Alibardi - 2011 - Histology, Ultrastructure and Pigmentation in The Horny Scales of Growing Crocodiles

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Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 187–200 (April 2011) doi: 10.1111/j.1463-6395.2010.00469.

Histology, ultrastructure, and pigmentation in the horny

scales of growing crocodilians
Lorenzo Alibardi

Dipartimento di Biologia, via Selmi 3, Alibardi L. 2011. Histology, ultrastructure, and pigmentation in the horny scales
40126, University of Bologna, 40126 of growing crocodilians. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 187–200.
Bologna, Italy
The present morphological study describes the color of hatchling, juvenile, and
adult crocodilian skin and the origin of its pigmentation. In situ hybridization
crocodile, scale growth, cell differentiation, and immunostaining indicate that crocodilian scales grow as an expansion of the
pigmentation, immunocytochemistry. proliferating epidermis of the hinge region that form thin lateral rings. In more
central areas of growing scales, new epidermal layers contribute to increase the
Accepted for publication: thickness of the stratum corneum. The dark pigmentation and color pattern
1 September 2010 derive from the different distribution of epidermal and dermal chromatophores.
The more intensely pigmented stripes, irregular patches and dot-like spots, espe-
cially numerous in dorsal scales, derive from the incorporation of the eumelano-
somes of epidermal melanocytes in differentiating beta cells of the epidermis.
Dermal melanophores, mainly localized in the loose upper part of the dermis,
also contribute to the formation of the dark or gray background of crocodilian
scales. The eumelanosomes of dermal melanophores determine the darkening of
the skin pattern in association with the epidermal melanocytes. Iridophores are
infrequent, while xantophores are present in the species analyzed with a sparse
distribution in the superficial dermis among melanophores. The presence of
xantophores and of the few iridophores in areas where epidermal melanocytes
are absent appear to determine the brown or the light yellow-orange background
observed among the darker regions of crocodilian scales.
Lorenzo Alibardi, Dipartimento di Biologia, via Selmi 3, 40126, University of
Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy. E-mail:

500 lm or thicker) (Maderson 1985; Landmann 1986;

Richardson et al. 2000; Alibardi 2003, 2005a). The latter is
Crocodiles are large archosaurian reptiles adapted to the mainly divided into a thinner loose dermis where different cell
aquatic environment, and their skin is generally devoid of types and collagen fibrils are irregularly distributed, and in a
bright colors (Steel 1989; Webb and Manolis 1989). This deep dermis that mainly contains very large and organized col-
condition probably helps these predators to camouflage in this lagen bundles but few fibrocytes (Spearman and Riley 1968;
environment. The skin of crocodilians presents variable pig- Alibardi and Thompson 2000; Richardson et al. 2000). Croc-
mentation patterns including paler area located between dark odilian scales vary in shape, thickness, size, and pigmentation
variably large stripes, or dark spots to broad, irregular dots pattern, and the epidermis of young and adult crocodilians
(Brazaitis 1987; Webb and Manolis 1989). Among the darkly contains resistant proteins indicated as beta-keratins (Sawyer
stained areas, the background color varies among different et al. 2000; Alibardi and Toni 2007; Dalla Valle et al. 2009;
species, from low yellow-orange in the saltwater crocodile, to Ye et al. 2010). The origin of the pigmentation pattern in
a pale brown in the Nile crocodile, to a white-gray color in the hatchlings of crocodilians has suggested that as scales grow,
alligator. they somehow tend to maintain the basic pigmentation pat-
It is known that in adult crocodilians, a variably thick epi- tern that characterizes their scales (Alibardi and Thompson
dermis (30–150 lm) rests upon a variably thick dermis (250– 2000, 2001). However, details in the variation of the

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Growth and pigmentation in crocodilian scales • Alibardi Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 187–200 (April 2011)

pigmentation pattern from hatchlings to adult crocodilians are passed to beta-keratin cells of the newly formed corneous
not specifically known, and little information on the cytology layer that expands the scale surface. The study allows under-
and ultrastructure of crocodile pigmentation is so far available. standing the origin of the basic pigmentation pattern of croc-
It is generally known that the coloration of reptilian skin odilians skin.
derives from multiple sources, physical and cellular (Cooper
and Greenberg 1992). The structural or physical coloration
Materials and Methods
depends on the interaction of the incident light with ordered
epidermal microstructures or with collagenous fibrils in the The study was conducted over 6 juveniles (2, 3, and 4 years
dermis. In particular, the iridescent coloration observed in old, 50 and 80 cm in length) and on two adults (longer than
some reptilian species depends on the phenomenon of inter- 2 m) of Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus. Some samples
ference of the incident light on the regularly spaced microor- from the skin of the belly, back, and tail were fixed for 5–8 h
namentation of the epidermal surface (Gans and Baic 1977). in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.5,
Interference and diffraction of the light incident to the ordered rinsed in buffer, osmicated for 2 h (2% OsO4 in buffer). Tis-
collagen fibrils of the dermis often produces a prevalent blue sues were then rinsed in buffer, dehydrated in ethanol, and
background derived from the scattering of prevalent blue finally embedded in Durcupan resin (see details in Alibardi
wavelengths (Bagnara et al. 2007). In the presence of yellow 2003). Other skin samples were collected from the neck and
xantophores in the more external part of the dermis, the scat- tail of two adults of Crocodylus porosus (see details in Alibardi
tered blue color gives rise to the green coloration of most rep- 2003). Finally, other dorsal and ventral scales were sampled
tilian skin (Kuriyama et al. 2006; Bagnara et al. 2007). from three hatchlings of Alligator missippippiensis (see details in
Another type of coloration of the skin (morphological) Alibardi and Thompson 2000, 2001). The samples from the
derives from the slow redistribution of pigment organelles skin of the latter two species served for the morphological
(melanosomes) and from the de-novo synthesis of pigment comparison with the scales from C. niloticus. In the present
granules within chromatophores located in the epidermis and study, the tissues were mainly used for the electron micros-
in the dermis. This process, however, takes days or weeks and copy analysis of epidermal and dermal chromatophores.
is related to the adaptation to a new environment. In some Other samples from C. niloticus were fixed as above but they
lizards with rapid color changes (Anolis carolinensis and were not osmicated in order not to alter the pigmentation
Chamaleon sp), dermal-melanophore units with a vertical pattern for the macroscopic and gross microscopic study. The
organization are present. In most lizards and snakes, where no tissues were embedded at 4C in Bioacryl resin under UV light
rapid color changes occur, chromatophores have a different (Scala et al. 1992). Finally, some other samples were fixed in
vertical organization and bright colors are also present 4% of paraformaldehyde, dehydrated, and embedded in either
(Gosner 1989; Kuriyama et al. 2006). wax (for in situ hybridization) or Bioacryl resin without osmica-
Finally, another process of color variation (physiological tion. The omission of the osmium allowed avoiding the intro-
change) is because of the release of neurotransmitters or hor- duction of further stain in the skin and permitted carrying out
mones (Bagnara 1983). These molecules determine a rapid some immunocytochemistry (see later). The embedding into a
redistribution (within minutes or hours) of pigment granules transparent resin (Bioacryl) of an entire group of scales allowed
(melanosomes) within the terminals of pigment cells and of the examination of the pigmentation pattern directly under the
their position in the dermis. Physiological changes occur in stereomicroscope. In fact, after sectioning the tissue with a
few species of lizards, such as A. carolinensis (iguanids) and in microtome, it was possible to observe the pigmentation pattern
numerous species of chameleons. In other reptiles such as in specific areas of the dermis or the epidermis, and observe
crocodilians, color changes take much longer time, and the how this specific tissue distribution produces the final pigmen-
histological distribution of pigment cells is not known. The tation pattern visible from the surface of the skin (see Results).
contribution of other chromatophores (xantophores and irido- The adult skin derived from digit and head skin was fixed
phores) for the origin of the brown, yellow, or pale-orange in formaldehyde 10%, dehydrated in ethanol, and then
background of crocodilian skin (among the dark areas) is not embedded in Bioacryl Resin for the light microscopy study.
known. Semithin sections, 1–3 lm in thickness, were collected over
The goal of the present study is the description of the glass slides using an ultramicrotome. The sections were
microscopic distribution of the different pigment cells present stained with 1% toluidine blue and they were studied under
in the skin of juveniles and adult crocodilians to explain the an optical microscope. From pigmented areas of the skin, thin
origin of colors in different areas of growing scales. Initially, sections (40–90 nm in thickness) were collected on copper or
the localization of pigment cells in the epidermis (melano- nickel grids, stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate (stan-
cytes) and in the dermis (melanophores) is studied. The histo- dard method), and observed under a transmission electron
logical and ultrastructural analysis shows the cytological microscope.
characteristics and the distribution of melanophores and other For immunocytochemistry, paraformaldehyde-fixed and
chromatophores in the epidermis and dermis. The observa- nonosmicated tissues were utilized as previously described
tions on growing scales have indicated that pigments are also (Alibardi 2003). In brief, the sections were incubated

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Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 187–200 (April 2011) Alibardi • Growth and pigmentation in crocodilian scales

overnight in the primary antibody (rabbit serum against color of the skin derived from different combinations in the
chicken beta-1 keratin, see Sawyer et al. 2000) at a dilution of distribution of pigment cells. In one case, large irregular or
1 : 200 in 0.05 M Tris–HCl buffer containing 1% BSA at pH dot-like dark-brown spots resulted from the accumulation of
7.6. In control sections, the antibody was omitted. The sec- melanocytes in the epidermis, while the dermis showed a dif-
tions were rinsed three times in the buffer and incubated in an fuse, low to absent pigmentation (Fig. 1D). The corneous
anti-rabbit fluorescein-conjugated secondary antibody for one layer of the epidermis in ventral and tail scales (pale scales)
hour (dilution 1 : 70) and observed under a fluorescent was mainly nonpigmented, acting as a transparent layer over
microscope (the positive signal was green-yellow, see Results). the pigmented keratinocytes of the epidermis. In the dark dor-
For the in situ hybridization detection, 5- to 7- lm-thick sal scales, also large parts of the corneous layer were pig-
wax sections of skin were obtained using a microtome. The mented (epidermal pigmentation).
sections were dewaxed in xylene, hydrated in ethanol and In another case, the brownish to grayish background pres-
double distilled water, and incubated overnight at 65C in the ent in the skin (as observed from the external surface) was
hybridizing medium containing a specific anti-sense RNA derived from the presence of melanocytes along the basal part
probe for crocodilian beta-keratin conjugated with digoxige- of the epidermis (Fig. 1E). In more darkly stained areas of dif-
nin (see details in Dalla Valle et al. 2009). Control sections ferent scales, ventral and dorsal, the pigmentation was located
were incubated with the sense-digoxigenin-tagged RNA probe in both the epidermis and the stratum corneum but not in the
for the same crocodilian beta-keratin. Sections were treated dermis (epidermal pigmentation only, Fig. 1F). Another type
with ‘standard saline citrate solution’ at decreasing concen- of intense-dark pigmentation was derived from the combina-
trations in order to reduce the nonspecific hybridization tion of numerous melanocytes in the epidermis, including
products. Some sections were incubated for 1 h with an anti- those within the stratum corneous, with melanophores mainly
digoxigenin antibody that is fluorescein conjugated (Roche, localized in the superficial dermis (epidermal and dermal pig-
Basel, Switzerland) and diluted 1 : 20 in the phosphate- mentation). In these cases, the superficial loose dermis was
buffered Tris solution. In this case, positive sites were revealed dark, while few melanophores were present in the dense col-
by a green fluorescence (see Results). lagenous layers forming the inner part of the dermis in these
Other sections utilized for in situ hybridization were incu- pigmented areas (Fig. 1G).
bated for 3 h in a primary mouse antibody against digoxi- Finally, some of the long stripes that were present in the
genin (Roche), diluted 1 : 500 in the buffer as mentioned ventral and tail scales were mainly derived from the intense
previously. Control sections were incubated with the sense- epidermal pigmentation (melanocytes), while the dermal pig-
digoxigenin-tagged RNA probe for the same crocodilian beta- mentation (melanophores) underneath was diffuse (Fig. 1H).
keratin. After rinsing in the buffer, the sections were incubated The presence of other chromatophores (xantophores and
for 1 h in the anti-mouse secondary antibody conjugated with iridophore) was not surely determined at this level of resolu-
alkaline phosphatase (diluted 1 : 500). After rinsing, detection tion (see the histology and ultrastructure sections later on).
of the antigen–antibody complex was obtained using the
chromogens 4-nitroblue tetrazolium chloride and 5-bromo-4
Skin histology at different ages
chloro-3-indolyl phosphate as substrates, using the protocol
indicated by the manufacturer (Roche). The positive signal The mature and compact corneous layer of crocodilian and
appeared as a reddish coloration in the sections (see Results). alligator scales contained beta-keratins, as indicated by the
immunofluorescence of the corneous and precorneous layers
after immunostaining with the Beta-1 antibody (Fig. 2A,B).
The synthesis of new beta-keratin during the growth of croco-
dilian scales was active underneath the mature corneous layer,
Stereomicroscopic observations
as indicated by in situ hybridization using a crocodilian beta-
The ventral scales of juveniles of C. niloticus were mainly keratin-specific probe (see Methods). The mRNAs for this
milky-pale and often the typical sensory pith was present beta-keratin were present in differentiating beta cells localized
(Fig. 1A,B). In juveniles from 1 to 4 years, one or two thin along the entire transitional layer localized between the living
lines of growth were noted along the margins of the scales epidermis and the corneous layer (Fig. 2C–F). No expression
(arrowheads in Fig. 1A,B). Similar concentric and narrow was detected in control sections, using both the alkaline phos-
lines of growth were also seen in the lateral scales of the trunk, phatase and the immunofluorescence detection system
in tail scales (often grayish in color), and in the dark dorsal (Fig. 2E,G). The fusiform cells of the transitional layer (pre-
scales (Fig. 1C). In the dark scales, a brownish to low orange corneous) were therefore actively producing these proteins
color formed the background present among the prevalent before being incorporated into the corneous layer. One to
dark color. One to three concentric growth lines were detected three layers of fusiform cells expressing mRNAs for crocodil-
in growing crocodiles from 1 to 4 years. ian beta-keratin were seen beneath the corneous layer from
From the sectioned scales that were embedded in the trans- the center of the scale to the hinge regions located along the
parent resin for the histological study, it appeared that the perimeter of scales.

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Fig. 1—Macroscopic image of whole scales (A–C) and stereomicroscope view of the surface of sectioned scales embedded in the transparent
Bioacryl resin (D–H) of Crocodylus niloticus. —A. lower belly square-shaped scale from 2 years old juvenile showing the concentric growth rings
(arrowheads) and the characteristic hole of integumentary sensory organ (double arrowhead). Bar, 1 mm. —B. more lateral ventral rectangular-
shaped scale in 2- year-old juveniles also showing thin growing rings in the hinge region among scales (arrowheads). Bar, 1 mm. —C. dark dorsal
scale of 2 years old juvenile. Background, orange-yellow coloration (arrowhead) among the dark areas (double arrow) is light orange. The arrow
indicates thin growing rings on the periphery of the scale. Bar, 1 mm. —D. surface of sectioned scale (embedded in transparent resin) from the
ventral tail in a 2- year-old juvenile. The arrowhead indicates a dark, pigmented spot seen by transparency on the surface of the scale. The arrow
points to the epidermis, the double arrowheads to the pale corneous layer. Bar, 0.5 mm. —E. pale digital adult scale with sectioned surface show-
ing the thick stratum corneum (double arrowheads). Few epidermal keratinocytes are located at the base of the epidermis (arrowhead). Bar,
0.5 mm. —F. dark band of pigmentation in a dorsal scale of 2- year-old juvenile as seen from the sectioned surface. Both the basal keratinocytes
(arrow) and the epidermis are blackened by pigment deposition. Bar, 0.5 mm. —G. other dorsal scale showing on the sectioned surface that both
epidermis (arrow) and mainly the superficial dermis are pigmented. The arrowhead indicates the dark pigmented areas on the scale surface that is
visible through the transparent resin. Bar, 0.5 mm. —H. surface of sectioned dorsal scale in a 4- year-old juvenile showing through transparency
the extension of dark areas (double arrows). The epidermis and the corneous layer are pigmented (arrows), while the superficial dermis shows a
lighter pigmentation (arrowheads). Double arrowheads indicate osteoderms. Bar, 0.5 mm. c, corneous layer; d, dermis; e, epidermis; h, hinge
region; kl, keel; sc, scale (outer view through the resin).

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Fig. 2—Immunocytochemistry for beta-keratin (A, B) and in situ hybridization for beta-keratin mRNA (C–G) in growing (2 year old) crocodilian
scales. —A. beta-1 immunolabeled corneous layer (arrow) in Crocodylus niloticus adult ventral scale. —B. beta-1 immunolabeled corneous layer
(arrow) in hatchling of Alligator missippippiensis epidermis. —C. phosphatase-alkaline detection of the expression (red color, arrowheads) in a ven-
tral scale of C. niloticus. —D. expression in a thin layer of keratinocytes (red in color, arrow) in the central part of a ventral scale (alkaline phospha-
tase detection) in C. niloticus. —E. absence of expression in a sense control section of a ventral scale (alkaline phosphatase detection) in
C. niloticus. —F. immunofluorescent detection of the expression (arrow) in precorneous, fusiform beta-keratinocytes of ventral scale of C. niloti-
cus. —G. control section (sense) with no expression in C. niloticus. Bar in all figures is 10 lm. aR, anti-sense RNA probe; b1, beta-1 antibody;
c, corneous layer; d, dermis; sR, sense RNA probe control; dashes indicate the limit of the basal layer of the epidermis.

Hatchlings of C. niloticus were not available in the present specimens of C. niloticus, the ventral scales were paler on aver-
study for an initial comparison with juveniles of 1–4 years. age in comparison with tail scales (gray on average). The pig-
However, a relatively thin corneous layer was present in mentation because of epidermal melanocytes was less intense
hatchlings of both alligator (A. missippippiensis, 10–15 lm in in ventral and tail scales than in dorsal scales. Dorsal scales
the central part of ventral scales, Fig. 3A–B) and C. porosus appeared dark on average but a closer inspection revealed a
(10–12 lm, data from Richardson et al. 2000). The thickness brown to orange color among the dark areas (Fig. 1C).
of the stratum corneum thins out moving toward the hinge In ventral and tail scales, pigment cells were mainly local-
regions (Fig. 3C). ized beneath the epidermis (melanocytes), while they
In the available samples of growing individuals of C. niloti- appeared sparse in the superficial, loose part of the dermis
cus (1–4 years), three skin regions were analyzed for determin- (melanophores, see Fig. 3D–F). In the central and hinge
ing the histological variations of the epidermis during growth: regions of the dark dorsal scales, pigment cells were present in
scales from the belly, scales from the tail, and scales from the both the dermis and epidermis, and also the corneous layer
dorsal midtrunk. Our indicative measurements have shown was heavily pigmented (Fig. 3B,C,G,H). In dorsal scales, a
that the thickness of the living part of the epidermis was simi- thick layer of melanocytes was present beneath or among
lar in crocodiles of different ages (thickness variations were basal epidermal cells, pigments were sparse in suprabasal cells,
probably because of seasonal fluctuation of keratinocytes pro- while the transitional and corneous layers were heavily pig-
liferation). Differently, the thickness of the corneous layer of mented. This histological condition was observed in the
the epidermis tended to increase from 1-year-old juveniles up skin of hatchlings of the alligator (Fig. 3B,C), in juveniles of
to 4 years in all the three regions analyzed, and even more in C. niloticus at 2 and 4 years, and in the adult epidermis of
adults (Fig. 3). C. niloticus and C. porosus (Fig. 3K,L,Q–S).
In ventral scales (but also in other types of scales) of 1-year- In the pale ventral scales and in scales of the tail in 2–
old juveniles, the stratum corneum was thicker in the central 4 years old juveniles of C. niloticus and in adult individuals of
part of scales (20–40 lm in the central parts of ventral scales, all species analyzed, the number of melanocytes was lower
Fig. 3D–H). The stratum corneum was thicker in juveniles of than in dorsal scales, and generally limited to the base of the
2 years (40–60 lm, Fig. 3I–M), and even thicker in juveniles epidermis. Melanophores were sparse in the upper part of the
of 4 years (60–110 lm, Fig. 3N–S). In the adult head and dermis (Fig. 3I,J,N–P,T). In areas of ventral or tail scales
digit scales, the thickness of the corneous layer of scales was where the dark pigmentation was intense (dots or stripes of
even higher, 120–160 lm (Fig. 3T). different sizes, as observed from the embedded tissue in the
transparent resin before sectioning, see Fig. 1D,F), a thick
stratum of melanocytes was present beneath the epidermis.
Histology of pigmentation
Dark pigmented cells were also present in the superficial, pre-
As previously indicated (Alibardi and Thompson 2000, corneous and corneous layers of pale and gray ventral and tail
2001), embryonic and hatchling pigmentation mainly scales (Fig. 3M). This observation indicated that also in the
derives from epidermal melanocytes (Fig. 3A). In 1-year-old dark spots or stripes of ventral and tail scales, pigments

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Fig. 3—Sequence of light microscopic sections stained with toluidine blue showing scales of different body areas collected at different ages from
Alligator missippippiensis (A–C), growing juveniles (D–S) and adult (T) of Crocodylus niloticus. —A. ventral scale epidermis in hatchling alligator,
which is lightly pigmented from epidermal melanocytes only (arrows). Bar, 10 lm. —B. intensely pigmented dorsal scale epidermis in hatchling
alligator. The pigmentation of differentiating beta cells (double arrow) is mainly because of pigment transfer from epidermal melanocytes
(arrows). Sparse dermal melanophores (arrowhead) are present. Bar, 10 lm. —C. hinge region of dorsal scale epidermis in hatchling alligator
showing pigmented corneous layers (arrows). Epidermal melanocytes are sparse as well as dermal melanophores. Bar, 20 lm. —D. pale ventral
scale epidermis (the arrowhead indicates the transitional layer) in an 1- year-old crocodile where few dermal melanophores are present (arrow).
Bar, 20 lm. —E. hinge region of ventral pale scale with few dermal melanophores (arrowheads). Bar, 20 lm. —F. tail scale epidermis of gray
color showing diffuse dermal melanophores (arrowheads). Bar, 20 lm. —G. hinge region in dorsal scale of 1- year-old crocodile. Both the sparse
epidermal melanocytes and the numerous melanophores (arrows) contribute to the pigmentation in this zone. Bar, 20 lm. —H. darkly pigmented
beta cells of dorsal scale epidermis showing sparse epidermal melanocytes and numerous dermal melanophores (arrow) at the base of the epider-
mis. Bar, 20 lm. —I. tail scale of gray color in crocodile of 2 years. An accumulation of mainly sub-epidermal (dermal) melanophores (arrow) is
determining the color of this scale (gray-colored). Bar, 20 lm. —J. pale ventral scale epidermis in 2- year-old crocodile showing sparse dermal
melanophores (arrows). Bar, 20 lm. —K. dorsal scale epidermis intensely pigmented in the transitional and corneous by epidermal melanocytes
(arrows). Few dermal melanophores are seen (arrowhead). Bar, 10 lm. —L. hinge region of dorsal scale in 2- year-old crocodile. Sparse melano-
cytes and dermal melanophores (arrows) are present in this zone. Bar, 20 lm. —M. detail on intense pigmentation of the superficial dermal layer,
while the outer corneous layer is also pigmented (arrows). Bar, 10 lm. —N. pale epidermis of ventral scale in a 4- year-old individual. Only sparse
dermal melanophores (arrowhead) are present. Bar, 20 lm. —O. other epidermis from ventral scale of a 4-year-old crocodile containing sparse
dermal melanophores (arrowhead). Note the thicker stratum corneum (the arrow indicates the transitional layer) with respect to the living epider-
mis. Bar, 20 lm. —P. thick epidermis of tail scale in a 4- year-old individual. Pigmentation is diffuse in the superficial dermis (melanophores) of
this gray scale. Bar, 20 lm. —Q. pigmented beta cells (arrow) forming the corneous layer of a dorsal scale epidermis in a 4-year-old crocodile.
Numerous dermal melanophores are also seen in the superficial dermis. Bar, 10 lm. —R. pigmented beta cells (arrows) are present in the transi-
tional layer of a dorsal scale in a 4- year-old crocodile. Bar, 10 lm. —S. hinge region of dorsal scale in a 4- year-old crocodile. Sparse epidermal
and dermal (arrowheads) melanophores are present. Bar, 20 lm. —T. thick pale digital scale of adult crocodilian. Sparse melanocytes are present
in the thin living epidermis and in the superficial dermis. Bar, 20 lm. c, corneous layer; d, dermis; e, epidermis; h, hinge region.

(identified as melanosomes by the ultrastructural observation) In the dermis of the three species here analyzed (inset of
were injected into the keratinocytes of the epidermis. Fig. 5A), most of the extracellular space was occupied by
bundles of collagen among which amorphous ground sub-
stance (proteoglycans) was present (Fig. 5A). The collagen
Ultrastructural observations on pigment cells
bundles located around the fibroblasts in the superficial and
Unless otherwise specified, the following cytological descrip- loose dermis were of relative small dimension (1–5 lm). The
tion is valid for both the epidermis and dermis of alligator and presence of enlarged cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticu-
crocodile skin. lum in fibroblasts of the dermis indicated that the synthesis of
The normal and un-pigmented epidermis of hatchlings and collagen was continued during scale enlargement and contrib-
juvenile crocodilians contained sparse epidermal melanocytes uted to the maintenance of collagen density in the growing
among keratinocytes (Fig. 4A). Melanosomes originated in dermis. The dimension of collagen bundles increased to 10–
the Golgi apparatus of melanocytes, initially as pale vesicles 25 lm in the deep, dense dermis of juveniles and adult skin
that rapidly darkened as they accumulated melanin (Fig. 4B (about 120–150 lm beneath the epidermis), which extended
and the inset). The ultrastructure of crocodilian melanosomes for more than 500 lm underneath the epidermis in juveniles
identified these organelles as eumelanosomes (Jimbow et al. and adult crocodilians. In the deep dermis, banded collagen
1979). These organelles contained parallel rows of electron- bundles closely surrounded the few cells present in this tissue,
dense material, previously indicated as ‘helical threads’ and collagen fibrils occupied most of the intercellular matrix,
(Breathnach and Pointz, 1966) where melanin is deposited. while little or no ground material was seen (Fig. 5B). These
The other type of melanosomes, pheomelanosomes, derived large bundles determined a characteristic, large meshwork
from the accumulation of vesicles that later produce pheomel- texture of the dense dermal layer (inset in Fig. 5A). Few or
anin, were not observed in crocodilian tissues. As previously rare pigment cells were seen within the dense dermis, while
observed, under the stereomicroscope, the amount of melano- they were more frequent in the superficial, loose dermis.
cytes and of melanosomes that were donated to keratinocytes In the loose dermis of C. niloticus only xantophores (lipo-
in the dark areas of the epidermis was much higher with phores) were present, while no iridophores (guanophores)
respect to melanocytes observed in the paler areas of the epi- containing the typical reflecting platelets (Jackson and Butler
dermis (Fig. 4C–F). While melanosomes were dispersed 1996; Richardson et al. 2000) were found. In our samples of
among keratin bundles in keratinocytes of the spinosus layers skin from C. porosus and A. missippippiensis, cells recognizable
(Fig. 4C), melanosomes became condensed and formed pig- as xantophores were commonly encountered in the loose der-
mented rows inside the flattening keratinocytes of the corne- mis and sometimes they were located very close to the basal
ous layer (Fig. 4D,F). cells of the epidermis (Fig. 6A). Their pterinosomes measured

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Fig. 4—Ultrastructural features of the pigmentation in the epidermis of hatchlings of Alligator missippippiensis (A, B, D) and in adult epidermis of
Crocodylus niloticus (C, E, F), —A. ventral epidermis showing melanocytes (arrowheads) among epidermal cells. The double arrowhead indicates
the section of a melanocyte arm. The arrows indicate melanosomes incorporated within epidermal cells. Bar, 1 lm. —B. detail on the Golgi appa-
ratus of melanocyte with blebbing vesicles (arrows), premelanosomes containing dark rods (arrowheads), and mature melanosomes (double
arrowheads), 200 nm. The inset at higher magnification shows the dark rods where melanin is deposited, Bar, 100 nm. —C. spinosus keratino-
cytes of the intermediate layer of tail scale containing numerous melanosomes (arrows) among keratin bundles (double arrows). Bar, 2 lm.
—D. pigmented corneous layer of dorsal scale containing parallel rows of melanosomes (arrows). Bar, 0.5 lm. —E. in paler areas of ventral scale,
few melanosomes (arrows) are present and they are not organized in parallel rows do. Bar, 2 lm. —F. juvenile dorsal scale showing the numerous
rows of melanosome aggregates (arrows) in corneocytes. Bar, 2.5 lm. c, corneous layer; Go, Golgi apparatus; k, keratinocyte; nu; nucleus.

melanophores with no apparent vertical organization. Also,

iridophores did not display the characteristic rectangular-
shaped reflecting platelets previously described in the skin of
other crocodilians (Jackson and Butler 1996; Richardson et al.
2000). In fact, electron-pale reflecting platelets of 0.05–
0.2 lm in size were rounder or more irregular than in previ-
ously described crocodilian samples.
These organelles appeared very likely to derive from the
rough endoplasmic reticulum and were often close to the
Golgi apparatus as well. At the beginning of platelet forma-
tion, small and pale flat or round pale organelles (vesicles)
were seen as sections of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, as
indicated from the presence of ribosomes on the membrane
(Fig. 6B). These vesicles were often located near the Golgi
A apparatus. Also denser bodies with some paler areas were seen
near the Golgi apparatus but these dark organelles were not
clearly identified (Fig. 6B). In other more peripheral areas of
the cytoplasm of iridophores, relatively far from the nucleus, a
similar pale material was present within parallel cisternae of
the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and the membrane of these
organelles were also surrounded by ribosomes (Fig. 6C and
inset). This suggested that the material content in the reflect-
ing platelets, likely electron-lucent guanine, derived from the
synthesis in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. In some occa-
sional cases, the copresence of pterinosomes with reflecting
platelets was observed in the same cells (data not shown).

Fig. 5—Cytological details of the dermis in Crocodylus niloticus. —A.
detail of fibroblast surrounded by numerous bundles of banded colla- Scale growth
gen fibrils, located in the superficial dermis. Bar, 1 lm. The inset
In the present study, the information on the cellular sites
(Bar, 20 lm) shows the aspect of the skin with the superficial pig-
involved in scale growth has been obtained through in situ
mented dermis (arrow) and the reticulate dense dermis. —B. detail of
banded collagen fibrils (arrows) surrounding a deep fibroblast with
hybridization, histology, and immunocytochemistry for beta-
actively synthesizing ergastoplasm (arrowheads). Bar, 0.5 lm. co, col- keratin coupled with the stereomicroscopic observations on
lagen; e, epidermis; dd, deep (dense) dermis); fi, fibroblast; gr, ground scale growth. The detection of thin growth rings in juvenile
(extracellular) substance; sd, superficial (looser) dermis. scales coupled with the microscopic analysis of scales has indi-
cated that growth of crocodilian scales is symmetric (Fig. 7A).
0.15–0.4 lm in size and were often dark and contained circu- In the dorsal scale, surface growth occurs through the addition
lar lamellae. Most of the remaining cytoplasm was occupied of new beta cells underneath the corneous layer that increases
by free ribosomes, and few mitochondria were seen. in thickness, at least during the first 4–5 years, but slightly also
Cells recognizable as iridophores were occasionally encoun- later on (Fig. 7B). In the hinge regions, growth occurs by a
tered in the superficial, loose dermis of A. missippippiensis and lateral expansion of the epidermis with the formation of a
C. porosus with a random distribution below the epidermis. completely new and initially thin corneous layer. As a result of
The relatively few iridophores were mixed with dermal this process, the corneous layer of the dorsal scale surface is

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Fig. 6—Ultrastructure of dermal chromatophores in the dorsal scale of Crocodylus porosus. —A. part of a cytoplasmic arm of a xantophore contain-
ing dark pterinosomes (arrows). Bar, 0.5 lm. —B. detail of cytoplasmic area of a chromatophore containing sparse ribosomes, pale vesicle
(reflecting platelets at different stage of maturation, arrowheads), and dark vesicle (forming pterinosomes, arrows). Bar, 250 nm. —C. detail of
iridophore cytoplasm featuring irregularly shaped reflecting platelets apparently forming from the endoplasmic reticulum (arrows), 250 nm.
The inset (Bar, 150 nm) shows a detail of a reflecting platelet). Go, Golgi apparatus; m, mitochondria; nu, nucleus.

thicker than the corneous layer near the hinge regions. The resting periods. As new beta-keratin cells of growing areas
increase in thickness of the stratum corneous with the age of receive an intense pigmentation from epidermal melanocytes,
crocodilians is probably because of the net cell incorporation it is likely that the symmetric growth of the scale epidermis
versus a less intense process of superficial wearing. In general also determines the symmetric expansion of the initial pig-
terms, the process of cellular addition in crocodilian scales mentation pattern present in the scales of hatchlings.
resembles that of turtles and tortoises (Alibardi 2005b, 2006)
although it appears more gradual and continuous as the rings
Cytological characteristics of chromatophores
are less evident in juvenile scales and almost undetectable in
older scales. It is not known whether the growth is continuous While melanocytes, melanophores, and xantophores (lipo-
throughout the year or present peaks followed by slow or even phores) are always present in the skin of crocodilians, the

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Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 187–200 (April 2011) Alibardi • Growth and pigmentation in crocodilian scales

Fig. 7—Schematic representation of the growth of crocodilian scales as indicated from the present observations. —A. dorsal view with the external
areas (net surface addition) indicated in green (progressive stages from 0 to 8). Dashes indicate the initial surface incorporated in the outer scale
surface (in red) during growth. —B. schematic longitudinal sections showing the formation of successive corneous layers (1–3, stained in different
colors) from an early stage through successive B1 and B2 stages. The curved arrows indicate the net addition of cells from the hinge region (h) to
create new epidermis (e) and the corneous layer toward the more central part of the scale. B3 indicates the layers as observed in cross-section.
The asterisks indicate position of main areas where cell proliferation takes place.

iridophores (guanophores) are occasionally found, and these awaits further data on the chemical composition of these
cells are even absent in C. niloticus. This observation confirms organelles using biochemical analysis or histochemical or
a previous light microscopic study on the skin in this species immunocytochemical localization of cysteine or enzymes
(Spearman and Riley 1968). Occasionally, some chromato- involved in eu- versus pheo-melanogenesis (Jimbow et al.
phores contain sparse melanosomes together with other 1986). Therefore, the brown, yellow-gold, or the pale orange
organelles such as pterinosomes, indicating cells with mixed colors seen among the dark areas of the skin in different croco-
characteristics like those described for other vertebrates dilian species appear to derive from a chromatic combination
(Bagnara 1983). from dermal xanthophores, iridophore (when present), and
The general cytology of pigment cells observed in the pres- melanophores.
ent study is similar to that of previous studies on the skin of The reason for the difference in size of epidermal versus
crocodilians although the shape of the reflecting platelets is dermal melanosomes is not known (Breathnach and Pointz,
rounder (Jackson and Butler 1996; Richardson et al. 2000). It 1966). In lizards, where a shedding cycle is present in the epi-
is unlikely that the osmolarity utilized in our fixative might dermis, the longer process of melanin synthesis in dermal mel-
have affected the shape and preservation of reflecting platelets anosomes versus the periodic production of melanosomes in
as the other organelles, such as mitochondria and pterino- epidermal melanocytes may account for the different dimen-
somes in xantophores, did not show any alteration. In both sion. During the shedding cycle, epidermal melanocytes
C. porosus and A. missippippiensis, the observed reflecting become activated and synthesize melanin only for a brief per-
platelets appeared rounder and not bright white as those iod during the late renewal phase of the epidermis, at stages
shown in previous reports. Variation in the shape of reflecting 4–5 before the epidermis enters the resting phase (Szabo et al.
platelets can therefore be expected in other species of crocod- 1973). Under this condition, melanosomes might only reach
ilians, perhaps derived from a different fixation, from the diet a certain dimension before terminating their maturation in the
or from variable environmental conditions. resting stage. Melanosomes are injected into beta-keratin cells
As regards the origin of melanosomes in crocodilian mela- only during the early stage of the following renewal phase
nocytes, like in other species, it appears that the Golgi appara- when beta cells are differentiating from the germinal layer.
tus is involved and these organelles rapidly become dark, Although a shedding cycle is absent in crocodilian epidermis,
probably after the activation of the specific tyrosinase (Bagn- the lack of pigmentation in the intermediate epidermal layers
ara 1983). The ultrastructural characteristics of the pigment of otherwise pigmented scales suggests that melanocytes with
organelles observed in the present study identify these organ- their melanosomes are not continuously produced in crocodil-
elles as eumelanosomes. As the ultrastructural characteristics ian epidermis.
are clearly differentiative for avian and mammalian melano- In both lizards and crocodilians, the activity of dermal mel-
phores (Jimbow et al. 1979, 1986) and the sampled material anosomes does not depend on the activity of the epidermis,
included different body areas, the present study indicates that and dermal melanophores may have a potentially continuous
organelles with the pheomelanosomes ultrastructure are production of melanin granules. This is also indicated from
absent in the skin of crocodilians. However, the presence of the larger number of intermediate stages of melanogenesis
pheo- in conjunction with eu-melanin in crocodilians detectable in dermal melanophores with respect to epidermal

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Growth and pigmentation in crocodilian scales • Alibardi Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 92: 187–200 (April 2011)

melanocytes (present study). This condition may allow the

production of numerous and larger melanosomes in melano-
phores than in epidermal melanocytes. Furthermore, dermal
melanophores can increase the production of melanosomes
according to the need of darkening or lightening the skin.
The pterinosomes present in crocodilian xantophores
seem to derive from the accumulation of lipids or lipid lamel-
lae in vesicles of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, often
associated with the secretory vesicle from the Golgi appara-
tus (Bagnara 1983). Cells storing pterinosomes and reflect-
ing platelets were occasionally recorded, indicating that
chromatophores with mixed characteristics are also present
in crocodilian skin, like in the skin of other vertebrates
(Bagnara 1983; Sherbrooke and Frost 1989). The origin of
the reflecting platelets is not clear from the present study.
These organelles seem to be initially derived from the accu-
mulation of a pale material in the endoplasmic reticulum,
presumably containing guanine ⁄ purines (Bagnara 1983;
Morrison and Frost-Mason 1991). The participation of the
Fig. 8—Schematic drawing showing the position of the different
Golgi apparatus in the elaboration of the material accumu-
chromatophores in relation to the formation of the external pattern of
lated in the endoplasmic reticulum of iridophores remains
pigmentation as indicated in the present study. 1, small dot derived
uncertain. The present observations have indicated that the from dermal melanophores only (arrow). 2, other dot-like spot
reflecting platelets may also derive from the fragmentation of derived by epidermal melanocytes only (arrow). 3, stripe formed by
the endoplasmic reticulum. epidermal melanocytes superimposed to dermal melanophores.
4, large dot-like area derived from dermal melanophores only. 5, large
dot-like area derived from epidermal melanocytes only. Iridophores
Pigmentation pattern
and xantophores are localized in the superficial dermis among the
How is the pattern of pigmentation initially obtained in the dark, melanized areas of the skin (arrows). c, corneous layer; dd,
embryo and then maintained in juvenile and adult crocodil- dense deep dermis; dm, dermal melanophores; e, epidermis (basal
ian scales? What is the specific role of epidermal melanocytes layer and suprabasal layer); em, epidermal melanocytes; ld, loose
superficial dermis.
versus that of dermal melanophores in the formation of the
combined chromatic pattern? In the embryo, the initial pig-
mentation is mainly epidermal (Alibardi and Thompson chromatophoric units of amphibians or chameleons. Sparse
2000, 2001). However, in the adult skin, also the dermis iridophores are present in the dermis of both C. porosus and
shows broad areas with intense pigmentation (Spearman and A. missippippiensis, in agreement with recent ultrastructural
Riley 1968; present study). Figure 8 summarizes the informa- studies (Jackson and Butler 1996; Richardson et al. 2000).
tion on the localization of chromatophores in the skin of adult The presence of highly pigmented melanocytes and mela-
crocodilians, as deduced from the present observations. The nosomes-rich beta cells in the dorsal scales and in the dark
darkest areas forming small or large dots and stripes result spots ⁄ stripes of the other scales indicates that most of the
from the heavy pigmentation of beta cells of the epidermis darkest color of crocodilian skin is because of the epidermal
operated by epidermal melanocytes (epidermal pigmentation, melanocytes (Fig. 8, areas indicated as 2, 3 and 5). The pres-
Fig. 8, areas indicated as 2, 3 and 5). Dermal melanophores ence of darker spots or stripes on an otherwise pale-gray back-
can be diffuse (Fig. 8, number 3) or more concentrated, ground in ventral and tail scales suggests that melanosomes
increasing the intensity of the dark spots or stripes already are injected into a limited number of keratinocytes (the ‘epi-
present in these epidermal areas (Fig. 8, numbers 3, epider- dermal unit’, see Jimbow et al. 1986) during a particular per-
mal-dermal pigmentation). This superimposition of melano- iod of scale expansion.
phores and melanocytes also determines the formation of the During embryogenesis, melanin-rich areas (epidermal
dark, round, or more irregular spots observed in the skin of units) form most of the initial pigmentation pattern of the
crocodilians. Dark areas of the skin therefore derive from the skin, from stage 22 onward and dermal melanophores are less
specific localization of epidermal or dermal melanophores frequent and present a diffuse distribution (Alibardi and
(epidermal or dermal pigmentation, see Fig. 8, number 1, 2 Thompson 2000, 2001; Richardson et al. 2000). How mela-
and 4). nocytes become confined in these specific regions responsible
Crocodilians do not generally show bright colors in the skin for producing the dark pigmentation pattern is not known.
and the distribution of their xantophores, iridophores (when After hatching and during the following growth, the initial pat-
present), and melanophores is not vertical as in the dermal tern of pigmentation is basically maintained through the

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progressive enlargement of the epidermal units by melanocyte melanophores or their horizontal migration ⁄ proliferation
expansion and, probably, by local proliferation of melano- determines most of the darkening or lightening effect on the
cytes. The maintenance of the initial pigmentation pattern, as skin background observed in a period of 1–3 months.
seen in growing individuals, is conserved through the expan-
sion of the fixed epidermal units already present in the grow-
ing epidermis. The number of dermal melanophores increases
during scale growth and determines the expansion of the dark Prof. Matthias Starck (University of Munich II, Germany)
pigmented areas (Fig. 8). and Prof. Y. Sire (Universite’ de Paris II, France) kindly
The previous hypothesis could be checked only by a histo- supplied the skin samples from juvenile crocodiles of
logical study on the variation of the color pattern during some C. niloticus. Adult crocodile skin was supplied by Dr. R.
years of growth. Although such a study is not available, some Gattelli, Centro Didattico e Scientifico Aquae Mundi, Russi,
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