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Assignment one: Definition of Problem Statement, Objective of Research

Project/Hypothesis. 3-4 pages.

Mark: 20/100

Due date: (22-April-2020)

Assignment Rubric:

1. You are required to identify a growth challenge (problem statement) or research gap by
thorough reviewing literature of any company/topic of your choice. Through a research
project you will offer a set of recommendation to overcome challenges or improve the
situations if necessary. Provide a brief introduction of your topic (max one page).
2. Problem statement is defined as “A clear, precise and succinct statement of issue that is
to be investigated …” (Sekaran, 2004 p 70). Definition of problem statement is also a
gap exist between actual and desired state (Sekaran, 2004). For the purpose of final
project, you are supposed to identify a potential research gap that needs further
investigation or analysis. Evaluate this case and select your research topic of your choice
according to your major. This can be identified through symptom that researchers
observe, initial interviews and preliminary review of literature (max one page).
3. On the basis of problem statement develop research project to find an answer or solution
to problem or research gap defined. Similarly, hypothesis can be developed to explain
potential relationship between variables involved in study/ important for solution to a
problem or filling a research gap.
4. Highlight significance of your research project. This can be managerial and policy
implication of your findings to company under study (unit of analysis). You have the
choice to develop this section at the end (max one page).
Formatting rubric:
1. Font: TNR 12
2. Line space: 1.5”
3. Right, top and bottom 1” left 1.5”

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