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Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

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Is there co-movement of agricultural commodities futures prices

and crude oil?$
Valeri Natanelov a,n, Mohammad J. Alam a,c, Andrew M. McKenzie b, Guido Van Huylenbroeck a
Department of Agricultural Economics, Ghent University, Coupure links 653, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, AR, USA
Department of Agribusiness and Marketing, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Even though significant attempts have appeared in literature, the current perception of co-movement
Received 10 February 2011 of commodity prices appear inadequate and static. In particular we focus on price movements between
Accepted 8 June 2011 crude oil futures and a series of agricultural commodities and gold futures. A comparative framework is
Available online 30 June 2011
applied to identify changes in relationships through time and various cointegration methodologies and
Keywords: causality tests are employed. Our results indicate that co-movement is a dynamic concept and that
Commodities futures some economic and policy development may change the relationship between commodities. Further-
Co-movement more we show that biofuel policy buffers the co-movement of crude oil and corn futures until the crude
Threshold cointegration oil prices surpass a certain threshold.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction dependent on corn. The biofuel market is an artificial market and

its production was mainly imposed by governments. The Energy
Various studies on co-movement in commodity markets have Policy Act of 2005 established the renewable fuel standard
presented contradicting results. The linkages between energy and starting at 4 billion gallons in 2006 and rising to 7.5 billion in
agricultural markets have recently received increased attention 2012. The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 estab-
and have often been attributed to biofuels albeit with only lished a renewable fuel standard totaling 36 billion gallons
questionable empirical evidence. The complexity of these issues (1billion biodiesel) by 2022.
and the narrow perspective of the analyses make it difficult for Various reasons may be behind the structural change of price
the market participants, and especially policymakers, to see the movements in 2002, such as depreciation of US dollar, global
‘forest for the trees’. In this study we attempt to take a more inflation, oil supply manipulation by OPEC and various geopoli-
holistic perspective on these issues. Furthermore, we make more tical events (Zhang and Wei, 2010). Furthermore, this breakpoint
direct use of the price discovery role of futures markets through allows us to analyze whether exchange-traded funds (ETFs),
which supply and demand shocks and price spillovers between which bind a basket of commodities, have an influence on the
markets can be accurately determined. In terms of the scope of co-movement of prices. Through the Quarterly Index Investment
the analysis, we are able to present a before and after perspective Data1 reports of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
by looking at two periods, namely the one before and after the (CFTC) one can observe increase in momentum of the ETFs from
massive introduction of biofuels. More importantly, not only does 2002, ranging from $12 billion and growing steadily to up to $200
this approach provides insight on whether linkages between billion in 2008 and more recently to $160 billion in 2010.
markets change over longer time periods, it also offers us a In addition, our analysis may shed some light on how the
relative comparison of the linkages between energy and agricul- ethanol market’s growth, induced by policy in the past decade,
tural markets before and after the exponential growth in produc- might affect the co-movement of crude oil and agricultural
tion of biofuels. Simple calculations with the 2010 data from Food commodities such as corn, soybeans and soybean oil. Past studies
and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) indicate that using cointegration methods seem to come short in offering
32% of total US corn production corn was allocated to ethanol convincing results. Campiche et al. (2007) examined the co-
production. Furthermore, 98% of total ethanol production was variability between crude oil prices and corn, sorghum, sugar,
soybeans, soybean oil, and palm oil prices during 2003–2007
through Johansen cointegration tests. The analysis revealed no
This study was partly financed by Institute for the Promotion of Innovation
through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen).
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ32 9 264 59 29; fax: þ32 9 264 62 46.
E-mail address: (V. Natanelov).

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4972 V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

cointegrating relationships over the full sample period. However, crude oil and thus were forced to buy large quantities at arm’s
an analysis of the sub-sample 2006–2007 period revealed that length from the newly nationalized oil companies. Consequently,
soybean and corn prices were cointegrated with crude oil. Since the global oil market expanded swiftly. Companies started to sell
ethanol production started to increase exponentially from 2002 and buy oil outside their network and in doing so stimulated the
onward, our analysis of the before and after period will provide a growth of the physical cash market.
more clear picture of a potential link between the markets. At the same time, the price volatility of crude oil prices (see
Specifically, we analyze the relationships between crude oil Figs. 1–9) prompted hedging needs for market participants caus-
and agricultural commodities cocoa, coffee, corn, soybeans, soy- ing the growth of the largest commodity derivative. The most
bean oil, wheat, rice, sugar but also gold. Gold is included in the notable feature of Figs. 1–9 is without a doubt the rally of oil
analysis because it is a broad measure of economic conditions. It prices in late 2007–early 2008 followed by a rapid collapse in
has been and still is the most important precious metal and thus mid-2008. The financial crisis has been blamed for this erratic
plays a unique role as a store of value particular in times of price behavior of crude oil (Zhang et al., 2009). Kesicki (2010)
political and economic uncertainties (Aggarwal and Lucey, 2007). offers a more detailed picture of the most recent oil price surge. In
Thus it is of importance to analyze the cointegration relationship parallel, commodities prices seem to follow the crude oil price
and causality of crude oil and gold futures to interpret the and ostensibly its volatility (Figs. 1–9) to some extent. Conse-
dynamics of the commodity futures markets in a macro-economic quently the question arises as to whether the co-movement is
context. merely a short-run phenomenon linked to financial crisis and
The paper is structured in the following manner. In the current energy policies as opposed to a long-run stable price
literature review section we attempt to offer a comprehensive relationship.
overview of previous studies to outline the framework of our The excessive price fluctuations have generated much interest
study. In the methodology section we discuss the techniques used resulting in various studies and economic analyses designed to
in our analysis. Consequently, results and the rationale behind the understand the influences and aftereffects of financial crisis and
selected time periods are presented. In the following section we energy policies. For example, biofuels draw a great deal of
discuss the results and policy implications. In the final part attention in an attempt to link the energy markets and agricul-
concluding remarks and recommendations are offered. tural commodities (Campiche et al., 2007; Francisco and Augusto,
2009; Harri et al., 2009; Hertel and Beckman, 2010; Peri and Baldi,
2010; Tyner, 2009; Yu et al., 2006). Even though the authors often
2. Literature review conclude that a noticeable link is present between energy
markets and agricultural commodities through biofuels, there is
Pindyck and Rotemberg (1990) introduce the excess co-move- no clear-cut evidence of such a link. Since our analysis encom-
ment hypothesis (ECH) between commodity prices, arguing that passes a relative comparison of a period with negligible biofuel
due to herd behavior in financial markets prices tend to move production and a period with relatively large production, it may
together. Palakas and Varangis (1991) scrutinizes Pindyck and offer insight on the potential linkage of biofuels between agri-
Rotemberg’s results in a working paper for the World Bank. Using cultural and energy markets.
cointegration techniques developed by Engle and Granger Energy prices affect world economies and markets in many
(1987b) they argue that there is no excess co-movement between ways. Higher energy prices result in increased production costs
various commodities. Nonetheless, they find 14 out of 42 pairs to both in the mid- and long run. In addition to direct impacts of
exhibit excess co-movement. Deb et al. (1996) find weak evidence changing energy prices the commodities markets are affected
of excess co-movement using univariate and multivariate through macro-economic effects (Gohin and Chantret, 2010). Uri
GARCH(1,1) models. Ai et al. (2006) use quarterly inventory and (1996) indicated the effect of changes in the price of crude oil on
harvest data for wheat, barley, corn, oats and soybeans, from agricultural employment in the USA between 1947 and 1995
January 1957 to September 2002 to fit a partial equilibrium using Granger Causality. Lardic and Mignon (2008) studied the
model. Dismissing the claim of excessive co-movement they long-term relationship between oil prices and economic activity,
ascribe much of the co-movements to common tendencies in proxied by GDP, for the US, G7, Europe and Euro area economies.
demand and supply factors. In contrast to the studies cited above, They find evidence for asymmetric cointegration between oil
we take a more nuanced approach on co-movement between prices and GDP indicating that rising oil prices seem to retard
commodities. Foremost, the concept of excess co-movement is a aggregate economic activity further than falling oil prices stimu-
relative one and requires a point of reference. We are more late it. Correspondingly, He et al. (2010) established a cointegra-
concerned about parallel movement of prices between commod- tion relationship between real futures crude oil prices and global
ities futures and whether these relationships change over time, economic activity, using the Kilian index. Crude oil markets even
without making statements on potential excessiveness of the seem to affect, be it through an irregular relationship, the stock
relationships. We analyze whether commodity future prices are markets (Ciner, 2001; Ghouri, 2006; Miller and Ratti, 2009;
linked to the price of crude oil resulting in a co-movement Papapetrou, 2001). Various other studies suggest that crude oil
between crude oil and a series of commodity futures prices. prices have a statistically significant effect on economic activity
Furthermore, if herd behavior in financial markets is observable, (Adrangi et al., 2001; Berument et al., 2010; Brown and Yücel,
futures markets should reflect this behavior due to their inherent 2001; Costantini and Martini, 2010; Fofana et al., 2009; Hamilton,
nature as speculative instruments. Since the volume of trade of 2009a; Hamilton, 2009b; Hanabusa, 2009; Hsing, 2007; Huang
crude oil futures far surpasses that of any other commodity, we et al., 1996; Jayaraman and Choong, 2009; Jiao and Ma, 2006;
focus on paired movements between crude oil futures prices and Jones et al., 2004; Odusami, 2010; Oladosu, 2009; Papapetrou,
a series of agricultural commodities and gold. 2001; Rafiq et al., 2009; Reynolds and Kolodziej, 2007; Zagaglia,
The main driver for the expansion of the oil market can be 2010). This paper complements these studies through investiga-
traced back to the change of oil industry in 1970s (Reynolds and tion of direct linkages between crude oil and agricultural futures.
Kolodziej, 2007). The nationalization of Exploration and Produc- In addition, our study analyses whether certain relationships
tion (E&P) in major oil producing countries decoupled the change over long(er) time periods.
upstream and downstream (i.e. refining and distribution). The The effects of energy prices and crude oil in particular on
major private oil companies lost access to large volumes of equity commodities futures seem to be complicated and multifaceted.
V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984 4973

Gohin and Chantret (2010) measure the long-run impact of Taking the above studies into account, it is of little surprise
energy prices on world agricultural markets including macro- that crude oil futures might have an impact on the prices of other
economic linkages. By incorporating a general equilibrium (GE) commodity futures markets. As mentioned before, if herd beha-
model they find a significant relationship. Besides identifying a vior is present in commodity futures markets, an analysis to
positive relationship due to the cost push effect, they find that the uncover potentially excessive price movements in crude oil
introduction of the real income effect may imply a negative futures prices is of interest. However, the notion that traders,
relationship between world food and energy prices. Baffes for no apparent reason, take similar speculative positions across a
(2007) argues that if crude oil prices remain high then the food range of different commodities is a heroic assumption, and one
commodity price boom is expected to continue much longer. which we are not prepared to make. In the light of the above, we
Plourde and Watkins (1998) compare crude oil volatility to a base our analysis upon the fact that crude oil might be a catalyst
series of commodities. Their results imply that short-term price for traders to make decisions about their positions with respect to
volatility of various commodities, among which are wheat and other commodity markets. Due to the complexity of inter-rela-
gold, has tended to be lower than that for oil. However the tions between crude oil and various commodities and the whole
volatility of crude oil does not seem to be a clear outlier. economy, traders might excessively transfer price movements

7 7
Cocoa Crude Oil (Brent) Rough Rice Crude Oil (Brent)
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07 1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07

Soybeans Crude Oil (Brent) Soybean Oil Crude Oil (Brent)

1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07 1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07

7 7
Wheat Crude Oil (Brent) Corn Crude Oil (Brent)
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07 1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07

Figs. 1–9. Crude oil, Brent (ICE) vs commodities—indexed price evolution between July 1989 and March 2010.
4974 V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

7 7
Crude Oil (Brent) Coffee Sugar Crude Oil (Brent)
6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0
1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07 1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07

Gold Crude Oil (Brent)

1989M07 1992M11 1996M03 1999M07 2002M11 2006M03 2009M07

Figs. 1–9. (continued)

from one market to the other. That being said, trading behavior between a variable with a stochastic trend, I(1) and a variable
might change in different economic environments. We attempt to without a stochastic trend, I(0). So, if DPt  Ið0Þ, then P will be a
uncover potential changes in trading behavior and linkages matrix of zeros, except when a linear combination of the variables in
between markets through a simple setup and framework of our Pt is stationary. The Johansen test for cointegration evaluates the
analysis. rank (r) of the matrix P. If r¼0, all variables are I(1) and thus not
cointegrated. In case 0oroN, there exist r cointegrating vectors. In
the third case, if r¼N all the variables are I(0) and thus stationary,
3. Methodology and any combination of stationary variables will be stationary. P
represents the long response matrix and is defined as the product of
3.1. Johansen cointegration two matrices: a and b0 , of dimension (g  r) and (r  g), respectively.
The b matrix contains the long-run coefficients of the cointegrating
In the case of non-stationarity of the time-series, cointegration vectors; a is known as the adjustment parameter matrix and is
provides appropriate statistical techniques to investigate if there is a similar to an error correction term. The linear combination(s) b0 xt–k
statistically significant relationship between the non- stationary of this matrix will be I(0) in the case where the times series are
time-series. Therefore we test the price series for stationarity in cointegrated. In other words, if rank of P ¼ r¼K, the variables in
levels and in first differences. In time series econometrics, it is said levels are stationary meaning that no integration exist; if rank
that prices are integrated of order one denoted by Pt  Ið1Þ and P ¼r¼0, denoting that all the elements in the adjustment matrix
prices are integrated of order zero denoted by DPt  Ið0Þ. When have zero value. Therefore, none of the linear combinations are
price series are found to be non-stationary in levels but stationary in stationary. According to the Granger representation theorem (Engle
first differences, cointegration tests may be applied. The cointegra- and Granger, 1987a), when K40 and rank of P(r)oK, there are r
tion procedure is based upon an unrestricted vector autoregressive cointegrating vectors or r stationary linear combinations of the
(VAR) model specified in error-correction form (Johansen, 1988; variables. The Johansen cointegration method estimates the P
Johansen and Juselius, 1990): matrix through an unrestricted VAR and tests whether one can
k1 reject the restriction implied by the reduced rank of P. Two
DXt ¼ PXt1 þ Gi DXti þ FDt þvt ð1Þ methods of testing for reduced rank of P are the trace test and
the maximum eigenvalue, respectively
where Xt includes all n variables of the model which are  Ið1Þ, the X
Q 2
, Gi and F are parameter matrices to be estimated, Dt is a vector ltrace ¼ T lnð1l^ i Þ ð2Þ
with deterministic elements (constant, trend and dummy) and vt is i ¼ r þ1
a vector of random errors which follow a Gaussian white noise
process. Eq. (1) implies that there can never be any relationship lmax ðr,r þ1Þ ¼ T lnð1lr þ 1 Þ ð3Þ
V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984 4975

where, li is the estimated values of the ordered eigenvalues where g represents the threshold parameter. Eq. (7) can be
obtained from the estimated matrix and T is the number of the written as
observations after the lag adjustment. The trace statistics test the DXt ¼ B01 Xt1 ðbÞd1t ðb, gÞ þ B02 Xt1 ðbÞd2t ðb, gÞ þ mt ð8Þ
null hypothesis that the number of distinct cointegrating vectors (r)
0 0
is less than or equal to r against a general alternative. The maximal with d1t ðb, gÞ ¼ 1 ðif b Xt1 r gÞ and d2t ðb, gÞ ¼ 1 ðif b Xt1 4 gÞ and
eigenvalue tests the null that the number of cointegrating vectors is with coefficient matrices B1 and B2 determining the dynamics in
r against the alternative of rþ1 cointegrating vectors. the two regimes. Besides the coingrating vector b, all coefficients
are permitted to switch between the two regimes.
3.2. Causality from vector error correction model (VECM) Hansen and Seo note that the threshold effect is only consis-
tent if 0 oPðb Xt1 r gÞ o 1, otherwise the model would reduce to
The existence of cointegration in the bi-variate relationship a linear cointegration model. This constraint is imposed by
implies Granger causality at least in one direction which under assuming
certain restrictions can be tested within the framework of Johansen p0 rPðb0 Xt1 r gÞ r 1p0 ð9Þ
cointegration by the Wald test (Dolado and Lütkepohl, 1996;
where p0 40 is a trimming parameter. In the empirical applica-
Mosconi and Giannini, 1992). If the a matrix in the cointegration
tion p0 ¼ 0:05 to ensure sufficient sample variation for every
matrix (P) has a complete column of zeros, no casual relationship
alternative of g. The estimation of model (8) is conducted through
exist since no cointegrating vector appears in that particular block.
maximum likelihood, under the assumption of iid Gaussian
Pair wise causal relationship can be represented through the
following equation:
" # " # " # " # The Hansen and Seo (2002) threshold model has the hull
DX1,t m1 a1 DX1,t1 hypothesis of no threshold against the alternative hypothesis of
¼ þ ðX1,t1 bX2,t1 Þ þ A1
DX2,t m2 a2 DX2,t1 linear cointegration. However, in our analysis we are interested to
" # " # apply threshold cointegration model in case we cannot find linear
DX1,tk v1t
þ    Ak þ ð4Þ cointegration. Seo (2006) offers a test which would complement
DX2,tk v2t
our analysis and enables us to determine the consistency of our
Parameters contained in matrices Ak measure the short run results. In his paper, Seo offers a test of no cointegration vs
causality relationship, while b is the cointegrating parameter that threshold cointegration based on a Band—Threshold Vector Error
characterizes the long run equilibrium relationship between the Correction Model (TVECM) as specified in Eq. (8):
series. Through Eq. (4), three possibilities for long-run causality DXt ¼ d1 ðgÞd1t ðb, gÞ þ d2 ðgÞd2t ðb, gÞ þ mðgÞ
may be identified, (i) a1 a 0, a2 a 0; (ii) a1 ¼0, a2 a 0; and (iii) þ f1 ðgÞDXt1 þ    þ fq ðgÞDXtq þ et ðgÞ ð10Þ
a1 a 0, a2 ¼0. The first case indicates bi-directional causality,
while the second and third imply uni-directional causality. where f is a qth-order polynomial in the lag operator defined as
To analyze for short-run causality we apply the Wald test with If1     fq . For a detailed description we refer to Seo’s
the null hypothesis that the joint contribution of the lags of (2006) paper.
endogenous variables is equal to zero. If the null cannot be
rejected it implies that the respective endogenous variables can
4. Results
be treated as exogenous in the system. In case of bi-variate
models, the Johansen cointegration Eq. (1) can be rewritten as
The data used in the empirical analysis comprises monthly
k1 X
k2 futures prices of crude oil, cocoa, coffee, corn, soybeans, soybean
DX1,t ¼ m1 þ bi DX1,ti þ bj DX2,tj þ a1 ECTt1 þ et,1 ð5Þ oil, wheat, rice, sugar and gold starting July 1989 until February
i¼1 j¼1
2010. Monthly prices for the nearest futures contracts2 are
analyzed. To account for the problem of comparing disparate
k1 X
DX2,t ¼ m2 þ bi DX1,ti þ bj DX2,tj þ a2 ECTt1 þ et,1 ð6Þ price units, the data is indexed based on the price of August 1999
i¼1 j¼1 for each commodity. Previous co-movement studies have used
time periods of several decades. In contrast, after analyzing for
where, X1,t and X2,t are time series (of prices) and ECT is the error
the full period, 1989–2010, we break down our sample into
correction term. We test the short run causality through Eqs. (5) and
2 periods. We chose January 2002 as the breakpoint for our
(6), by examining the significance of all lagged dynamic terms.
analysis. Figs. 1–9 indicate that a clear structural change can
easily be detected during late 2001–early 2002. For sake of
3.3. Threshold cointegration
simplicity we will refer to the 1989M07–2010M02 period as the
full sample period, the 1993M11–2001M12 period as the first
Threshold cointegration allows for the extension of the classi-
sample period and 2002M01–2010M02 as the second sample
cal case of linear cointegration. The adjustment from equilibrium
may take place only after the deviation exceeds a certain thresh-
To determine whether the series are stationary, the Augmen-
old. Through the perspective of economic theory, the assumption
ted Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test and the Phillips–Perron (PP) test are
of non-linearity may not be valid in the presence of transaction
carried out. For all time series the tests point to the existence of
costs (Balke and Fomby, 1997) or certain policies (Lo and Zivot,
one unit root I(1)3 . Thus, the difference of each time series can be
2001) that may influence and buffer markets until the deviations
regarded as stationary. In order to identify a possible influence of
exceed a certain threshold. Threshold cointegration analysis may
crude oil price on various commodities prices, each time series
indicate that once a threshold level is surpassed, prices will adjust
back to a long-run equilibrium.
Following Hansen and Seo (2002) a two-regime threshold Crude oil (Brent), CB; cocoa (Ivory Coast), CC; coffee (Colombian), KC; sugar
cointegration model takes the form (#11/World Raw), SB: Intercontinental Exchange (ICE).Corn (No. 2 Yellow),
( 0 C-; soybeans (No. 1 Yellow), S-; soybean oil, BO; wheat (No. 2 Soft Red), W-; rice
B1 Xt þ mt if b Xt1 r g (No. 2 Rough) RR; Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) part of CME Group.Gold, GC: New
DXt ¼ 0 ð7Þ York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) part of CME Group.
B2 Xt þ mt if b Xt1 4 g
Detailed results can be found in Appendix 1.
4976 V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

Table 1.1
Bi-variate Johansen cointegration rank test (1989–2010 period).

Crude Oil vs Model 2 Model 3

Test Critical Decision Test Critical Decision

statistics values(l0.95) statistics values (l0.95)

Cocoa (k ¼ 12; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 22.13 20.26n Rejected 19.60 15.50n Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 2.00 9.17 Not rejected 0.002 3.84 Not rejected
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 20.14 15.89n Rejected 19.59 14.27n Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 2.00 9.17 Not rejected 0.00 3.84 Not rejected

Rough rice (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 6.54 20.26 Not rejected Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 5.25 15.89 Not rejected Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Soybeans: (K ¼8; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 11.51 20.26 Not rejected 10.62 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 9.53 15.89 Not rejected 9.31 14.26 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Soybean oil: (K ¼8; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 9.13 20.26 Not rejected 8.27 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 7.43 15.89 Not rejected 7.29 14.264 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Wheat (K¼ 12; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 18.52 20.26 Not rejected 16.70 15.50n Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 1.55 9.17 Not rejected 0.56 3.84 Not rejected
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 16.97 15.89n Rejected 16.14 14.26n Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 1.55 9.17 Not rejected 0.56 3.84 Not rejected

Corn (K ¼0; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 16.10 20.26 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – –
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 13.31 15.89 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – –

Coffee (K ¼5; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 7.64 20.26 Not rejected 7.101 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – –
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 5.63 15.89 Not rejected 5.509 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – –

Sugar (K ¼4; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 10.00 20.26 Not rejected 9.41 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 7.61 15.89 Not rejected 7.60 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –

Gold (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 26.37 20.26n Rejected 23.021 15.50 Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 2.85 9.17 Not rejected 1.50 3.84 Not rejected
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 23.53 15.89n Rejected 21.52 14.26 Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 2.85 9.17 Not rejected 1.50 3.84 Not rejected

Model 2—no deterministic trend (restricted constant).

Model 3—linear deterministic trend model.
Indicates the 10% probability level.
V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984 4977

Table 1.2
Bi-variate Johansen cointegration rank test (1993–2001 period).

Crude oil vs Model 2 Model 3

Test Critical Decision Test Critical Decision

statistics values (l0.95) statistics values (l0.95)

Cocoa (k ¼ 10; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 16.47 20.26 Not rejected 16.19 15.50nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – 1.96 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 14.44 15.89 Not rejected 14.24 14.26 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Rough rice (K ¼ 1; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 11.21 20.26 Not rejected 8.73 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 8.50 15.89 Not rejected 7.27 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Soybeans: (K ¼ 12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 30.60 20.26nnn Rejected 30.00 15.50nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 0.71 9.17 Not rejected 0.29 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 29.89 15.89nnn Rejected 29.71 14.27nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 0.71 9.17 Not rejected 0.29 3.84 Not rejected

Soybean oil (K¼ 11; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 23.80 20.26nn Rejected 17.272 15.50nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 4.36 9.17 Not rejected 0.00 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 19.45 15.89nn Rejected 17.27 14.27nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 4.36 9.17 Not rejected 0.00 3.84 Not rejected

Wheat (K ¼12; criteria: LR) (M ¼ 3)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 17.97 20.26 Not rejected 17.77 15.50nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – 2.731 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 15.18 15.89 Not rejected 15.04 14.27nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – 2.73 3.84 Not rejected

Corn (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 22.96 20.26nn Rejected 22.89 15.50nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 3.07 9.17 Not rejected 3.07 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 19.89 15.89nn Rejected 19.83 14.27nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 3.07 9.17 Not rejected 3.07 3.84 Not rejected

Coffee (K ¼ 1; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 9.25 20.26 Not rejected 9.07 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 7.16 15.89 Not rejected 7.121 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –

Sugar (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 27.51 20.262nnn Rejected 21.18 15.50nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 7.81 9.17 Not rejected 2.03 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 19.71 15.89nn Rejected 19.15 14.27nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 7.81 9.17 Not rejected 2.03 3.84 Not rejected

Gold (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 27.28 20.26nn Rejected 26.21 15.50nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 2.65 9.17 Not rejected 2.05 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 24.63 15.89nn Rejected 24.16 14.27nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 2.65 9.17 Not rejected 2.05 3.84 Not rejected

Model 2–no deterministic trend (restricted constant).

Model 3–linear deterministic trend model.
Indicates the 5% probability level.
Indicates the 1% probability level.
4978 V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

Table 1.3
Bi-variate Johansen cointegration rank test (2002–2010 period).

Crude Oil vs Model 2 Model 3

Test Critical Decision Test Critical Decision

statistics values (l0.95) statistics values (l0.95)

Cocoa (k ¼ 12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 29.90 20.26nnn Rejected 27.53 15.50nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 4.99 9.17 Not rejected 2.75 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 24.91 15.89nnn Rejected 24.78 14.27nnn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 4.99 9.17 Not rejected 2.75 3.84 Not rejected

Rough rice (K¼ 6; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 7.64 20.26 Not rejected 7.07 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 4.33 15.89 Not rejected 3.77 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Soybeans (K ¼ 12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 9.12 20.26 Not rejected 8.05 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 6.22 15.89 Not rejected 5.67 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Soybean oil (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 9.07 20.26 Not rejected 7.83 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 5.84 15.89 Not rejected 5.52 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – – – –

Wheat (K¼ 12; criteria: LR) (M 4)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 15.50 20.26 Not rejected 26.53 25.87nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – 4.48 12.52 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r ¼ 1 12.57 15.892 Not rejected 22.05 19.39nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r ¼ 2 – – – 4.48 12.52 Not rejected

Corn (K¼ 12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 9.07 20.26 Not rejected 7.40 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 5.10 15.89 Not rejected 4.75 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –

Coffee (K¼ 1; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 20.18 20.26 Not rejected 18.67 15.50nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – 2.73 3.84 Not rejected
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 15.92 15.89nn Rejected 15.92 14.27nn Rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 4.25 9.17 Not rejected 2.73 3.84 Not rejected

Sugar (K¼ 12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 9.94 20.26 Not rejected 6.51 15.50 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 6.65 15.89 Not rejected 5.69 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 – – – – – –

Gold (K ¼12; criteria: LR)

ltrace statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 20.92 20.26nn Rejected 13.02 15.505 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 3.48 9.17 Not rejected – – –
lmax statistics
H0 : r ¼ 0 vs H1 : r Z 1 17.44 15.89nn Rejected 10.65 14.27 Not rejected
H0 : r r 1 vs H1 : r Z 2 3.48 9.17 Not rejected – – –

Model 2—no deterministic trend (restricted constant).

Model 3—linear deterministic trend model.
Model 4—allows linear trend in the cointegrating space.
Indicates the 5% probability level.
Indicates the 1% probability level.
V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984 4979

was paired with crude oil price, providing us with 9 bi-variate wheat, corn and gold futures prices to be cointegrated with crude
systems. Since the time series are integrated of the same order, oil futures prices. In the second period however we only observe
cointegration techniques can be used to determine whether a coffee prices besides cocoa, wheat and gold prices, to be coin-
stable long-run relationship exists between each pair. Johansen’s tegrated with crude oil prices. The contrast between the first
tests for cointegration are performed. The VAR specification is and second period is remarkable and further analysis seems to be
estimated by applying one to 12 lags. The likelihood ratio (LR) required.
criterion was utilized to select optimal lag length. Table 3 presents the following parameter estimates: the speed
Tables 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 show detailed results for the full period of adjustment from the estimated Johansen VAR (restricted VAR
(1989–2010), first period (1993–2001) and second period (2002– model), t-tests for the cointegrating vector and the speed of
2010) respectively. The trace and maximum eigenvalues tests are adjustment. The main highlight of the results of the full period
based on likelihood ratio from the estimated restricted VAR is the relatively larger parameter estimate (b) of gold–crude oil
model. Table 2 offers a summary of the results comparing the pair. This implies that crude oil and gold are strongly linked. The
three analyses. The results indicate that cocoa, wheat and gold estimates of the first period are consistent, with soybean having a
prices are cointegrated over the full sample period, which implies relatively lower b. The linkage between soybeans is expected to
that the prices of these commodities move together with crude oil be relatively weaker than with soybean oil. For the second period,
in the long run. The results of the first and second period are the main observation is that the b estimate for coffee is relatively
consistent with the full sample period for cocoa, wheat and gold small. Fig. 7 confirms that the movement between crude oil and
prices. In the first period, we observe cocoa, soybeans, soybean oil, coffee futures is relatively weak.
Turning to our VECM results, ECT estimates are fairly consis-
tent throughout the 3 analyses. The ECT for gold in the full period
Table 2 is relatively small, which confirms the strong relationship
Summary of the bi-variate Johansen cointegration rank tests. between the two commodities. In the first period we observe
that ECT of soybeans and soybean oil pairs is relatively larger.
Crude oil vs 1989–2010 period 1993–2001 period 2002–2010 period
ECT of coffee model in the second period is relatively larger,
r¼1 r¼ 1 r¼ 1
which is consistent with the previous results and the context of
that market.
Cocoa Not rejected Not rejected Not rejected Once cointegration between time series is established it is of
Rough rice Rejected Rejected Rejected interest to analyze for causality of each cointegrating pair. Long
Soybeans Rejected Not rejected Rejected
run causality from the estimated Johansen VECM is analyzed
Soybean oil Rejected Not rejected Rejected
Wheat Not rejected Not rejected Not rejected through a likelihood ratio (LR) test by restricting the disequili-
Corn Rejected* Not rejected Rejected brium error term. Table 4 presents the results of these tests. The
Coffee Rejected Rejected Not rejected results of the first period indicate that cocoa, soybeans, wheat,
Sugar Rejected Rejected Rejected
corn, sugar and gold futures precede crude oil futures. In case of
Gold Not rejected Not rejected Not rejected
soybean oil we find bi-directional causality, however the prob-
Complete results can be found in Tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 for the respective period. ability level of soybean influencing crude oil is 0.08.

Table 3
Estimates of long run and the speed of the adjustment from ECM.

Models 1989–2010 period 1993–2001 period 2002–2010 period

Regressors Parameter t-test Regressors Parameter t-test Regressors Parameter t-test

estimates estimates estimates

Crude oil–cocoab b  0.51nn  6.08 b  1.92nn 6.81 b 1.86nn  4.67

ECTt  1  0.11nn  3.94 ECTt  1  0.11n 1.72 ECTt  1  0.06nn  3.80

Crude oil–rough rice b – – b – – b – –

ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1 – –

Crude oil–soybeans b – – b 1.72nn 6.30 b – –

ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1  0.18nn  4.99 ECTt  1  

Crude oil–soybean b – – b  0.49nnn  4.14 b – –

oil ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1  0.30nnn  3.70 ECTt  1 – –

Crude oil–wheatb b  0.30nn  395 b 3.21nn 3.66 b 1.15nn 2.61

ECTt  1  0.11nn  3.61 ECTt  1  0.06nn  3.27 ECTt  1  0.15nn  3.62

Crude oil–sugar b – – b 2.25nn 4.52 b – –

ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1  0.11nn  3.94 ECTt  1 – –

Crude oil–corn b  0.25nn  3.45 b 3.14nn 4.32 b – –

ECTt  1  0.10nn  3.58 ECTt  1  0.07nn  3.92 ECTt  1 – –

Crude oil–coffee b – – b – – b 0.30nn  8.20

ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1 – – ECTt  1  0.48nn 3.28

Crude oil–goldb b  1.88nn  5.69 b 1.63nn 4.97 b  0.96nn  5.72

ECTt  1  0.02nn  3.35 ECTt  1  0.14nn  4.49 ECTt  1  0.11nn  3.66

Indicates the significance level at 5%.
indicates that the results are derived from model 3 and else model 2.
Indicates the 1% probability level.
4980 V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

Table 4
Long run causality from Johansen VECM (weak exogeneity test).

Models 1993–2001 period 2002–2010 period

Causality test Causality decision Causality test Causality decision


Cocoa–crude oil n
3.35 (0.07) 9.74nnn
(0.00) Cocoa -crude oil 14.75nnn
(0.00) 0.19 (0.66) Crude oil-cocoa
Rough rice–crude oil – – – – – –
Soybeans–crude oil 1.58 (0.21) 28.85nnn (0.00) Soybeans-crude oil – – –
Soybean oil–crude oila 13.56nnn (0.00) 3.10n (0.08) Crude oil2soybean oil – – –
Wheat–crude oila 0.92 (0.34) 11.62nnn (0.00) Wheat-crude oil 2.51 (0.11) 13.65nnn (0.00) Wheat-crude oil
Corn–crude oil 0.24 (0.63) 16.37nnn (0.00) Corn-crude oil – – –
Coffee–crude oil – – – 0.64 (0.42) 7.78nn (0.01) Coffee-crude oil
Sugar–crude oil 0.00 (0.95) 11.79nnn (0.00) Sugar-crude oil – – –
Gold–crude oila 0.35 (0.56) 21.97nnn (0.00) Gold-crude oil 13.71nnn (0.00) 1.03 (0.31) Crude oil-gold

A indicates H0 : a1 ¼ 0 vs H1 : a1 a 0.
B indicates H0 : a2 ¼ 0 vs H1 : a2 a 0.
Parentheses indicate the probability level.
- indicates uni-directional causality.
2 indicates bi-directional causality.
Indicates that the results derived from model 3 and else is model 2.
Indicates the 10% probability level.
Indicates the 5% probability level.
Indicates the 1% probability level.

Table 5
Test of no cointegration vs threshold cointegration (Antonio et al., 2009; Seo,
2006)—1000 bootstrap.

Crude oil Test statistic P-value Threshold Threshold

parameter (L) parameter (H)

Corn 29.21n (26.61) 0.02 0.72 1.94

Soyabeans 19.89 (21.81) 0.12 0.55 1.68
Soyabean oil 30.73 (35.83) 0.2 0.97 1.75

Critical values (95%) are shown in parentheses under the respective test statistic.
Indicates the 5% probability level.

Corn, soybeans and soybean oil exhibit co-movement with crude

oil after 2002. Figs. 1–9 illustrate that besides the peak of 2008 these
Fig. 10. Graphical representation of subsidy effects on inputs for biofuel such as corn.
commodities futures do not seem to have a close relationship with
crude oil. Nonetheless, due to developments in the past decade
linked to biofuel implementation, it is of interest to look closer into Turning to our TVEM results, parameter estimates are pre-
these three bi-variate systems. Since the Johansen test, investigates sented below.
linear cointegration it is appropriate to consider asymmetric coin- !
tegration for these pairs. Hansen and Seo (2002) offer a model to test D Crude Oilt
for threshold cointegration. The null hypothesis of the test is linear D Cornt
cointegration vs threshold cointegration. Considering that we 8      !
rejected the hypothesis of linear (Johansen) cointegration it is likely >
> 0:08 0:07 0:20 0:10 D Crude Oilt1
> ECT1 þ þ r 0:38
< 0:02 0:02 0:07 0:15 D Cornt1
that we might a priori find results for threshold cointegration. To !
keep our analysis consistent, we implement the Seo (2006) test, >
> 0:09 0:23 0:57 0:58 D Crude Oilt1
> ECT1 þ þ 4 0:38
: 0:05 0:15 0:19 0:25 D Cornt1
with the null of no-cointegration vs threshold cointegration. Conse-
quently, we implement the Hansen and Seo (2002) model to obtain ð11Þ
the threshold values for the significant pair(s). We use data between
January 2000 and February 2010 for the threshold cointegration The percentage of observation in each regime is 68.3 and 31.7.
analysis. Fig. 11 shows the grid search of threshold parameter g, LM
Table 5 shows the results of the test of no cointegration statistics of the ECT values and the of bootstrap distribution.
vs threshold cointegration. We observe that only in case of Keeping in mind that the count of observation in each regime is
crude oil–corn pair no cointegration can be rejected at a sig- not a continuous one we need to examine the results of the
nificant level. TVECM properly in order to interpret the threshold cointegration
In the context of biofuel policy implementation discussed in in an economic context. To find the value of the crude oil price
the introduction, we apply the threshold cointegration methodol- above which the corn prices resume co-movement, we need to
ogy to control whether such a situation can be empirically consider the TVECM results in parallel with the prices of the two
verified. In other words, the p0  p price difference depicted in commodities. In Fig. 12 we plot (indexed) price values of the two
Fig. 10 can be interpreted as a threshold value that needs to be commodities and D Cruded Oilt of the TVECM of the upper thresh-
surpassed for the market to behave normally. old (i.e. the regime where we find threshold cointegration).
V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984 4981

Grid Search

Residual Sum of Squares




-0.5 0.0 0.5
Threshold parameter gamma

Hansen and Seo test of linear versus threshold cointegration

LM stats


Critical Values (Fixed regressor bootstrap)
0.90 %0.95 %0.99%
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5
ECT values

Density of bootstrap distribution

Test value
0.90% cv
0.95% cv

0.99% cv

5 10 15 20
N = 200 Bandwidth = 0.7809

Fig. 11. Testing for TVECM (Antonio et al., 2009; Hansen and Seo (2002)).

Fig. 12. Interpretation of threshold cointegration for the bi-variate system of crude oil–corn.
4982 V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984

5. Discussion The policy implications of the above should not be under-

estimated. In the OECD (2008) report on the economic assessment
The cointegration results indicate that the coffee market of biofuel support policies the Aglink-Cosimo partial equilibrium
exhibits opposite traits to other commodities. It seems that in model is applied to, among others, analyze the impact of biofuel
the second period the coffee futures prices follow crude oil policies on prices of agricultural commodities. The OECD (2008)
futures prices. This change in price relationship may be attributed analysis shows that agricultural markets are sensitive to changes
to coffee market liberalization, which began in the 1990s and in energy prices, and that this sensitivity has increased with the
continued throughout the decade (Akiyama, 2001). Gold futures emergence of biofuels. While this notion is generally accepted, we
are found to be cointegrated with crude oil futures throughout have shown that the real market situation is more convoluted. The
the full period. Our results are consistent with previous studies assumption that additional, artificial demand of biofuels pushes
(Zhang and Wei, 2010). For two markets, rough rice and sugar, the agricultural prices up seems to be an oversimplification. What is
results indicated no trace of linear cointegration. The rough rice more, it seems that biofuel policy could be potentially used as a
futures market is relatively new compared to the well-established tool to stabilize agricultural commodity markets notwithstanding
futures markets for corn, wheat, and soybeans and rice industry its dependence on crude oil price. An in depth study into this
participants have referred to the rice futures market as a thinly matter is required in order to analyze whether various market
traded futures market (McKenzie, 2002). In the case of rough rice, conditions have an impact on the stabilizing effect.
the futures market seems to exhibit price movements unrelated
to macro-economic factors. Sugar futures seem to have a quasi-
independent movement from crude oil. Further study is required 6. Conclusions
to analyze that specific market.
In terms of causality it may seem out of the ordinary for crude oil This paper offers a comprehensive study on the interaction
futures price to be led by other commodities. However, one must between crude oil futures market and cocoa, coffee, corn, soy-
keep in mind that causality indicates no more than one series beans, soybean oil, wheat, rice, sugar and gold futures markets. To
preceding the other. In the literature review section we have provide insight on recognizing and analyzing the dynamics of
established that crude oil prices are linked with the economies crude oil futures market, gold futures market and the whole large
and that the price movements of crude oil could be supply or agricultural commodities markets, the concept of co-movement
demand driven. Thus our results indicate that in the first period (i.e. price cointegration) and price causality of markets is ana-
crude oil price movements were mainly demand driven and mainly lyzed. Once more we highlight that futures prices by definition
pushed by economic activity. The results of the second period are incorporate all available information and thus are more appro-
more muddled with crude oil futures preceding cocoa and gold priate to identify supply and demand shocks and price spillovers
futures, while wheat and coffee futures precede crude oil futures. than real prices. That being said, a similar analysis with spot price
This implies a more chaotic situation in the market, which may be could yield different results. Furthermore, we scrutinize two
attributed to political and economic uncertainties. distinct time periods set apart by various economic and geopo-
The results of the test of no cointegration vs threshold litical events. Through this relative comparison we can make
cointegration seem to be consistent with general expectations conclusions about evolution in price movements without carrying
that interaction between crude oil and corn is relatively stronger the burden of making absolute statements.
through the biofuel production linkage. Furthermore, it should Through use of cointegration methodologies we have shown
not come as a surprise that linear cointegration was rejected for that co-movement of commodity prices is a temporal concept and
crude oil–corn bi-variate system. Lo and Zivot (2001) notice that should be treated accordingly. Parallel movement between crude
cointegration is not found for goods subject to policy intervention. oil and cocoa, wheat and gold pairs have been found for the past
The subsidies offered throughout the production chain of two decades, which indicates strong linkages between crude oil
biofuels affect the demand and thus the prices of agricultural and these markets. Looking at the two split periods separately, we
commodity prices such as corn. US Government subsidies find confirmation that coffee exhibits co-movement with crude
designed to support US biofuels-production has resulted in oil after the liberalization of the coffee markets. In case of
agricultural commodity prices that are actually less dependent soybeans, soybean oil and corn especially the results indicate
on energy prices, at least when energy prices are at relatively that biofuel policy has buffered the price relationship between
lower levels (i.e. below around $75/barrel). Fig. 10 illustrates how those markets and crude oil futures, be it until crude oil prices
government subsidies for biofuel production function as a buffer surpass a certain threshold level. An in depth focus on the crude
for price transmission from crude oil markets to agricultural oil–corn relationship through threshold cointegration methods
commodities. The difference in prices (p0  p) is a result of the revealed that biofuel policy buffers the co-movement of the two
shift in demand due to government policy to subsidize biofuel markets until crude oil futures prices rise to a level of 75$/barrel
production. or higher.
Discussing the results of the TVECM we note that between April In general we can conclude that mature and well established
and July 2004 corn futures prices adjusts to news of the Energy commodity futures markets exhibit co-movement with crude oil
Policy Act of 2005. Especially in futures markets traders tend to in the long run. However we must note that policy interventions,
adjust their positions as soon as the news is made public. Further- changing weather patterns, economic crises, changes in price
more, by looking at Fig. 12, it is noticeable that between mid 2004 interactions, geopolitics and rising global population not only
until July 2006 the futures prices of corn do not move together with increase uncertainty and volatility, but instigate change and
crude oil due to policy interventions on biofuels. This is consistent increase the complexity of price dynamics between crude oil
with our results as we do not find linear nor threshold cointegration. and agricultural commodities. By understanding better the
Moreover we find confirmation of our results in Campiche’s et al. mechanisms behind these dynamics, better policy measures could
(2007) paper. In his analysis of 2003–2007 period, cointegration was be put in place to optimize and stabilize the markets.
only found in the 2006–2007 period. It seems that at a certain point
– July 2006 – crude oil futures prices surpassed a certain threshold Appendix 1
(Fig. 12) – 75 $/barrel – after which the corn market resumed
co-movement with crude oil. See Table A1.
V. Natanelov et al. / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 4971–4984 4983

Table A1
Unit root tests using the augmented Dickey–Fuller and Phillip–Perron.

Variable (price) 1989–2010 Period 1993–2001 Period 2002–2010 Period

Augmented Dickey–Fuller Phillips–Perron Augmented Dickey–Fuller Phillips–Perron Augmented Dickey–Fuller Phillips–Perron

Drift Trend Drift Trend Drift Trend Drift Trend Drift Trend Drift Trend

Crude oil  1.68  3.23  1.51  2.91  1.98  2.13  1.89  2.11  2.03  3.06  1.89  2.60
n Crude oil  10.60s  10.59s  11.33s  11.34s  6.21s  6.20s

Cocoa  0.53  1.87  0.98  2.46  1.79  1.95  1.67  1.82  0.88  1.81  1.27  2.27
n Cocoa  20.46s  20.52s 12.50s 12.37s  13.13s  13.43s

Rough rice  1.86  2.29  2.12  2.54  1.17  1.42  1.17  1.48  1.53  2.32  1.51  2.53
n Rough rice  9.84s  16.85s  11.28s  11.18s  11.30s  11.18s

Soybeans  1.91  2.41  2.23  2.83  1.16  1.91  1.16  1.91  1.92  2.36  1.96  2.46
n Soybeans  10.46s  16.42s  8.76s  8.75s  6.44s  10.45s

Soybean oil  1.99  2.46  2.21  2.72  1.11  3.23  0.78  3.30  1.77  2.20  1.79  2.33
n Soybean oil  16.78s  16.76s  10.51s  10.87s  10.61s  10.58s

Wheat  2.11  2.50  2.07  2.47  1.66  2.47  1.45  2.47  1.58  1.74  1.59  1.74
n Wheat  16.12s  16.12s  11.35s  11.57s  9.67s  9.68s

Corn  3.09  3.42  2.72  3.03  1.84  2.75  2.00  2.48  1.61  2.07  1.84  2.45
n Corn  8.77s  16.12s  5.47s  10.66s  5.37s  9.81s

Coffee  2.98  2.99  2.83  2.84  2.06  3.22  2.14 3.23  1.69  3.61**  1.75  3.39
n Coffee  18.14s  18.04s  10.97s  10.93s  12.92s  12.81s

Sugar  1.20  1.50  1.45  1.65  1.44  2.54  1.61  2.79  0.53  1.93  0.42  1.98
n Sugar  14.09s  14.04s  9.46s  9.48s  8.65s  8.53s

Gold  2.21 0.57 3.27 1.25  0.93  2.71  0.67  2.47 0.13  2.80 0.74  2.67
n Gold  17.56s  17.57s  12.42s  12.72s  10.93s  10.93s

Lag length for ADF tests are based on SIC.

Maximum bandwidth for PP tests are decided based on Newey and West (1994).
Critical values are  2.886 (5%),  3.486 (1%) with drift only and;  3.447 (5%), and –3.486 (1%) for a model with constant and trend;  1.943 (5%), and –2.584 (1%) for a
pure random walk model (Mackinnon, 1996).
indicates the pure random walk model.

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