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Piqs #1

4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to
overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

An educational opportunity that I really took advantage of was the EXP internship. Through that

experience ive learned so much like knowing how to properly make a resume or know how to

work certain programs on the computer. The most important thing I think i've gained from that

experience is how to properly communicate with people because with anything in life if there is

no communication between people things could be misinterpreted. This opportunity that i

advantage of i think will really help in the future because now that I have a bit of work

experience it will only make things better in the future. I also think being in the academy of

ESET (environmental science engineering and technology) also really influenced me to go for

this internship because the environment is something i've always been really interested about

and the internship made me go out there and experience what there is to

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