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Piqs #2

4.Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to

overcome this challenge. How has this

The challenge that I really had to overcome is getting a new friend group. Through my freshman

year till half of junior year I was really hanging out with the wrong person. They really didn’t care

about school and they really had an influence on me. I really started to notice and care about

my grades and how they really impacted my life. I really wasn’t doing well in my classes, I

thought it was ok for me to barely squeeze by. Halfway through junior year I started to get to

know more people and these people knew what they wanted in life and that was really

encouraging. Through the summer I got really close to them and they became my Best Friends.

They really encourage me to do better in school and are open to help me without even asking.

Now my grades and my hope to go to college is somewhat looking better. My ability in the

classroom has also improved a lot. Without the change of the people I hang out with I don’t think

I would be where I am today.

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