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To get out of the red ocean, this chapter provides tools for executives and companies
to change de way they compete and successfully emerge in the blue ocean.
The first tool is the strategy canvas that consists of diagnosing the characteristics of a
product and compare what companies offer with what customers receive. This
strategy evaluates products that already exists to redefine and create a new business
model. We understand better the purpose of the strategy canvas with the example of
the wine industry, which shows us in a figure that the more the vertical axis is raised, it
is the characteristic of the wine in which the most invested and focus the industries.
This increases the value and it is seen as a prestigious wine. The opposite happens with
the ordinary wines, which have low value as their market offering. These two groups
manage the same strategy but a different level. We this strategy we understand that, if
companies want to be a success and sail in the blue ocean, they should stop comparing
and offer more for less in the same characteristics. Undoubtedly, with that, they could
have some sales but they would not have the necessary to be taken as a company or a
product that would become part of the blue ocean. Another important aspect is the
clients, who prefer what they already know, they do not give importance to the new
and innovative, they are only waiting for an offer that will benefit them, wanting more
than is already offered in the market. For this reason, companies that want to move
into the blue ocean, not only should focus on these, since they always will be part of
the company, they should also focus on the noncustomers. These are the hardest to
convince, therefore the importance of being innovative and create different
characteristics and alternatives for all kinds of people.
Although the chapter does not give many more strategies, the strategy canvas is the
first step in creating a blue ocean, as this will see the future in the present and will
help to make a diagnosis for the construction of a strategy, which will have two
purposes. Which will capture the current situation in a well-known market
environment, and help the company redefine competitors' approach to the industry
alternatives and non-customers. With this and three criteria, companies will realize
that they are on track for the construction of a blue ocean. Starting with the focus,
which will help the price structure be very low, and the realization in the model that is
in mind be less complex. Divergence is what will show that the company's strategy and
the new model is different and innovative and will emerge in the blue ocean. Finally,
the compelling tagline, with this, it will be clear that customers will understand all the
concepts that you want to manage in the product, managing a language that is clear
and easy to reach.

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