie much con en see the la n.g u

origina I ten wt1 tch O"S iSU of enty ges. a nd as

reg.a rds need I@s;s; pad ing, i ndicates capa ity on ths ha

na rrarcr to write a n et'a.l!:e mo de n lash na ble no I,

secc nd -rate F re neh 0 e. wt1 ic h Is s ying a great d ea L It is. t hat there are in it n detai led de ri pti ns of see n ry. s

t r@!!s. Of C louds-va nd gre itt d@al ight b rna d@ of It@ r

that waY--bLrt it is pro onged in a m n ner hie h ':iI'Io .3 g

it. H owe\ler, the n rrstive it'S€'lf Is; "-'t n.gely orl I na I vigoro us, to r it is. sue a relic of p re cI a ic 11 eathe ism. such a su rvival of fa it in the old holo r.a s all the retl!! $~CCI nd -ha nd He lie ni'j Cit 1: he ...E:"it etes an not eq LI I. T h

rea I wersh ip of or bel" f in dassic d· j nit 15 Sihould ha to tne present day in t ne very Ia n of Pa cy itself.

0201 F~~~


lowd heir gods with a h u mys-t lc m or fear, M if th ey ha .a ny a mOflg 1 hem who

case en some dam !iel who

by an ibuti ng it a II to some touch i g. Th e re is a dea tl1 e .d I ate rs or wor_;.h Ipper; define em.

urieu s fuct tha n if a I" i g rna some cut of tha way is a h urna n pne"ome nd ttl at perhaps not 'S la rs will be a maze d to body of antlq~e tra

in d iffere"1 1"e learn v@ry tnrt h on Iy 0 n@

tv cecu pied himse If wit

en discovacausa ttle he day will

nt, wh n tha world hat 3 la e period an InN nhe rn Italy, r'Q'[]:3rI'Ijflg rt:; here havi"g e a tor ign@r, who nd pres Ning ft.

sy mpi1 hy, with out - relane s;.a nd there d 1 nat ch was the UJ( pas ot (I ut of rt

'Satyr; ich i 5 v@ry

r 3'S II as ag.a inrt

a I heard a sms II g.rl

02(1 F~~


6' ',_ .. -;

ppea red orlB In ally in the from t he pe op Ie by me, "g to tl1 e W itch IS Gospel, a s it is , h it; d 'i@t it cou lei not WI! I I be bJe ct, In It 013 na appea rs , t herefere not as a witth.

ut my nfo rma nt said that it might

i rl, b t e:<treme Iv pee r, a nd as baa iful a" d ., u m ble- SI'1 e we nt

retu m ing .a lone fro m the her home, th is; man. who ped out on her a nd erie d,

ra i; sara m I 1··"Tn u canst not flee; mine tho u nd seeing no h lp ne r . .and 'Only the full moon

her from .a na In d espa I r cast h er.;e.1f


ng me ere. his soul,

and then

Tno ;jJ lena dost see me in The ore I pray to t he-e. As 0 U art beautffu I so th FIa'S i ng thy 0; plen do ur $0 I pray t nee light u is poor ruHia n, W no to th~ wo rst. Cast lig he- may let me be- in

rn In all tny light unto

n she had sa id th is, sha owy form-u no omb

ppeared b fore her oil b right but --wh lch id:-

i'Ris ,.a nd go to thy homeTno hast 'W@II dt!'S!! r\l'@d No ne sha II tro Llble th ee 0 Pu st of a ll on earth I

th 0 st1 alt a goddes"s' be r Tn@ cddess of the Moon, Of a I ~ ncha ntme nt q ueen

ThY it ca me to pass d1 at M

Tho gt1 t he air be set to mel dV. a nd the sa me- as 'LAN'I,n'lG:

Gill. Both Tan i3I .a nd tha bot pray to a power a b


on her knaas did Go y;

Vou g Ha rry he-a rd what s s;aid.

And icy cold he tu rned a

21 F~~~


10 ..... ::"

'- ..


atic t:e tre is ju 51 th urns int an meu ra b I talian witt:h~ r th e hero i r casts a nd a pot hee tses the ne former is.


i!!! E nglish lad ed on a gre dy r '5f!n'5@, or it h e bnJ e aside wit out Ide , idem tfying t1 e r ital a d probable. the

ssten, to rem ark pie W 0 can pert r for ~tt1 itt is to whe it is; prese e kind of

oil ke.a p.ilssag e prose. doi ltV thrills; or fjrst cia • 8 ut if it has lost rts rata Of i f@rior, r ttl!! best t::a witt!.a soc iatio ns, b

a wond

many clev@r what I

Id th

2010 F[)ft~ ~

II "1 I

he Be ILl ria of mod e m of tha tortoise, wh ict1 ru me"t wherewith he

and gu ed the COU I"S@ ot the

he lea out Syrinx altcgeth er,

i II lingering I n the pi pe

to mind the old prose

d@eply poatkal and and roma nee, th an

ry imperfect verslon s nt of intell i,gence 0 r ic41 pOE! I'Jl5.r not on Iv of age wi'! I:) has dealt in

ee n Iv appffi ciate, and (.@ I have oh!! n h ad possible 1: hat in some .a s It ow e:< 1'St5. has be en Iv tha we fjnd it i" any Lat in

ow a propos of miss g t e pint I wo Id remi nd eerea in vs ry

reade 1"5 that if th fin many ults of g rarnrn ar, mis-

g,. .a nd WOr5@ in li.a texts in his book, the:y will n ot,

a istl ng Llished don e, a ribLlte1: he m all to the

nee of the aut ttl e imp rfect ed ucation of the

0201 F~~


n ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

person wt1 0 co Ilected am, I a m rem in d of t hts

by h:il'lling seen in i1 ci u I .. ting Ii ry :iI pry ot my l

Floren OOr in. wI1 icl1 scm good ea r I ad tak-en p

.a: p@ndl to correct .a II t @ a rtha is '50, in h@ or sh was like

a eerta in sosten proof reade r. ek of mine hanged

the .,;.pellin.g of ma nv citation".; Ute r, spen er, and

others into the pu rest or im pu -e te r; he bei g u n.d e r

t ke i rnpressjon that I 5. @:ar@m!! i.g or t of orthog phy. As for the W(it) ng in or inj ring boo. i lways be 10 partly

to poste rity. It Is a si of V'J lga itV "" II as mor ity. and

indicates what p-eople re more t" rea m,

· a nly a cad 30:; low 30:; 3 h ief Would write in a book r tum do Since 't is th iewry, as w II is kne To rna ke trEe witt! ttl at nit: h is n




"And there w hall Cia a gan appere

With b01Ne in ha nd rig t as an H u nteresse, And ~ayde. '0 ughte r, sti nt th i" e he~vinesse I" And fort h she w@nt@.a d made 01 vanish i ng, " -Cha ucer (C. . J. 'The K night 's Ta Ie.·


but & or that th~ir giorn i d i

were and r b~tween. However.

old palace (w leh was .n the street now ea II wt1 it: h was a ne (lId ild ing, a nd so they ke up before t he rid, wh n many a day thE!V hOI 1"1 ha eat.

aCE! wa a I~ rge garden. in wh it 5to d mil rble- statu of Du n , lik@ a be autffu I '!NOm n

be n.J nn Ing IN had by he r .,;lde. She held j he h

an d on he r head s .a Simall moo n, And wa

"ight wt,e" i II. the nat ue became .

and did not

The father of the f.a m IV had two dI ild reno W 0

inte lUge nt. a e day t ev C3 me home wit h ny

had been g- n to the ,and tne little girl sai to h r

Sayi ng t his, ey Ia id flowen before the st wreatn wh ic th e b placed on tie r head. J

ast-davs In their della), ve show

li!me:d to a bow, that by ~d fled,


made a tie great

'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


agieian Virgi L entared t ha g:il


k n everyth j g a bout th

sa ir:I, smil i g:--

Invoc on Diana
8@11~ @.aI @11'arrol
Bella ea e lie freccle I
Tu v
Tu co a h.l a in rronte
cacel an e meglio del di.
Colle ue i nfe, a Is UO.,o
b!! Se i 1.aI regina
cia oli--regin a delle e.
~i la ea cciatrice
Piu ch ognir
ti prago
oco a noll made, the off@ Iy. 5 they did of old praye p perlYJ 1 a nd It I~ t

So he


Go des'S: of t ne arrc ou ds and of all hu i

as impo.-t.;nt part 0 accUfiltl"lv, in i ritil ions, Hence the ilp

of n@ god dess quite to pronou n e the

i ich r; ft is. to i one (I( acee t the nne like that oJ ch...lrdl chan n.g or nt prose fonn f most s pelts



Thou he wa kest n starry heave., Wn@ n ha '5U n is '5 n k jn slu mber Thou ith m OCI n po., they forenead. !! c hase by night prefarrsst

Unto h ntl ng in davlight.

With t Y nvmph~ nto the music Of the orn--thys If the hunt ress, powsrf I: I pr,ay thee IthoLig h b t to r a n i nsta nt,

~ who era unto theell

Tn@n irg il taugh them also the 5rongiu razio uttere whe n goo fortune or aught is 'S pecia ltv r

The Con),.lratl on of Diana


rtunal" rainbow. the meon 1 werful

urarione i!i a request Of' priirye • eo term of a thlT.llt or I'n@nau_ ThI'5 ft.


r spe I to be:

E buen Un 'S!!,g

that had n(l p. ep it.a '5@t: rat, . But wa!; ne:<t morn 1"8 lie them good

howl!!'ver, b3bly as r

Ily selerte these.

lni are r

willi be,g.r'illnt~

. They 'IliIry more enmes 'li'i5i bI eo ested. TO see a fter 5oC01e deliY.

02010 ~~


din ne rs for many time ga me of all pron ou nee d.

The(e was a neigh 0 aU the wa~ and w wt1 atewr did not

hey wan thereafter at any p r.ay@ r ad baan d@'lfCutly

r a prie . who held in hate the god" of he old time. and

ligicn r a d he, passi"g the f Oi an a rownsd with r0'§.@5 ge, an d i r.g in th e street the mu , and threw it aU

"ecco ma la besna " Que"Sto e I' omaggj Gia t ne il d iavolo t ai ta 141

aehol d. tho LI vile b.a of id Thj~ is, the wersh Ip it h t h And the devil dot

Then the p nest h a we re de nse, and tt

!'Om me.

in he gloo where t he Ie aves:

"B!! ne, bene l Tu m h l'offra ndo-tu avra La eua por:z lone Oella mia eaceia. A .. ....., ........ I ..

All that night th d read • a nd when

It is we:111 1 givi!! t ha Sinc~ thou ha st m e hy 0 Sonic of t ne game 0

Thou lit nave thy s

e red from h rrible d rea ms and th ree 0' lock, he fe II a5100 p,



l' ..... *:-.

'_ .. ~_

Iv awoke fan igl'rtm are in whieh hi!!!avy rEste on" is c he5t. An d scm i!!!t and rolled 0 the floor, And when ne se the I i.e Itt of the- moon, he de.cayed.l

d heard hi's cry of ter at t ha head, 'Said ~rr

a man wnom I eenfesse

P::! prlest who in-su 11

incarrtati original. handed garbled.

n or prese hanged, and nderfu I t" at

'S!!:em them as for instance.

d@ 55 of tha a row!

wal k' ~ in 'St ry heave n I"

l I'La tei d'ul uomo pi d i verme e puuolente-'" pa dy i kin fer the de ~d cillbbils~, uch completer thin ~ ffi of G mil

1ale res ~"8- i't,

ut if we eompa re a n the witn the forl"l'M! r's much-II ee rtai nfy be admitted ully aqual to th~ tol rowinG

OnE:arth Each pr And eve And .all t

, and neithe r in form CI r which are sincere In faith. r yet i" very truth, ttl at in - ca 1 hOI ndlings of classl c o;pite a II their ge n ius; a s will a p,pea r to be such to h aVi"g missed the poi nt

vita 1 wh ich the fol k~ lorist may be a d mira bty drawn, g wit h a Tu rk I"'h Sicl mita r, er had bee-n (I htt Ie more




80 ..... *:-.

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THEfOlloWi the Go.,;pe as tt'u~ wh another form, I in

Many eenturles deviJ.a ngel-ch i s t k~ god of speed hn p, b~rtowed 0 privilege that wh or an imat t1 e st1 had a be;] L1tiful s god'i, but for th male, even down day gave to this f she she u Id, if pu

One day the b lightn i n8 a cross in riva I ry to o'lfe but th ough it w.a s to be catJgnt an by tnat of a not he

50 the two kept f at firrt all the understood the c how it wastO!!!O


e as co nn ected wit h D ana appears in it, and Dia"a an d Apollo in

goblin, 0 r spirit. or Me raJ rio, who was uch pl!!!.i!'5f!d wit h th is;

I ke the wind, with the p~rlt a h u rna n being. catch it Th is foUetto n arrands. not for thi!!!. rn,ile god to r ~ve IV Dka na on t ne same r m igl'rt eh ase her,

ding like a flash of udden stra"ge desire ar .i3S she flittf!d on; e had been fated neve r eo god wa 5 b.a I.a need

h edge of he aven. and

os. rca eer, but whe n they

,they re seriou, a d as ked one a nod1 e r



a nh, wh ich is da rk nsss .a nd loom I IN ill cha n&@

a moon. an d er brother ir'lto a SLI n nd so 5 hall

pe him, yet ill 11 e ever eate her 11 hi~ light

II 0" her from afa r. for t ne ra (If t e su n a re his reach Icrth "II' h burning grasp yet h ch .are ~@r

S(I id that t nis race begi"s an w w· h t ne first of

rna ,when the m n bf! i n,g mid. ls witn .a s

s an 01"1 io n. Bu while the race s bei n.J n. a'S the

es wa rm she c sts off one ga ent er an otl1 e r,

d a nd the n st ps, a nd then wh n d ed tf1 e race

As rm-deu d fa Is in gI ttte ring

of the olden t are broken

h !!s@ d mps .n rn reu n tt!!

'5U r I' e"!itang, ~

or !it ream let lone, M)

it. even 50 inc r myth'§; a re

e rs, In th ls $to we dearly ha he woH·Jtl pite settled the qu may rasd in u I lu s Poll ux his fifth

hology. 1-:; ca is; fu it postea JO'll'

h ou nd, as w II is known, bV J Llpite r to ne."



ga ir'l rmed from

the d made by

petrifyi"g k, or :any in lapidem

u ..... *:-.

'- .. ~-

It is rema t nis story tne moon is comea red 0 I'll

on ion, "lh Fried rich (5ymba Ii k d ar N.iltu r, p. 34

~ was. on rna ny skins, a mong the Egyptia t e

@mblem a h of th~ rna nyrfo rmed moo n,

different p clea rly seen in the root w hen it

t nrou,gt1, .a beca U'S-e s growth CI r decrease ccrreseend

t nat of ttl e p an et. Ttu:! 10 re it was ded itated to Isis. t ne

Goddess." d fur th i reason th~ on ia n was 'So h oly as

reg.a rded a avi r.g In etf somethi n.g of deity; for which a n

J uvena I re rks that t e Egy ptia ns were ha p PV pee pie to ha

gods growi in their g rden s.

'INW'rN. r~~jJ(I~-II'i-


HE to Ilow Ing very not in ttl e text be Io"gs to t" e it. Di na is d ~cla red to b

to IN om the- n ight j~ th r a, as 'IN€! may lea

5, was preemi"'!!" ity, In th is story sh

ft w give n to me as a t one mi liar with 'ttl ~ m time

ft ha pened on a time tn mag' I. he who was a spee h (or oration) by a t1 imp s as ked what he t

"tt srns to me to b~ intra u d: Ion or a II conc!u lik.e certa in fis h of d cr all tall. or onl

The the e mperc r j nqu i neve heard of her,

with t he In ca ntatio"'l wa s 10, but it wry evident tv l-ege ~d~ to" "ected wit" ress of .a II outcasts, ttl D'5@

seq uent IV of ttl ieve.,;: and race (Epi~tle'S-, 16. 1) and ness of pi Ife ri"g a nd all rs as i3I witch .a nd hu mou r-

irgil. who oft'!!" a ppea rs a s h idd@n lore of the olden

knew a II t ni"g5i hi tlden 0 r n d :p0@t,. havi ng heard .a OLlS I r who had not mu ch In ht of - And t1 e replied:--

o t@ II wh ather it w.a S aU IV there wa!!i no body In jt. in d ou bt whet he r th ~y are II: 0 r tI'I e goddess taverna, r she was all head or aU

o th deity mlBht be. for he had

(I- (110 F[)ft~ ~


~She i:l"d pa went ( beautt

'So almo~ always on eo rth, amo thieve.,., p.

de rs--sh lived in dar ness, On e it ha ppen a rno l. .a Great p ri 51: in the nestess (of m e god

te wnich I

I intend to o you on my body tha


to her he estate.

• ArI cI 'Ii ry soon arJe rna had s kI off a II the c rop-;, g wood, and pcu try. Tnere the val farthi s,

ame. four


r in

to pOly in fu II in six

d to the lord of

• he n 1 he the 10 rd. fi n in 0 who th ls wa'i, a pealed to he god comp la I n I ng th t n ey ad been robbed a goddess-

known to them al that h ls w.a s Lave rna,

II nd when s e was a led what she h

the prie'St.. unto om she 11 ad os;w r

e time ppoi nted (a nd

, h the pro pe rty r body to ma ke -she broken ne r

ge deed which pear, so that n

a red tl1 em .a II, for she 1'1 e head remain ed

my body, but

I none!'

een tricked, and in repty to him

verna, wno

o that lord''§; CO ractec debt to



86 ..... *:-.

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"13" time is o'er,

An d have not paid a Ithou An d that I ;jJ m a th ief bet:

Upon my head-but, as I h.ave: no haa d at .a II, and t Assu red Iv n ~ 'er swc re by 'S


who mada the matter body . .and bidd ing tavern

erm of la ughter among -e ds, bv ordering the h aad 101 the y up her debt-i. which she did

~T"-e n Jove spoke a nd sa i

., He(e is: a rogl.l lsh ~dd with out a d Lrty (or a wo e r).

wh lie t here are in Rome I n me rable thieve"" ",t1 arpe ats,

[l"d rasea Is--Iad ri, bi ndel i, tru ffutori e '5iC roeecn i··w 0 r by deceit,

~ 'The",e good folk t1 aile e r a dUJ rd1 nor a god, a d ts a

great pity. for -eve., rhe devi Is t1 ave t h.ei r master,

t n@ head of ths f.a mi Iy. refore, I rem mand that in

Lave rna shall be 1: he So ss of a II the knave s .0 r ish

t ra desme n, wit h. the wt1 e rubbish and reru 5e of ttl tI race, who nave bee n h erte without a god or a in:all§.mu ch as they h.a.v@ @ too d asplca bl@ fo r the 0 eother,'

~And so taverna sha bby peopi@.

he goddess of a II dist1 0 e

~Whenever anyone pia n wicked, ne e me red he .a:ppe.a red to him .a 5 a w knavery bad Iv or ma fad r ' on Iv the body ~ but If he goddess, head and body,

or lntende d .a nv kn ave ry CI r mpi-e, and invoked Lave a, n's head. But if ha did hi when h e aga i n invoked h r h cleve r, then t1 e beneld t e

ght he of

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