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Rule Concerning Thelemic

An Academic Approach for Thelemic Exegetes

Author: Society for Thelemic Literature

Published: 03 July 2008
Society for Thelemic Literature
Rule Concerning Thelemic Hermeneutics 1

Rule Concerning Thelemic Hermeneutics

 Rule One: Each Scripture must be understood within, though not limited to, a grammatical,
historical, mythological, prophetic, qaballistic, religious, and social context.

 Rule Two: Personal integrity, intellectual honesty, common sense and a quality of rational
inspiration are required in order to analyze and discriminate between a principle of truth and a
dogma of convenience.

 Rule Three: The principle underlying each Scripture or statement of counsel or instruction must
be recognized in order to understand its relevance for those in different times or places
including our contemporary era.

 Rule Four: Two Scriptures that seem to contradict each other by appearances must wait until a
third Scripture arrives and resolves their apparent contradiction.

 Rule Five: Spiritual application must overcome historical accuracy as interpretation may involve
multiple layers of meaning and must take into account mystical and qaballistic modes inherent
in the text.

 Rule Six: Careful consideration must be given to the production of an exegesis that it does not
devolve into a personal verse-by-verse commentary that is presented as a matter of truth.

 Rule Seven: Though the potential for contradicting themselves exists in the written word, we
must allow for the maturing experience of authors and exegetes—even prophets—in that truth
is unfolded to them only as fast as they are able to understand it.

 Rule Eight: Recognize progressive revelation through spiritual maturity, appreciate that all truth
is revealed over time and meditation, and understand that any process of hermeneutics will
necessarily be as incomplete as it is personal.

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