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A4 Quest Walkthrough

 Additional Equipment – 1 Defence
 Hero roll – 2, 2, 5, 6.

Begin Game – Turn 1

Movement (mandatory) – Cost is Free – Place token on first tile.

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action (must choose one) – Rest, Hunt, Quest, Search -2.
 Quest – Discard one 2 die from Hero Pool.
 (the number on the discarded die has no bearing on the game. The action of losing a die is
the payment for the quest. Or view it as a swap. One active hero die swapped for the
adventure die).
 Now Roll adventure die. Result 6.
 Gain one Experience point.
Current Hero Pool – 2, 5, 6.

Turn 2

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2 – Discard one 2 die from Hero Pool – Move token to first space of next tile.
Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest, Hunt, Search -1
 Search -1. Discard one 5 die from Hero Pool. Modified 5 die – 1 mod = 4.
 Gain 1 Attack.
Current Hero Pool – 6

Turn 3

Movement – Cost is Free – Move token to next space on same tile.

Encounter Icon? – Yes – Roll Adventure die. Result 3. No monster appears.
Action – Rest or Quest.
 Rest – Lose 1 Food. Roll 3 discarded dice.
Current Hero Pool – 3, 3, 6, 6

Turn 4

Movement – Cost is Free – Move token to last space on same tile.

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest, Quest, Search
 Search – Discard one 3 die from Hero Pool.
 Gain 1 Defence.
Current Hero Pool – 3, 6, 6
Turn 5

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2 – Discard one 3 die from Hero Pool - Move token to first space on next tile.
Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest, Hunt, Quest
 Hunt – Discard one 6 die from Hero Pool.
 Gain 2 Food and 1 Health.
Current Hero Pool – 6

Turn 6

Movement – Cost is Free – Move token to next space on same tile.

Encounter Icon? – Yes +2 modifier – Roll Adventure die. Result 3. Die 3 + 2 mod = 5.
 Monster #5 appears. Stats 3 Attack/ 3 Defence.
 Hero stats 3 Attack/ 4 Defence. Discard one 6 die from Hero Pool.
 Modified Hero 9 Attack/ 10 Defence
 Roll Adventure die. Result 6. Modify + monster stats
 Modified Monster 9 Attack/ 9 Defence
 Monster 9 attacks Hero 10 defence. Hero is unharmed.
 Hero 9 attacks Monster 9 defence. Equal or greater is successful. Hero wins.
 Gain 1 Experience point.
Action – Rest or Quest
 Rest – Lose 1 Food. Roll 4 discarded dice.
Current Hero Pool – 1, 3, 5, 6

Turn 7

Movement – Cost is Free – Move token to next space on same card.

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Search +1
 Search – Discard one 6 die from Hero Pool. Die 6 +1 mod=7.
 Gain 1 Crystal.
Current Hero Pool – 1, 3, 5

Turn 8

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2– Discard one 3 die from Hero Pool – Move token to next tile.
Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest, Hunt, Search
 Search. Discard one 5 die. Recover 2 used dice. Roll and add to Hero Pool
Current Hero Pool – 1, 2, 2

Turn 9

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token to next space on same tile

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Quest
 Quest – Discard one 1 die. Roll adventure die. Result 1.
 Lose 1 Health.
Current Hero Pool – 2, 2.
Turn 10

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Search +2
 Search. Discard one 2 die.
 Gain 1 Attack
Current Hero Pool – 2

Turn 11

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2 – Discard one 2 die - Move token

Encounter Icon? – Yes +3. Roll Adventure die. Result 5.
 Monster #8 appears. Stats 5 Attack/ 5 Defence.
 Hero Stats 4 Attack/4 Defence
 Hero Pool is Empty! Lose 1 Health. Roll one discarded die. Result 5. Discard one 5 die.
 Hero Modified Stats 9 Attack/ 9 Defence
 Monster Special Attack. Lose 1 Crystal.
 Roll Adventure die. Result 2.
 Monster modified stats. 7 Attack/ 7 Defence
 Monster 7 Attack v Hero 9 Defence. Hero is unharmed
 Hero 9 Attack v Monster 7 Defence. Monster is defeated.
 Gain 2 Experience Points. This makes Experience 4. When you move the Experience marker
it takes one move to 3 and will then make it’s second move back to the start of the counter
ending it’s movement on 0.
 Gain Experience prize. I choose 1A+1D.
Action – Rest or Quest
 Rest – Lose 1F – Roll all 4 discarded dice.
Current Hero Pool – 2, 3, 6, 6.

Turn 12

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token to next space on same tile.

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Hunt
 Hunt. Discard one 6 die. Gain 2F and 1H
Current Hero Pool – 2, 3, 6
Turn 13

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token to next space on same tile.

Encounter Icon? – Yes +3. Roll Adventure die. Result 6.
 Monster #9 appears. Stats 6A/6D
 Hero stats 5A/5D. Discard one 6 die.
 Modified Hero 11A/11D
 Monster Special Attack – Lose one Health.
 Roll adventure die. Result 1.
 Modified Monster 7A/7D
 Monster 7A v Hero 11D. Hero unharmed
 Hero 11A v Monster 7D. Monster is defeated.
 Gain 2 Experience.
Action – Rest or Quest
 Quest. Discard one 3 die. Roll Adventure die. Result 2. A Monster -1 may appear.
 Roll adventure die. Result 2. Modifier -1. Monster #1. No monster appears.
Current Hero Pool – 2

Turn 14

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2 – Discard 2 - Move token to next tile.

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Search+3
 Hero Dice Pool is Empty. I really want to use the +3 search modifier. If at any time you
cannot discard a die to complete an action you can Lose one Health and roll a discarded die.
 Lose 1H. Roll one discarded Hero Pool die. Result 4.
 Discard one 4 die +3 mod = 7
 Gain 1 Crystal.
Current Hero Pool – Empty

Turn 15

Movement – Cost is Free – Move token to next space on same tile

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Search
 Rest. Lose 1F. Roll all 4 discarded Hero Pool dice.
Current Hero Pool – 1, 3, 5, 5.
Turn 16

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token to next space on same tile.

Encounter Icon? – Yes +4. Roll Adventure die. Result 1.
 Monster #5 appears. Stats 3A/3D
 Hero stats. 5A/5D. Discard one 5 die.
 Modified Hero 10A/10D
 Roll Adventure die. Result 6.
 Modified Monster 9A/9D
 Monster 9A v Hero 10D. Hero unharmed.
 Hero 10A v Monster 9D. Hero wins.
 Gain 1 Experience point.
Action – Rest or Quest
 Quest. Discard one 1 die. Roll adventure die. Result 1
 Lose 1 Health.
Current Hero Pool – 3, 5

Turn 17

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2 – Discard 3 - Move token to next tile.

Encounter Icon? – Yes +5. Roll adventure die. Result 2.
 Monster #7 appears. Stats 3A/5D.
 Hero stats 5A/5D. Discard one 5 die.
 Modified Hero 10A/10D
 Roll adventure die. Result 6
 Modified Monster 9A/11D
 Monster 9A v Hero 10D. Hero is unharmed.
 Hero 10A v Monster 11D. Monster escapes.
 No reward.
Action – Rest, Hunt, Quest
 Rest. Lose 1F. Roll 4 discarded Hero Pool dice.
Current Hero Pool – 2, 3, 4, 5

Turn 18

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token to next space

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest or Search (0 Food. No Rest)
 Search. Discard one 3 die.
 Gain 1 Health
Current Hero Pool – 2, 4, 5
Turn 19

Movement – Cost is Free - Move token to next space on tile.

Encounter Icon? – Nil
Action – Rest, Hunt, Quest (0 Food. No Rest)
 Quest. Discard one 4 die. Roll Adventure die. Result 5
 Gain 1 Defence
Current Hero Pool – 2, 5

Turn 20

Movement – Cost is ≥ 2 – Discard one 2 – Move token to next tile.

Encounter Icon? – Boss!
 Place Adventure die on first square with 6 up.
 Current Hero Stats 5A/6D/4H
 Monster 10A/8D/6H
 Hero – discard one 5 die. Hero 10A/11D/4H
 Monster 10A v Hero 11D. Hero unharmed
 Hero 9A v Monster 8D. Monster wounded. Monster lose 1H
 Move adventure die to next square.
 Current Hero Pool - Empty
2nd Boss Encounter
 Lose 1 Health. Roll one hero die. Result 6
 Hero discard one 6 die. Hero 11A/12D/3H
 Monster stats 11A/7D/5H
 Monster 11A v Hero 12D. Hero unharmed.
 Hero 11A v Monster 7D. Monster wounded. Monster lose 4H
 Move adventure die to next square.
 Current Hero Pool. Empty. Lose 1H. Roll one die. Result 3
 Current Hero Pool 3
SPECIAL EVENT – Lose 1 Crystal. Roll 2 discarded Hero Pool die.
 Current Hero Pool 1, 3, 6
3rd Boss Encounter
 Monster stats 12A/6D/1H
 Hero discard one 6 die
 Hero stats 11A/12D/2H
 Monster 12A v Hero 11D. Hero is wounded. Lose 1 Health
 Hero 11A v Monster 6D. Monster loses 5 Health.

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