Reflection of Portfolio

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When I started the course, I remember that I did not even know the definition of a

technical document. As time went by, I learned many concepts that I thought I knew, but I

realized that I really did not know its definition, for example clarity. This led me to wonder

if I really knew how to write a document properly and to my surprise it turned out not. Many

things were unknown about the writing, especially the importance of the font sanserif and

serif and of the spaces in the documents. This helped me improve as a writer.

From the topic of technical presentations and constructive criticism from the teacher,

I was able to improve my diction and presentation. This brings me to the concepts of KISS

and audience; these are much more important than I thought. By making our document direct,

accurate, and with the audience in mind, the work became easier and easier to write. The

application of the mentioned concepts led me to question each of the work I had done and to

question them.

Although I have learned many things, there is still a lot to work on. My pronunciation

is something that I have always had difficulty with but at least year after year I have been

able to improve little by little. The conjugation of verbs is another detail that I must modify

because I tend to start in the past tense and suddenly change to the present tense. Leaving

that aside, I truly feel that I am a better writer now than I was before starting the course and

applying the concepts learned. Here my learning does not end, with more practice I know

that I will improve more and more until I fulfill my goal of being a better writer.

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