(1993) Lippard, Stephen J. - Bioinorganic Chemistry A Maturing Frontier

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Bioinorganic Chemistry: metal ions to facilitate their removal through

chelation therapy. Abrams and Murrer re-
A Maturing Frontier late how toxic metal ions such as platinum
and gold can, under appropriate circum-
stances, be used as chemotherapeutic agents
Stephen J. Lippard (9). Cisplatin, cis-[Pt(NH3)2C121, is among
the most successful anticancer drugs (see
figure), and auranofin, [Au(PEt3)(ttag)],
where ttag is tetra-O-acetylthioglucose, is
The field of bioinorganic chemistry is bur- rapidly in and out of the coordination an oral agent used to treat rheumatoid ar-
geoning. Attracting scientists from a vari- sphere are preferred. Included are Na+, K+, thritis. The medicinal applications of such
ety of disciplines, the problems of this rap- Mg>, Ca+, most first-row transition metal compounds are usually discovered seren-
idly expanding field are some of the most ions-especially those of V, Mn, Fe, Co, dipitously, but as bioinorganic chemists un-
fascinating ones at the interface of chem- Ni, Cu, and Zn-and Mo ions. Despite ravel the molecular mechanisms, we may
istry, biology, agriculture, and medicine. their lability, these metal ions usually oc- soon see the day when rational drug design
Included are how nature uses metals to cupy binding sites in biomolecules that are becomes a reality. Other metal ions not
convert dinitrogen into ammonia, to turn stabilized by folding of the biopolymer found naturally in biological systems-for
RNA molecules into enzymes, to regulate chain. Stability can also be conferred example, technetium and gadolinium-
which proteins a cell will make, or to block through specialized biological ligands, such have made a major impact in diagnostic
the onset of genetically inherited disorders as the porphyrin or corrin ring, and by the medicine where they are used as radio-

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such as Lou Gehrig's disease. At the same ___ _
time, bioinorganic chemistry is beginning
to show signs of maturity, as can be judged
by several recent or soon to be published
textbooks ( -4). Principles are emerging
that help guide the thinking of workers in
the area and enable connections to be
made between seemingly unrelated obser-
Four articles appear in this special issue
of Science that relate advances at several
frontiers of bioinorganic chemistry. On page
701, Karlin surveys metalloenzymes that
perform many key chemical transforma-
tions that occur in living organisms (5), in-
cluding nitrogen fixation, the conversion of
water into dioxygen through photosynthe-
sis, and the utilization of 02, H,, CH4, and
NO in metabolism (6). But, as Pyle details
in her article on page 709 (7), RNA mol- Cisplatin cures cancer in mice. Early experiments with mice revealed the remarkable anticancer
ecules can also function as enzymes, and properties of cisplatin.Two mice with solid sarcoma 180 tumors were observed over a period of time.
The top panels show the progression of the tumor in an untreated, negative-control mouse. She died
these so-called "ribozymes are always me- on day 21. The mouse shown in the bottom panels received a single intraperitoneal injection of
talloenzymes." Regulating the synthesis of cisplatin on day 8. Her tumor completely regressed 6 days after treatment, and she lived a normal
RNA (replication) and protein (transla- life-span of 3 years. [Reprinted from (11) with permission © Wiley]
tion) molecules is also a function that falls
within in the domain of bioinorganic chem- assembly of polymetallic units such as iron- pharmaceuticals or for magnetic resonance
istry, as O'Halloran describes on page 715 sulfur clusters. As discussed by O'Halloran imaging (MRI).
(8). Gene regulation by the so-called zinc (8), assembly and disassembly of one such Thus far, I have touched upon factors
finger proteins is so pervasive that this [4Fe4S] cluster in a protein that binds to controlling the choice, uptake, and assem-
branch of bioinorganic chemistry is now "iron-responsive elements" in messenger bly of metal-containing units, their control
quite familiar to most molecular biologists. RNA molecules regulate the translation of and utilization, and their ability to fold
And encompassing all of these areas is me- several proteins. Such "metalloregulation" biomolecules. Once inside the cell, how-
dicinal bioinorganic chemistry, a topic which may also occur when Zn2+ binds to zinc fin- ever, most metal ions bind to specific sites
Abrams and Murrer cover in their article ger proteins that similarly regulate the tran- in biopolymers where they perform impor-
on page 725 (9). Amazingly, heavy metal scription of genes. The ability of metal ions tant functions. What factors control the
ions, often thought only to be toxic to life, to bend or fold proteins and nucleic acids binding of metal ions to their natural sites
are being introduced as drugs to treat dis- thus not only affords structural integrity to in these molecules? Here the thermody-
eases such as cancer and arthritis and are these biopolymers but also contributes a namic and kinetic principles of inorganic
assuming a role in diagnostic medicine. key component to the intracellular commu- chemistry prevail, with selectivity con-
Not all metal ions are found in biology. nications and control network. trolled by the charge, size, and hard or soft
Because biochemical transformations occur Among the processes under tight regula- ligand preferences (10) of the metal ion.
roughly on a millisecond time scale, labile tion in cells is the concentration of metal For example, as indicated by Pyle (7), many
metal ions in which the ligands exchange ions. Too little iron, for example, leads to ribozymes require Mg> or Mn' ions for
anemia and too much produces toxicity. their catalytic activity, and these metals ex-
The author is in the Department of Chemistry, Massa- Medicinal bioinorganic chemists synthesize hibit the same coordination preferences for
chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
02139. compounds that bind specifically to toxic oxygen over nitrogen or sulfur donors in
SCIENCE * VOL. 261 * 6 AUGUST 1993 699
RNA enzymes as they have in metallopro- amino acid side chains to the metal, or in- cally related goal of synthesizing new rare
teins. Will the principles governing cataly- directly, by modulation of hydrophobicity, earth ion complexes and improving their
sis in hydrolytic protein enzymes such as hydrogen bonding, or the local dielectric application in diagnostic medicine are im-
carboxypeptidase, a zinc metalloprotein that constant in the vicinity of the active site. portant challenges for the field. Carbohy-
catalyzes the cleavage of peptide and ester In this sense, some metal cores in proteins drates, the third major biopolymer after
bonds, also apply to ribozymes? In metallo- may be thought of as bioinorganic chips, proteins and nucleic acids, have been
proteins, the positive charge on the metal recurring modules whose functions in the largely neglected by bioinorganic chemists.
ion makes it easier to deprotonate coordi- printed circuit board of the surrounding How, for example, do metal ions catalyze
nated hydroxyl groups supplied by water or protein milieu can be modulated according the isomerization of sugars, link proteins to
alcohol moieties. Moreover, the metal ion to the requirements of the system. The de- carbohydrates in lectins, or interact with
facilitates nucleophilic attack on coordi- fining example of such a chip is the me- the matrix that comprises the cell wall?
nated phosphate or carboxylate esters and talloporphyrin. In hemoglobin, the iron Metalloprotein chemistry, despite the
can assist in the removal of a leaving group. porphyrin core is bonded to histidine on triumphs, still offers numerous challenges.
Rate acceleration also occurs by internal one side and uses the other site to bind How does the cluster of manganese ions in
attack within the coordination sphere and dioxygen for transport. In cytochrome c, photosystem II oxidize water to dioxygen;
by assistance of critically positioned groups the same unit has two axial ligands, a his- how does methane bind and get selectively
near the active site. As research in the tidine and a methionine, and functions as oxidized to methanol in methane mono-
young but fascinating field of ribozymes an efficient electron carrier. And in cyto- oxygenase; are there discrete through-bond
progresses, it will be interesting to see chrome P-450, one axial position is occu- pathways for long-range electron transfer to
whether these features are mimicked by pied by cysteine and the other by a water metal centers in proteins; what are the

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metal ions involved in RNA catalysis. molecule, which gets displaced during ac- roles of the less well studied metal ions
In addition to facilitating the binding tivation of dioxygen during the catalytic such as vanadium? Finally, I note that the
and activation of substrates by non-redox hydroxylation of hydrocarbon substrates. applications of metals in medicine are far
mechanisms, metal ions perform critical roles The principles that govern this tuning fewer than warranted by their potential,
in biology as catalysts of electron transfer of active site reactivity seem also to apply perhaps because of the limited numbers of
and atom and group transfer. Although to proteins with related functions but quite trained inorganic chemists in the pharma-
ribozymes are not yet known to function in different surroundings. For example, metal- ceutical industry. Compositions containing
this manner, metalloproteins do. Karlin de- loproteins involved solely in electron trans- metal ions have long been known to have
scribes the unique ability of metal centers fer often have core geometries intermediate excellent antiviral activity, heal burns and
in proteins to process the O2 molecule, a between those of the oxidized and reduced wounds, stop inflammation, and display an-
function that is crucial for organisms that states of the metal ion in order to minimize algesic properties. Perhaps the clinical and
live in air (5). The transport of dioxygen is structural rearrangements that would occur commercial success of cisplatin will encour-
performed by metalloproteins containing during the redox reaction. The protein can age both government funding agencies and
iron or copper centers, which formally re- effect this property by forming a rigid private industry to increase support for fun-
duce the °2 molecule upon binding to the metal-binding cavity. damental, long-range research in medicinal
deoxy form and then reoxidize it upon its Despite much recent progress, the fron- bioinorganic chemistry.
release. This process illustrates the more tiers of bioinorganic chemistry are replete
general bioinorganic principle that sub- with unsolved problems. We know some References and Notes
strate binding and oxidation state changes details about the uptake and storage path- 1. W. Kaim and B. Schwederski, Bioanorganische
can occur simultaneously in group transfer ways of iron but very little about the other Chemie (Teubner, Stuttgart, 1991).
chemistry. Bioinorganic chemists have suc- metal ions. Are there comparable mecha- 2. J. J. R. Fausto da Silva and R. J. P. Williams, The
nisms, and will general principles emerge? Biological Chemistry of the Elements: The Inor-
cessfully modeled the reactions involved in ganic Chemistry of Life (Oxford Univ. Press, Ox-
dioxygen transport outside the protein Metal ions flowing through channels in the ford, 1991).
cores. Hemocyanin (Hc), the 02 transport cell membrane are responsible for neuro- 3. I. Bertini, H. B. Gray, S. J. Lippard, J. S. Valentine,
transmission and other signaling events in Bioinorganic Chemistry (University Science
protein of arthropods and mollusks, con- Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1993).
tains a pair of copper ions in close proxim- cells. The lithium ion is used to treat manic 4. S. J. Lippard and J. M. Berg, Principles of
ity. The dicopper(I) center in deoxy Hc re- depressives. Magnetic particles of magnet- Bioinorganic Chemistry (University Science
acts with dioxygen to form a peroxo- ite have been reported to occur in the hu- Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1993).
5. K. D. Karlin, Science 261, 701 (1993).
bridged dicopper(I) adduct in oxy Hc. The man brain. What are the molecular details 6. Three Perspectives appeared only last year de-
structure of the oxy Hc core was revealed of these processes and how best can bioin- scribing recent advances in this area: L. Que, Jr.,
organic chemists contribute to neurobiol- ibid. 253, 273 (1991); W. H. Orme-Johnson, ibid.
through model studies prior to its charac- 257,1639 (1992); D. N. Beratan, J. N. Onuchic, J.
terization by protein x-ray crystallography. ogy? Recently, a structural role for the po- R. Winkler, H. B. Gray, ibid. 258,1740 (1992).
One remarkable feature of metal ions in tassium ion was suggested to be stabiliza- 7. A. M. Pyle, ibid. 261, 709 (1993).
tion of the DNA telomere, a structure at the 8. T. V. O'Halloran, ibid., p. 715.
proteins is that the same unit can fulfill a 9. M. J. Abrams and B. A. Murrer, ibid., p. 725.
variety of functions. The redox potential, ends of chromosomes, and a similar unit 10. Hard-metal ions like Mg2+ are less polarizable
substrate specificity, and reaction rate are has been implicated for human immunode- and prefer to bind to hard ligands, such as those
ficiency virus RNA. Understanding the with oxygen donor atoms.
all properties that can be tuned by the pro- 11. B. Rosenberg, in Metal Ions in Biology, T. G.
tein environment. This tuning is achieved structural roles of the alkali and alkaline Spiro, Ed. (Wiley, New York, 1980), vol. 1, pp.
either directly, by coordination of different earth metal ions in biology and the chemi- 1-29.

700 SCIENCE * VOL. 261 * 6 AUGUST 1993

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