AAUP/ Accounting Department Assignment No.1

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AAUP/ Accounting Department

Assignment No.1

Classify each of the following items as belonging in the revenue, expenditure, human
resources/payroll, production, or financing cycle.

a. Purchase raw materials _ expenditure

b. Pay off mortgage on a factory_ financial cycle

c. Hire a new assistant controller _ human resources

d. Establish a $10,000 credit limit for a new customer _revenue

e. Pay for raw materials _expenditure

f. Disburse payroll checks to factory workers_ human resources

g. Record goods received from a vendor_ production

h. Update the allowance for doubtful accounts_ financial cycle

i. Decide how many units to make next month_ production

j. Complete a picking ticket for a customer order_ production

k. Record factory employee timecards_ human resources

l. Sell concert tickets_ revenue

m. Draw on line of credit_ financial cycle

n. Send new employees to a business ethics course _ human resources

o. Pay utility bills_ expenditure

p. Pay property taxes on an office building _ financial cycle

q. Pay federal payroll taxes_ human resources

r. Sell a DVD player_ revenue

s. Collect payments on customer accounts_ revenue

t. Obtain a bank loan_ financial cycle

u. Pay sales commissions _ human resources

v. Send an order to a vendor _ production

w. Put purchased goods into the warehouse _production

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