Conventional-Symbol - Culture - Speech - System - Arbitrary - Legitimate - Speaker - Sender - Receiver - Intelligibility - Communication - Society

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Read the text and:

1- Look up all the words that are unfamiliar to you in the dictionary and make
sure you understand the general idea of the text.

2- Look up and write down the definition of the words below so that you start
creating your own GLOSSARY for this subject. (not to be handed in)

conventional- symbol- culture- speech- system- arbitrary- legitimate-

speaker- sender- receiver- intelligibility - communication- society

3- Answer the following questions in a word document (you can write your
answers below), NOT IN "TABLON", and send them back before Saturday
2nd. Your answers must be given in NO MORE THAN 3 (THREE) LINES.
Answers which exceed the amount of 3 lines will not be considered.

a- Is there only one definition of language? Why/why not?

b- What's the purpose of any language?

c- Name different forms of communication mentioned in the text.

d- What do we need to communicate in any language?

e- What's the difference between a "first language" and a "second language"?

f- Is it possible to study a language without considering its context? Why/why


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