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,Thomas S. Clevenger
(Department of Agricultural Economics & Agricultural Business,
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico)

Introduction performance of an economy is what is

actually happening in that economy;
The management of an the level of consumer confidence is
agribusiness firm in any country how, consumers perceive what is
operates in a three .ring circus. In happening. These two factors
order for the firm to have a great together have a major influence on
performance each of the three rings - the firm. Whenever economic
buying inputs, production and selling indicators are good and consumers'
the products must be performed well. confidence is rising, agribusiness firm
Management is required for each of managers can anticipate two things:
these three areas - buying inputs, (1) total sales are likely to increase;
production and selling products. In and
addition, coordination management is (2) the types of products that
required over all three areas of consumers buy will be those
operation to bring about that desired more associated with prosperity.
great performance. Another area of major economic
Management Environment importance impacting upon management
decisions in developing countries is
Having defined these three areas the degree to which supporting
of operation, the temptation is to say: business services are available. In
OK, let's talk about how to do it. many countries the lack of supporting
However, there are five forces that services or ready suppliers can
are not necessarily • under the dramatically increase the span of
management control of the issues that must be dealt with by the
agribusiness firm. These five forces firm's management. This limitation
external to the firm's management requires that the management be
are: flexible in its ability to respond.
(1) economic The market structure means the
(2) market structure number of firms, their sales volume,
(3) technology barriers to entry to, or exit from,
(4) social the business; and the degree of
(5) political and legal product and price differentiation.
These external forces are the This market structure force strongly
environment in which the management mandates the type of.competition that
of the firm must operate. Let's the agribusiness firm is going to
examine each of these five forces. confront.
Two major economic forces in the The third external force
firm's environment are the impinging upon agribusiness
performance of the economy and the management is technological advances.
level of consumer confidence. When a new and better way is found
Although these two are closely to do something, the old technology is
related, they are not identical. The phased out and the new is adopted.
Agribusiness firm management must awareness of the two points of view
respond to such developments. will provide greater insight to the
The fourth external force • agribusiness firm management.
influencing the managers of Systems View of Decision Making
agribusiness firms • is the social
element. Two social forces are of Each agribusiness firm operates
particular concern to agribusiness: in an entire commodity or commodities
one is shifts in social values, and the system. This system extends from
second is shifts in demographics. those who supply inputs to farmers,
Although social values change slowly, to the - farmers themselves,
they do change. Change in social processors,- wholesalers, retailers and
values and in demographics are of consumers.
primary importance to management's By recognizing how a firm is
concern for the product market. The positioned in the system and the
numbers and locations of people, their linkages within that system, managers
ages, and their incomes are factors can make improvements. Through the
which provide information on needs use of alternative linkages a firm may
for food and clothing. improve the flow of its products to
The fifth external force market.
Impacting on the management of the This understanding of the
agribusiness firm is that of the system within which the agribusiness
political and legal areas. These areas firm operates or will operate is vital
can be conveniently divided into those to the firm's success. A major issue
of domestic politics and international concerns the purpose which the firm
politics. These factors exert attempts to satisfy by the product or
substantial influence upon the set of products which it handles-.
management of firms. Furthermore, the firm must have
management expertise in each of the
Two Viewpoints of Firm's Purpose three arenas mentioned - buying
There are two viewpoints of an inputs, production and selling the
agribusiness firm's purpose which products. These must be coupled with
influence the management. One is the a management ability to coordinate all
private or firm point of view, and the three of these activities.
other is the public or government Establishing an Agribusiness
point of view. The private or firms Operation
perspective is more concerned with
the firm's market share, return on My purpose 'there is not to go
equity or maximizing profits. The through the steps in establishing an
latter perspective is concerned with agribusiness operation, but to
either social or political issues. highlight some management issues in
These two points of view of the starting such an operation. A first
agribusiness firm's purpose can have step in establishing such an operation
a major impact upon the type of must be a feazAbility study. This step
management techniques employed. If permits the highlighting of factors
the firm is owned, semi-owned or that will influence the firm's success.
heavily controlled by the government, If the means to overcome negative
the management objectives may be factors cannot be met, then the
highly conditioned by that operation should not be undertaken.
relationship. In addition, If the managers of the proposed firm
governmental rules alone may are doing the fetthibility studyt and
dramatically influence the firm's have not been in business previously,
operations. they will almost certainly overestimate
The astute firm manager will the potential for the firm.
have an awareness of both the public If the firm's management has not
and private perspectives. The mutual had prior management experience,
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then they must receive management (6) Maintaining the ability to develop
training. If they have had • marketing innovations.
management experience, but none in This approach to agribusiness
the agribusiness being undertaken, management is one that identifies the
then training in management for that needs of customers and then develops
operation will be most beneficial. a marketing program to satisfy those
Establishment of agribusiness needs. It is a market orientation.
firms in developing countries with The management of the
government assistance typically agribusiness firm will focus on four
emphasizes either the processing of decision variables. They are:
raw agricultural products or the (1) product
marketing of raw agricultural (2) price
products. The former is usually (3) promotion, and
intended to provide a market outlet (4) channels of distribution.
for farmers' products. However, the The product must be presented
processing operation established for so that consumers want it. The
the purpose of providing this market product must also be part of an
outlet to farmers' products often has assortment or mix of products
insufficient attention given- at the carried.
outset to selling the products Agribusiness pricing strategy
produced from that processing must consider possible actions of
operation. competitors. However, beyond a basic
If the firm is established with pricing strategy, the agribusiness
government assistance for the purpose manager needs to develop pricing
of marketing farmers' raw products, tactics to handle discounts, freight
then the tendency may be to reward payments and other price situations.
the producer inadequately. Awareness The agribusiness manager must
of this tendency provides insight into also develop a promotion program for
the opportunities and some of the the firm's products. The major
problems with which management will promotion activities typically include
be confronted: advertising, personal selling and sales
Market Oriented Firm Goals The agribusiness manager must
Firms tend to be production be concerned• with the sequence of
oriented or market oriented. The marketing firms use to move the
production oriented firm produces a product to the final consumers. This
product and tries to market it. The is particularly important in developing
market-oriented firm starts with countries or in1 exporting from
consumers' needs and then produces developing countries to ensure that
and markets products to fill them. the products reach the consumers at
The goals of the management of such the right place, at the right time and
a market-oriented firm would include: at the right price.
(1) Identifying market needs and
Agribusiness Management in
demand in areas of the firm's
International Trade
(2) Obtaining information about If the agribusiness firm in a
segments, or parts of the market developing country is going to become
demand that have special needs involved in international trade then
for products or services that firm's management needs to be
(3) Developing a line of products aware of two iirinciples - the
and a name for the firm that principle of absolute advantage and
achieves market recognition the principle of comparative
(4) Obtaining financing for business advantage. The principle of absolute
operations and expansion _ advantage is that a country will
(5) Developing a pricing strategy produce and export those products
that will ensure reasonable which it can make for less than it
profits and long-term growth would. cost to import them. The
principle of comparative advantage beneficial use of computers to the
means that trade will result even if a firm's management.
country does not have an absolute Management must be familiar
advantage in anything or has an enough with comptiters and computer
absolute advantage in everything as operations to make effective use of
trade occurs largely on the basis of such equipment. They do not have to
comparative advantage. be competent operators themselves,
Export markets do not open up ,but must have enough understanding
automatically. Opening up a foreign of their equipment to know its
market means working closely with potential and limitations. Not all firms
individual importing firths. It is the necessarily need computers, but at a
business of those importing firms minimum, they are excellent
either to satisfy existing demand or accounting devices.
to develop a new demand in their
Human Resources
If the agribusiness firm Beyond having marketable
management is not experienced in products and maintaining that
international trade, they will need position, management of human
training. But an agribusiness firm resources is the major function of
may participate in world trade simply managers. The ability to manage
by learning (training helps) and people to achieve the firm's objectives
observing. is the role that management plays.
An agribusiness firm may select Not everyone has this talent and not
to enter into export sales through the all personal styles of management will
use of a broker and export marketing be appropriate in all situations with
company engaged in world trade. The all people.
export marketing company can-provide A management style in which all
the expertise needed to locate employees of a firm have a good sense
potential buyers and arrange all the of what the firm does, what its
details for 'shipment, insurance and products are, what the firm's goals
collection of money. are and how its various parts relate
together works best. Although I have
What About Computers?
seen exceptions to this, these more
For some managers of participatory firms do perform well.
agribusiness firms, having a computer Clarification of a firm's goals
for the firm can be a status symbol. among its employees can go a long
They want it whether they need it or way toward improving the coordination
not and whether or not they really between buyinp. inputs, the
intend to use it. The computer is production process and selling the
wanted mainly for the prestige of products. For example, selling an
having one. increased quantity of a product when
For many firms doing a sufficient it has an inelastic demand, will only
volume of business, the computer reduce total revenue. If the demand
performs accounting and bookkeeping for that product cannot be increased,
functions. This is the most common then those increased sales can only
and generally the first use made of be obtained at lover prices and with
computers in a firm. less total revenue to the firm. Such a
Computer assistance in financial situation obviously requires that the
analysis .can be most helpful. The management of the, firm provide the
simulation of outcomes under necessary overall coordination.
alternative conditions can provide If a new firm which introduces
great insight into potential results an entirely new operation in al given
which can be used by agribusiness country is being started, employees
firm managers. This can be a highly should be trained in management. As
- 15
gdod 'talent develops, they should be. social forces and political and legal
well paid provided that they are in forces impacting upon its operations.
command of their job. If they are not• There are two viewpoints. of. ,an,.
able to dominate their activities, they agribusiness firm's purpose that
must be replaced. influence the management: the private
When, the agribusiness is heavily viewpoint and the public -viewpoint-.
government dominated, management Whether the firm is public or private,
can sometimes be underpaid. This can both perceptions must be considered.
cause a loss of management over time Management's appreciate, and
or the inability to attract the quality understanding of the systems Concept
• of . management desired. There is will . provide insight/ to give the
nothing wrong with bringing in top decision-makers greater dominance
management from outside a country to over .the opportunity set available to
operate the agribusiness, firm, and them. This requires an understanding
then have them train their of the levels in ':the system ,...and the.
replacements. But, not every top and the linkages among them. -
manager is also a good teacher. - If a _new. operation is going to be
What about hiring an • outside established, the imperativeness ..of
firm to provide the management for conducting the feasibility study
the agribusiness operation? This is an becomes - paramount. Management'
option, but it generally does not work. training is also essential for a' new ,
well over time as the owners typically operation..
do not feel that they have enough The management of :arms
control over the firm. However,• the succeeds; best • when .• it is
outside management firm can provide market-oriented rather ...than
a starting point if other management production-oriented. . The ,
alternatives seem less desirable. But market-oriented firm starts ,,• with
the adjustment process over to. the consumers' needs . and then. produaes
firm's own management typically turns and. • markets products to fill • those :
out to be a difficult time for most needs.. The management • of , • such •
firms. market-oriented forms will focus on
four decision Variables.
Suriunary These areas and factors are the
, I have described the management fundamental issues in , managing. the'
of a firm as a three ring circus. This three ring. circus to produce a great
is not to say that it is • a laughing performance. 0
matter. But for the firm to perform at
a high level, the management must be
competent over three areas - buying
inputs, production or processing and
selling the products. There must be
good management in all three areas.
In addition, there must be
coordination, amongst the three.
Management cannot control
everything. There are five forces
that are external to the firm that
management cannot control. However,
management must be fully aware of
the impact of these forces. upon the
firm. These five forces are economic,
the . market structure in which the
firm operates, technological changes
impacting upon the firm's .production
process and the way it does business,

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