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Behavioural Brain Research 352 (2018) 28–34

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Research report

The different baseline characteristics of cognitive behavior test between T

Mongolian gerbils and rats
Shiyuan Wanga, Dandan Fenga, Yinyin Lia, Ying Wanga,c, Xiuping Sunb, Xianglei Lib,

Changlong Lia, Zhenwen Chena, Xiaoyan Dua,c,
School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, China
Institute of Laboratory Animal Sciences, Cams & Pumc, Beijing, 100021, China
Department of Laboratory Animal, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, China


Keywords: The Mongolian gerbil is a popular laboratory animal useful across many research fields. In the area of cognitive
Mongolian gerbil behavioral research the gerbil have been shown exhibit an anxiety-like profile on the elevated plus-maze, and
Behavior tests they could be useful as an animal model for testing anxiolytics and antidepressants. However, there are few
Open field test reports that thoroughly describe the behavioral characteristics of the gerbils in common cognitive behavior tests.
Elevated plus maze
In the present study, we used 7 behavior tests to detect the baseline characteristics of the gerbils and compare
Social interaction
Fear conditioning
them to the Sprague Dawley rats. Collectively, the gerbils showed significantly different behavior characteristics
in the open field test, elevated plus maze, grip strength, social interaction and fear conditioning compared to the
rats. However, no difference was found between gerbils and rats in sucrose preference or Barnes maze test. The
data showed that the Mongolian gerbil exhibited higher social interaction and exploratory activity, but lower
conditioning fear and grip strength compared with the rats. These results indicate that the gerbil may be a
sensitive animal model in behavioral brain research particularly in the areas of anxiety and fear.

1. Introduction lobes, somewhat similar to the human prostate making this gerbil an
ideal candidate to model prostate disease [11].
The Mongolian gerbil is a popular laboratory animal in many re- In cognitive behavior researchers found that the NK1 receptor of the
search fields. As a laboratory animal with about 80 years history, it was Mongolian gerbil shared greater sequence homology with the human.
first captured in the basin of the river Amur, China [1]. The offspring These animals were evaluated in the forced-swim test (FST) using
from these pairs were transferred from Japan to Tumblebrook Farm, several standard antidepressant compounds [12]. The results suggested
America where 9 specimens were bred in a closed commercial colony that the gerbil is an ideal species for use in the FST. Another group [13]
and then have been shipped world-wide for scientific purposes. Since demonstrated that gerbils exhibit an anxiety-like profile on the elevated
then the gerbil has been used widely, especially in modelling human plus-maze. This suggests that the gerbil may be a useful animal model
disease. The gerbil is commonly used in studying strokes due to the lack for testing anxiolytics, and antidepressants with potential anxiolytic-
of communicating arteries between the posterior vertebral arteries like effects. Currently, rats and mice are commonly used in the study of
(through the basilar artery) and the 2 internal carotid arteries anteriorly neurological disorders such as depression, anxiety, autism, and neuro-
[2]. The relative simplicity of carotid occlusion makes this model degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease(AD) and Parkinson’s
popular for the study of brain ischemic mechanisms [3]. Since 1996, the diseases (PD) [14,15]. Although gerbils are called multifunctional ex-
Mongolian gerbil was found to be easily infected with Helicobacter perimental animal, there are few reports of gerbils involved in the
pylori [4], mimicking human Helicobacter pylori infection. Further, the cognitive behavior research field. Few reports exist to thoroughly de-
gerbil is useful for analyzing the underlying processes of gastritis and scribe the behavioral characteristics of the gerbil in common cognitive
gastric cancer [5]. The gerbil has also been used to study aging [6], behavioral tests nor are there reports comparing gerbils with more
epilepsy [7], parasites [8], and viral infections [9]. More recently, popularly used animal such as mice and rats. So we characterized the
scientists have found that the gerbil is also a suitable model for studies Mongolian gerbil compared to the Sprague Dawley rat to potentially
of neoplastic prostate lesions [10]. The gerbil prostate has compact expand the use of gerbils in animal behavior research. In the present

Corresponding author at: School of Basic Medical Sciences, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, China.
E-mail address: (X. Du).
Received 5 June 2017; Received in revised form 19 September 2017; Accepted 25 September 2017
Available online 28 September 2017
0166-4328/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Wang et al. Behavioural Brain Research 352 (2018) 28–34

study, we used 7 behavior tests to detect the baseline characteristics of 300 s × 100. Open arm entries percent (OE%) was calculated as entries
gerbil compared them to the rat. We conducted the sucrose preference into the open arm/(entries into the open arm + entries into the closed
test which is used to test depression-like behavior and the grip strength arm) × 100. Meanwhile, the close arm time and entries in relation to
is used to test Motor coordination. To test anxiety like behavior we used total time and total entries, as well as the number of stretch-attend
the open field and elevated plus maze test. We also tested fear memory postures (SAP) (exploration of the open arm with the front part of the
using social interaction test and spatial learning and memory using the body, while the hind region remains in the closed arm) were also
Barnes maze test. analyzed. These data were analyzed by an experimenter blinded to the
experimental treatments [18].
2. Materials and methods

2.1. Animals and housing 2.4. Sucrose preference test (SPT)

Ten male Mongolian gerbils (8 weeks old, 56–60 g) bred by our The sucrose preference test (SPT) were processed as following
research group [16] and six male SD (Sparague Dawley) rats (8 weeks briefly description: the animals were housed singly and were trained to
old, 180–200 g) purchased from the Beijing Vital River Laboratory drink a 1% sucrose solution by exposing them to sucrose instead of
Animal Technology Co were used in the present study. They were water for 24 h before test. After 15 h water and food deprivation for all
housed 2 or 3 animals in clean translucent plastic cages with the tem- animals, each individual cage was provided simultaneously with two
perature of 25 ± 1 °C and humidity of 55–65%, and maintained under weighed bottles whereas one of sucrose solution (1%) and another with
artificially illuminated light and dark cycle (12-h light/dark cycle) with water. For the rats, the test lasted 1 h, the location of the bottles was
ad libitum access to standard laboratory diet and tap water. The size of changed after 30 min. For the gerbils, the test lasted 10 h, and the lo-
the cages was 40 cm × 25 cm × 20 cm (length × width × height). cation of the bottles was changed after 5 h. At the end, both bottles
Gerbils and rats were housed in the same size of cage. Gerbils and rats were measured and sucrose preference was defined as a measure of
were housed in different rooms with same environmental conditions. sucrose solution consumed in relation to total liquid and represented in
All of the experimental procedures were conducted in accordance with percentage sucrose preference (%) = (sucrose solution consumption
the Guideline of the Capital Medical University Animal Experiments amount/sucrose solution consumption + water consumption × 100)
and the Experimental Animals Management Committee (No.AEEI-2017- [19,20].
032). All 7 tests were performed in the following order: the first test was
the sucrose preference test, then the grip strength, the open field test,
the elevated plus maze, the social interaction (3-Chambered Social 2.5. Grip strength experiment
Test), the Barnes maze test and the fear conditioning experiment. This
order of tests was determined by putting those with less stimulation The grip strength task was evaluated by using a grip strength meter.
first to minimize the influence of the exposing animals to multiple tests Without a prior training session for acclimatization, the gerbils and the
and also to reduce the number of animals used. rats were individually put on the grip strength board. When pulled by
the tail, they grasped at the bar. Then the rodents instinctively grab
2.2. Open field test anything they can, to try to stop this involuntary backward movement,
until the pulling force overcomes their grip strength. The maximum
The open field was a square empty environment, with a size of value of grip strength were recorded by Bioseb system. Each animal was
50 cm × 50 cm × 30 cm (length × width × height). A central area tested repeatedly three times and then the mean value was taken [21].
was drawn in the open field. It was centered in the center of the empty
field, with a square length of 16 cm zone. The fringe area was 10 cm
wide. The animals were placed in the middle of the central area and 2.6. Social interaction (SI)
observed for five minutes. Behavioral parameters including velocity,
distance traveled and the time in the central and fringe area were re- The social interaction behavior test (also known as 3-Chambered
corded by a computerized video tracking system (Ethovision XT; Social Test) is the most commonly used experiment to assess autistic
Noldus, Information Technology, The Netherlands). The open field behavior. This test was designed to assess social ability and commu-
apparatus was cleaned after each session using 70% ethyl alcohol and nication of the animals. The size of the chamber was 45 cm wide,
permitted to dry between tests [17]. 105 cm long and 35 cm high. The diameter of the cage was 15 cm and
the height was 18 cm and the space between the cages was 35 cm. The
2.3. Elevated plus maze social interaction of each animal was tested with an unknown test
partner. Briefly, animals were trained on the first day in the central
During elevated plus maze (EPM) test, the maze was composed of room of social interaction cage for 10 min twice (before noon and
four arms. Two opposite closed arms (10 cm wide × 50 cm afternoon each time), the left and right room were empty. On the
long × 40 cm high) were enclosed by lateral walls, and the two open second day, the test animals were put in the central room of the social
arms (10 cm wide × 50 cm long) had no walls. The four arms were interaction cage, an unknown test partner was placed in the left room of
connected by a central area (10 × 10 cm), and the maze was elevated the cage as a stimulant animal, while the right room remained empty.
50 cm from the floor. The walls and floor were dark. At the beginning of The experimental animals were observed for 10 min. The number of left
the test, the rodents were placed in the central area facing one of the and right room entries, path length, time spent in the left and right
open arms. The level of illumination of the experimental room during room, the latency stage and time spent in contacting (sniffing) with the
the sessions was 350 lx. The gerbils and the rats were placed on the stimulant animal and in the empty cage were recorded [22]. When the
central square platform and allowed to explore the maze for 5 min. The test was finished, they were carried out. The rooms were cleaned after
following parameters were recorded and analyzed: the number of open/ each session using 70% ethyl alcohol and permitted to dry between
closed arm entries, the time spent in the open/closed arms, and the total tests. After 24 h, animals were still put in the central room of social
number of arm entries were recorded by a camera and analyzed using a interaction cage, the left cage of room contained the stimulant animal
computerized video tracking system. The anxiety index was calculated from the previous day. The right room contained another unknown test
as open arm time and entries in relation to total time and total entries. partner (stranger). The animals were observed for 10 min and the
Open arm time percent (OT%) was calculated as time in the open arm/ parameters were recorded as previously described.

S. Wang et al. Behavioural Brain Research 352 (2018) 28–34

Fig. 1. The results of OPF test. The data obtained from the OPF test (5 min) illustrated that (A) the time spent exploring the central area is higher for gerbils than rats and gerbil spend less
time in the fringe area of the OPF than rats; (B) the total distance traveled of the gerbils is also significantly higher; (C) the traveling velocity of the gerbils is higher than that in the rats.
The results obtained from the elevated plus maze illustrated (D) the open arm entries in relation to total entries and (E) the open arm time in relation to total time were dramatically
higher in the gerbils than that in the rats. The closed arm entries (F) in relation to total entries and the closed arm time (G) in relation to total time were dramatically lower in the gerbils
than that in the rats. The number of stretch-attend postures (H) were dramatically higher in the gerbils than that in the rats. **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. MG, Mongolian gerbil.

2.7. Barnes maze for 30 s. If the latency to enter the escape hole exceeded 180 s, the
animals were gently guided toward the escape hole and left there for
The Barnes was used to measure the time for each animal to find the 35 s. After each of them finished the experiment, the platform and es-
location of the escape box (30 cm × 11 cm × 11 cm). The Barnes maze cape box were thoroughly cleaned with 70% ethanol. After 24 h, there
consisted of a circular light gray platform (diameter 120 cm) with 18 would be a 90-s exploration test, the escape box was removed and the
holes (10 cm diameter) evenly spaced at equal distance 6.5 cm away hole was identical to all 17 other holes. The cumulative duration, fre-
around the perimeter from the edge of the platform. One hole was quency and latency to reach the entry zone where the escape box was
designated as escape hole, and equipped with a cylindrical entrance previously located was recorded. Similarly, the frequency to reach the
mounted underneath the maze providing access to an escape box (not non-goal hole during a 90-s exploration test was recorded. In addition,
visible unless the animal approached the hole closely). Other holes the frequency to reach the non-goal hole and goal hole during the
were equipped with identical cylindrical entrances, but without the training sessions were also recorded. The data were collected by the
escape box. A red paper star acted as the visual cue space referent. path traveled by each animal and was video tracked by an overhead
Lights mounted at the ceiling provided bright illumination (1000 lx). A camera, and then analyzed using Ethovision XT Noldus Information
stereo speaker mounted to the ceiling provided background sound. The Technology, The Netherlands software [23].
animals adapted to the escape box for two minutes on the first day; then
received training sessions three time a day for four days. They were
placed in the center of the maze, five seconds later, the cylinder (box) 2.8. Fear conditioning
was pulled upward, and they could explore the maze to locate the es-
cape hole. Once the animal entered the escape box, they were left there Both contextual fear conditioning and cued fear conditioning were
performed. The animals were trained in a Plexiglas training cage within

S. Wang et al. Behavioural Brain Research 352 (2018) 28–34

a constantly illuminated (120 lx) for 5 min on 1 st day. On the second equal with that by the rats (p > 0.05; Fig. 2A).
day, after adapting for 180 s in the box, to three to five circulation The grip strength test was taken to clarify if muscle tone and motor
training. Animals received auditory stimulation (30s, 5 kHz, 70 dB), co-ordination of the gerbil would differ from the rat. To our surprise,
then the electric current stimulation would be given (0.65 mA, 1s). The compared to the rats, the gerbils showed far less grip strength
interval between each training was 30–60 s. Animals remained in the (p < 0.001; Fig. 2B).
cage for 30 s and were then returned to their home cage. Twenty four
hours later the contextual fear conditioning test was conducted. 3.3. Social behavior test
Animals were placed into the same training cage, with no sound or
electric current stimulation, and their freezing behavior was recorded We used the social interaction (SI) test to analyze the social beha-
during that 300 s. On the fourth day, cued fear conditioning began, the vior of the gerbil. The results demonstrated that compared to the rats,
background and smell of the boxes were all changed, after adapting gerbils exhibited higher exploratory activity. Both the time spent with
180 s in the box, only the auditory stimulation was presented (5 kHz, the stranger gerbil (p < 0.05; Fig. 3A) and the frequency of interaction
70 dB), and then recorded their freezing behavior during the 300 s. The with stranger gerbil (p < 0.05; Fig. 3B) were significantly higher than
fear-conditioning box was thoroughly cleaned with 70% ethanol before seen in rats.
the placement of each animal [24–26].
3.4. Learning and retention behavior test
2.9. Statistics
Learning and retention behavior test are very essential in cognitive
All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS statistic 16.0, behavior evaluation. Consequently, we chose the Barnes maze test and
using parametric Independent-Samples T Test. Significance was set at the fear conditioning test to distinguish the difference between the
p < 0.05. gerbil and the rat. In the Barnes maze test, the gerbils exhibited no
significant difference on spatial memory compared to the rats in
3. Results duration (Fig. 4A), latency (Fig. 4B), and the frequency to reach the
goal hole during testing (Fig. 4C) (all p’s > 0.05). However, when we
3.1. Anxiolytic-like behavior analyzed the training data, we found different results. During the first
and third day of training gerbils exhibited no significant difference in
To explore the anxiety behavior of the gerbils, we compared them spatial memory compared to the rats in latency or the frequency to
with rats using two tests including open field test (OPF) and elevated reach the goal hole (p > 0.05). During the second day of training
plus maze (EPM). In OPF, the gerbils exhibited higher exploratory ac- gerbils exhibited longer latency to reach the goal hole (p < 0.05;
tivity, which was indicated by an increasing time spent in the central Fig. 4D) than that of the rats with no significant difference in the fre-
area (p < 0.01; Fig. 1A) and longer distance traveled (p < 0.001; quency to reach the goal hole (p > 0.05; Fig. 4E). During the fourth
Fig. 1B) compared to the rats. Meanwhile, the traveling velocity of the training day gerbils exhibited longer latency (p < 0.05; Fig. 4F) and
gerbils was higher compared with the rats (p < 0.001; Fig. 1C). shorter frequency to reach the goal hole (p < 0.05; Fig. 4G). Averaging
The data in the elevated plus maze (EPM) test implies that com- the four days of training the gerbils exhibited longer latency (p < 0.05;
pared to the rats, gerbils exhibited higher exploratory activity of the Fig. 4H) and shorter frequency to reach the goal hole (p < 0.05;
open arm. The frequency of open arm entries (open arm entries/total Fig. 4I). Meanwhile, the same data was shown in a histogram during all
entries) of the gerbils is significantly higher than that of the rats four days of training where the gerbils exhibited longer latency
(p < 0.001; Fig. 1D). Similar results were obtained in total time on the (p < 0.05; Fig. 4J) and shorter frequency to reach the goal hole
open arm (p < 0.01; Fig. 1E). Further, the frequency of closed arm (p < 0.05; Fig. 4K). Furthermore, when in a 90-s space exploration
entries (closed arm entries/total entries) of the gerbils was significantly test, the gerbils exhibited no difference of the frequency of finding the
lower than that of the rats (p < 0.001; Fig. 1F) as was the total time in non-goal holes (p > 0.05) compared to the rats. The gerbils exhibited
the closed arm (p < 0.01; Fig. 1G). The number of stretch-attend no difference of the frequency of finding the non-goal holes compared
postures of the gerbils was significantly higher than the rats (p < 0.01; to the rats during the first, second, and third (p > 0.05) training day.
Fig. 1H). However, during the fourth training day the gerbils exhibited higher
frequency of finding the non-goal holes (p < 0.05; Fig. 4L) compared
3.2. Depression behavior test and motor co-ordination test to the rats. Averaging the frequency of finding non-goal holes across all
four days of training the gerbils exhibited no significant difference in
To investigate if the gerbil would display depressive-like behavior the frequency on finding the non-goal holes (p > 0.05; Fig. 4M)
we performed the Sucrose Preference Test (SPT). The results indicated compared to the rats. Meanwhile, the same data was shown in a his-
that there is no significant difference between gerbil and rat in sucrose togram (p > 0.05; Fig. 4N). All these data suggest that gerbils have
preference. The consumption of the sucrose by the gerbils is almost higher exploratory activity.

Fig. 2. The figure illustrates the results obtained

from the sucrose preference test (SPT). (A) There
were no significant differences in sucrose consump-
tion between gerbils and rats. p > 0.05. MG,
Mongolian gerbil.The figure illustrates the results
obtained from the grip strength test that (B) the
gerbil displayed significantly lower grip strength
than that in the rats. ***p < 0.001. MG, Mongolian

S. Wang et al. Behavioural Brain Research 352 (2018) 28–34

Fig. 3. The results of social interaction test show that

(A) the time spending with stranger and (B) the
frequency interaction with stranger of the gerbils
were all significant higher than that in the rats.
*p < 0.05. MG, Mongolian gerbil.

Fig. 4. The results obtained from the Barnes maze suggested that (A) the cumulative duration to reach the goal hole after the escape box was removed during the Barnes maze, (B) the
latency to reach the goal hole during the Barnes maze, and (C) the frequency to reach the entry zone during the Barnes maze showed no significant difference between the gerbils and the
rats (p > 0.05). (D) During the second day of training, gerbils exhibited longer latency and (E) the frequency to reach the goal hole showed no significant difference between the gerbils
and the rats. (F) During the fourth day of training the gerbils exhibited longer latency and (G) the shorter frequency to reach the goal hole than that of the rats. (H) The average of all the
four days of training showed gerbils exhibited longer latency and (I) the shorter frequency to reach the goal hole than that of the rats. A histogram is also shown that the average of all four
days of training (J) the gerbils exhibited longer latency and (K) the shorter frequency to reach the goal hole than that of the rats. However, (L) during the fourth training day the gerbils
exhibited higher frequency of finding the non-goal holes compared to the rats. Averaged together all the four days of training (M and N) the gerbils exhibited no difference in the
frequency of finding the non-goal holes compared to the rats. The results in the Fear conditioning test showed that (O) decreased total time spent freezing during Contextual fear
conditioning, and (P) during the Cued fear conditioning in the gerbils compared to the rats. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. MG, Mongolian gerbil.

S. Wang et al. Behavioural Brain Research 352 (2018) 28–34

In the fear conditioning test gerbils exhibited decreased freezing grip strength may be the due to the difference in body weight of the
behavior when compared to the rats. The time spent freezing in both gerbil compared with the rat. The method we used to test grip strength
contextual fear conditioning (p < 0.001; Fig. 4O) and cued fear con- would be influenced by the body weight. It may be necessary to assess
ditioning (p < 0.01; Fig. 4P) was decreased dramatically in the gerbils gripping as was done in other reports [36] to more effectively evaluate
compared to the rats. the grip strength between different animal.
We designed a battery of behavioral tests to compare gerbils and
4. Discussion rats. There are some advantages and disadvantages in this procedure.
On the one hand, using the same group of animals in different tests
The Mongolian gerbil has become a popular laboratory animal for obviously promotes ethical aspects such as reducing the number of
its unique biological characteristics compared to other animals. animals used in the experiments. However, the exposure of animals to
Previous reports have shown that gerbils activity scores, clinging or multiple tests affects their behavior in the each of the subsequent tests.
climbing behavior remain stable across its lifespan, although there were So we carefully arranged the order of these tests and took appropriate
changes in their latency to climb down from a pole and decreased span to minimize the influence on multiple tests. In addition, the weight
rearing with age [6]. Therefore, the gerbil has been useful in the as- and the volume of rats and gerbils are very different. When performing
sessment of behavioral aging [27]. We designed our experiments to test the test, we always adjusted and set the parameters of the apparatus to
whether the behavior of the gerbil may be unique compared to the more fit both gerbils and rats. Our results suggest that all selected tests have
commonly used lab rat. been validated for gerbils except the Barnes Maze. It may be because
Of the 7 tests performed in present study only the sucrose preference the traditional evaluation index in Barnes Maze for rats is not suitable
behavior failed to show a significant difference from behavior. To test for the more active gerbil. Therefore, we referred to other reports
anxiety behavior we conducted OPF and EPM tests and the results in- [37–39] to analyze gerbil behavior in the Barnes maze and obtained
dicated that the gerbil exhibited more anxiety-like behavior than the rat satisfactory results. Many of our results in the present study agreed with
(Fig. 1). These two tests are most commonly used in evaluation of drugs the findings reported in other studies [37–41]. These analyses indicate
treating anxiety and the mechanism of anxiety [28]. The time spent in that the selected tests are validated in gerbils and the results are com-
the central certain area in the OPF and time spent in the open arm in parable with previous reports.
EPM was increased in the gerbil compared to the rat indicating that the
gerbil has higher baseline anxiety than the rat. These results suggest the 5. Conclusion
gerbil may be a sensitive model for use in the study of anxiety disorders.
The parameters we set for the EPM was larger than previous reports In summary, the data from current experiments showed that the
[13,29,30] because it was also adapted to gerbils. Verty et al. [13,29] gerbil exhibited higher social interaction, anxiety and exploratory ac-
designed and optimized a special plus-maze adapted for the gerbil. Rico tivity, but lower conditioned fear and grip strength compared with the
et al’ report [30] described different parameters of plus-maze could also rat. All these results indicated that gerbil may be a sensitive and an
test gerbil exploration and those parameters were still smaller than active animal to be used in behavioral tests and would be a valuable
ours. We observed that gerbils could be tested in a plus-maze with rats tool for use in behavioral brain research.
in a preliminary test. Thus, we set a comparable size of the plus-maze in
order to compared rats and gerbils. In EPM test, Verty found that the Conflict of interest
higher light (from 5 lx to 500 lx) would reduce the exploration of ger-
bils and Rico observed increased open-arms activity and suggested it None
was due to low light (35 lx). However, Bradely et al. [31] and Starkey
et al. [32] reported that gerbils showed increased open-arm exploration Acknowledgments
under high light level. Heldt et al. [33] reported that male gerbils ex-
hibited open-arms activity even near to zero under 100 lx. All men- This study was funded by Key Projects in the National
tioned above are different with 350 lx in the present study. Thus, it Science & Technology Pillar Program of China (Nos.2015BAI07B01;
would be necessary to further investigate the effect of light influence on 2015BAI09B01), and the National Science Foundation of China (No.
the gerbil in EPM. Nevertheless, the current results of EPM in our ex- 31572341).
periment are consistent with previous reports [13,34] with open arm
time (%) about 30% and close arm time (%) near 50%. References
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